Use 0launch's console-based progress handler (added in 0.44)
[0test.git] / 0test
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 # Copyright (C) 2008, Thomas Leonard
3 # Visit for details.
5 import os, traceback, sys
6 from optparse import OptionParser
8 sys.path.insert(0, os.environ["0TEST_ZEROINSTALL"])
10 from zeroinstall.injector import autopolicy, iface_cache, model, run, handler, arch
12 version = '0.2'
14 parser = OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog [INTERFACE VERSION ...] ...\n\n"
15 "For example, to test three versions of 0compile against two versions of Zero Install:\n\n"
16 "0test 0.10 0.12 0.12-post \\\n"
17 " 0.31 0.36")
19 parser.add_option("", "--html", help="write results as HTML", action='store', metavar='OUTPUT')
20 parser.add_option("-t", "--test-command", help="specify a custom test command", action='store', metavar='CMD')
21 parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", help="more verbose output", action='count')
22 parser.add_option("-V", "--version", help="display version information", action='store_true')
24 (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
26 if options.version:
27 print "0test (zero-install) " + version
28 print "Copyright (C) 2008 Thomas Leonard"
29 print "This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY,"
30 print "to the extent permitted by law."
31 print "You may redistribute copies of this program"
32 print "under the terms of the GNU General Public License."
33 print "For more information about these matters, see the file named COPYING."
34 sys.exit(0)
36 if not args:
37 parser.print_help()
38 sys.exit(1)
40 if options.verbose:
41 import logging
42 logger = logging.getLogger()
43 if options.verbose == 1:
44 logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
45 else:
46 logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
48 test_ifaces = []
49 test_wrapper = options.test_command
50 test_matrix = {}
52 if test_wrapper:
53 test_wrapper += ' #'
55 iface = None
56 for x in args:
57 if x[0].isdigit() and iface:
58 test_matrix[iface].append(x)
59 else:
60 assert x not in test_matrix, "Interface %s given twice!" % x
61 iface = model.canonical_iface_uri(x)
62 test_matrix[iface] = []
63 test_ifaces.append(iface)
65 # We don't need to specify the version of the interface under test.
66 test_iface = test_ifaces[0]
67 if not test_matrix[test_iface]:
68 del test_matrix[test_iface]
69 del test_ifaces[0]
71 if options.html and len(test_ifaces) < 2:
72 print >>sys.stderr, "Need versions for at least two interfaces for --html mode."
73 possible_deps = set()
74 for impl in iface_cache.iface_cache.get_feed(test_iface).implementations.values():
75 for dep in impl.requires:
76 if dep.interface not in test_matrix:
77 possible_deps.add(dep.interface)
78 if possible_deps:
79 print "Suggestions:"
80 for url in possible_deps:
81 print "-", url
83 sys.exit(1)
85 # We do need a version for all the others (else what was the point of listing them?)
86 for iface in test_ifaces[1:]:
87 if not test_matrix[iface]:
88 raise Exception("No versions given for interface %s" % iface)
90 class VersionRestriction(model.Restriction):
91 def __init__(self, version):
92 self.version = version
94 def meets_restriction(self, impl):
95 return impl.get_version() == self.version
97 def __repr__(self):
98 return "version = %s" % self.version
100 # Yield a sequence of set((uri, version)), one for each combination to test
101 def get_combos(ifaces):
102 if not ifaces:
103 yield {}
104 return
105 for version in test_matrix[ifaces[0]]:
106 for combo in get_combos(ifaces[1:]):
107 combo[ifaces[0]] = version
108 yield combo.copy()
110 def all_combinations():
111 return get_combos(test_ifaces)
113 class TestingArchitecture(arch.Architecture):
114 use = frozenset([None, "testing"])
116 def __init__(self, child_arch):
117 arch.Architecture.__init__(self, child_arch.os_ranks, child_arch.machine_ranks)
118 self.child_arch = child_arch
120 ap = autopolicy.AutoPolicy(test_iface)
121 ap.target_arch = TestingArchitecture(ap.target_arch)
123 if os.isatty(1):
124 ap.handler = handler.ConsoleHandler()
126 # Explore all combinations...
