Update README.md
[4Free-FSE.git] / Danbooru-Image-Adder.user.js
1 // ==UserScript==
2 // @name         Danbooru-Image-Adder
3 // @namespace    http://tampermonkey.net/
4 // @version      1.0
5 // @description  Add images to posts
6 // @author       ECHibiki /qa/
7 // @match *://boards.4chan.org/*
8 // @grant         GM_xmlhttpRequest
9 // @updateURL    https://github.com/ECHibiki/4chan-UserScripts/raw/master/Danbooru-Image-Adder.user.js
10 // @downloadURL  https://github.com/ECHibiki/4chan-UserScripts/raw/master/Danbooru-Image-Adder.user.js
11 // @run-at document-end
12 // ==/UserScript==
17             search[name]=TAG1,TAG2 &&&&&& search[order]=count
21             A) IT TIMESOUT
23      5) DO A 4CHANX CreateNotification***
26     1) ON FIELD CHANGE READ THE CURSOR LEFT AND DO A  search[name_matches]=n* & search[order]=count
35    3)***   (TODO)
38 //update 0.8.9 single tag warning and number_of_posts bug.
41 function alert4ChanX(message, type){
42     var detail = {type: type, content: message, lifetime: 10};
43     if (typeof cloneInto === 'function') {
44         detail = cloneInto(detail, document.defaultView);
45     }
46     var event = new CustomEvent('CreateNotification', {bubbles: true, detail: detail});
47     document.dispatchEvent(event);
50 var number_of_posts = 0;
51 var pageNo;
52 var JSONPage;
53 var JSONTag;
54 var pagesLoaded = 0;
55 var smallestTag;
57 var top_page_max =  10000000;
58 var top_page = top_page_max;
59 var attemptMax = 20;
60 var attemptCounter = attemptMax ;
62 var imgURL = "";
63 var sendURL = "";
64 var oldVal = "";
66 var timeout = false;
67 var fail_state = false;
68 var tag_incorrect_state = false;
69 var time_max = 10;
70 var time = time_max;
71 var intervalFunction;
72 var timeout_functions = [];
73 var tries = Array();
75 var taggingFunction;
77 var interfaceSet = false;
79 //set listener to build interface in 4chanX
80 window.onload = function(){
81     var len = document.links.length;
82     for(var i = 0 ; i < len ; i++){
83         document.links[i].addEventListener("click", enhance4ChanX);
84     }
86     //ENHANCE DUMP TABS (COVER, 482PX - 482PX)
89     document.getElementById("fourchanx-css").textContent += ".qr-preview { height: 482px; width: 482px; background-size: cover;}";
90     document.getElementById("fourchanx-css").textContent += "#dump-list { min-height: 400px; width: 509px;}";
94 //Alter 4chanX
95 var enhance4ChanX = function(){
96     var qrWindow = document.getElementById("qr");
97     //check if elements already made upon opening a qr window
98     if(document.getElementById("qrImages") !== null){
99         qrWindow.removeChild(document.getElementById("qrImages"));
100         clearInterval(taggingFunction);
101         //4chanx autodeletes images
102         clearImage();
103     }
104     var dButton = document.getElementById("dump-button");
105     if(dButton !== null){dButton.click();}
106     else{return;}
108     var dList = document.getElementById("dump-list");
109     var filenamecontainer = document.getElementById("qr-filename-container");
111     //used for setting and unsetting high resolution thumbs for dump list.
112     var BGImg = "";
113     var oldBGImg = "";
114     var observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutate){
115         BGImg = dList.firstChild.style.backgroundImage;
116         if(BGImg !== oldBGImg && imgURL !== ""){
117             dList.firstChild.style.backgroundImage = "url(" + imgURL + ")";
118             oldBGImg = dList.firstChild.style.backgroundImage;
119         }
120         else if (imgURL == ""){
121         }
122     });
123     observer.observe(dList , {attributes: true,subtree:true, childList: true, characterData: true });
124     //make the image clear button clear images;
125     document.getElementById("qr-filerm").addEventListener("click", clearImage);
127     //image setting html elements.
