[i18n] Updated POT and PO files.
[0ad.git] / binaries / data / mods / public / l10n / gd.public-templates-buildings.po
1 # Translation template for 0 A.D. — Empires Ascendant.
2 # Copyright © 2014 Wildfire Games
3 # This file is distributed under the same license as the 0 A.D. — Empires Ascendant project.
5 # Translators:
6 # GunChleoc, 2014-2016
7 # GunChleoc, 2014
8 # GunChleoc, 2014-2015
9 msgid ""
10 msgstr ""
11 "Project-Id-Version: 0 A.D.\n"
12 "POT-Creation-Date: 2016-03-19 09:26+0100\n"
13 "PO-Revision-Date: 2016-03-27 17:34+0000\n"
14 "Last-Translator: GunChleoc\n"
15 "Language-Team: Gaelic, Scottish (http://www.transifex.com/wildfire-games/0ad/language/gd/)\n"
16 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
17 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
18 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
19 "Language: gd\n"
20 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n==1 || n==11) ? 0 : (n==2 || n==12) ? 1 : (n > 2 && n < 20) ? 2 : 3;\n"
22 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_civic.xml:14
23 msgid "Civic Structure"
24 msgstr "Togalach sìobhalta"
26 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_civic.xml:15
27 msgid "Civic"
28 msgstr "Sìobhalta"
30 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_civic_civil_centre.xml:69
31 msgid "Civic Center"
32 msgstr "Ionad sìobhalta"
34 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_civic_civil_centre.xml:70
35 msgid ""
36 "Build to acquire large tracts of territory. Train citizens. Garrison: 20."
37 msgstr "Tog fear gus cnap òr de ranntair a ghabhail. Trèanaich saoranaich. Gearastan: 20."
39 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_civic_civil_centre.xml:72
40 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_civic_civil_centre.xml:34
41 msgid "CivilCentre"
42 msgstr "Ionad sìobhalta"
44 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_civic_house.xml:34
45 msgid "Increase the population limit."
46 msgstr "Ceadaich barrachd sluaigh."
48 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_civic_house.xml:36
49 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_defense_outpost.xml:60
50 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_defense_wooden_tower.xml:50
51 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_economic_farmstead.xml:27
52 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_economic_storehouse.xml:27
53 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_military_barracks.xml:31
54 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_military_dock.xml:27
55 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_resource_corral.xml:20
56 msgid "Village"
57 msgstr "Clachan"
59 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_civic_house.xml:36
60 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_civic_house.xml:33
61 msgid "House"
62 msgstr "Taigh"
64 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_civic_temple.xml:11
65 msgid "Healing Aura"
66 msgstr "Aura slànachaidh"
68 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_civic_temple.xml:12
69 msgid "Heals nearby units at 1 HP per second."
70 msgstr "Slànaichidh e aonadan am fagas le 1 PB gach diog."
72 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_civic_temple.xml:44
73 msgid ""
74 "Train healers. Garrison up to 20 units to heal them at a quick rate (3 HP "
75 "per second). Research healing and religious improvements."
76 msgstr "Trèanaich lighichean. Cuir suas ri 20 aonad ’nan gearastan ann gus an slànachadh gu luath (3 PB gach diog). Rannsaich leigheas ’s leasachaidhean a’ chreideimh."
78 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_civic_temple.xml:45
79 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_defense_defense_tower.xml:57
80 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_economic_market.xml:24
81 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_military_blacksmith.xml:32
82 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_military_embassy.xml:24
83 #: simulation/templates/structures/brit_blacksmith.xml:11
84 #: simulation/templates/structures/gaul_blacksmith.xml:11
85 msgid "Town"
86 msgstr "Baile"
88 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_civic_temple.xml:45
89 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_civic_temple.xml:43
90 msgid "Temple"
91 msgstr "Teampall"
93 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_defense.xml:14
94 msgid "Defensive Structure"
95 msgstr "Togalach dìona"
97 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_defense.xml:15
98 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_military_fortress.xml:61
99 msgid "Defensive"
100 msgstr "Dìonadach"
102 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_defense_defense_tower.xml:54
103 msgid "Defense Tower"
104 msgstr "Tùr dìona"
106 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_defense_defense_tower.xml:55
107 msgid ""
108 "Shoots arrows. Garrison to provide extra defense. Needs the murder holes "
109 "tech to protect its foot."
110 msgstr "Losgaidh e saighdean. Cuir gearastan ann airson barrachd dìona. Feumaidh e teicneolas nan tuill-mharbhaidh gus a bhonn a dhìon."
112 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_defense_defense_tower.xml:57
113 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_defense_defense_tower.xml:26
114 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_defense_wooden_tower.xml:20
115 msgid "DefenseTower"
116 msgstr "Tùr dìona"
118 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_defense_outpost.xml:58
119 msgid ""
120 "Build in neutral and own territories to scout areas of the map. Slowly "
121 "converts to Gaia while in neutral territory."
