3 # Makefile for AROS Demos
5 include $(TOP)/config/make.cfg
7 # Some files cause problems for native compiles:
9 # 1) No working __chip keyword in the standard cc/ld
10 # 2) Missing functions because we don't link with libc.a
11 # 3) "Fixed or forbidden register was spilled"
69 USER_CFLAGS := -I$(SRCDIR)/workbench/libs
71 #MM demos :includes linklibs demos-images-setup workbench-demos-zune
73 %build_progs mmake=demos \
74 files=$(FILES) targetdir=$(AROSDIR)/Demos \
75 uselibs="coolimagesstatic"
78 demos : $(AROSDIR)/Demos/forkbomb
80 # Don't need to compile this, so it gets a rule to itself.
81 $(AROSDIR)/Demos/forkbomb : forkbomb