don't build pcre as part of the linklibs target
[AROS-Contrib.git] / Demo / BlackHole / tunplas.pas
1 {$E-,F+,G+,I-,N+,O+,Q-,R-,S-,V-}
2 Unit Tunplas;
6 Uses Blue_Cob,Crt;
8 Procedure CalcPlas( plas : Pointer);
9 Procedure CalcTunnel( Int : Word);
10 Procedure Trash_it_256;
11 Procedure DoTunnel( plas : Pointer; move : Word);
12 Procedure CalcWorm( seg3 : Pointer);
13 Procedure CalcRain( plas : Pointer; Intensity : Byte);
14 Procedure DoWorm( plas, seg3 : Pointer; move : Word);
18 Procedure CalcPlas( plas : Pointer);
19 Var a, x, x2, x3, y, y2 : Word;
20 Begin
21 Randomize;
22 For x:=0 To $ffff Do
23 If Random(800)=0 Then Mem[seg(segmen^):x]:=Random(30)*Random(20);
24 For a:=0 To 14 Do
25 Begin
26 For x:=0 To $ffff Do
27 Begin
28 x2:=0;
29 For y:=1 To 5 Do
30 For y2:=1 To 5 Do
31 x2:=x2+Mem[seg(segmen^):x+(y-3)*256+y2-3];
32 x3:=Mem[seg(segmen^):x];
33 If a>10 Then x2:=x2 div 25
34 Else x2:=x2 div 25+Random(4)*Random(10*x3)-Random(4)*Random(5*x3);
35 If a=11 Then x2:=x2+Random(20)*Random(20);
36 Mem[seg(segmen2^):x]:=x2;
37 End;
38 Zeiger:=segmen;
39 segmen:=segmen2;
40 segmen2:=Zeiger;
41 Write('²');
42 End;
43 asm
44 les di,plas
45 push ds
46 lds si,segmen
47 mov cx,4000h
48 db 66h
49 rep movsw
50 pop ds
51 end;
52 End;
54 Procedure CalcTunnel( Int : Word);
55 Var x, y, col, Winkel : Word;
56 Begin
57 For y:=0 To 99 Do
58 For x:=0 To 159 Do
59 Begin
60 Winkel:=Lo(Round(Arctan386(1.5*(99.5-y)/(159.5-x))
61 *(256 Shl (Int-1))/pi));
62 col:=Round( 12000/Sqrt((159.5-x)*(159.5-x)+1.5*(99.5-y)*(99.5-y)) );
63 Memw[seg(segmen2^):2*(320*y+x)]:=(col And 255) shl 8 +winkel;
64 {} Memw[seg(segmen2^):2*(320*y+(319-x))]:=(col and 255) shl 8 -winkel;
65 {} End;
66 End;
68 Procedure DoTunnel( plas : Pointer; move : Word);assembler;
69 asm
70 les di, segmen
71 mov ax, word ptr [segmen2+2]
72 db 08eh {mov }
73 db 0e8h {gs,ax}
74 mov ax, move
75 push ds
76 lds si, plas
77 mov dx, si
78 mov cx, 32000 {z„hler}
79 @lp1:
80 mov bx, dx
81 db 65h
82 mov si, [bx] {Addresse holen}
83 add si, ax {Bewegung drauf}
84 movsb {Byte kopieren}
85 add dx, 2
86 push di {di sichern}
87 mov bx, 63999 {"von hinten" auch!}
88 sub bx, di
89 inc bx {wegen "inc di" bei "movsb"}
90 mov di, bx {neuer Offset}
91 dec si {auch wegen "inc si" bei "movsb"}
92 movsb
93 pop di {di holen}
94 dec cx
95 jnz @lp1
96 pop ds
97 end;
99 Procedure CalcWorm( seg3 : Pointer);
101 x, x2, y, y2, mo, col, peri : Word;
102 r : Double;
103 Begin
104 {For x:=0 To 3120 Do Sinus^[x]:=Round( 1024*Sin386((x*pi/180)/3120*360) );}
105 r:=26.4;
106 Repeat
107 r:=r+0.1*Sqrt(Sqrt(Sqrt(r)));
108 peri:=Round(869*(r/240));
109 For x:=0 To peri Do
110 Begin
111 y2:=Round(0.6*(110.5+4000/r
112 +r{Sinus^[Trunc(780+3120/(peri*2)*x)]/1024}
113 *Cos386(x*pi/peri) ));
114 If (y2>=0) And (y2<200) Then
115 Begin
116 x2:=Round(159.5+r{*Sinus^[Trunc(3120/(peri*2)*x)]/1024}
117 *Sin386(x*pi/peri) );
118 If (x2>159) And (x2<320) Then
119 Begin
120 col:=Round(x/peri*512) And 255;