122 msgstr "Tog seo air ranntair neo-phàirteach no air an ranntair agad fhèin gus roinn dhen mhapa a rùrachadh. Thèid e ’na Ghaia mean air mhean nuair a bhios e air ranntair neo-phàirteach."
124 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_defense_outpost.xml:60
125 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_defense_outpost.xml:57
126 msgid "Outpost"
127 msgstr "Gearastan"
129 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_defense_wall.xml:27
130 msgid "Stone Wall"
131 msgstr "Balla cloiche"
133 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_defense_wall.xml:28
134 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_defense_wallset.xml:11
135 msgid "Wall off your town for a stout defense."
136 msgstr "Tog balla timcheall air a’ bhaile agad airson dìona làidir."
138 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_defense_wall_gate.xml:33
139 msgid "City Gate"
140 msgstr "Geata a’ bhaile"
142 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_defense_wall_gate.xml:34
143 msgid ""
144 "Allow units access through a city wall. Can be locked to prevent access."
145 msgstr "Leigidh seo aonadan tro bhalla a’ bhaile. Gabhaidh a ghlasadh gus inntrigeadh a bhacadh."
147 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_defense_wall_long.xml:18
148 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_defense_wall_medium.xml:18
149 msgid "Wall Protection"
150 msgstr "Dìon balla"
152 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_defense_wall_long.xml:19
153 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_defense_wall_medium.xml:19
154 msgid "Units on walls have 3 extra Armor levels"
155 msgstr "Bidh 3 a bharrachd de dh’armachd aig aonad air balla"
157 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_defense_wall_long.xml:58
158 msgid "Long wall segments can be converted to gates."
159 msgstr "Gabhaidh geata a dhèanamh de phìos fhada dhen bhalla."
161 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_defense_wall_long.xml:59
162 msgid "Convert Stone Wall into City Gate"
163 msgstr "Dèan geata baile dhen bhalla fhiodha"
165 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_defense_wall_tower.xml:58
166 msgid "Wall Turret"
167 msgstr "Turaid balla"
169 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_defense_wall_tower.xml:59
170 msgid "Shoots arrows. Garrison to defend a city wall against attackers."
171 msgstr "Losgaidh e saighdean. Cuir gearastan ann gus balla a’ bhaile a dhìon an aghaidh ionnsaighean."
173 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_defense_wallset.xml:10
174 msgid "City Wall"
175 msgstr "Balla a’ bhaile"
177 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_defense_wooden_tower.xml:46
178 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_defense_wooden_tower.xml:45
179 msgid "Wooden Tower"
180 msgstr "Tùr fiodha"
182 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_economic.xml:14
183 msgid "Economic Structure"
184 msgstr "Togalach eaconamach"
186 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_economic.xml:15
187 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_military_dock.xml:27
188 msgid "Economic"
189 msgstr "An eaconamaidh"
191 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_economic_farmstead.xml:25
192 msgid "Dropsite for the food resource. Research food gathering improvements."
193 msgstr "Ionad-stòrais airson stòras bìdh. Rannsaich leasachaidhean air cruinneachadh bìdh."
195 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_economic_farmstead.xml:27
196 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_economic_farmstead.xml:24
197 msgid "Farmstead"
198 msgstr "Tuathanas"
200 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_economic_market.xml:22
201 msgid ""
202 "Create trade units to trade between other markets. Barter resources. "
203 "Research trading and bartering improvements."
204 msgstr "Cruthaich aonadan malairt airson malairt le margaidean eile. Iomlaid stòrasan. Rannsaich leasachaidhean air malairt is iomlaid."
206 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_economic_market.xml:24
207 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_economic_market.xml:21
208 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_military_dock.xml:27
209 msgid "Market"
210 msgstr "Margaid"
212 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_economic_storehouse.xml:25
213 msgid ""
214 "Dropsite for wood, stone, and metal resources. Research gathering "
215 "improvements for these resources."
216 msgstr "Ionad-stòrais airson stòrasan fiodha, cloiche is meatailte. Rannsaich leasachaidhean air cruinneachadh nan stòrasan seo."
218 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_economic_storehouse.xml:27
219 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_economic_storehouse.xml:24
220 msgid "Storehouse"
221 msgstr "Taigh-stòrais"
223 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_gaia_settlement.xml:9
224 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_gaia_settlement.xml:10
225 msgid "Settlement"
226 msgstr "Tuineachadh"
228 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_gaia_settlement.xml:11
229 msgid "Build a Civic Center at this location to expand your territory."
230 msgstr "Tog ionad sìobhalta an-seo gus an ranntair agad a leudachadh."
232 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_military.xml:14
233 msgid "Military Structure"
234 msgstr "Togalach an airm"
236 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_military.xml:15
237 msgid "Military"
238 msgstr "An t-arm"
240 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_military_barracks.xml:30
241 msgid "Train citizen-soldiers. Research training improvements. Garrison: 10."
242 msgstr "Trèanaich saighdearan-dùthcha. Rannsaich leasachaidhean trèanaidh. Gearastan: 10."
