fix remapping behavior. Remapping is only necessary if we are rendering on the workbe...
[AROS-Contrib.git] / scalos / main / functions.h
1 // Functions.h
2 // $Date$
3 // $Revision$
6 #ifndef FUNCTIONS_H
7 #define FUNCTIONS_H
9 #include <exec/types.h>
10 #include <dos/datetime.h>
11 #include <intuition/intuition.h>
12 #include <datatypes/iconobject.h>
13 #include <scalos/scalos.h>
15 #include "defs.h"
16 #include "scalos_structures.h"
17 #include "Wrappers.h"
19 #include <stdarg.h>
20 #include <stddef.h>
22 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
24 #ifndef min
25 #define min(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
26 #endif
28 #ifndef max
29 #define max(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
30 #endif
32 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
34 // Debugging Macros
36 #include "debug.h"
38 /* ================================================= */
39 /* ================================================= */
41 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
43 // defined in amiga.lib
45 #ifndef __AROS__
46 extern ULONG HookEntry();
47 #endif
49 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
51 /* ================================================= */
52 /* ================================================= */
54 // defined in About.c
55 ///
56 void AboutProg(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt, const struct MenuCmdArg *mcArg);
57 BOOL ReadScalosLogo(struct DatatypesImage **Logo);
58 ///
59 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
61 // defined in AppMenu.c
62 ///
63 void AppMenu_Init(void);
64 BOOL AppMenu_AddItem(struct AppMenuInfo *ami);
65 BOOL AppMenu_RemoveItem(struct AppMenuInfo *ami);
66 void AppMenu_DisposeAppMenuInfo(struct AppMenuInfo *ami);
67 void AppMenu_CreateMenu(void);
68 void AppMenu_ResetMenu(void);
69 struct ScaWindowStruct *FindActiveScalosWindow(void);
70 ///
71 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
73 // defined in AutoUpdate.c
74 ///
75 ULONG DeviceWindowCheckUpdate(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt);
76 ULONG IconWindowCheckUpdate(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt);
77 ULONG TextWindowCheckUpdate(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt);
78 void RealUpdateIcon(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt, struct UpdateIconData *arg);
79 ///
80 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
82 // defined in Backdrop.c
83 ///
84 void BackDropInitList(struct BackDropList *bdl);
85 LONG BackdropLoadList(struct BackDropList *bdl);
86 void BackdropFreeList(struct BackDropList *bdl);
87 void BackdropFilterList(struct BackDropList *bdl, BPTR dirLock);
88 BOOL BackdropAddLine(struct BackDropList *bdl, CONST_STRPTR NewLine, LONG PosX, LONG PosY);
89 BOOL BackdropRemoveLine(struct BackDropList *bdl, BPTR iconLock);
90 BOOL RewriteBackdrop(struct ScaIconNode *in);
91 ULONG AdjustBackdropRenamed(BPTR oLock, struct ScaIconNode *in);
92 struct ScaIconNode *AddBackdropIcon(BPTR iconDirLock, CONST_STRPTR iconName, WORD PosX, WORD PosY);
93 struct ScaIconNode *FindBackdropIcon(BPTR dirLock, CONST_STRPTR iconName);
94 struct ScaIconNode *FindBackdropIconExclusive(BPTR dirLock, CONST_STRPTR iconName);
95 void DoLeaveOutIcon(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt, BPTR DirLock,
96 CONST_STRPTR IconName, WORD x, WORD y);
97 BOOL IsPermanentBackDropIcon(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt, struct BackDropList *bdl,
98 BPTR fLock, CONST_STRPTR FileName);
99 void PutAwayIcon(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt,
100 BPTR iconDirLock, CONST_STRPTR IconName, BOOL RemovePermanent);
101 BOOL BackdropWait(BPTR dirLock);
103 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
105 // defined in BackFill.c
107 SAVEDS(ULONG) BackFillHookFunc(struct Hook *bfHook, struct RastPort *rp, struct BackFillMsg *msg);
108 void WindowBackFill(struct RastPort *rp,
109 struct BackFillMsg *msg, struct BitMap *bitmap,
110 LONG bmWidth, LONG bmHeight, WORD BGPen,
111 LONG XOffset, LONG YOffset, APTR MaskPlane);
113 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
115 // defined in ButtonClassGadget.c
117 struct ScalosClass *initButtonGadgetClass(const struct PluginClass *plug);
119 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
121 // defined in ChildProcess.c
123 // NumLongs : number of longwords in ArgArray (!!not number of entries!!)