128     var qrTable = document.createElement("TABLE");
129     qrTable.setAttribute("id", "qrImages");
130     qrTable.setAttribute("style", "text-align:center");
131     qrWindow.appendChild(qrTable);
132     qrWindow.appendChild(document.createElement("BR"));
134     var instructionRow = document.createElement("TR");
135     var topRowNodes = [document.createElement("BR"),
136                        document.createTextNode("Insert Tags to search from danbooru bellow."),
137                        document.createElement("BR"),
138                        document.createTextNode("Do Not Use \"order:\" tags"),
139                        document.createElement("BR"),
140                        document.createTextNode("Do Not Use \"rating:\" tags"),
141                        document.createElement("BR"),
142                        document.createTextNode("For more speed uncheck all boxes!"),
143                       ];
144     topRowNodes.forEach(
145         function(node){
146             instructionRow.appendChild(node);
147         });
148     qrTable.appendChild(instructionRow);
150     var optionsRow = document.createElement("TR");
151     optionsRow.setAttribute("ID", "or");
152     optionsRow.setAttribute("style", "margin:5px;");
153     qrTable.appendChild(optionsRow);
154     var checkSafe = document.createElement("INPUT");
155     checkSafe.setAttribute("id", "safe");
156     checkSafe.setAttribute("type", "checkbox");
157     var safeText  = document.createTextNode("Safe");
158     var checkQuest= document.createElement("INPUT");
159     checkQuest.setAttribute("id", "questionable");
160     checkQuest.setAttribute("type", "checkbox");
161     var questText= document.createTextNode("Questionable");
162     var checkExplicit = document.createElement("INPUT");
163     checkExplicit.setAttribute("id", "explicit");
164     checkExplicit.setAttribute("type", "checkbox");
165     var explText = document.createTextNode("Explicit");
167     optionsRow.appendChild(safeText);
168     optionsRow.appendChild(checkSafe);
169     optionsRow.appendChild(questText);
170     optionsRow.appendChild(checkQuest);
171     optionsRow.appendChild(explText);
172     optionsRow.appendChild(checkExplicit);
174     var tagRow = document.createElement("TR");
175     var secondRowNodes = [
176         document.createTextNode("Tags: "),
177         document.createElement("INPUT"),
178         document.createElement("INPUT"),
179         document.createElement("A"),
180         document.createElement("INPUT"),
181     ];
182     secondRowNodes.forEach(
183         function(node){
184             tagRow.appendChild(node);
185         });
186     qrTable.appendChild(tagRow);
188     var autoCompleteRow = document.createElement("TR");
189     autoCompleteRow.setAttribute("ID", "acr");
190     autoCompleteRow.setAttribute("style", "margin:5px;");
191     qrTable.appendChild(autoCompleteRow);
193     secondRowNodes[1].setAttribute("ID", "tags");
194     secondRowNodes[1].setAttribute("style", "width:44.9%");
195     secondRowNodes[3].setAttribute("ID", "timer");
196     secondRowNodes[3].setAttribute("style", "width:20%;margin:0 5px");
197     secondRowNodes[4].setAttribute("ID", "urlContainer");
198     secondRowNodes[4].setAttribute("style", "width:20%;margin:0 5px");
199     secondRowNodes[4].setAttribute("disabled", "");
200     var tags = "";
201     var tagNode = document.getElementById("tags");
202     var rightMost;
203     var leftMost;
205     secondRowNodes[2].setAttribute("ID", "imageButton");
206     secondRowNodes[2].setAttribute("type", "button");
207     secondRowNodes[2].setAttribute("value", "Set Image");
210     //event listener logic
211     secondRowNodes[2].addEventListener("click", buttonClickFunction);
