Wind Guardian shit
[18plus-7leafadventure.git] / src / org / sevenchan / dongs / towns /
1 package org.sevenchan.dongs.towns
3 import org.sevenchan.dongs.Creature;
4 import org.sevenchan.dongs.screens.ShopScreen;
5 import org.sevenchan.dongs.Town;
7 /**
8 * ...
9 * @author N3X15
11 public class TownDamned extends Town
14 public function TownDamned()
16 super();
17 ID = "damned";
18 name = "Damned";
19 inhabitants = [
20 Creature.CreatureRegistry.demon,
21 //Creature.CreatureRegistry.cowgirl
23 isWilds = false;
24 freeRest = false;
25 connectedTowns = [
26 "horus"
28 = new ShopScreen(this, 20, [
32 ]);
35 override public function onEnter():void
37 text = "<p>The city festers around you, ignorant of your plans.</p>";
40 override public function onRevelation():Boolean
42 if (main.player.hasEnchantment("windblessing")) {
43 text = "<h2>Damned</h2><p>You look up from the rock path cut into the mountain, dust "
44 +"caked into your travel-tanned skin. As you reach the summit of the mountain, you "
45 +"look ahead and see a thickly forested valley, with a city in the middle. You make "
46 +"your way towards it, and begin to make it out.</p>" +
47 "<p>Black towers with eerie red lights stretch into the burning skies, as though "
48 +"defying gravity itself. Walkways interconnect the tower and swarm with beasts "
49 +"great and small. A terrible smell, that of death and body odor, fills the murky "
50 +"air. To top it all off, as you reach the front gate, a tattered iron sign "
51 +"proudly proclaims the city's name: Damned.</p>";
52 return true;
53 } else {
55 trace("COMBATTIEM");
56 main.startCombat(null, Creature.CreatureRegistry.ala);
57 return false;
61 override public function onExplore(bumpedInto:Creature):void
63 text = "<p>Damned is an immense city built from a black stone mined from the surrounding "
64 +"mountains. Torches are everywhere because of the stone making the rooms, towers, and "
65 +"catwalks around the city look dark. You doubt anyamount of torches would make the "
66 +"city look even remotely inviting, as the designers seemed to have thrown up their "
67 +"hands in exasperation and went with the evil theme. Sharp-looking rock spires jut "
68 +"from every external surface, and some corpses are even skewered on many of them, "
69 +"either as a warning or, more likely, purely for decoration.</p>"
70 +"<p>The people that live here aren't much friendlier. Roving gangs of thugs "
71 +"terrorize the business district, demanding money for &quot;protection&quot;, many "
72 +"simply killing the owner after taking his money. Smarter (and richer) business "
73 +"owners have resorted to hiring their own gangs to protect themselves from the other "
74 +"gangs (and earn side-money selling narcotics and whores). The entire town is a "
75 +"cycle of crime.</p>";
78 override public function onShopWelcome():String
80 return "<p>&quot;Well, I'll be goddamned. If it isn't an outsider.&quot; A thick, "
81 +"italian accent remarks from behind fat, red lips in the middle of an equally "
82 +"fat red face. You can't do anything but stare at the top of the demon's head, where "
83 +"a pile of grease that might have once been hair resides.</p><p>The man frowns. "
84 +"&quot;Are you gonna buy anything, or what?&quot; He crosses his rather hairy arms."
85 +"</p>";
88 override public function onShopBuyMenu():String
90 return "<p>You can hear sweaty palms rub together anxiously as a terrifying grin parts the "
91 +"shopkeeper's mouth. &quot;Great, so what'll it be?&quot;";
94 override public function onShopSellMenu():String
96 return "<p>&quot;Oh, and who did you steal this from? Nah, just kidding, show me what you"
97 +"'ve got.&quot;</p>";