124 BOOL RunProcess(struct ScaWindowTask *iwt, RUNPROCFUNC Routine, ULONG NumLongs,
125 struct WBArg *ArgArray, struct MsgPort *ReplyPort);
126 BOOL ChildProcessRun(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt, struct ScalosMessage *msg, ULONG FirstTag, ...);
128 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
130 // defined in Class.c
132 ULONG ClassDragQuery(struct DragEnter *drge, struct internalScaWindowTask *swt);
133 ULONG ClassDragEnter(struct DragEnter *drge, struct internalScaWindowTask *swt);
134 ULONG ClassDragLeave(struct DragEnter *drge, struct internalScaWindowTask *swt);
135 void ClassHideDragBobs(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt, struct DragHandle *dh);
136 void ClassSelectIcon(struct ScaWindowStruct *swi, struct ScaIconNode *sIcon, BOOL Selected);
137 void ClassSelectIconObj(struct ScaWindowStruct *swi, Object *IconObj, BOOL Selected);
138 ULONG ClassCheckInfoData(const struct InfoData *info);
139 BOOL ClassIsDiskWritable(BPTR dLock);
140 ULONG ClassWinTimerMsg(struct internalScaWindowTask *, struct Message *, APTR);
141 void ClassTimerToolTipMsg(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt);
142 Object *ClassGetWindowIconObject(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt, Object **allocIconObj);
143 void ClassFormatDate(struct DateTime *dt, ULONG DateMaxLen, ULONG TimeMaxLen); // +jl+ 20010518
144 ULONG ClassCountSelectedIcons(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt);
145 void ClassDragFinish_IconWin(struct ScalosArg **arglist);
146 void ClassDragBegin_DeviceWin(struct ScalosArg **ArgList, struct DragNode **dnList);
147 void ClassDragBegin_IconWin(struct ScalosArg **ArgList, struct DragNode **dn);
148 void ClassSetDefaultIconFlags(struct ScaIconNode *in, BOOL IsDefIcon);
150 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
152 // defined in cleanup.c
154 void IconWindow_UnCleanup(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt, struct Region *UnCleanUpRegion);
155 extern void IconWindow_Cleanup(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt);
157 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
159 // defined in CLIStart.c
161 BOOL CLIStart(BPTR dirLock, CONST_STRPTR PrgName, Object *iconObject, ULONG def_StackSize);
162 BPTR DupWBPathList(void);
164 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
166 // defined in ControlBar.c
168 BOOL ControlBarAdd(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt);
169 void ControlBarRemove(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt);
170 void ControlBarRebuild(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt);
171 void ControlBarUpdateViewMode(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt, UBYTE ViewByType);
172 UBYTE ControlBarViewModeFromCode(ULONG Code);
173 void ControlBarUpdateShowMode(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt);
174 void ControlBarUpdateHistory(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt);
175 void SetControlBarOnOff(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt);
176 void ControlBarSwitchHistoryEntry(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt);
177 struct ExtGadget *ControlBarFindGadget(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt,
178 ULONG GadgetID);
179 struct ControlBarGadgetEntry *ControlBarFindGadgetByID(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt, UWORD GadgetID);
180 UWORD ControlBarQueryGadgetType(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt, struct ExtGadget *gg);
181 void ControlBarActionButton(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt, struct ExtGadget *gg);
183 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
185 // defined in crc32.c
187 ULONG update_crc(ULONG crc, const unsigned char *buf, size_t len);
189 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
191 // defined in CycleGadgetClass.c
193 struct ScalosClass *initCycleGadgetClass(const struct PluginClass *plug);
195 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
197 // defined in DefIcons.c
199 LONG InitDefIcons(void);
200 void CleanupDefIcons(void);
201 void NewDefIconsPrefs(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt, struct NotifyMessage *msg);
202 BOOL ChangedDefIconsPrefs(void);
203 struct TypeNode *DefIconsIdentify(BPTR dirLock, CONST_STRPTR Name, IPTR IconType);
204 Object *ReturnDefIconObjTags(BPTR dirLock, CONST_STRPTR Name, ULONG FirstTag, ...);
205 Object *ReturnDefIconObj(BPTR dirLock, CONST_STRPTR Name, struct TagItem *TagList);
207 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
209 // defined in DeviceWindowClass.c
211 struct ScalosClass *initDeviceWindowClass(const struct PluginClass *plug);
212 void FreeBackdropIconList(struct ScaBackdropIcon **bdiList);
213 void RemoveScalosBackdropIcon(struct ScaIconNode *in);
214 void CreateSbiForIcon(struct ScaIconNode *in);
216 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
218 // defined in DevListClass.c
220 struct ScalosClass *initDevListClass(const struct PluginClass *plug);
222 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
224 // defined in DoubleClick.c
226 BOOL IconDoubleClick(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt, struct ScaIconNode *in, ULONG Flags);
227 BOOL ArexxToolStart(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt, BPTR dirLock, CONST_STRPTR ProgName);
229 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
231 // defined in DragDrop.c
233 void DragDrop(struct Window *win, LONG MouseX, LONG MouseY, ULONG Qualifier,
234 struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt);
235 ULONG ScalosDropAddIcon(BPTR DirLock, CONST_STRPTR IconName, WORD x, WORD y);
236 void ScalosDropRemoveIcon(BPTR DirLock, CONST_STRPTR IconName);
238 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
240 // defined in DragDropBobs.c
242 void InitDrag(struct IntuiMessage *iMsg, struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt);
243 void RestoreDragIcons(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt);
244 BOOL SuspendDrag(struct DragHandle *dh, struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt);
245 void ResumeDrag(struct DragHandle *dh, struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt, BOOL wasLocked);
246 void ReLockDrag(struct DragHandle *dh, struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt, BOOL wasLocked);
247 LIBFUNC_P2_PROTO(void, sca_LockDrag,
248 A0, struct DragHandle *, dh,