213     //ping ever 0.5s for changes
214     taggingFunction = setInterval(
215         function(){setTagInterface(tagNode, autoCompleteRow, secondRowNodes);},
216         500);
220 function buttonClickFunction(){
221         tries = Array();
222         primed_for_fail = false;
223         for(var i = 0 ; i < timeout_functions.length; i++){
224                 clearInterval(timeout_functions[i]);
225         }
226         tag_incorrect_state = false;
227         timeout = false;
228         document.getElementById("tags").setAttribute("disabled", 1);
229         document.getElementById("imageButton").setAttribute("disabled", 1);
230         time = time_max;
231         timeout_functions.push(setInterval(counterFunction, 1000));
232         setImage();
235 function clearImage(){
236     var dList = document.getElementById("dump-list");
237     dList.firstChild.style.backgroundImage = "url()";//trigger mutation event
238     imgURL = ""; //get mutation to set to dead
241 var setTagInterface =  function(tagNode, autoCompleteRow, secondRowNodes){
242     tags = tagNode.value;
243     if(oldVal !== tags){
244         var cursorPos = tagNode.selectionStart - 1;
245         var currentTag =  (function(){
246             var currentChar = tags.charAt(cursorPos);
247             var i = 0;
248             rightMost = cursorPos;
249             while(currentChar != " " && currentChar != "" && currentChar !== undefined){
250                 i++;
251                 currentChar = tags.charAt(cursorPos + i);
252                 if(currentChar != " " && currentChar != "") rightMost = cursorPos + i;
253             }
254             rightMost += 1;
255             currentChar = tags.charAt(cursorPos);
256             i = 0;
257             leftMost = cursorPos;
258             while(currentChar != " " && currentChar != ""  && currentChar !== undefined){
259                 i++;
260                 currentChar = tags.charAt(cursorPos - i);
261                 if(currentChar != " " && currentChar != "") leftMost = cursorPos - i;
262             }
263             return tags.substring(leftMost, rightMost);
264         })();
265         var xhr = new GM_xmlhttpRequest(({
266             method: "GET",
267             url: "https://danbooru.donmai.us/tags.json?search[name_matches]=" + currentTag + "*&search[order]=count",
268             responseType : "json",
269             onload: function(data){
270                 data = data.response;
271                 var tagArray = tags.split(" ");
272                 while (autoCompleteRow.hasChildNodes()) {
273                     autoCompleteRow.removeChild(autoCompleteRow.lastChild);
274                 }
275                 for (var i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++){
276                     var a  = document.createElement("A");
277                     a.setAttribute("style", "padding:5px;padding-top:0px;font-size:15px;font-weight:bold;border:1px solid black;");
278                     var tagText = data["" + i];
279                     if(tagText == "" || tagText === undefined) break;
280                     tagText = tagText["name"];
282                     var aTxt  = document.createTextNode(data[i]["name"]);
284                     autoCompleteRow.appendChild(a);
285                     a.appendChild(aTxt);
286                     a.addEventListener("click", function(evt){
287                         tagArray[tagArray.indexOf(currentTag)] = this.textContent;
288                         secondRowNodes[1].value = tagArray.join(" ");
289                     });
290                 }
291             }}));
292     }
293     oldVal =  tagNode.value;
296 var setImage = function(){
297     //Set image tags.
