Attempt to fix nightly build.
[AROS-Contrib.git] / regina / makeerror.rexx
1 /*
2 * This program reads the en.mts file and inserts the entries into error.c
3 */
4 fn = 'en.mts'
5 en. = ''
6 idx = 0
7 Do While Lines( fn ) > 0
8 line = Linein( fn )
9 If Strip( line ) = '' | Left( line, 1 ) = '#' Then Iterate
10 Parse Var line err ',' suberr ',' text
11 If Datatype( err ) \= 'NUM' | DataType( suberr ) \= 'NUM' Then Call Abort fn, lineno, 'Invalid line format'
12 idx = idx + 1
13 en.idx = ' {' Right(err,3)','Right(suberr,3)',"'Changestr('"', text, '\"' )'" },'
14 End
15 en.0 = idx
17 fn = 'error.c'
18 Call Stream 'error.c', 'C', 'OPEN READ'
19 idx = 0
20 Do While Lines( fn ) > 0
21 idx = idx + 1
22 error.idx = Linein( fn )
23 End
24 error.0 = idx
25 Call Stream 'error.c', 'C', 'CLOSE'
27 Call Stream fn, 'C', 'OPEN WRITE REPLACE'
28 Do i = 1 To error.0
29 If error.i = '/* PLACEMARKER */' Then
30 Do j = 1 To en.0
31 Call Lineout fn,en.j
32 End
33 Else Call Lineout fn,error.i
34 End
35 Call Stream 'error.c', 'C', 'CLOSE'
36 Return 0
38 Abort: Procedure
39 Parse Arg fn, lineno, msg
40 Say 'Error processing' fn 'at line:' lineno':' msg
41 Exit 1