249 A6, struct ScalosBase *, ScalosBase, 0);
250 LIBFUNC_P2_PROTO(ULONG, sca_UnlockDrag,
251 A0, struct DragHandle *, dh,
252 A6, struct ScalosBase *, ScalosBase, 0);
253 void DrawDrag(ULONG DrawFlags, struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt);
254 LIBFUNC_P8_PROTO(BOOL, sca_AddBob,
255 A0, struct DragHandle *, dh,
256 A1, struct BitMap *, bm,
257 A2, APTR, Mask,
258 D0, ULONG, Width,
259 D1, ULONG, Height,
260 D2, LONG, XOffset,
261 D3, LONG, YOffset,
262 A6, struct ScalosBase *, ScalosBase, 0);
263 LIBFUNC_P5_PROTO(void, sca_DrawDrag,
264 A0, struct DragHandle *, dh,
265 D0, LONG, XOffset,
266 D1, LONG, YOffset,
267 D2, ULONG, Flags,
268 A6, struct ScalosBase *, ScalosBase, 0);
269 LIBFUNC_P2_PROTO(void, sca_EndDrag,
270 A0, struct DragHandle *, dh,
271 A6, struct ScalosBase *, ScalosBase, 0);
272 LIBFUNC_P2_PROTO(struct DragHandle *, sca_InitDrag,
273 A0, struct Screen *, Scr,
274 A6, struct ScalosBase *, ScalosBase, 0);
275 void EndDrag(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt);
276 void EndDragUnlock(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt);
277 void DragRefreshIcons(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt);
278 void BlitARGBMask(ULONG SrcWidth, ULONG SrcHeight,
279 const struct ARGB *Src, LONG SrcLeft, LONG SrcTop,
280 ULONG DestWidth, struct ARGB *Dest, LONG DestLeft, LONG DestTop,
281 const struct BitMap *MaskBM, ULONG Trans);
282 void BlitARGB(ULONG SrcWidth, ULONG SrcHeight,
283 const struct ARGB *Src, LONG SrcLeft, LONG SrcTop,
284 ULONG DestWidth, struct ARGB *Dest, LONG DestLeft, LONG DestTop,
285 ULONG Trans);
287 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
289 // defined in DrawIcon.c
291 void EraseIconObject(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt, Object *IconObj);
292 void DrawIconObject(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt, Object *IconObj, ULONG Flags);
293 void BlitARGBAlpha(struct RastPort *rp, const struct ARGBHeader *SrcH,
294 ULONG DestLeft, ULONG DestTop,
295 ULONG SrcLeft, ULONG SrcTop,
296 ULONG Width, ULONG Height,
297 struct ARGB *BufferBg);
298 void ScalosBlurPixelArray(struct ARGB *Dest, const struct ARGB *Src,
299 UWORD SizeX, UWORD SizeY, const UBYTE *Mask);
300 ULONG ScalosReadPixelArray(APTR DestRect, UWORD DestMod, struct RastPort *rp,
302 ULONG ScalosWritePixelArray(APTR SrcRect, UWORD SrcMod, struct RastPort *rp,
303 UWORD DestX, UWORD DestY, UWORD SizeX, UWORD SizeY);
304 void RemoveIcons(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt, struct ScaIconNode **);
305 BOOL IsIconObjVisible(const struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt, const Object *IconObj);
306 void DrawIconObjectTransparent(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt, Object *IconObj,
307 ULONG ScreenDepth, struct RastPort *rp, struct RastPort *rpMask,
308 ULONG transparency, BOOL RealTransparency);
309 void DrawIconObjectK(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt, Object *IconObj,
310 ULONG ScreenDepth, struct RastPort *rp, struct RastPort *rpMask,
311 const struct ARGB *K);
313 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
315 // defined in DropMarks.c
317 void CleanupDropMarkInfoList(struct List *dmList);
318 void CleanupDropMarkInfo(struct DropMarkInfo *dmi);
319 void DisplayWindowDropMark(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt);
320 void EraseWindowDropMark(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt);
321 void RedrawWindowDropMark(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt, struct Region *clipRegion);
322 void DisplayIconDropMark(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt, struct ScaIconNode *in);
323 void EraseIconDropMark(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt, struct ScaIconNode *in);
324 void DisplayGadgetClickMark(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt, struct ExtGadget *gg);
325 void EraseGadgetClickMark(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt, struct ExtGadget *gg);
327 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
329 // defined in dtimage.c
331 BOOL InitDataTypesImage(void);
332 void CleanupDataTypesImage(void);
333 void DisposeDatatypesImage(struct DatatypesImage **dti);
334 struct DatatypesImage *CreateDatatypesImage(CONST_STRPTR ImageName, ULONG Flags);
335 void FillBackground(struct RastPort *rp, struct DatatypesImage *dtImage,
337 ULONG XStart, ULONG YStart);
338 void DtImageDraw(struct DatatypesImage *dti, struct RastPort *rp,
339 LONG Left, LONG Top, LONG Width, LONG Height);
340 BOOL TempName(STRPTR Buffer, size_t MaxLen);
342 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
344 // defined in DtImageClass.c
346 Class *initDtImageClass(void);
348 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
350 // defined in FileCommands.c
352 LONG CreateLinkCommand(Class *cl, Object *o, BPTR SrcDirLock, BPTR DestDirLock,
353 CONST_STRPTR SrcFileName, CONST_STRPTR DestFileName);
354 LONG MoveCommand(Class *cl, Object *o, BPTR SrcDirLock, BPTR DestDirLock, CONST_STRPTR FileName);
355 LONG CopyCommand(Class *cl, Object *o, BPTR SrcDirLock, BPTR DestDirLock,
356 CONST_STRPTR SrcFileName, CONST_STRPTR DestFileName);
357 LONG DeleteCommand(Class *cl, Object *o, BPTR DirLock, CONST_STRPTR FileName);
358 LONG CountCommand(Class *cl, Object *o, BPTR parentLock, CONST_STRPTR Name, BOOL Recursive);
359 BOOL ExistsObject(BPTR DirLock, CONST_STRPTR Name);
361 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
363 // defined in FileTransClass.c
365 struct ScalosClass *initFileTransClass(const struct PluginClass *plug);
367 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
369 // defined in FileTypes.c
371 BOOL FileTypeInit(void);
372 void FileTypeCleanup(void);
373 void FileTypeFlush(BOOL Final);
374 struct FileTypeDef *FindFileType(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt, const struct ScaIconNode *in);
375 struct FileTypeDef *FindFileTypeForTypeNode(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt, const struct TypeNode *tNode);
376 void ReleaseFileType(struct FileTypeDef *ftd);
377 void NewFileTypesPrefs(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt, struct NotifyMessage *msg);
378 BOOL ChangedFileTypesPrefs(struct MainTask *mt);
380 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
382 // defined in FontUtil.c
384 BOOL FontUtilInit(void);
385 WORD Scalos_TextLength(struct RastPort *rp, CONST_STRPTR string, WORD Length);
