4 This distribution contains 32 bit executables of the Regina Rexx interpreter
5 for Win9x/NT/2k/XP, and some sample programs, most of which are designed to test
6 new features of this interpreter.
8 Regina is distributed under the GNU Library General Public Licence.
9 See COPYING-LIB for details.
11 This port of Regina to Win9x/NT/2k/XP differs from the port of Regina on the
12 Windows NT Resource Kit in two ways:
14 1) This port is sanctioned by the author of Regina, Anders Christensen.
15 2) This port does not provide any OLE or Win32 support nor does it
16 provide builtin access to the Registry. It does however, provide the
17 standard Rexx API. This enables C programs written under OS/2 and
18 Unix that use the standard API, to be easily ported to Win9x/NT/2k/XP.
19 It also means that C programs written using Quercus Rexx and Object
20 Rexx under Win9x/NT/2k to be recompiled using Regina, and C programs
21 written for Regina to be recompiled using Quercus Rexx or Object
23 The Win32 functions that were built into Regina are available as
24 an external function package from http://www.interlog.com/~ptjm
26 The files in this archive are:
29 README.3x - readme files for 3.x releases of Regina
30 COPYING-LIB - GNU Library General Public Licence
31 file_id.diz - Description file for BBS use
32 regina.exe - 32bit Regina Rexx interpreter executable
33 regina.dll - 32bit Regina Rexx interpreter dynamic library
34 regina.lib - Import library for Visual C++
35 regina_borland.lib - Import Library for Borland C++
36 rexx.lib - Static library for Visual C++
37 rexx.exe - Regina executable - does not require regina.dll
38 rexxsaa.h - Header file for access to regina.dll
39 test1.dll - Sample external function packages; used by dynfunc.rexx
40 test2.dll demo Rexx program
41 demo\*.rexx - Sample Rexx programs
42 nls\*.mtb - Native Language message files
44 The remainder of this document is relevant only if you are not installing
45 Regina via the InstallShield (R) installation.
47 Installation is simply a matter of copying the regina.exe and regina.dll
48 files into a directory specified in your PATH environment variable.
50 If you want to have Regina error messages displayed in you native
51 language, set the environment variable; REGINA_LANG to the two-character
52 language abbreviation (the first two chracters of a file in the NLS
53 directory), and set REGINA_LANG_DIR to the directory containing the
56 If you wish to be able to run Rexx programs automatically, ie without
57 specifying the regina.exe or the file extension, then run the following
58 Windows commands from a command prompt: (you only need to do this once)
59 Note: The following commands will only work under NT/2k/XP; they are not
60 supported under Windows 95/98.
62 C:\> ftype Regina=c:\regina\regina.exe "%1" %*
63 C:\> assoc .rexx=Regina
64 C:\> set PATHEXT=%PATHEXT%;.rexx
66 The above commands assume that regina.exe is in c:\regina and that you
67 only want to execute Rexx programs that have an extension of .rexx.
68 Add another ASSOC command to associate files with other extensions.
70 You will probably want to set the PATHEXT variable in the Environment
71 section of the System Control Panel applet.
73 Using this build of Regina with other Win32 Compilers
74 =====================================================
75 Nearly every C compiler on the Win32 platforms generates object code that
76 is incompatible with one another. So using this build of Regina with a
77 C compiler other than MS Visual C/C++ requires that you link with the
78 import library appropriate to your compiler. The import libraries supplied
82 --------------------------------
83 Borland C++ regina_borland.lib
85 For more information on Regina, visit the Regina Home page at
86 http://regina-rexx.sf.net
89 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
90 * Mark Hessling, M.Hessling@qut.edu.au http://www.lightlink.com/hessling/
91 * Author of THE, a Free XEDIT/KEDIT editor and, Rexx/SQL
92 * Maintainer of PDCurses: Public Domain Curses and, Regina Rexx interpreter
93 * Use Rexx ? join the Rexx Language Association: http://www.rexxla.org
94 ------------------------------------------------------------------------