244 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_military_barracks.xml:31
245 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_military_barracks.xml:29
246 msgid "Barracks"
247 msgstr "Taighean-feachd"
249 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_military_blacksmith.xml:30
250 msgid "Research weapons and armor improvements."
251 msgstr "Rannsaich leasachaidhean air airm ’s armachd."
253 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_military_blacksmith.xml:32
254 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_military_blacksmith.xml:29
255 msgid "Blacksmith"
256 msgstr "Gobha"
258 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_military_dock.xml:25
259 msgid ""
260 "Build upon a shoreline to construct naval vessels and to open sea trade. "
261 "Research naval improvements."
262 msgstr "Tog fear air an oirthir gus soithichean-mara a thogail is tòiseachadh air malairt thar a’ chuain. Rannsaich leasachaidhean co-cheangailte ris a’ mhuir."
264 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_military_dock.xml:27
265 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_military_dock.xml:24
266 msgid "Dock"
267 msgstr "Cala"
269 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_military_embassy.xml:24
270 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_military_embassy.xml:25
271 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_embassy.xml:19
272 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_embassy.xml:20
273 msgid "Embassy"
274 msgstr "Ambasaid"
276 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_military_fortress.xml:59
277 msgid ""
278 "Train heroes, champions, and siege weapons. Research siege weapon "
279 "improvements. Garrison: 20."
280 msgstr "Trèanaich curaidhean, laoich is airm sèiste. Rannsaich leasachaidhean air innealan sèiste. Gearastan: 20."
282 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_military_fortress.xml:61
283 msgid "City"
284 msgstr "Mòr-bhaile"
286 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_military_fortress.xml:61
287 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_military_fortress.xml:25
288 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_military_fortress.xml:58
289 msgid "Fortress"
290 msgstr "Dùn"
292 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_resource.xml:17
293 msgid "Resource Structure"
294 msgstr "Togalach ghoireasan"
296 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_resource.xml:19
297 msgid "Resource"
298 msgstr "Stòras"
300 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_resource_corral.xml:19
301 msgid ""
302 "Raise herd animals for food. Task domestic animals here to gain a trickle of"
303 " food or other bonus (Not yet implemented)."
304 msgstr "Tog ’s buachaillich beathaichean treuda an-seo airson bìdh. Cuir beathaichean air a’ chiutha an-seo ach am faigh thu beagan bìdh gu cunbhalach no buannachd eile (Chan eil seo ri làimh fhathast)."
306 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_resource_corral.xml:20
307 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_resource_corral.xml:18
308 msgid "Corral"
309 msgstr "Fàl"
311 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_resource_field.xml:28
312 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_resource_field.xml:27
313 msgid "Field"
314 msgstr "Achadh"
316 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_resource_field.xml:29
317 msgid "Harvest vegetables for food. Max gatherers: 5."
318 msgstr "Buain glasraich airson bìdh. Cruinnichean as motha: 5."
320 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_special.xml:42
321 #: simulation/templates/structures/brit_kennel.xml:32
322 msgid "Special Building"
323 msgstr "Togalach sònraichte"
325 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_special.xml:43
326 msgid "This is a special building unique to a particular civilization."
327 msgstr "Seo togalach sònraichte nach fhaigh thu ach airson sìobhaltas shònraichte."
329 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_wonder.xml:46
330 msgid "Wonder"
331 msgstr "Mìorbhail"
333 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_wonder.xml:47
334 msgid ""
335 "Bring glory to your civilization and add large tracts of land to your "
336 "empire."
337 msgstr "Bheir cliù dhan t‑sìobhaltas agad is cuir cnap mòr de thìr ris an impireachd agad."
339 #: simulation/templates/structures/athen_barracks.xml:18
340 #: simulation/templates/structures/mace_barracks.xml:18
341 #: simulation/templates/structures/spart_barracks.xml:18
342 msgid "Stratēgeîon"
343 msgstr "Stratēgeîon"
345 #: simulation/templates/structures/athen_blacksmith.xml:5
346 #: simulation/templates/structures/spart_blacksmith.xml:5
347 msgid "Khalkeṓn"
348 msgstr "Khalkeṓn"
350 #: simulation/templates/structures/athen_civil_centre.xml:8
351 #: simulation/templates/structures/mace_civil_centre.xml:8
352 #: simulation/templates/structures/spart_civil_centre.xml:8
353 msgid "Agorá"
354 msgstr "Agorá"
356 #: simulation/templates/structures/athen_corral.xml:12
357 #: simulation/templates/structures/mace_corral.xml:12
358 #: simulation/templates/structures/sele_corral.xml:12
359 #: simulation/templates/structures/spart_corral.xml:12
360 msgid "Épaulos"
361 msgstr "Épaulos"
363 #: simulation/templates/structures/athen_defense_tower.xml:9
364 #: simulation/templates/structures/mace_defense_tower.xml:9
365 #: simulation/templates/structures/sele_defense_tower.xml:9
366 #: simulation/templates/structures/spart_defense_tower.xml:9
367 msgid "Pyrgíon"
368 msgstr "Pyrgíon"
370 #: simulation/templates/structures/athen_dock.xml:12
371 #: simulation/templates/structures/mace_dock.xml:12
372 #: simulation/templates/structures/spart_dock.xml:12
373 msgid "Limḗn"
374 msgstr "Limḗn"
376 #: simulation/templates/structures/athen_farmstead.xml:12
377 #: simulation/templates/structures/mace_farmstead.xml:12
378 #: simulation/templates/structures/spart_farmstead.xml:12
379 msgid "Sitobólion"
380 msgstr "Sitobólion"
382 #: simulation/templates/structures/athen_field.xml:5
383 #: simulation/templates/structures/mace_field.xml:5
384 #: simulation/templates/structures/spart_field.xml:5
385 msgid "Agroí"
386 msgstr "Agroí"
388 #: simulation/templates/structures/athen_fortress.xml:9
389 msgid "Epiteíkhisma"
390 msgstr "Epiteíkhisma"
392 #: simulation/templates/structures/athen_fortress.xml:10
393 #: simulation/templates/structures/spart_fortress.xml:10
394 msgid ""
395 "Build siege engines. Garrison up to 20 soldiers inside for stout defense."
