Fix for a crash which happened when a document couldn't be opened.
[AROS-Contrib.git] / rexx / inc / rxconio.h
1 /*
2 ||
3 || Header file for rxconio.c ...
4 || Some <conio.h> functions for BREXX
5 || Fully compatible with ansi.r by bnv
6 ||
7 || 13-Feb-1999 by Generoso Martello (
8 ||
9 */
11 #define ANSI_GOTOXY(z,s) gotoxy(z,s)
12 #define ANSI_CLEAR_SCREEN() clrscr()
13 #define ANSI_COLOR(f,b) textcolor(f) ; textbackground(b)
14 #define ANSI_FG_LCOLOR(f) textcolor(f)
15 #define ANSI_ERASE_EOL() clreol()
16 #define ANSI_MODE(m) textmode(m)
17 #define ANSI_PRINTF cprintf
19 #define ANSI_DEFAULT() ANSI_PRINTF("\033[0m")
20 #define ANSI_CURSOR_UP(n) ANSI_PRINTF("\033[%dA", (n))
21 #define ANSI_CURSOR_DOWN(n) ANSI_PRINTF("\033[%dB", (n))
22 #define ANSI_CURSOR_RIGHT(n) ANSI_PRINTF("\033[%dC", (n))
23 #define ANSI_CURSOR_LEFT(n) ANSI_PRINTF("\033[%dD", (n))
24 #define ANSI_SAVE_CURSOR() ANSI_PRINTF("\033[s")
25 #define ANSI_LOAD_CURSOR() ANSI_PRINTF("\033[u")
26 #define ANSI_ATTR(m) ANSI_PRINTF("\033[%dm", (m))
28 enum conio_functions {
29 f_ansicls=f_lastfunc+1,
30 f_ansieraseeol,
31 f_ansidelline,
32 f_ansiinsline,
33 f_getch,
34 f_kbhit,
35 f_wherex,
36 f_wherey,
37 f_ansimode,
38 f_ansiattr,
39 f_setcursor,
40 f_ansicolor,
41 f_ansigoto,
42 f_ansicursorup,
43 f_ansicursordown,
44 f_ansicursorright,
45 f_ansicursorleft,
46 f_ansisavecursor,
47 f_ansiloadcursor