298     var tags = document.getElementById("tags").value;
300     //TODO 4cx notification of warning(no error)
301     if(tags.indexOf(":") > -1) {
302         alert4ChanX("Character ':' not used for file characteristic searches", "warning");
303     }
304     tags = tags.split(" ");
306     var xhr_image_load = new GM_xmlhttpRequest(({
307         method: "GET",
308         //returns a list of all tags and their properties
309         url: "https://danbooru.donmai.us/tags.json?search[name]=" + tags.join() + "&search[order]=count",
310         responseType : "json",
311         onload: function(data)
312         {
313             verifyTags(data, tags);
314                         if(fail_state) return;
316             //set the end
317             var endURL = ratingURL(tags, JSONTag);
319             var URL = setPostAndPage(endURL, tags);
320             sendURL = URL;
321             //final check, sends final request after function or calls this function again
322             getJSON(URL, checkPageFromDanbooru, tags);
323         }}));
326 function verifyTags(data, tags){
327     data = data.response;
328     if(tags.length == 1 && tags[0] == "") JSONTag = [{"name":""}];
329     else JSONTag = data;
330         fail_state = false;
331     if(data.length == 0){
332         //TODO 4cx notification of error)
333         alert4ChanX("All tags incorrect", "error");
334                 fail_state = true;
335                 document.getElementById("timer").textContent = "";
336                 document.getElementById("tags").removeAttribute("disabled");
337                 document.getElementById("imageButton").removeAttribute("disabled");
338         return;
339     }
340         else if(data.length != tags.length && !tag_incorrect_state){
341                 tag_incorrect_state = true;
342                 if(document.getElementById("tags").value.trim() == "") alert4ChanX("No Tags", "info");
343                 else alert4ChanX("One Tag Incorrect", "warning");
344         }
345     //tag size. Smallest tag is placed at bottom of JSON
346     smallestTag = parseInt(data[data.length-1]["post_count"]);
349 var setPostAndPage = function(endURL, tags){
350         //posts
351         if(number_of_posts > 0)
352     number_of_posts = 0;
353    //page
354         if(top_page != top_page_max) smallestTag = top_page * 20;
355     if(smallestTag == 0) smallestTag = 100;
356         do{     
357                 escape_cond = true;
358                 pageNo = ((Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000)) % Math.ceil(smallestTag / 20)) % 1000;    //1000 is max page search limit
359                 tries.forEach(function(page){
360                         if(page == 0){
361                                 primed_for_fail = true;
362                                 escape_cond = true;
363                                 return;
364                         }
365                         else if(page == pageNo){
366                                 escape_cond = false;
367                                 return;
368                         }
369                 });
370         } while(!escape_cond);
371         tries.push(pageNo);
373     var URL = "https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts.json?page=" + pageNo + endURL;
375     loopOne = false;
376     loopPage = pageNo;
377     loopPost = number_of_posts;
378     sameTrigger = 0;
379     return URL;
382 var ratingURL = function(tags, data){
383     var URL = "";
384     if(document.getElementById("safe").checked){
385         if(document.getElementById("questionable").checked){
386             if(document.getElementById("explicit").checked){
387                 if(data.length > 1)  URL =  "&utf8=%E2%9C%93&tags=" + data[data.length-2]["name"] + "+" + data[data.length-1]["name"];
388                 else  URL =  "&utf8=%E2%9C%93&tags=" + data[data.length-1]["name"];
389             }
390             else{
391                 URL =  "&utf8=%E2%9C%93&tags=" + "-rating%3Aexplicit" + "+" + data[data.length-1]["name"];
392             }
393         }
394         else if(document.getElementById("explicit").checked){
395             URL = "&utf8=%E2%9C%93&tags=" + "-rating%3Aquestionable" + "+" + data[data.length-1]["name"];
396         }
397         else{
398             URL = "&utf8=%E2%9C%93&tags=" + "rating%3Asafe" + "+" + data[data.length-1]["name"];
399         }
400     }
401     else if(document.getElementById("questionable").checked){
402         if(document.getElementById("explicit").checked){
403             URL =  "&utf8=%E2%9C%93&tags=" + "-rating%3Asafe" + "+" + data[data.length-1]["name"];
404         }
405         else{
406             URL =  "&utf8=%E2%9C%93&tags=" + "rating%3Aquestionable" + "+" + data[data.length-1]["name"];
407         }
408     }
409     else if(document.getElementById("explicit").checked){
410         URL =  "&utf8=%E2%9C%93&tags=" + "rating%3Aexplicit" + "+" + data[data.length-1]["name"];
411     }
412     else{
413         if(data.length > 1)  URL =  "&utf8=%E2%9C%93&tags=" + data[data.length-2]["name"] + "+" + data[data.length-1]["name"];
414         else  URL = "&utf8=%E2%9C%93&tags=" + data[data.length-1]["name"];
415     }
416     return URL;
419 //check if valid url location
420 var primed_for_fail = false;
421 var checkPageFromDanbooru = function(err, data, tags){
422         if (err != null) {
423                 console.log('Something went wrong: ' + err);