396 msgstr "Tog innealan-sèiste. Faodaidh gu ruige 20 saighdearan a dhol ’nan gearastan ann airson dìona sheasmhaich."
398 #: simulation/templates/structures/athen_gymnasion.xml:20
399 msgid "Gymnasium"
400 msgstr "Taigh-sunntais"
402 #: simulation/templates/structures/athen_gymnasion.xml:21
403 msgid "Gymnásion"
404 msgstr "Gymnásion"
406 #: simulation/templates/structures/athen_gymnasion.xml:22
407 msgid "Train champion units."
408 msgstr "Trèanaich laoich."
410 #: simulation/templates/structures/athen_house.xml:18
411 #: simulation/templates/structures/mace_house.xml:18
412 #: simulation/templates/structures/sele_house.xml:18
413 #: simulation/templates/structures/spart_house.xml:18
414 msgid "Oîkos"
415 msgstr "Oîkos"
417 #: simulation/templates/structures/athen_market.xml:5
418 #: simulation/templates/structures/mace_market.xml:5
419 #: simulation/templates/structures/spart_market.xml:5
420 msgid "Empórios"
421 msgstr "Empórios"
423 #: simulation/templates/structures/athen_outpost.xml:5
424 #: simulation/templates/structures/mace_outpost.xml:5
425 #: simulation/templates/structures/spart_outpost.xml:5
426 msgid "Greek Outpost"
427 msgstr "Gearastan Greugach"
429 #: simulation/templates/structures/athen_outpost.xml:6
430 #: simulation/templates/structures/mace_outpost.xml:6
431 #: simulation/templates/structures/spart_outpost.xml:6
432 msgid "Prophylakḗ"
433 msgstr "Prophylakḗ"
435 #: simulation/templates/structures/athen_prytaneion.xml:24
436 msgid "Council Chamber"
437 msgstr "Seòmar comhairle"
439 #: simulation/templates/structures/athen_prytaneion.xml:25
440 msgid "Prytaneîon"
441 msgstr "Prytaneîon"
443 #: simulation/templates/structures/athen_prytaneion.xml:26
444 msgid "Train heroes. Research special technologies."
445 msgstr "Trèanaich curaidhean. Rannsaich teicneolasan sònraichte."
447 #: simulation/templates/structures/athen_storehouse.xml:5
448 #: simulation/templates/structures/mace_storehouse.xml:5
449 #: simulation/templates/structures/sele_storehouse.xml:5
450 #: simulation/templates/structures/spart_storehouse.xml:5
451 msgid "Apothḗkē"
452 msgstr "Apothḗkē"
454 #: simulation/templates/structures/athen_temple.xml:9
455 msgid "Neṓs"
456 msgstr "Neṓs"
458 #: simulation/templates/structures/athen_theatron.xml:32
459 #: simulation/templates/structures/mace_theatron.xml:32
460 #: simulation/templates/structures/spart_theatron.xml:32
461 #: simulation/templates/structures/theb_theatron.xml:32
462 msgid "Greek Theater"
463 msgstr "Taigh-cluiche Greugach"
465 #: simulation/templates/structures/athen_theatron.xml:33
466 #: simulation/templates/structures/mace_theatron.xml:33
467 #: simulation/templates/structures/spart_theatron.xml:33
468 #: simulation/templates/structures/theb_theatron.xml:33
469 msgid "Théātron"
470 msgstr "Théātron"
472 #: simulation/templates/structures/athen_theatron.xml:35
473 #: simulation/templates/structures/mace_theatron.xml:35
474 #: simulation/templates/structures/spart_theatron.xml:35
475 #: simulation/templates/structures/theb_theatron.xml:35
476 msgid ""
477 "Hellēnízein (Hellenization): +20% territory influence for all buildings "
478 "while the Theatron exists."