386 ULONG Scalos_TextFit(struct RastPort *rp, CONST_STRPTR string, WORD Length,
387 struct TextExtent *textExtent, struct TextExtent *constrainingExtent,
388 WORD strDirection, UWORD constrainingBitWidth, UWORD constrainingBitHeight);
389 void Scalos_TextExtent(struct RastPort *rp, CONST_STRPTR string,
390 WORD Length, struct TextExtent *tExt);
391 void Scalos_Text(struct RastPort *rp, CONST_STRPTR string, WORD Length);
392 UWORD Scalos_GetFontHeight(struct RastPort *rp);
393 UWORD Scalos_GetFontBaseline(struct RastPort *rp);
394 ULONG Scalos_SetSoftStyle(struct RastPort *rp, ULONG style, ULONG enable, struct TTFontFamily *ttff);
395 void Scalos_SetFontTransparency(struct RastPort *rp, ULONG Transparency);
396 void Scalos_SetFont(struct RastPort *rp, struct TextFont *tf, struct TTFontFamily *ttFont);
397 ULONG Scalos_SetSoftStyle(struct RastPort *rp, ULONG style, ULONG enable, struct TTFontFamily *ttff);
398 APTR Scalos_OpenTTFont(CONST_STRPTR FontDesc, struct TTFontFamily *ttff);
399 void Scalos_CloseFont(struct TextFont **tf, struct TTFontFamily *ttFont);
400 void Scalos_InitRastPort(struct RastPort *rp);
401 void Scalos_DoneRastPort(struct RastPort *rp);
403 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
405 // defined in FrameImageClass.c
407 struct ScalosClass *initFrameImageClass(const struct PluginClass *plug);
409 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
411 // defined in Functions.c
413 LIBFUNC_P2_PROTO(BOOL, sca_OpenIconWindow,
414 A0, struct TagItem *, TagList,
415 A6, struct ScalosBase *, ScalosBase, 0);
416 BPTR DiskInfoLock(const struct ScaIconNode *in);
417 STRPTR GetWsNameFromLock(BPTR WsLock);
418 Object *FunctionsFindIconObjectForPath(CONST_STRPTR Path, BOOL *WindowListLocked,
419 struct ScaWindowStruct **wsIconListLocked, Object **allocIconObj);
420 void FunctionsGetSettingsFromIconObject(struct IconWindowProperties *iwp, Object *IconObj);
422 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
424 // defined in GadgetBarClass.c
426 struct ScalosClass *initGadgetBarClass(const struct PluginClass *plug);
428 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
430 // defined in GadgetBarImageClass.c
432 struct ScalosClass *initGadgetBarImageClass(const struct PluginClass *plug);
434 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
436 // defined in GadgetBarTextClass.c
438 struct ScalosClass *initGadgetBarTextClass(const struct PluginClass *plug);
440 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
442 // defined in GaugeGadgetClass.c
444 struct ScalosClass *initGaugeGadgetClass(const struct PluginClass *plug);
446 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
448 // defined in HistoryGadgetClass.c
450 struct ScalosClass *initHistoryGadgetClass(const struct PluginClass *plug);
452 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
454 // defined in idcmp.c
456 ULONG IDCMPRefreshWindow(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt, struct IntuiMessage *iMsg);
457 ULONG IDCMPDiskInserted(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt, struct IntuiMessage *iMsg);
458 void AbortFunctions(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt);
459 void RemoveDeviceIcon(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt, struct ScaDeviceIcon *di,
460 struct ScaIconNode **IconList);
462 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
464 // defined in IconifyClass.c
466 Class * initIconifyClass(void);
468 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
470 // defined in IconImageClass.c
472 Class *initIconImageClass(void);
473 BOOL freeIconImageClass(Class *cl);
475 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
477 // defined in IconWindowClass.c
479 struct ScalosClass *initIconWindowClass(const struct PluginClass *plug);
481 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
483 // defined in IconWindow_MouseMove.c
485 void IDCMPDragMouseMove(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt, struct IntuiMessage *msg);
486 void IconWin_EndDrag(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt);
487 void IDCMPMMBMouseMove(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt);
488 void IDCMPDragIntuiTicks(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt, struct IntuiMessage *msg);
490 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
492 // defined in InputHandler.c
494 BOOL InitInputHandler(void);
495 void CleanupInputHandler(void);
496 BOOL PointInGadget(WORD x, WORD y, const struct Window *win, const struct Gadget *gad);
498 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
500 // defined in Lasso.c
502 void Lasso(WORD StartX, WORD StartY, ULONG Mode, struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt);
503 void BeginLasso(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt, UWORD Qualifier);
504 void EndLasso(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt);
506 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
508 // defined in LocaleStrings.c
510 CONST_STRPTR GetLocString(LONG StringID);
512 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
514 // defined in MainWait.c
516 void MainWait(struct MainTask *mainTask);
517 void RememberPrefsChanges(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt, ULONG PrefsChangeFlags);
518 void StartMainTaskTimer(struct MainTask *mt);
519 struct NotifyNode *AddToMainNotifyList(struct NotifyTab *nft, ULONG Flags);
520 void RemFromMainNotifyList(struct NotifyNode *non);
522 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
524 // defined in Memory.c
526 BOOL MemoryInit(void);
527 void MemoryCleanup(void);
528 #ifndef DEBUG_MEMORY
529 APTR ScalosAlloc(ULONG Size);
530 APTR ScalosRealloc(APTR OldMem, ULONG NewSize);
531 void ScalosFree(APTR mem);
532 #endif /* DEBUG_MEMORY */
533 STRPTR AllocCopyString(CONST_STRPTR clp);
534 void FreeCopyString(STRPTR lp);
535 void *ScalosAllocNode(size_t size);
536 void ScalosFreeNode(void *node);
537 void *ScalosAllocMessage(size_t size);
538 void ScalosFreeMessage(void *node);
539 struct AnchorPath *ScalosAllocAnchorPath(ULONG Flags, size_t MaxPathLen);
540 void ScalosFreeAnchorPath(struct AnchorPath *ap);
541 struct InfoData *ScalosAllocInfoData(void);
542 void ScalosFreeInfoData(struct InfoData **pId);
543 STRPTR AllocPathBuffer(void);
544 void FreePathBuffer(STRPTR Buffer);
546 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
548 // defined in Menu.c
