Initial import of Scalos. To decrease size I have
[AROS-Contrib.git] / scalos / main / std_includes / sfd / include / interfaces / guigfx.h
4 /*
5 ** This file was machine generated by idltool 52.7.
6 ** Do not edit
7 */
9 #ifndef EXEC_TYPES_H
10 #include <exec/types.h>
11 #endif
12 #ifndef EXEC_EXEC_H
13 #include <exec/exec.h>
14 #endif
16 #include <exec/interfaces.h>
17 #endif
20 #ifdef __cplusplus
22 namespace AmigaOS {
23 #endif
24 extern "C" {
25 #endif
27 struct GuiGFXIFace
29 struct InterfaceData Data;
31 ULONG APICALL (*Obtain)(struct GuiGFXIFace *Self);
32 ULONG APICALL (*Release)(struct GuiGFXIFace *Self);
33 void APICALL (*Expunge)(struct GuiGFXIFace *Self);
34 struct Interface * APICALL (*Clone)(struct GuiGFXIFace *Self);
35 APTR APICALL (*MakePictureA)(struct GuiGFXIFace *Self, APTR array, UWORD width, UWORD height, struct TagItem * tags);
36 APTR APICALL (*MakePicture)(struct GuiGFXIFace *Self, APTR array, UWORD width, UWORD height, ...);
37 APTR APICALL (*LoadPictureA)(struct GuiGFXIFace *Self, STRPTR filename, struct TagItem * tags);
38 APTR APICALL (*LoadPicture)(struct GuiGFXIFace *Self, STRPTR filename, ...);
39 APTR APICALL (*ReadPictureA)(struct GuiGFXIFace *Self, struct RastPort * rp, struct ColorMap * colormap, UWORD x, UWORD y, UWORD width, UWORD height, struct TagItem * tags);
40 APTR APICALL (*ReadPicture)(struct GuiGFXIFace *Self, struct RastPort * rp, struct ColorMap * colormap, UWORD x, UWORD y, UWORD width, UWORD height, ...);
41 APTR APICALL (*ClonePictureA)(struct GuiGFXIFace *Self, APTR pic, struct TagItem * tags);
42 APTR APICALL (*ClonePicture)(struct GuiGFXIFace *Self, APTR pic, ...);
43 VOID APICALL (*DeletePicture)(struct GuiGFXIFace *Self, APTR pic);
44 void APICALL (*Reserved1)(struct GuiGFXIFace *Self);
45 APTR APICALL (*AddPictureA)(struct GuiGFXIFace *Self, APTR psm, APTR pic, struct TagItem * tags);
46 APTR APICALL (*AddPicture)(struct GuiGFXIFace *Self, APTR psm, APTR pic, ...);
47 APTR APICALL (*AddPaletteA)(struct GuiGFXIFace *Self, APTR psm, APTR palette, struct TagItem * tags);
48 APTR APICALL (*AddPalette)(struct GuiGFXIFace *Self, APTR psm, APTR palette, ...);
49 APTR APICALL (*AddPixelArrayA)(struct GuiGFXIFace *Self, APTR psm, APTR array, UWORD width, UWORD height, struct TagItem * tags);
50 APTR APICALL (*AddPixelArray)(struct GuiGFXIFace *Self, APTR psm, APTR array, UWORD width, UWORD height, ...);
51 VOID APICALL (*RemColorHandle)(struct GuiGFXIFace *Self, APTR colorhandle);
52 APTR APICALL (*CreatePenShareMapA)(struct GuiGFXIFace *Self, struct TagItem * tags);
53 APTR APICALL (*CreatePenShareMap)(struct GuiGFXIFace *Self, ...);
54 VOID APICALL (*DeletePenShareMap)(struct GuiGFXIFace *Self, APTR psm);
55 APTR APICALL (*ObtainDrawHandleA)(struct GuiGFXIFace *Self, APTR psm, struct RastPort * rp, struct ColorMap * cm, struct TagItem * tags);