479 msgstr "Hellēnízein (Greugachadh): +20% de bhuaidh air an ranntair airson gach togalach fhad ’s a bhios tèatron agad."
481 #: simulation/templates/structures/athen_wall_gate.xml:9
482 #: simulation/templates/structures/mace_wall_gate.xml:9
483 #: simulation/templates/structures/sele_wall_gate.xml:9
484 #: simulation/templates/structures/spart_wall_gate.xml:9
485 msgid "Pýlai"
486 msgstr "Pýlai"
488 #: simulation/templates/structures/athen_wall_long.xml:10
489 #: simulation/templates/structures/athen_wall_medium.xml:10
490 #: simulation/templates/structures/athen_wall_short.xml:10
491 #: simulation/templates/structures/athen_wallset_stone.xml:5
492 #: simulation/templates/structures/mace_wall_long.xml:10
493 #: simulation/templates/structures/mace_wall_medium.xml:10
494 #: simulation/templates/structures/mace_wall_short.xml:10
495 #: simulation/templates/structures/mace_wallset_stone.xml:5
496 #: simulation/templates/structures/sele_wall_long.xml:10
497 #: simulation/templates/structures/sele_wall_medium.xml:10
498 #: simulation/templates/structures/sele_wall_short.xml:10
499 #: simulation/templates/structures/sele_wallset_stone.xml:5
500 #: simulation/templates/structures/spart_wall_long.xml:10
501 #: simulation/templates/structures/spart_wall_medium.xml:13
502 #: simulation/templates/structures/spart_wall_short.xml:13
503 #: simulation/templates/structures/spart_wallset_stone.xml:5
504 msgid "Teîkhos"
505 msgstr "Teîkhos"
507 #: simulation/templates/structures/athen_wall_tower.xml:9
508 #: simulation/templates/structures/mace_wall_tower.xml:9
509 #: simulation/templates/structures/sele_wall_tower.xml:9
510 #: simulation/templates/structures/spart_wall_tower.xml:9
511 msgid "Pýrgos"
512 msgstr "Pýrgos"
514 #: simulation/templates/structures/athen_wonder.xml:9
515 #: simulation/templates/structures/mace_wonder.xml:9
516 #: simulation/templates/structures/spart_wonder.xml:9
517 msgid "Naós Parthenṓn"
518 msgstr "Naós Parthenṓn"
520 #: simulation/templates/structures/athen_wonder.xml:11
521 #: simulation/templates/structures/mace_wonder.xml:11
522 #: simulation/templates/structures/spart_wonder.xml:11
523 msgid ""
524 "Bring glory to your civilization and add large tracts of land to your "
525 "empire. Garrison up to 30 units to heal them at a quick rate."
526 msgstr "Thoir cliù air an t‑sìobhaltas agad is cuir cnap mòr de thìr ris an impireachd agad. Cuir gearastan de gu ruige 30 aonadan ann gus an slànachadh gu luath."
528 #: simulation/templates/structures/brit_barracks.xml:15
529 #: simulation/templates/structures/gaul_barracks.xml:15
530 msgid "Gwersyllty"
531 msgstr "Gwersyllty"
533 #: simulation/templates/structures/brit_blacksmith.xml:8
534 #: simulation/templates/structures/gaul_blacksmith.xml:8
535 msgid "Amoridas"
536 msgstr "Amoridas"
538 #: simulation/templates/structures/brit_civil_centre.xml:9
539 #: simulation/templates/structures/gaul_civil_centre.xml:9
540 msgid "Caer"
541 msgstr "Caer"
543 #: simulation/templates/structures/brit_corral.xml:9
544 #: simulation/templates/structures/gaul_corral.xml:9
545 msgid "Cavalidos"
546 msgstr "Cavalidos"
548 #: simulation/templates/structures/brit_crannog.xml:21
549 msgid "Island Settlement"
550 msgstr "Tuineachadh eilein"
552 #: simulation/templates/structures/brit_crannog.xml:24
553 msgid "Increase population limit and defend waterways."
554 msgstr "Cuir ri na tha ceadaichte dhut a shluagh is dìon slighean-uisge."
556 #: simulation/templates/structures/brit_crannog.xml:25
557 #: simulation/templates/structures/brit_dock.xml:15
558 #: simulation/templates/structures/gaul_dock.xml:15
559 msgid "Crannóc"
560 msgstr "Crannóc"
562 #: simulation/templates/structures/brit_defense_tower.xml:9
563 #: simulation/templates/structures/brit_wall_tower.xml:11
564 #: simulation/templates/structures/gaul_defense_tower.xml:9
565 #: simulation/templates/structures/gaul_wall_tower.xml:11
566 msgid "Tyrau"
567 msgstr "Tyrau"
569 #: simulation/templates/structures/brit_farmstead.xml:8
570 #: simulation/templates/structures/gaul_farmstead.xml:12
571 msgid "Ffermdy"
572 msgstr "Ffermdy"
574 #: simulation/templates/structures/brit_field.xml:5
575 #: simulation/templates/structures/gaul_field.xml:5
576 msgid "Varmo"
577 msgstr "Varmo"
579 #: simulation/templates/structures/brit_fortress.xml:21
580 msgid "Brythonic Broch"
581 msgstr "Brugh Bhreatannach"
583 #: simulation/templates/structures/brit_fortress.xml:22
584 msgid "Train Brythonic heroes and champions. Construct siege rams."