550 ULONG GetWindowMenuFlags(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt);
551 ULONG ReadMenuPrefs(void);
552 void FreeMenuPrefs(void);
553 void ParseMenu(struct Menu *theMenu);
554 BOOL CompareCommand(CONST_STRPTR MenuComName, CONST_STRPTR CommandName);
555 void SetMenuOnOff(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt);
556 void NewMenuPrefs(struct internalScaWindowTask *, struct NotifyMessage *);
557 BOOL ChangedMenuPrefs(struct MainTask *mt);
558 void CreateScalosMenu(void);
559 ULONG UpdateIconCount(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt);
560 void ClearMainMenu(void);
562 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
564 // defined in MenuCommand.c
566 void WBInfoStart(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt, struct ScaIconNode *in, APTR undoEvent);
567 void GetIconsBoundingBox(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt, struct Rectangle *BBox);
568 void DeleteProg(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt, const struct MenuCmdArg *mcArg);
569 void UpdateAllProg(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt, const struct MenuCmdArg *mcArg);
570 void ClearSelectionProg(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt, const struct MenuCmdArg *mcArg);
571 BOOL ViewWindowBy(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt, UBYTE NewViewByType);
572 void SetIconWindowRect(struct ScaIconNode *in);
574 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
576 // defined in Messages.c
578 ULONG CloseWindowMsg(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt, struct Message *Msg, APTR p);
579 ULONG AsyncReplyMsg(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt, struct Message *Msg, APTR p);
580 LONG SendAppMessage(struct AppObject *appo, ULONG AmClass, WORD x, WORD y);
581 BPTR LockScaModsDir(void); /* *** DM0008 */
583 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
585 // defined in MouseIcon.c
587 struct ScaIconNode *CheckMouseIcon(struct ScaIconNode **IconList,
588 struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt,
589 LONG x, LONG y);
590 struct ScaIconNode *CheckMouseIconOuterBounds(struct ScaIconNode **IconList,
591 LONG x, LONG y);
593 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
595 // defined in OpenDrawerByName.c
597 struct ScaWindowStruct *OpenDrawerByName(CONST_STRPTR Path, struct TagItem *TagList);
599 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
601 // defined in Patches.c
603 void SetAllPatches(struct MainTask *mt);
604 ULONG RemoveAllPatches(struct MainTask *mt);
605 BOOL PatchInit(void);
606 void PatchCleanup(void);
608 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
610 // defined in PopOpenWindows.c
612 void PopOpenWindow(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt, struct DragHandle *dh);
613 void PopChildWindowDispose(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt, struct ScaPopChildWindow *spcw);
614 void ClosePopupWindows(BOOL CloseAll);
616 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
618 // defined in PopupMenus.c
620 LONG TestPopup(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt, WORD MouseX, WORD MouseY, UWORD Qualifier);
621 void ShowPopupMenu(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt, struct msg_ShowPopupMenu *mpm);
623 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
625 // defined in Patterns.c
627 void RandomizePatterns(void);
628 void PatternsOff(struct MainTask *mt, struct MsgPort *ReplyPort);
629 void PatternsOn(struct MainTask *mt);
630 struct PatternNode *GetPatternNode(WORD PatternNo, const struct PatternNode *pNodeOld);
631 ULONG NewWindowPatternMsg(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt, struct Message *Msg, APTR p);
632 void FreeBackFill(struct PatternInfo *);
633 BOOL SetBackFill(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt, struct PatternNode *ptNode,
634 struct PatternInfo *ptInfo, ULONG Flags, struct Screen *Scr);
635 void SetScreenBackfillHook(struct Hook *bfHook);
637 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
639 // defined in Prefs.c
641 ULONG ReadPalettePrefs(void);
642 void FreePalettePrefs(void);
643 void ReadFontPrefs(void);
644 void FreeFontPrefs(void);
645 LONG WriteWBConfig(void);
646 LONG ReadWBConfig(void);
647 void InitScalosPrefs(void);
648 BOOL ReadScalosPrefs(void);
649 void FreeScalosPrefs(void);
650 LONG ReadPatternPrefs(void);
651 void FreePatternPrefs(void);
652 ULONG RandomNumber(ULONG MaxRand);
653 void NewPatternPrefs(struct internalScaWindowTask *, struct NotifyMessage *);
654 BOOL ChangedPatternPrefs(struct MainTask *mt);
655 void NewMainPrefs(struct internalScaWindowTask *, struct NotifyMessage *);
656 BOOL ChangedMainPrefs(struct MainTask *mt);
657 void NewPalettePrefs(struct internalScaWindowTask *, struct NotifyMessage *);
658 BOOL ChangedPalettePrefs(struct MainTask *mt);
659 void NewFontPrefs(struct internalScaWindowTask *, struct NotifyMessage *);
660 BOOL ChangedFontPrefs(struct MainTask *mt);
661 ULONG GetPrefsCRCFromFH(BPTR fh);
662 ULONG GetPrefsCRCFromName(CONST_STRPTR FileName);
663 void OpenIconWindowFont(void);
664 void OpenTextWindowFont(void);
666 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
668 // defined in Rename.c
670 BOOL CollectRenameAdjustHistoryPaths(struct List *HList, BPTR fLock);
671 void AdjustRenameAdjustHistoryPaths(struct List *HList, BPTR fLock);
672 void CleanupRenameAdjustHistoryPaths(struct List *HList, BOOL WinListLocked);
674 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
676 // defined in Request.c
678 LONG UseRequest(struct Window *parentWin, ULONG BodyTextNum,
679 ULONG GadgetsTextNum, APTR ArgList);
680 LONG UseRequestArgs(struct Window *parentWin,
681 ULONG BodyTextNum, ULONG GadgetsTextNum, ULONG NumArgs, ...);
682 void UseAsyncRequestArgs(struct internalScaWindowTask *,
683 LONG BodyTextNum, LONG GadgetTextNum, ULONG NumArgs, ...);
685 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
687 // defined in RootClass.c
689 Class * initRootClass(void);
690 void ProcessRootTimers(void);
692 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
694 // defined in ScaLibrary.c (is platform specific)
696 struct ScalosBase *sca_MakeLibrary(void);
698 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
700 // defined in Scalos.c
702 void SelectIcons(WORD StartX, WORD StartY, WORD StopX, WORD StopY, struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt);
