fix remapping behavior. Remapping is only necessary if we are rendering on the workbe...
[AROS-Contrib.git] / regina / makeos2.cmd
1 /**/
2 Parse arg ver .
3 If ver = '' Then
4 Do
5 Say 'Must supply version: eg 20'
6 Exit
7 End
8 SRC = Translate(Value('REGINA_SRCDIR',,'OS2ENVIRONMENT'),'\','/')
9 here = Directory()
10 If Translate( here ) \= Translate( src ) Then
12 Say 'Must be run from' src 'directory!'
13 Exit 1
14 End
15 'cd gcc'
16 'mkdir dist'
17 'cd dist'
18 'del /Y *.*'
19 'copy ..\regina.exe'
20 'copy ..\rexx.exe'
21 'copy ..\rxstack.exe'
22 'copy ..\rxqueue.exe'
23 'copy ..\execiser.exe'
24 'copy ..\threader.exe'
25 'copy ..\regina.dll'
26 'copy ..\rexx.a'
27 'copy ..\rexx.lib'
28 'copy ..\regina.a'
29 'copy ..\regina.lib'
30 'copy ..\test1.dll'
31 'copy ..\test2.dll'
32 'copy ..\regutil.dll'
33 'copy' SRC || '\COPYING-LIB'
34 'copy' SRC || '\rexxsaa.h'
35 'copy' SRC || '\README.3?'
36 'copy' SRC || '\BUGS'
37 'copy' SRC || '\README.OS2 README'
38 'copy' SRC || '\README_SAFE'
39 'copy' SRC || '\file_id.diz.os2 file_id.diz'
40 'mkdir demo'
41 'copy' SRC || '\demo\*.rexx demo'
42 'copy' SRC || '\regutil\*.rexx demo'
43 'mkdir nls'
44 'copy ..\*.mtb nls'
45 'zip -r rex' || ver || 'os2 *'
46 'cd ..\..'