128 tested_iface = iface_cache.iface_cache.get_interface(test_iface)
130 def _get_implementation_path(impl):
131 return impl.local_path or iface_cache.iface_cache.stores.lookup_any(impl.digests)
133 def format_combo(selections):
134 this_combo = []
135 for x in selections:
136 impl = selections[x]
137 if impl:
138 version = impl.get_version()
139 else:
140 version = '(none)'
141 this_combo.append("%s v%s" % (x.get_name(), version))
142 return ', '.join(this_combo)
144 def run_tests(ap):
145 root_impl = ap.get_implementation(tested_iface)
147 print format_combo(ap.solver.selections)
149 if test_wrapper:
150 tests_dir = None
151 test_main = None
152 else:
153 test_main = root_impl.metadata.get("self-test", None)
154 if not test_main:
155 print >>sys.stderr, "No self-test for version %s" % root_impl.get_version()
156 return "skipped"
157 main_abs = os.path.join(_get_implementation_path(root_impl), test_main)
158 if not os.path.exists(main_abs):
159 print >>sys.stderr, "Test executable does not exist:", main_abs
160 return "skipped"
162 tests_dir = os.path.dirname(main_abs)
163 test_main = '/' + test_main
165 child = os.fork()
166 if child:
167 # We are the parent
168 pid, status = os.waitpid(child, 0)
169 assert pid == child
170 print "Status:", hex(status)
171 if status == 0:
172 return "passed"
173 else:
174 return "failed"
175 else:
176 # We are the child
177 try:
178 try:
179 if test_wrapper is None:
180 os.chdir(tests_dir)
181 run.execute(ap, [], main = test_main, wrapper = test_wrapper)
182 os._exit(0)
183 except model.SafeException, ex:
184 print >>sys.stderr, str(ex)
185 except:
186 traceback.print_exc()
187 finally:
188 sys.stdout.flush()
189 sys.stderr.flush()
190 os._exit(1)
192 if 'DISPLAY' in os.environ and not test_wrapper:
193 del os.environ['DISPLAY']
195 results_by_combo = {} # { set((uri, version)) : status }
196 results_by_status = { # status -> [ selections ]
197 'passed': [],
198 'skipped': [],
199 'failed': [],
202 for combo in all_combinations():
203 key = set()
204 restrictions = {}
205 for (uri, version) in combo.iteritems():
206 restrictions[iface_cache.iface_cache.get_interface(uri)] = [VersionRestriction(version)]
207 key.add((uri, version))
209 ap.solver.extra_restrictions = restrictions
210 solve = ap.solve_with_downloads()
211 ap.handler.wait_for_blocker(solve)
212 if not ap.ready:
213 result = 'skipped'
214 else:
215 download = ap.download_uncached_implementations()
216 if download:
217 ap.handler.wait_for_blocker(download)
219 tested_impl = ap.implementation[tested_iface]
221 result = run_tests(ap)
223 selections = ap.solver.selections.copy()
224 results_by_status[result].append(selections)
225 results_by_combo[frozenset(key)] = (result, selections)
227 print "\nSUMMARY:\n"
229 for label in ["passed", "skipped", "failed"]:
230 results = results_by_status[label]
231 if not results:
232 print "None", label
233 else:
234 print label.capitalize()
235 for combo in results:
236 print " - " + format_combo(combo)
238 html_file = options.html
240 if html_file:
241 from xml.dom import minidom
242 impl = minidom.getDOMImplementation()
243 doctype = impl.createDocumentType("html",
244 "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN",
245 "")
246 XMLNS_XHTML = ""
247 doc = impl.createDocument(XMLNS_XHTML, "html", doctype)
248 root = doc.documentElement
250 head = doc.createElement('head')
251 root.appendChild(head)
252 title = doc.createElement('title')
253 title.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('0test results for ' + test_iface))
254 head.appendChild(title)
255 style = doc.createElement('style')
256 head.appendChild(style)
257 style.setAttribute('type', "text/css")
258 style.appendChild(doc.createTextNode("""
259 table.testresults {
260 border: 1px solid black;
261 background: white;
262 color: white;
265 table.testresults th {
266 text-align: left;
267 background: #888;
270 table.testresults td.passed {
271 white-space: pre;
274 table.testresults td.passed {
275 background: green;
278 table.testresults td.skipped {
279 background: yellow;
280 color: #888;
283 table.testresults td.failed {
284 background: red;
286 """))
288 body = doc.createElement('body')
289 root.appendChild(body)
291 for outer_combo in get_combos(test_ifaces[:-2]):
292 outer_key = frozenset(outer_combo.items())
293 outers = [(iface_cache.iface_cache.get_feed(uri).get_name() + " " + version) for (uri, version) in outer_combo.iteritems()]
295 heading = doc.createElement('h1')
296 heading.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(', '.join(outers) or 'Results'))
297 body.appendChild(heading)
299 table = doc.createElement('table')
300 table.setAttribute('class', 'testresults')
301 body.appendChild(table)
303 col_iface_uri = test_ifaces[-1]
304 row_iface_uri = test_ifaces[-2]
306 col_iface = iface_cache.iface_cache.get_interface(col_iface_uri)
307 row_iface = iface_cache.iface_cache.get_interface(row_iface_uri)
309 test_columns = list(get_combos([test_ifaces[-1]]))
311 row = doc.createElement('tr')
312 table.appendChild(row)
313 th = doc.createElement('th')
314 row.appendChild(th)
315 th = doc.createElement('th')
316 th.setAttribute("colspan", str(len(test_columns)))
317 row.appendChild(th)
318 th.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(col_iface.get_name()))
320 row = doc.createElement('tr')
321 table.appendChild(row)
322 th = doc.createElement('th')
323 row.appendChild(th)
324 th.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(row_iface.get_name()))
325 for col_iface_version in test_matrix[col_iface_uri]:
326 th = doc.createElement('th')
327 row.appendChild(th)
328 th.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(col_iface_version))
330 for row_iface_version in test_matrix[row_iface_uri]:
331 table.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('\n'))
332 row = doc.createElement('tr')
333 table.appendChild(row)
334 th = doc.createElement('th')
335 row.appendChild(th)
336 th.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(row_iface_version))
337 for col_iface in test_columns:
338 td = doc.createElement('td')
339 row.appendChild(td)
340 key = frozenset(outer_key | set([(row_iface_uri, row_iface_version), (col_iface_uri, col_iface_version)]))
342 result, selections = results_by_combo[key]
343 td.setAttribute('class', result)
345 other_ifaces = []
346 combo_ifaces = set(uri for (uri, version) in key)
347 for iface, impl in selections.iteritems():
348 if iface.uri not in combo_ifaces:
349 other_ifaces.append((iface.get_name(), impl.get_version()))
350 if other_ifaces:
351 td.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('\n'.join('%s %s' % (uri, version) for uri, version in other_ifaces)))
352 else:
353 td.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(result))
354 table.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('\n'))
356 stream = open(html_file, 'w')
357 doc.writexml(stream, encoding = 'utf8')
358 stream.close()
360 if results_by_status['failed']:
361 sys.exit(1)