585 msgstr "Trèanaich curaidhean is laoich Bhreatannach. Tog reitheachan-sèiste."
587 #: simulation/templates/structures/brit_house.xml:9
588 #: simulation/templates/structures/gaul_house.xml:9
589 msgid "Annedd"
590 msgstr "Annedd"
592 #: simulation/templates/structures/brit_kennel.xml:33
593 msgid "Kennel"
594 msgstr "Taigh-chon"
596 #: simulation/templates/structures/brit_kennel.xml:35
597 msgid "Train Celtic war dogs."
598 msgstr "Trèanaich coin-chogaidh Cheilteach"
600 #: simulation/templates/structures/brit_market.xml:15
601 #: simulation/templates/structures/gaul_market.xml:15
602 msgid "Marchnaty"
603 msgstr "Marchnaty"
605 #: simulation/templates/structures/brit_outpost.xml:5
606 msgid "Brythonic Outpost"
607 msgstr "Gearastan Breatannach"
609 #: simulation/templates/structures/brit_rotarymill.xml:21
610 #: simulation/templates/structures/gaul_rotarymill.xml:21
611 msgid "Farming bonus"
612 msgstr "Buannachd àitich"
614 #: simulation/templates/structures/brit_rotarymill.xml:22
615 #: simulation/templates/structures/gaul_rotarymill.xml:22
616 msgid "Boosts nearby farming with +25% gathering rate."
617 msgstr "Meudaichidh seo an cruinneachadh aig tuathanasan am fagas dhut le +25%."
619 #: simulation/templates/structures/brit_rotarymill.xml:33
620 #: simulation/templates/structures/gaul_rotarymill.xml:33
621 msgid "Rotary Mill"
622 msgstr "Muilleann-cuairteachaidh"
624 #: simulation/templates/structures/brit_rotarymill.xml:34
625 #: simulation/templates/structures/gaul_rotarymill.xml:34
626 msgid "Melonas"
627 msgstr "Melonas"
629 #: simulation/templates/structures/brit_rotarymill.xml:36
630 #: simulation/templates/structures/gaul_rotarymill.xml:36
631 msgid "Increase nearby farming output +25%."
632 msgstr "Meudaich na bheir àiteach am fagas dhut le +25%"
634 #: simulation/templates/structures/brit_storehouse.xml:8
635 #: simulation/templates/structures/gaul_storehouse.xml:8
636 msgid "Ystordy"
637 msgstr "Ystordy"
639 #: simulation/templates/structures/brit_temple.xml:19
640 #: simulation/templates/structures/gaul_temple.xml:19
641 msgid "Addoldy"
642 msgstr "Addoldy"
644 #: simulation/templates/structures/brit_wall_gate.xml:16
645 msgid "Dor"
646 msgstr "Dor"
648 #: simulation/templates/structures/brit_wall_long.xml:29
649 #: simulation/templates/structures/brit_wall_medium.xml:26
650 #: simulation/templates/structures/brit_wall_short.xml:13
651 #: simulation/templates/structures/brit_wallset_stone.xml:5
652 #: simulation/templates/structures/gaul_wall_long.xml:29
653 #: simulation/templates/structures/gaul_wall_medium.xml:26
654 #: simulation/templates/structures/gaul_wall_short.xml:13
655 #: simulation/templates/structures/gaul_wallset_stone.xml:5
656 msgid "Gwarchglawdd"
657 msgstr "Gwarchglawdd"
659 #: simulation/templates/structures/brit_wall_tower.xml:13
660 #: simulation/templates/structures/gaul_wall_tower.xml:13
661 msgid "Does not shoot or garrison."
662 msgstr "Cha dèan e losgadh is chan ghabh gearastan a chur ann."
664 #: simulation/templates/structures/brit_wonder.xml:9
665 #: simulation/templates/structures/gaul_wonder.xml:9
666 msgid "Stonehenge"
667 msgstr "Stonehenge"
669 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_barracks.xml:18
670 msgid "Maḥanēt"
671 msgstr "Maḥanēt"
673 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_barracks.xml:20
674 msgid ""
675 "Train North African citizen-soldiers. Research improvements for North "
676 "African units."
677 msgstr "Trèanaich saighdearan-dùthcha Afraga a Tuath. Rannsaich leasachaidhean airson aonadan Afraga a Tuath."
679 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_blacksmith.xml:5
680 #: simulation/templates/structures/ptol_blacksmith.xml:5
681 #: simulation/templates/structures/ptol_field.xml:5
682 #: simulation/templates/structures/ptol_temple.xml:12
683 msgid "?"
