Initial commit
[2ch-be.git] / dev-test / status2.php
1 <?php
2 //DMDM = email
3 //MDMD = password
4 include('encrypt.php');
5 // isset if login or not
6 if (!isset($_COOKIE['DMDM']) && !isset($_COOKIE['MDMD'])) {
7 header('location:index.php');
8 exit;
11 $icoimg="";
13 $email = Decrypt($_COOKIE['DMDM'],KEY);
14 $email = filter_var($email, FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL);
16 if (!filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
17 exit;
20 include('inf.php');
22 $fdir = substr($email, 0, 1);
23 $sdir = substr($email, 1, 1);
24 $data = @file(DB_PATH."$fdir/$sdir/$email");
26 if(count($data)<3) {
27 foreach($_COOKIE as $ky => $vl)
28 setcookie($ky,"",time()-3600);
29 header('location:index.php');
30 exit;
33 for ($i=0; $i < count($data); $i++) {
34 $data[$i] = trim($data[$i]);
36 if(count($data)>5){
37 $mystatus = '';
38 if($data[6]!=FORGOT){
39 $mystatus = urldecode($data[6]);
40 $mystatus = str_replace("<br>","\n",$mystatus);
44 $e_ = (isset($_GET['e_'])) ? strip_tags(addslashes(filter_var($_GET['e_'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING))):'';
45 if($e_=='1'){
46 $isforedit =true;
49 if (isset($_GET['ico'])) {
50 $ico = $_GET['ico'];
51 $ico=trim($ico);
52 if(preg_match('/[^a-z_\-0-9._]/i', $ico)){
53 $ico ="";
56 $type =Array(1 => 'gif'); //store all the image extension types in array
57 $ext = explode(".",$ico); //explode and find value after dot
58 if (strlen($ext[0]) <= 0 ) $ico = "nida.gif";
59 if(!(in_array($ext[1],$type))) //check image extension not in the array $type
61 echo "412";
62 exit;
65 $icoimg = "<img src=\"".$livesitePath2."/ico/".$ico."\" class='pic'/>";
66 $data[5] =$ico;
67 $writeData = implode("\n",$data);
68 file_put_contents(DB_PATH."$fdir/$sdir/$email", $writeData);
69 header('location:status.php');
72 if (isset($data[5]) && !empty($data[5])) {
73 $ico=trim($data[5]);
74 if(preg_match('/[^a-z_\-0-9._]/i', $ico))
76 $ico ="";
78 $icoimg = "<img src=\"".$livesitePath2."/ico/".$ico."\" class='pic'/>";
81 include "include/header.php";
83 $inbox = new Message;
84 $uid = $inbox->GetID($_COOKIE['DMDM'],$id_mail_path);
88 <body>
89 <div class="well well-sm pad3">
91 <!-- navigation-->
92 <?php require 'include/nav.php'; ?>
93 <!-- end navigation-->
95 <!--<h3 class="form-signin-heading">Xe[^Xy[W</h3>-->
97 <a href="choose.php"><div class="ic panel panel-default pull-left"><?php echo $icoimg; ?></div></a><!-- ACR�gNbNX -->
99 <!-- start tripcode -->
100 <div class="panel2 panel panel-default ">
101 <h5><strong>ƒgƒŠƒbƒv:</strong></h5>
102 <!-- tripcode -->
103 <div class="tripc input-group">
104 <span class="input-group-addon"><strong>#</strong></span>
105 <input type="text" class="form-control" name="trip" id="trip_c" value="<?php print $data[7];?>" />
106 <!-- <input type="text" class="form-control" value="B1VjUMK0na7D"/> -->
107 <span class="input-group-btn">
108 <button class="btn btn-default" type="submit" value="vZ" id="caltrip" />
109 <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-random"></span>
110 </button>
111 </span>
112 </div>
114 </div>
115 <!-- end tripcode!! -->
117 <!-- start status -->
118 <div class="panel4 panel panel-default b ">
119 <strong>�Љ</strong>
120 <?php if(!$isforedit){
121 $hide="";
122 } else {
123 $hide="hide";
125 <form method="post">
126 <?php if(isset($echo)) echo "<span style=\"color:green\">$echo</span>"; ?>
127 <button name="isca" class="bottom btn btn-default pull-right btn-sm">
128 <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove"></span>
129 </button>
130 <button name="isub" class="bottom btn btn-default pull-right btn-sm">
131 <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok"></span>
132 </button>
133 <div class="clearfix"></div>
134 <textarea rows="4" id="input" name="info" class="textpanel form-control " maxlength="250"><?php echo $mystatus; ?></textarea>
135 </form>
137 <?php
141 <a href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?e_=1'; ?>" class="<?php echo $hide; ?> bottom btn btn-default pull-right btn-sm">
142 <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-edit"></span>
143 </a>
144 <div class="clearfix"></div>
145 <textarea class="unclick wordwrap_ panel panel-default scroll <?php echo $hide; ?>" style="width:100%;"> <?php echo $mystatus; ?></textarea>
147 </div>
148 <!-- end status -->
150 <div class="clearfix"></div>
152 <div class="panel3 panel panel-default txt ">
153 <?php
154 $points = file_get_contents("".$email);
155 echo
156 "<h5><strong>Eƒ��[ƒ‹:</strong> ".$data[1]."</h5>
157 <h5><strong>Beƒ|ƒCƒ“ƒg:</strong><span class='badge'> ".$data[3]."</span></h5>
158 <h5><strong>ƒ�ƒ�ƒ“ƒ|ƒCƒ“ƒg:</strong><span class='badge'> ".$points."</span>
161 echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=\"convert.php\" target=\"_blank\">•ÏŠ·</a>";
162 echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=\"transfer.php\" target=\"_blank\">‘—‚é</a>";
163 if(detect_device2($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) == "PLSDISPLAY"){
164 echo "
165 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">”ƒ‚¤</a>
166 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">ƒKƒCƒh</a></h5>
167 <br><a href=\"\">ƒ�ƒ�ƒ“ƒVƒ‡ƒbƒv</a><br><br>
172 <h5>ƒ�ƒ�ƒ“ƒ|ƒCƒ“ƒg‚²—˜—p—š—ð:</h5>
173 <div style="padding:5px;" id="logs" class="panel panel-default scroll ">
174 <?php
175 $u_log = file_get_contents("".$email);
176 echo trim($u_log);
178 </div>
179 <h4 class="text pull-right"> <a href="logout.php"><span class="label label-danger">ƒ�ƒOƒAƒEƒg</span></a> </h4>
180 <h4 class="text pull-right"> <a href="change_pass.php"><span class="label label-primary">ƒpƒXƒ��[ƒh•Ï�X</span></a> </h4>
181 <div class="clearfix"></div>
182 </div>
184 </div>
186 <?php
187 require 'include/footer.php';
188 echo "IP5s";