adjust to match the uname changes.
[AROS-Contrib.git] / Demo / BlackHole / blackhole.pas
1 {$E-,I-,Q-,R-,S-,X-}
2 Uses Blue_Cob,Crt,Tunplas;
6 Var x, xx, y : Word;
7 retr : Boolean;
8 ch : Char;
9 YWert : Integer;
10 plas,segmen3 : Pointer;
11 XWerte : Array[0..255] of Integer;
15 Const str = ^j^j+' "Black Hole" v1.1"'+^j^j^m
16 +' (C)opyright "Blue Cobold"¸ 2001'+^j^j^m
17 +' F�r Info''s bin ich zu erreichen unter'+^j^m
18 +'';
19 quest = ^j^j^j^j+' Retrace-Synchronisation? (J/N)';
21 Begin
22 Ab_in_13h;
23 asm mov ax,3; int 10h end;
24 GetMem(plas,$ffff);
25 GetMem(segmen3,$ffff);
26 FillChar(plas^,$ffff,0);
27 WriteLn(^j^j^j' ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ»');
28 WriteLn(' Berechne die Texturen: º º');
29 WriteLn(' ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ');
30 GotoXY(29,5);
31 CalcRain(plas,255);
32 GotoXY(5,5);
33 Write('Berechne das Loch: º ');
34 GotoXY(29,5);
35 CalcWorm(segmen3);
36 ClrScr;
37 Write(quest);
38 Repeat ch:=Upcase(ReadKey) Until ch In ['J','N'];
39 If ch='J' Then retr:=True Else retr:=False;
40 asm mov ax,13h; int 10h end;
41 asm cli end; {}
42 For x:= 0 To 63 Do
43 Begin
44 Farbe_setzen( x, x, 0, 0);
45 Farbe_setzen( x+64, 63-x, 0, 0);
46 Farbe_setzen( x+128, x, x, x);
47 Farbe_setzen( x+192, 63-x, 63-x, 63-x);
48 End;
49 x:=0;
50 Start;
51 Repeat
52 Inc(x);
53 DoWorm(plas,segmen3,x*510);
54 If retr Then Retrace;{}
55 Bilde;
56 Until Port[$60]=1;
57 asm sti end;
58 Raus_aus_13h;
59 Write(str,^j^j^j^m, x/(Result/18.21):10:2,' Fps');
60 FreeMem(plas,$ffff);
61 FreeMem(segmen3,$ffff);
62 End.