424                 alert4ChanX("Danbooru Server Did Not Perform request -- Error: "  + err, "error");
425                 top_page = top_page_max;
426                 attemptCounter = attemptMax;
427                 document.getElementById("timer").textContent = "";
428                 document.getElementById("tags").removeAttribute("disabled");
429                 document.getElementById("imageButton").removeAttribute("disabled");
430                 pageNo = 0;
431                 //number_of_posts = 0;
432         }
433         else {
434                 if(primed_for_fail){
435                         alert4ChanX("No Results", "error");
436                         top_page = top_page_max;
437                         attemptCounter = attemptMax;
438                         document.getElementById("timer").textContent = "";
439                         document.getElementById("tags").removeAttribute("disabled");
440                         document.getElementById("imageButton").removeAttribute("disabled");
441                         return;
442                 }
443                 //redo
444                 else if(data.length < number_of_posts+1 && attemptCounter > 0) {
445                         if(top_page > pageNo){
446                                 top_page = pageNo + number_of_posts / 20;
447                         }
448                         attemptCounter--;
449                         document.getElementById("timer").textContent = attemptCounter + "|" + time;
450                         setImage();
451                 }
452                 //process page
453                 else if (attemptCounter > 0){
454                         //ALL PARAMETERS WILL BE RESET INSIDE JSON
455                         document.getElementById("timer").textContent =  attemptCounter + "|" + time;
456                         getJSON(sendURL, setImageFromDanbooru, tags);
457                 }
458                 else{
459                         alert4ChanX("Not found", "error");
460                         top_page = top_page_max;
461                         attemptCounter = attemptMax;
462                         document.getElementById("timer").textContent = "";
463                         document.getElementById("tags").removeAttribute("disabled");
464                         document.getElementById("imageButton").removeAttribute("disabled");     
465                         return;
466                 }
467         }
470 var setImageFromDanbooru = function(err, data, tags){
471     if (err != null) {
472         console.log('Something went wrong: ' + err);
473         alert4ChanX("Danbooru Server Did Not Perform request -- Error: "  + err, "error");
474         top_page = top_page_max;
475         attemptCounter = attemptMax;
476         document.getElementById("timer").textContent = "";
477         document.getElementById("tags").removeAttribute("disabled");
478         document.getElementById("imageButton").removeAttribute("disabled");
480     }
481     else {
482                 JSONPage = data;
483                 var image_found = false;
484                 for (number_of_posts = 0; number_of_posts < 20 ; number_of_posts++){
485                         if(timeout){
486                                 alert4ChanX("timeout after " + time +" seconds", "error");
487                                 clearInterval(counterFunction);
488                                 document.getElementById("timer").textContent = "";
489                                 document.getElementById("tags").removeAttribute("disabled");
490                                 document.getElementById("imageButton").removeAttribute("disabled");
491                                 top_page = top_page_max;
492                                 attemptCounter = attemptMax;
493                                 return;
494                         }
495                         else if(JSONPage["" + number_of_posts] == undefined){
496                                 top_page = pageNo;
497                                 attemptCounter--;
498                                 setImage();
499                                 return;
500                         }
502                         var endURL = JSONPage["" + number_of_posts].file_url;
503                         var URL = "https://danbooru.donmai.us" + endURL;
505                         urlContainterFunction(URL);
507                         var fail = false;
509                         if(endURL === undefined ||
510                            endURL.indexOf(".mp4") > -1 || endURL.indexOf(".webm") > -1 || endURL.indexOf(".swf") > -1 || endURL.indexOf(".zip") > -1){
511                                 // top_page = pageNo;
512                                 // attemptCounter--;
513                                 // setImage();
514                                 // return;
515                                 continue;
516                         }
517                         else{
518                                 tags.forEach(function(tag){
519                                         if(tag.indexOf("order:") > -1);
520                                         else if(tag.indexOf("rating:") > -1){
521                                                 if(tag.charAt(7) !== JSONPage["" + number_of_posts]["rating"]){
522                                                         fail = true;
523                                                         return;
524                                                 }