703 void FreeIconList(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt, struct ScaIconNode **IconList);
704 void FreeIconNode(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt, struct ScaIconNode **IconList, struct ScaIconNode *in);
705 BOOL TestRegionNotEmpty(const struct Region *region);
706 void RefreshIconList(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt, struct ScaIconNode *in, struct Region *DrawingRegion);
707 void RefreshIcons(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt, struct Region *DrawingRegion);
708 ULONG ChipMemAttr(void);
709 LONG ScaSameLock(BPTR Lock1, BPTR Lock2);
710 void DisplayScreenTitleError(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt, ULONG MsgId);
711 BOOL ExistsAssign(CONST_STRPTR AssignName);
712 LONG ScalosTagListInit(struct ScalosTagList *tagList);
713 void ScalosTagListCleanup(struct ScalosTagList *tagList);
714 LONG ScalosTagListNewEntry(struct ScalosTagList *tagList, ULONG tag, ULONG data);
715 void ScalosTagListEnd(struct ScalosTagList *tagList);
716 struct TagItem *ScalosVTagList(ULONG FirstTag, va_list args);
717 ULONG TranslateViewModesFromIcon(ULONG IconViewMode);
718 ULONG TranslateViewModesToIcon(ULONG ScalosIconViewMode);
719 ULONG TranslateScalosViewMode(ULONG ScalosViewMode);
720 BOOL IsIwtViewByIcon(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt);
721 BOOL IsViewByIcon(ULONG ScalosViewMode);
722 BOOL IsShowAll(const struct ScaWindowStruct *ws);
723 BOOL IsShowAllType(UWORD ShowType);
724 void ScalosEndNotify(struct NotifyRequest *nr);
725 void SubtractDateStamp(struct DateStamp *from, const struct DateStamp *to);
726 Object *CloneIconObject(Object *OrigIconObj);
728 #if !defined(__SASC) && !defined(__MORPHOS__)
729 // SAS/C compatibility functions
730 extern char *stpblk(const char *);
731 extern size_t stccpy(char *, const char *, size_t);
732 extern void strins(char *to, const char *from);
733 #endif
735 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
737 // defined in Scalos_Cx.c
739 BOOL InitCx(void);
740 void CleanupCx(void);
741 struct Screen *SearchMouseScreen(LONG x, LONG y);
742 void HighlightIconUnderMouse(void);
743 void InvalidateLastIwtUnderPointer(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt);
745 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
747 // defined in ScalosInit.c
749 SAVEDS(ULONG) LockScalosPens(void);
750 SAVEDS(void) UnlockScalosPens(void);
751 BOOL ChangedLocalePrefs(struct MainTask *mt);
753 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
755 // defined in ScalosLocale.c
757 void NewLocalePrefs(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt, struct NotifyMessage *msg);
758 BOOL ChangedLocalePrefs(struct MainTask *mt);
759 void InitLocale(void);
760 void CleanupLocale(void);
762 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
764 // defined in ScanDir.c
766 enum ScanDirResult ReadIconList(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt);
767 struct ScaIconNode *IconWindowReadIcon(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt,
768 CONST_STRPTR Name, struct ScaReadIconArg *ria);
769 void SetIconSupportsFlags(struct ScaIconNode *in, BOOL isDiskWritable);
770 BOOL IsSoftLink(CONST_STRPTR Name);
771 BOOL IsNoIconPosition(const struct ExtGadget *gg);
772 void SetIconName(Object *IconObj, struct ScaIconNode *in);
773 enum ScanDirResult GetFileList(struct ReadIconListControl *rilc,
774 enum ScanDirResult (*CheckFunc)(struct ReadIconListControl *rilc),
775 BOOL UseExAll, BOOL FetchIconType, BOOL CheckOverlap);
776 BOOL RilcInit(struct ReadIconListControl *rilc, struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt);
777 void RilcCleanup(struct ReadIconListControl *rilc);
778 enum ScanDirResult LinkIconScanList(struct ReadIconListControl *rilc);
779 LONG AddFileToFilesList(struct ReadIconListControl *rilc, BPTR dirLock, CONST_STRPTR Name);
780 BOOL IsFileHidden(CONST_STRPTR Filename, ULONG Protection);
781 BOOL ScanDirIsBackDropIcon(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt, struct BackDropList *bdl,
782 BPTR fLock, CONST_STRPTR FileName);
783 void ScanDirFillRildFromIse(struct ReadIconListData *rild, const struct IconScanEntry *ise);
784 void ScanDirUpdateStatusBarText(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt, ULONG TotalIcons);
785 BOOL ScanDirIsError(enum ScanDirResult sdResult);
787 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
789 // defined in ScanDirText.c
791 struct ScaIconNode *TextWindowReadIcon(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt,
792 CONST_STRPTR Name, struct ScaReadIconArg *ria);
793 enum ScanDirResult ReadTextWindowIconList(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt);
795 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
797 // defined in Semaphores.c
799 BOOL AttemptSemaphoreNoNest(SCALOSSEMAPHORE *sema);
800 void ScaObtainSemaphoreListA(struct TagItem *TagList);
801 void ScaObtainSemaphoreList(ULONG FirstTag, ...);
802 BOOL ScaAttemptSemaphoreListA(struct TagItem *OriginalTagList);
803 BOOL ScaAttemptSemaphoreList(ULONG FirstTag, ...);
808 void DebugScalosDeleteSemaphore(SCALOSSEMAPHORE *sema, CONST_STRPTR, CONST_STRPTR, ULONG);
809 void DebugScalosInitSemaphore(SCALOSSEMAPHORE *xsema, CONST_STRPTR, CONST_STRPTR, ULONG);
810 void DebugScalosObtainSemaphore(SCALOSSEMAPHORE *xsema, CONST_STRPTR, CONST_STRPTR, ULONG);
811 void DebugScalosObtainSemaphoreShared(SCALOSSEMAPHORE *xsema, CONST_STRPTR, CONST_STRPTR, ULONG);
812 void DebugScalosReleaseSemaphore(SCALOSSEMAPHORE *xsema, CONST_STRPTR, CONST_STRPTR, ULONG);
816 void DebugScalosLockIconListShared(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt,
817 CONST_STRPTR CallingFile, CONST_STRPTR CallingFunc, ULONG CallingLine);
818 void DebugScalosLockIconListExclusive(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt,
819 CONST_STRPTR CallingFile, CONST_STRPTR CallingFunc, ULONG CallingLine);
821 #else /* DEBUG_SEMAPHORES */
823 SCALOSSEMAPHORE *ScalosCreateSemaphore(void);
824 void ScalosDeleteSemaphore(SCALOSSEMAPHORE *sema);
825 void ScalosInitSemaphore(SCALOSSEMAPHORE *xsema);
826 void ScalosObtainSemaphore(SCALOSSEMAPHORE *xsema);
827 void ScalosObtainSemaphoreShared(SCALOSSEMAPHORE *xsema);
828 void ScalosReleaseSemaphore(SCALOSSEMAPHORE *xsema);
829 ULONG ScalosAttemptSemaphore(SCALOSSEMAPHORE *xsema);
830 ULONG ScalosAttemptSemaphoreShared(SCALOSSEMAPHORE *xsema);
832 #endif /* DEBUG_SEMAPHORES */