684 msgstr "?"
686 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_civil_centre.xml:5
687 msgid "Merkāz"
688 msgstr "Merkāz"
690 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_corral.xml:12
691 msgid "Rēfet"
692 msgstr "Rēfet"
694 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_defense_tower.xml:9
695 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_wall_tower.xml:12
696 msgid "Mijdil"
697 msgstr "Mijdil"
699 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_dock.xml:17
700 msgid "Commercial Port"
701 msgstr "Port malairt"
703 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_dock.xml:18
704 msgid "Namel"
705 msgstr "Namel"
707 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_dock.xml:20
708 msgid ""
709 "Construct fishing boats to gather meat and merchant ships to trade with "
710 "other docks."
711 msgstr "Tog bàtaichean-iasgaich gus feòil a chruinneachadh is longan-malairt gus malart a dhèanamh le calachan eile."
713 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_embassy.xml:22
714 msgid "Hire mercenaries."
715 msgstr "Fastaich saighdearan-duaise."
717 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_embassy_celtic.xml:20
718 msgid "Celtic Embassy"
719 msgstr "Ambasaid Ceilteach"
721 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_embassy_celtic.xml:22
722 msgid "Hire Celtic mercenaries. Research improvements for these mercenaries."
723 msgstr "Fastaich saighdearan-duaise Ceilteach. Rannsaich leasachaidhean airson nan saighdearan seo."
725 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_embassy_iberian.xml:13
726 msgid "Iberian Embassy"
727 msgstr "Ambasaid Ibèireach"
729 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_embassy_iberian.xml:15
730 msgid "Hire Iberian mercenaries. Research improvements for these mercenaries."
731 msgstr "Fastaich saighdearan-duaise Ibèireach. Rannsaich leasachaidhean airson nan saighdearan seo."
733 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_embassy_italiote.xml:20
734 msgid "Italian Embassy"
735 msgstr "Ambasaid Eadailteach"
737 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_embassy_italiote.xml:22
738 msgid "Hire Italian mercenaries. Research improvements for these mercenaries."
739 msgstr "Fastaich saighdearan-duaise Eadailteach. Rannsaich leasachaidhean airson nan saighdearan seo."
741 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_farmstead.xml:9
742 msgid "Aḥuzāh"
743 msgstr "Aḥuzāh"
745 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_field.xml:5
746 msgid "Šadd"
747 msgstr "Šadd"
749 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_fortress.xml:9
750 msgid "Blockhouse Fort"
751 msgstr "Dùn taighe-bhloca"
753 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_fortress.xml:10
754 msgid "Ḥamet"
755 msgstr "Ḥamet"
757 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_house.xml:22
758 msgid "Bet"
759 msgstr "Bet"
761 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_market.xml:12
762 msgid "Šūq"
763 msgstr "Šūq"
765 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_outpost.xml:5
766 msgid "Carthaginian Outpost"
767 msgstr "Gearastan Cartagach"
769 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_storehouse.xml:9
770 msgid "Maḥṣabah"
771 msgstr "Maḥṣabah"
773 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_super_dock.xml:10
774 msgid "Repairing ship Aura"
775 msgstr "Aura càradh luinge"
777 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_super_dock.xml:11
778 msgid "Heals garrisoned ship at 3 HP per second."
779 msgstr "Slànaichidh e long le gearastan oirre le 3 PB gach diog."
781 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_super_dock.xml:21
782 msgid "Naval Shipyard"
783 msgstr "Doca a’ chabhlaich"
785 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_super_dock.xml:22
786 msgid "Cothon"
787 msgstr "Cothon"
789 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_super_dock.xml:25
790 msgid "Construct and repair mighty warships."
791 msgstr "Tog is càraich longan-cogaidh cumhachdach."
793 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_temple.xml:14
794 msgid "Maqdaš"
795 msgstr "Maqdaš"
797 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_temple.xml:16
798 msgid ""
799 "Train priestesses to heal your troops. Train Sacred Band pikemen. Garrison "
800 "up to 20 units to heal them at a quick rate."
801 msgstr "Trèanaich bana-sagartan gus na saighdearan agad a shlànachadh. Trèanaich pìcearan còmhlain naoimh. Cuir gu ruige 20 aonad ’nan gearastan ann gus an slànachadh gu luath."
803 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_wall.xml:18
804 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_wallset_stone.xml:5
805 msgid "Jdar"
806 msgstr "Jdar"
808 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_wall_gate.xml:9
809 msgid "Mijdil-šaʿar"
810 msgstr "Mijdil-šaʿar"
812 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_wall_long.xml:29
813 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_wall_medium.xml:23
814 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_wall_short.xml:10
815 msgid "Homah"
816 msgstr "Homah"
818 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_wonder.xml:9
819 msgid "Temple of Ba'al Hammon"
820 msgstr "Teampall Ba’al Hammon"
822 #: simulation/templates/structures/gaul_fortress.xml:8
823 msgid "Gallic Dun"
824 msgstr "Dùn Gallach"
826 #: simulation/templates/structures/gaul_fortress.xml:9
827 msgid "Train Gallic heroes and champions. Construct siege rams."
