Initial import of Scalos. To decrease size I have
[AROS-Contrib.git] / scalos / main / std_includes / asm / libraries / pm.i
1 ;TAG_USER EQU $80000000
3 PM_SubMenuTimer EQU TAG_USER+1 ; Delay before opening submenus
4 PM_RecessSelected EQU TAG_USER+2 ; Recess selected item
5 PM_WideSelectBar EQU TAG_USER+3 ; Wide selectbar
7 PM_Menu EQU (TAG_USER+4) ; (struct PopupMenu *) Pointer to menulist initialized by MakeMenu() */
8 PM_Top EQU (TAG_USER+12) ; (LONG) Top (Y) position */
9 PM_Left EQU (TAG_USER+13) ; (LONG) Left (X) position */
10 PM_Code EQU (TAG_USER+14) ; (UWORD) Obsolete. */
11 PM_Right EQU (TAG_USER+15) ; (LONG) X position relative to right edge */
12 PM_Bottom EQU (TAG_USER+16) ; (LONG) Y position relative to bottom edge */
13 PM_MinWidth EQU (TAG_USER+17) ; (LONG) Minimum width */
14 PM_MinHeight EQU (TAG_USER+18) ; (LONG) Minimum height */
15 PM_ForceFont EQU (TAG_USER+19) ; (struct TextFont *tf) Use this font instead of user preferences. */
16 PM_PullDown EQU (TAG_USER+90) ; (BOOL) Turn the menu into a pulldown menu. */
17 PM_MenuHandler EQU (TAG_USER+91) ; (struct Hook *) Hook that is called for each selected item, after the */
18 ; menu has been closed. This tag turns on MultiSelect. */
19 PM_AutoPullDown EQU (TAG_USER+92) ; (BOOL) Automatic pulldown menu. (PM_FilterIMsg only) */
20 PM_LocaleHook EQU (TAG_USER+93) ; (struct Hook *) Locale "GetString()" hook. (Not yet implemented) */
21 PM_CenterScreen EQU (TAG_USER+94) ; (BOOL) Center menu on the screen */
22 PM_UseLMB EQU (TAG_USER+95) ; (BOOL) Left mouse button should be used to select an item */
23 ; (right button selects multiple items) */
24 PM_DRIPensOnly EQU (TAG_USER+96) ; (BOOL) Only use the screen's DRI pens, revert to system images if necessary. */
25 ; Use with care as it overrides the user's prefs! */
26 PM_HintBox EQU (TAG_USER+97) ; (BOOL) Close the menu when the mouse is moved. */
29 ; Tags passed to MakeItem
31 PM_Title EQU (TAG_USER+20) ; (STRPTR) Item title */
32 PM_UserData EQU (TAG_USER+21) ; (void *) Anything, returned by OpenPopupMenu when this item is selected */
33 PM_ID EQU (TAG_USER+22) ; (ULONG) ID number, if you want an easy way to access this item later */
34 PM_CommKey EQU (TAG_USER+47) ; (char) Keyboard shortcut for this item. */
35 PM_TitleID EQU (TAG_USER+49) ; (ULONG) Locale string ID */
36 PM_Object EQU (TAG_USER+43) ; (Object *) BOOPSI object with the abillity to render this item */
38 ; Submenu & Layout tags */
39 ; PM_Sub & PM_Members are mutally exclusive */
40 PM_Sub EQU (TAG_USER+23) ; (PopupMenu *) Pointer to submenu list (from PM_MakeMenu) */
41 PM_Members EQU (TAG_USER+65) ; (PopupMenu *) Members for this group (list created by PM_MakeMenu) */
42 PM_LayoutMode EQU (TAG_USER+64) ; (ULONG) Layout method (PML_Horizontal / PML_Vertical) */
44 ; Text attributes */
45 PM_FillPen EQU (TAG_USER+26) ; (BOOL) Make the item appear in FILLPEN */
46 PM_Italic EQU (TAG_USER+29) ; (BOOL) Italic text */
47 PM_Bold EQU (TAG_USER+30) ; (BOOL) Bold text */
48 PM_Underlined EQU (TAG_USER+31) ; (BOOL) Underlined text */
49 PM_ShadowPen EQU (TAG_USER+34) ; (BOOL) Draw text in SHADOWPEN */
50 PM_ShinePen EQU (TAG_USER+35) ; (BOOL) Draw text in SHINEPEN */