835 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
837 // defined in SeparatorClassGadget.c
839 struct ScalosClass *initSeparatorGadgetClass(const struct PluginClass *plug);
841 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
843 // defined in Shortcuts.c
845 BOOL ShortcutAddLines(struct BackDropList *bdlVolume);
846 void ShortcutReadPrefs(void);
847 void ShortcutFreePrefs(void);
848 BOOL ShortcutAddEntry(STRPTR path, LONG PosX, LONG PosY);
849 BOOL ShortcutRemoveEntry(BPTR iconLock);
851 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
853 // defined in Splash.c
855 ULONG InitSplash(struct MsgPort *ReplyPort);
856 void SplashAddUser(void);
857 void SplashRemoveUser(void);
858 void SplashDisplayProgress(const char *fmt, ULONG NumArgs, ...);
860 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
862 // defined in StatusBar.c
864 BOOL StatusBarAdd(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt);
865 void StatusBarRemove(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt);
866 UWORD StatusBarQueryGadgetID(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt,
867 const struct ExtGadget *gg, WORD x, WORD y);
869 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
871 // defined in StringGadgetClass.c
873 struct ScalosClass *initStringGadgetClass(const struct PluginClass *plug);
875 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
877 // defined in Subroutines.c
879 void StripTrailingColon(STRPTR Line);
880 void StripTrailingLF(STRPTR Line);
881 void StripIconExtension(STRPTR Line);
882 BOOL CheckOverlap(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt, struct ScaIconNode *in);
883 BOOL ScaRectInRegion(const struct Region *TestRegion, const struct Rectangle *TestRect);
884 ULONG CheckPosition(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt, struct ScaIconNode *in);
885 STRPTR SafeStrCat(STRPTR dest, CONST_STRPTR src, size_t DestLen);
886 BOOL CheckAllowCloseWB(void);
887 void ClearMsgPort(struct MsgPort *msgPort);
889 ULONG WaitReply(struct MsgPort *port, struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt, ULONG MsgType);
890 ULONG HandleWindowTaskIconPortMessages(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt,
891 struct Message *msg, ULONG *MessageType);
893 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
895 // defined in TextIconClass.c
897 Class * initTextIconClass(void);
899 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
901 // defined in TextIconHighlightClass.c
903 Class *initTextIconHighlightClass(void);
905 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
907 // defined in TextWindowClass.c
909 struct ScalosClass *initTextWindowClass(const struct PluginClass *plug);
910 void ReposTextIcons2(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt);
911 HOOKFUNC GetTextIconSortFunction(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt);
913 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
915 // defined in TitleClass.c
917 struct ScalosClass *initTitleClass(const struct PluginClass *plug);
918 void TitleClass_Convert64KMG(ULONG64 Number, STRPTR Buffer, size_t MaxLen);
919 void TitleClass_Convert64KMGRounded(ULONG64 Number, STRPTR Buffer, size_t MaxLen, ULONG Round);
921 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
923 // defined in ThumbnailCache.c
925 BOOL ThumbnailCacheInit(void);
926 void CleanupThumbnailCache(void);
927 BOOL ThumbnailCacheOpen(APTR *pThumbnailCacheHandle);
928 void ThumbnailCacheClose(APTR *pThumbnailCacheHandle);
929 void ThumbnailCacheAddARGB(BPTR fLock, APTR ThumbnailCacheHandle,
930 const struct ARGBHeader *argbh, ULONG LifetimeDays);
931 void ThumbnailCacheAddRemapped(BPTR fLock, APTR ThumbnailCacheHandle,
932 const struct ScalosBitMapAndColor *sac, ULONG LifetimeDays);
933 BOOL ThumbnailCacheFindARGB(BPTR fLock, APTR ThumbnailCacheHandle,
934 struct ARGBHeader *argbh, ULONG LifetimeDays);
935 struct ScalosBitMapAndColor *ThumbnailCacheFindRemapped(BPTR fLock,
936 APTR ThumbnailCacheHandle, ULONG LifetimeDays);
937 BOOL ThumbnailCacheRemoveEntry(BPTR DirLock, CONST_STRPTR FileName);
938 BOOL ThumbnailCacheCleanup(APTR ThumbnailCacheHandle);
939 BOOL ThumbnailCacheBegin(APTR ThumbnailCacheHandle);
940 BOOL ThumbnailCacheFinish(APTR ThumbnailCacheHandle);
942 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
944 // defined in Thumbnails.c
946 BOOL AddThumbnailIcon(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt, Object *IconObj,
947 BPTR DirLock, CONST_STRPTR Name, ULONG Flags, APTR UndoStep);
948 BOOL GenerateThumbnails(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt);
949 void RearrangeThumbnailList(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt);
950 void FlushThumbnailEntries(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt);
951 void RemoveThumbnailEntry(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt, Object *IconObj);
952 BOOL SetIconThumbnailARGB(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt,
953 struct SM_SetThumbnailImage_ARGB *smtia);
954 BOOL SetIconThumbnailRemapped(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt,
955 struct SM_SetThumbnailImage_Remapped *smtir);
956 void ThumbnailsStartCleanup(BOOL Force);
958 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
960 // defined in ToolTip.c
962 ULONG IconWinShowIconToolTip(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt, struct ScaIconNode *in);
963 ULONG IconWinShowGadgetToolTip(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt, ULONG GadgetID, struct Hook *GadgetTextHook);
964 void ResetToolTips(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt);
965 void GetProtectionString(ULONG Protection, STRPTR String, size_t MaxLen);
967 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
969 // defined in ToolTypes.c
971 LONG SetToolType(Object *iconObj, CONST_STRPTR ToolTypeName, CONST_STRPTR ToolTypeValue, BOOL SaveIcon);
972 LONG RemoveToolType(Object *iconObj, CONST_STRPTR ToolTypeName, BOOL SaveIcon);
973 STRPTR *CloneToolTypeArray(CONST_STRPTR *ToolTypeArray, ULONG AdditionalEntries);
975 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
977 // defined in TTLayout.c
979 void ScaFormatString(char *Buffer, const char *Format, ...);
980 void ScaFormatStringMaxLength(char *Buffer, size_t BuffLen, const char *Format, ...);
981 void ScaFormatStringArgs(char *Buffer, size_t BuffLength, const char *Format, RAWARG Args);
983 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
