Build Scalos and 3 of its libraries.
[AROS-Contrib.git] / scalos / main / mmakefile.src
1 # Metamakefile for AROS build-system
3 include $(TOP)/config/make.cfg
5 #MM contrib-scalos-main : \
6 #MM     linklibs \
7 #MM     contrib-scalos-main-locale \
8 #MM     contrib-scalos-main-msgid
10 FILES :=        about                           \
11                 AppMenu                         \
12                 AutoUpdate                      \
13                 Backdrop                        \
14                 BackFill                        \
15                 BTree                           \
16                 ButtonGadgetClass               \
17                 ChildProcess                    \
18                 Class                           \
19                 cleanup                         \
20                 CLIStart                        \
21                 ControlBar                      \
22                 crc32                           \
23                 CycleGadgetClass                \
24                 DefIcons                        \
25                 DeviceWindowClass               \
26                 DevListClass                    \
27                 $(SRCDIR)/$(CURDIR)/../common/Int64/Dos64 \
28                 DoubleClick                     \
29                 DragDrop                        \
30                 DragDropBobs                    \
31                 DrawIcon                        \
32                 DropMarks                       \
33                 dtimage                         \
34                 DtImageClass                    \
35                 FileCommands                    \
36                 FileTransClass                  \
37                 filetypes                       \
38                 FontUtil                        \
39                 FrameImageClass                 \
40                 $(SRCDIR)/$(CURDIR)/../common/Fs/FsAbstraction \
41                 Functions                       \
42                 GadgetBarClass                  \
43                 GadgetBarImageClass             \
44                 GadgetBarTextClass              \
45                 GaugeGadgetClass                \
46                 HistoryGadgetClass              \
47                 IconifyClass                    \
48                 IconImageClass                  \
49                 IconWindowClass                 \
50                 IconWindow_MouseMove            \
51                 idcmp                           \
52                 InputHandler                    \
53                 int64                           \
54                 Lasso                           \
55                 LocaleStrings                   \
56                 MainWait                        \
57                 Memory                          \
58                 Menu                            \
59                 MenuCommand                     \
60                 Messages                        \
61                 MouseIcon                       \
62                 OpenDrawerByName                \
63                 Patches                         \
64                 Pattern                         \
65                 PopOpenWindows                  \
66                 PopupMenus                      \
67                 Prefs                           \
68                 Rename                          \
69                 Request                         \
70                 RootClass                       \
71                 ScaLibrary                      \
72                 Scalos                          \
73                 ScalosInit                      \
74                 $(SRCDIR)/$(CURDIR)/../common/McpGfx/ScalosMcpGfx \
75                 ScalosLocale                    \
76                 ScalosVersion                   \
77                 Scalos_Cx                       \
78                 ScanDir                         \
79                 ScanDirText                     \
80                 Semaphores                      \
81                 SeparatorGadgetClass            \
82                 Shortcuts                       \
83                 Splash                          \
84                 StatusBar                       \
85                 StringGadgetClass               \
86                 Subroutines                     \
87                 TextIconClass                   \
88                 TextIconHighlightClass          \
89                 TextWindowClass                 \
90                 TitleClass                      \
91                 ThumbnailCache                  \
92                 Thumbnails                      \
93                 ToolTip                         \
94                 ToolTypes                       \
95                 TTLayout                        \
96                 Undo                            \
97                 wbl                             \
98                 WBStartup                       \
99                 Window                          \
100                 WindowClass                     \
101                 windowtask                      \
102                 Patches-aros                    \
103                 ScaLibrary-aros
105 USER_INCLUDES := -I$(AROS_CONTRIB)/Scalos/Development -idirafter $(SRCDIR)/$(CURDIR)/../include -I$(SRCDIR)/$(CURDIR)/../common/McpGfx \
106     -I$(SRCDIR)/$(CURDIR)/../common/Fs -I$(SRCDIR)/$(CURDIR)/../common/Int64 -I$(SRCDIR)/$(CURDIR)
107 SCALOS_LOCALE := Scalos_Locale.h
112 %build_prog mmake=contrib-scalos-main progname=Scalos \
113     files=$(FILES) targetdir=$(TARGETDIR) \
114     uselibs="png"
118 contrib-scalos-main-locale : Scalos_Locale.h
120 Scalos_Locale.h : $(SRCDIR)/$(CURDIR)/ $(SRCDIR)/$(CURDIR)/../
121         @$(ECHO) 'Compile $@ from $<'
122         @$(FLEXCAT) $< $@=$(SRCDIR)/$(CURDIR)/../
126 contrib-scalos-main-msgid : MsgIdNames.h
128 MsgIdNames.h : $(SRCDIR)/$(CURDIR)/ $(SRCDIR)/$(CURDIR)/../
129         @$(ECHO) 'Generate $@'
130         @$(FLEXCAT) $< $@=$(SRCDIR)/$(CURDIR)/../
132 %common