56 APTR APICALL (*ObtainDrawHandle)(struct GuiGFXIFace *Self, APTR psm, struct RastPort * rp, struct ColorMap * cm, ...);
57 VOID APICALL (*ReleaseDrawHandle)(struct GuiGFXIFace *Self, APTR drawhandle);
58 BOOL APICALL (*DrawPictureA)(struct GuiGFXIFace *Self, APTR drawhandle, APTR pic, UWORD x, UWORD y, struct TagItem * tags);
59 BOOL APICALL (*DrawPicture)(struct GuiGFXIFace *Self, APTR drawhandle, APTR pic, UWORD x, UWORD y, ...);
60 BOOL APICALL (*MapPaletteA)(struct GuiGFXIFace *Self, APTR drawhandle, APTR palette, UBYTE * pentab, struct TagItem * tags);
61 BOOL APICALL (*MapPalette)(struct GuiGFXIFace *Self, APTR drawhandle, APTR palette, UBYTE * pentab, ...);
62 LONG APICALL (*MapPenA)(struct GuiGFXIFace *Self, APTR drawhandle, ULONG rgb, struct TagItem * tags);
63 LONG APICALL (*MapPen)(struct GuiGFXIFace *Self, APTR drawhandle, ULONG rgb, ...);
64 struct BitMap * APICALL (*CreatePictureBitMapA)(struct GuiGFXIFace *Self, APTR drawhandle, APTR pic, struct TagItem * tags);
65 struct BitMap * APICALL (*CreatePictureBitMap)(struct GuiGFXIFace *Self, APTR drawhandle, APTR pic, ...);
66 ULONG APICALL (*DoPictureMethodA)(struct GuiGFXIFace *Self, APTR pic, ULONG method, ULONG * arguments);
67 ULONG APICALL (*DoPictureMethod)(struct GuiGFXIFace *Self, APTR pic, ULONG method, ...);
68 ULONG APICALL (*GetPictureAttrsA)(struct GuiGFXIFace *Self, APTR pic, struct TagItem * tags);
69 ULONG APICALL (*GetPictureAttrs)(struct GuiGFXIFace *Self, APTR pic, ...);
70 ULONG APICALL (*LockPictureA)(struct GuiGFXIFace *Self, APTR pic, ULONG mode, ULONG * args);
71 ULONG APICALL (*LockPicture)(struct GuiGFXIFace *Self, APTR pic, ULONG mode, ...);
72 VOID APICALL (*UnLockPicture)(struct GuiGFXIFace *Self, APTR pic, ULONG mode);
73 BOOL APICALL (*IsPictureA)(struct GuiGFXIFace *Self, STRPTR filename, struct TagItem * tags);
74 BOOL APICALL (*IsPicture)(struct GuiGFXIFace *Self, STRPTR filename, ...);
75 APTR APICALL (*CreateDirectDrawHandleA)(struct GuiGFXIFace *Self, APTR drawhandle, UWORD sw, UWORD sh, UWORD dw, UWORD dh, struct TagItem * tags);
76 APTR APICALL (*CreateDirectDrawHandle)(struct GuiGFXIFace *Self, APTR drawhandle, UWORD sw, UWORD sh, UWORD dw, UWORD dh, ...);
77 VOID APICALL (*DeleteDirectDrawHandle)(struct GuiGFXIFace *Self, APTR ddh);
78 BOOL APICALL (*DirectDrawTrueColorA)(struct GuiGFXIFace *Self, APTR ddh, ULONG * array, UWORD x, UWORD y, struct TagItem * tags);
79 BOOL APICALL (*DirectDrawTrueColor)(struct GuiGFXIFace *Self, APTR ddh, ULONG * array, UWORD x, UWORD y, ...);
80 BOOL APICALL (*CreatePictureMaskA)(struct GuiGFXIFace *Self, APTR pic, UBYTE * mask, UWORD maskwidth, struct TagItem * tags);
81 BOOL APICALL (*CreatePictureMask)(struct GuiGFXIFace *Self, APTR pic, UBYTE * mask, UWORD maskwidth, ...);
84 #ifdef __cplusplus
88 #endif
89 #endif
91 #endif /* GUIGFX_INTERFACE_DEF_H */