985 // defined in Undo.c
987 void UndoCleanup(void);
988 BOOL UndoAddEvent(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt, enum ScalosUndoType type, ULONG FirstTag, ...);
989 BOOL UndoAddEventTagList(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt, enum ScalosUndoType type, struct TagItem *TagList);
990 APTR UndoBeginStep(void);
991 void UndoEndStep(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt, APTR event);
992 BOOL Undo(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt);
993 BOOL Redo(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt);
994 CONST_STRPTR UndoGetDescription(void);
995 CONST_STRPTR RedoGetDescription(void);
996 void UndoWindowSignalOpening(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt);
997 void UndoWindowSignalClosing(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt);
999 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
1001 // defined in Wbl.c
1004 void RemWBProgram(struct WBStartup *wbStart);
1006 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
1008 // defined in WBStartup.c
1010 SAVEDS(void) INTERRUPT WBStartup(void);
1011 void WBStartupFinished(void);
1013 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
1015 // defined in Window.c
1017 BOOL QueryObjectUnderPointer(struct internalScaWindowTask **iWinUnderPtr,
1018 struct ScaIconNode **IconUnderPtr,
1019 struct ScaIconNode **OuterBoundsIconUnderPtr,
1020 struct Window **foreignWindow);
1021 void AdjustIconActive(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt);
1022 BOOL isCopyQualifier(ULONG Qualifier);
1023 BOOL isMakeLinkQualifier(ULONG Qualifier);
1024 BOOL isMoveQualifier(ULONG Qualifier);
1025 BOOL isAlternateLssoQualifier(ULONG Qualifier);
1026 void RunMenuCommand(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt,
1027 struct SCALOS_MENUTREE *mtr, struct ScaIconNode *in, ULONG Flags);
1028 void RunMenuCommandExt(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt, struct internalScaWindowTask *iwtDest,
1029 struct SCALOS_MENUTREE *mtr, struct ScaIconNode *in, ULONG Flags);
1030 LONG ScalosPutIcon(struct ScaIconNode *in, BPTR destDirLock, BOOL NeedUpdateIcon);
1031 Object *LoadIconObject(BPTR DirLock, CONST_STRPTR IconName, struct TagItem *TagList);
1032 LONG SaveIconObject(Object *IconObj, BPTR DirLock,
1033 CONST_STRPTR IconName, BOOL NeedUpdateIcon,
1034 struct TagItem *TagList);
1035 void LockedCloseWindow(struct Window *win);
1036 struct Window *LockedOpenWindowTagList(struct NewWindow *nw, struct TagItem *TagList);
1037 struct Window *LockedOpenWindowTags(struct NewWindow *nw, ULONG FirstTag, ...);
1038 VOID LockedSetWindowTitles(struct Window *win,
1039 CONST_STRPTR WindowTitle, CONST_STRPTR ScreenTitle);
1040 void SafeSetMenuStrip(struct Window *win);
1041 void SafeClearMenuStrip(struct Window *win);
1042 CONST_STRPTR GetIconName(const struct ScaIconNode *in);
1043 ULONG DisposeScalosWindow(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt, struct ScaWindowStruct **WindowList);
1044 void AdjustRenamedWindowName(BPTR objLock);
1045 void LockWindow(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt);
1046 void UnLockWindow(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt);
1047 struct SCALOS_MENUTREE *CloneMenuTree(const struct SCALOS_MENUTREE *mtr);
1048 void DisposeMenuTree(struct SCALOS_MENUTREE *mtr);
1049 void AppendToMenuTree(struct SCALOS_MENUTREE **mtreList, struct SCALOS_MENUTREE *mTree);
1050 void SetIconWindowReadOnly(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt, BOOL IsReadOnly);
1051 void RedrawResizedWindow(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt,
1052 WORD OldInnerWidth, WORD OldInnerHeight);
1053 void ScaLockLayers(struct Layer_Info *li);
1054 void ScaUnlockLayers(struct Layer_Info *li);
1055 void ScaLockScreenLayers(void);
1056 void ScaUnlockScreenLayers(void);
1057 ULONG ScaLockIBase(ULONG LockNumber);
1058 void ScaUnlockIBase(ULONG Lock);
1059 void UpdateIconOverlays(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt);
1060 void AddIconOverlay(Object *IconObj, ULONG NewOverlay);
1061 void RemoveIconOverlay(Object *IconObj, ULONG OldOverlay);
1062 BOOL ScalosAttemptLockIconListShared(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt);
1063 BOOL ScalosAttemptLockIconListExclusive(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt);
1066 void ScalosLockIconListShared(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt);
1067 void ScalosLockIconListExclusive(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt);
1068 #endif /* DEBUG_SEMAPHORES */
1070 void ScalosUnLockIconList(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt);
1071 struct WindowHistoryEntry *WindowAddHistoryEntry(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt, BPTR wsLock);
1072 void WindowHistoryEntryDispose(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt, struct WindowHistoryEntry *whe);
1073 struct WindowHistoryEntry *WindowFindHistoryEntry(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt, BPTR wsLock);
1074 void WindowNewPath(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt, CONST_STRPTR path);
1075 void WindowCastShadow(struct Window *win, LONG ShadowWidth, LONG ShadowHeight);
1076 void WindowSendAppIconMsg(struct internalScaWindowTask *iwt, ULONG AppIconClass, struct ScaIconNode *in);
1077 void WindowFadeIn(struct Window *win);
1078 void WindowFadeOut(struct Window *win);
1080 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
1082 // defined in WindowClass.c
1084 struct ScalosClass *initWindowClass(const struct PluginClass *plug);
1086 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
1088 // defined in windowtask.c
1090 extern void WindowTask(void);
1092 /* ------------------------------------------------- */
1094 // Handling of varargs
1096 #if defined(__MORPHOS__) || defined(__amigaos4__)
1098 #include <stdarg.h>
1100 #define ScaFormatString(Buffer, Format, ...) \
1101 ({ ULONG _args[] = { __VA_ARGS__ }; \
1102 ScaFormatStringArgs((Buffer), INT_MAX, (Format), _args); })
1104 #define ScaFormatStringMaxLength(Buffer, BuffLen, Format, ...) \
1105 ({ ULONG _args[] = { __VA_ARGS__ }; \
1106 ScaFormatStringArgs((Buffer), BuffLen, (Format), _args); })
1108 #endif /* __MORPHOS__ */
1111 #if defined(__SASC)
1112 int snprintf(char *, size_t, const char *, /*args*/ ...);
1113 int vsnprintf(char *, size_t, const char *, va_list ap);
1114 #endif /* __SASC */
1116 #endif /* FUNCTIONS_H */