525                                         }
526                                         else if(JSONPage["" + number_of_posts]["tag_string"].indexOf(tag) == -1){
527                                                 fail = true;
528                                                 return;
529                                         }
530                                 });
531                         }
532                         if(fail){
533                                 // top_page = pageNo;
534                                 // attemptCounter--;
535                                 // setImage();
536                                 // return;
537                                 continue;
538                         }
539                         else{
540                                 if(JSONPage["" + number_of_posts].file_size >= 4000000){
541                                         var endURL = JSONPage["" + number_of_posts].large_file_url;
542                                         var URL = "https://danbooru.donmai.us" + endURL;
543                                 }
544                                 document.getElementById("timer").textContent = "...";
545                                 imgURL = URL;
546                                 var xhr = new GM_xmlhttpRequest(({
547                                         method: "GET",
548                                         url: URL,
549                                         responseType : "arraybuffer",
550                                         onload: function(response)
551                                         {
552                                                 top_page = top_page_max;
553                                                 attemptCounter = attemptMax;
554                                                 document.getElementById("tags").removeAttribute("disabled");
555                                                 document.getElementById("imageButton").removeAttribute("disabled");
556                                                 loopOne = false;
557                                                 clearInterval(intervalFunction);
558                                                 time = time_max;
559                                                 var counter = document.getElementById("timer");
560                                                 while(counter.hasChildNodes())
561                                                         document.getElementById("timer").removeChild(document.getElementById("timer").lastChild);
563                                                 var blob;
564                                                 if(endURL.indexOf(".jpg") > -1)
565                                                         blob = new Blob([response.response], {type:"image/jpeg"});
566                                                 else if(endURL.indexOf(".png") > -1)
567                                                         blob = new Blob([response.response], {type:"image/png"});
568                                                 else if(endURL.indexOf(".gif") > -1)
569                                                         blob = new Blob([response.response], {type:"image/gif"});
572                                                 var name = endURL.replace(/(data|cached)/g, "");
573                                                 name = name.replace(/\//g, "");
575                                                 //SEND RESULTING RESPONSE TO 4CHANX FILES === QRSetFile
576                                                 var detail = {file:blob, name:name};
577                                                 if (typeof cloneInto === 'function') {
578                                                         detail  = cloneInto(detail , document.defaultView);
579                                                 }
580                                                 document.getElementById("dump-list").firstChild.click();
581                                                 document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('QRSetFile', {bubbles:true, detail}));
582                                         }
583                                 }));
584                                                                                                 //end function;
585                                 image_found = true;
586                                 number_of_posts = 9001;
587                         }
588                 }
589                 if(!image_found){
590                         top_page = pageNo;
591                         attemptCounter--;
592                         setImage();
593                 }
594     }
597 var urlContainterFunction = function(url){
598     var urlBox = document.getElementById("urlContainer");
599     urlBox.value = url;
602 var counterFunction  = function(){
603     if(!timeout){
604         time--;
605         if(time < 0){
606             timeout = true;
607             time = time_max;
608         }
609     }
612 var getJSON = function(url, callback, extra) {
613     var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
614     xhr.open('GET', url, true);
615     xhr.responseType = 'json';
616     xhr.onload = function() {
617         var status = xhr.status;
618         if (status == 200) {
619             callback(null, xhr.response, extra);
620         } else {
621             callback(status);
622         }
623     };
624     xhr.send();