121 {} Memw[seg(segmen2^):2*(160*y2+(319-x2))]:=(256*(Round(2*r) and 255))+257-col;
122 {} Memw[seg(seg3^):2*(160*y2+x2-160)]:=(256*(Round(2*r) and 255))+col;
123 End;
124 End;
125 End;
126 If (Round(r*1000) mod 114=0)
127 And (r<240) Then Write('²');
128 Until (r>=260);
129 End;
131 Procedure Trash_It_256;
132 Begin
133 Zeiger:=segmen;
134 segmen:=segmen2;
135 segmen2:=Zeiger;
137 push ds
138 les di,segmen {Schreib-Speicher" laden}
139 lds si,segmen2
140 xor di,di
141 mov cx,0ffffh
142 db 66h
143 inc cx
145 @lop:
146 xor ax,ax
147 xor dx,dx
148 mov al,[si+1] {Pixelfarbe rechts neben dem Zielpixel nach al}
149 mov dl,[si-1] {Pixelfarbe links neben dem Zielpixel nach bl}
150 add ax,dx {Pixelfarben addieren}
151 mov dl,[si-257] {...und so weiter...[der Offset der Pixel berechnet
152 sich aus 320*Y+X ...min=0...max=63999]}
153 add ax,dx
154 mov dl,[si-256]
155 add ax,dx
156 mov dl,[si-255]
157 add ax,dx
158 mov dl,[si+255]
159 add ax,dx
160 mov dl,[si+256]
161 add ax,dx
162 mov dl,[si+257]
163 add ax,dx
164 add ax,2
165 shr ax,3 {Summe der Farben per shiften um 3 nach rechts durch
166 8 teilen}
167 stosb {in den "original-Punkt"}
168 inc si {n„chstes Pixel}
169 db 66h
170 dec cx { " " }
171 jnz @lop {solange, bis cx=0...dann sind alle, bis auf die
172 Pixel in Zeile 1 berechnet worden}
173 pop ds
175 End;
177 Procedure Klecks( x, y, farbe : Byte);assembler;
179 les di,segmen
180 mov ah,y
181 mov al,x
182 mov di,ax
183 mov al,farbe
184 mov dx,10
185 @lp1:
186 mov cx,10
187 rep stosb
188 add di,246
189 dec dx
190 jnz @lp1
191 end;
193 Procedure CalcRain( plas : Pointer; Intensity : Byte);
194 Var x, y, i, a : Word;
195 Begin
196 Randomize;
197 For i:=0 To 160 Do {schon mal vorbereiten, damit dann nicht}
198 Begin {erst langsam der Screen voller wird}
199 If i mod 16=0 Then Write('²');
200 For a:=0 To 2 Do
201 Klecks( Random(246), Random(246), Intensity);
202 trash_it_256;
203 End;
204 trash_it_256;
206 les di, plas
207 push ds
208 lds si, segmen
209 mov cx, 4000h
210 db 66h
211 rep movsw
212 pop ds
213 end;
214 End;
216 Procedure DoWorm( plas, seg3 : Pointer; move : Word);assembler;
218 les di, segmen {}
219 mov ax, word ptr [segmen2+2]
220 db 08eh {mov... }
221 db 0e8h {,ax}
222 mov ax, word ptr [seg3+2]
223 db 8eh {mov... }
224 db 0e0h {...fs,ax}
225 mov ax, move
226 push ds
227 lds si, plas
228 mov bx, si
229 mov dx, si
230 mov ch, 200 {Z„hler der Zeilen}
231 @lp1:
232 mov cl, 160 {Spalten}
233 @lpl:
234 db 65h
235 mov si, [bx] {Adresse laden}
236 add si, ax {Bewegung drauf}
237 movsb {Pixel kopieren}
238 add bx, 2 {n„chste Adresse}
239 dec cl {Z„hler senken}
240 jnz @lpl
241 push bx {linken Offset sichern}
243 mov cl, 160 {Spalten}
244 mov bx, dx {rechten laden}
245 @lpr:
246 db 64h
247 mov si, [bx]
248 add si, ax
249 movsb
250 add bx, 2
251 dec cl
252 jnz @lpr
253 mov dx, bx {rechten sichern}
254 pop bx {linken laden}
256 dec ch
257 jnz @lp1
258 pop ds
259 end;
262 End.