51 PM_Centre EQU (TAG_USER+36) ; (BOOL) Center the text of this item */
52 PM_Center EQU PM_Centre ; American version... */
53 PM_TextPen EQU (TAG_USER+45) ; (ULONG) Pen number for text colour of this item */
54 PM_Shadowed EQU (TAG_USER+48) ; (BOOL) Draw a shadow behind the text */
56 ; Other item attributes */
57 PM_TitleBar EQU (TAG_USER+32) ; (BOOL) Horizontal separator bar */
58 PM_WideTitleBar EQU (TAG_USER+33) ; (BOOL) Same as above, but full width */
59 PM_NoSelect EQU (TAG_USER+25) ; (BOOL) Make the item unselectable (without visual indication) */
60 PM_Disabled EQU (TAG_USER+38) ; (BOOL) Disable an item */
61 PM_Hidden EQU (TAG_USER+63) ; (BOOL) This item is not to be drawn (nor used in the layout process) */
63 ; Images & Icons */
64 PM_ImageSelected EQU (TAG_USER+39) ; (struct Image *) Image when selected, title will be rendered on top it */
65 PM_ImageUnselected EQU (TAG_USER+40) ; (struct Image *) Image when unselected */
66 PM_IconSelected EQU (TAG_USER+41) ; (struct Image *) Icon when selected */
67 PM_IconUnselected EQU (TAG_USER+42) ; (struct Image *) Icon when unselected */
69 ; Check/MX items */
70 PM_Checkit EQU (TAG_USER+27) ; (BOOL) Leave space for a checkmark */
71 PM_Checked EQU (TAG_USER+28) ; (BOOL) Make this item is checked */
72 PM_AutoStore EQU (TAG_USER+44) ; (BOOL *) Pointer to BOOL reflecting the current state of the item */
73 PM_Exclude EQU (TAG_USER+37) ; (PM_IDLst *) Items to unselect or select when this gets selected */
74 PM_ExcludeShared EQU (TAG_USER+101) ; (BOOL) Used if the list is shared between two or more items */
75 PM_Toggle EQU (TAG_USER+100) ; (BOOL) Enable/disable toggling of check/mx items. Default: TRUE */
77 ; Dynamic construction/destruction */
78 PM_SubConstruct EQU (TAG_USER+61) ; (struct Hook *) Constructor hook for submenus. Called before menu is opened. */
79 PM_SubDestruct EQU (TAG_USER+62) ; (struct Hook *) Destructor hook for submenus. Called after menu has closed. */
81 ; Special/misc. stuff */
82 PM_UserDataString EQU (TAG_USER+46) ; (STRPTR) Allocates memory and copies the string to UserData. */
83 PM_Flags EQU (TAG_USER+24) ; (UlONG) For internal use */
84 PM_ColourBox EQU (TAG_USER+60) ; (UlONG) Filled rectangle (for palettes etc.) */
85 PM_ColorBox EQU PM_ColourBox ; For Americans... */
87 ; Tags passed to MakeMenu
89 PM_Item EQU TAG_USER+50 ; Item pointer from MakeItem
91 ; Tags passed to MakeIDList
93 PM_ExcludeID EQU TAG_USER+55 ; ID number of menu to deselect when this gets selected
94 PM_IncludeID EQU TAG_USER+56 ; ID number of menu to select when this gets selected
95 PM_ReflectID EQU TAG_USER+57 ; ID number of menu that should reflect the state of this one
96 PM_InverseID EQU TAG_USER+58 ; ID number of menu to inverse reflect the state of this one
98 ; Built-in Images
100 IMG_CHECKMARK EQU $10 ; Checkmark \/
101 IMG_RIGHTARROW EQU $0C ; SysIClass Arrow |>|
102 IMG_MXIMAGE EQU $0F ; SysIClass MX (*)
103 IMG_CHECKIMAGE EQU $0E ; SysIClass Checkbox | |
104 IMG_AMIGAKEY EQU $11 ; Amiga Key Image |A|
106 IMG_BULLET_A EQU $8000 ; bullet ·
107 IMG_BULLET_B EQU $8100 ; 3d bullet ·
108 IMG_ARROW_A EQU $8200 ; Arrow >
109 IMG_ARROW_B EQU $8300 ; 3d arrow >
110 IMG_ARROW_C EQU $8400 ; Arrow ->