828 msgstr "Trèanaich curaidhean is laoich Ghallach. Tog reitheachan-sèiste."
830 #: simulation/templates/structures/gaul_outpost.xml:5
831 msgid "Gallic Outpost"
832 msgstr "Gearastan Gallach"
834 #: simulation/templates/structures/gaul_tavern.xml:23
835 msgid "Tavern"
836 msgstr "Taigh-tàrn"
838 #: simulation/templates/structures/gaul_tavern.xml:24
839 msgid "Taberna"
840 msgstr "Taberna"
842 #: simulation/templates/structures/gaul_tavern.xml:26
843 msgid "Add +10 to Population Cap. Recruit Naked Fanatics."
844 msgstr "Cuir +10 ris na tha ceadaichte dhut de shluagh. Trus fanataich loma."
846 #: simulation/templates/structures/gaul_wall_gate.xml:16
847 msgid "Duro"
848 msgstr "Duro"
850 #: simulation/templates/structures/iber_barracks.xml:11
851 msgid "Kaserna"
852 msgstr "Kaserna"
854 #: simulation/templates/structures/iber_blacksmith.xml:5
855 msgid "Harotz"
856 msgstr "Harotz"
858 #: simulation/templates/structures/iber_civil_centre.xml:5
859 msgid "Oppidum"
860 msgstr "Oppidum"
862 #: simulation/templates/structures/iber_corral.xml:12
863 msgid "Saroe"
864 msgstr "Saroe"
866 #: simulation/templates/structures/iber_defense_tower.xml:32
867 #: simulation/templates/structures/iber_wall_tower.xml:9
868 msgid "Dorre"
869 msgstr "Dorre"
871 #: simulation/templates/structures/iber_dock.xml:12
872 msgid "Kai"
873 msgstr "Kai"
875 #: simulation/templates/structures/iber_farmstead.xml:5
876 msgid "Baserri"
877 msgstr "Baserri"
879 #: simulation/templates/structures/iber_field.xml:5
880 msgid "Soro"
881 msgstr "Soro"
883 #: simulation/templates/structures/iber_fortress.xml:15
884 msgid "Castro"
885 msgstr "Castro"
887 #: simulation/templates/structures/iber_house.xml:12
888 msgid "Etxe"
889 msgstr "Etxe"
891 #: simulation/templates/structures/iber_market.xml:12
892 msgid "Arruga"
893 msgstr "Arruga"
895 #: simulation/templates/structures/iber_monument.xml:38
896 msgid "Revered Monument"
897 msgstr "Carragh urramach"
899 #: simulation/templates/structures/iber_monument.xml:39
900 msgid "Gur Oroigarri"
901 msgstr "Gur Oroigarri"
903 #: simulation/templates/structures/iber_monument.xml:42
904 msgid ""
905 "All units within vision of this monument will fight harder. Effect Range: 50"
906 " meters. Buildings in the territory of the monument do not decay."
907 msgstr "Nì gach aonad am broinn astair lèirsinne na carraigh seo sabaid nas treasa. Astar na buaidhe: 50 meatair. Cha bhi crìonadh air togalaichean a tha am broinn ranntair na carraighe seo."
909 #: simulation/templates/structures/iber_outpost.xml:5
910 msgid "Iberian Outpost"
911 msgstr "Gearastan Ibèireach"
913 #: simulation/templates/structures/iber_storehouse.xml:5
914 msgid "Ola"
915 msgstr "Ola"
917 #: simulation/templates/structures/iber_temple.xml:12
918 msgid "Loki"
919 msgstr "Loki"
921 #: simulation/templates/structures/iber_wall.xml:9
922 #: simulation/templates/structures/iber_wall_long.xml:29
923 #: simulation/templates/structures/iber_wall_medium.xml:26
924 #: simulation/templates/structures/iber_wall_short.xml:13
925 #: simulation/templates/structures/iber_wallset_stone.xml:5
926 msgid "Zabal Horma"
927 msgstr "Zabal Horma"
929 #: simulation/templates/structures/iber_wall_gate.xml:9
930 msgid "Biko Sarbide"
931 msgstr "Biko Sarbide"
933 #: simulation/templates/structures/iber_wonder.xml:9
934 msgid "Cancho Roano"
935 msgstr "Cancho Roano"
937 #: simulation/templates/structures/mace_blacksmith.xml:5
938 msgid "Sidērourgeîon"
939 msgstr "Sidērourgeîon"
941 #: simulation/templates/structures/mace_fortress.xml:15
942 msgid "Teíchisma"
943 msgstr "Teíchisma"
945 #: simulation/templates/structures/mace_fortress.xml:16
946 msgid ""
947 "Train Champions and Heroes. Garrison up to 20 soldiers inside for stout "
948 "defense."
949 msgstr "Trèanaich curaidhean ’s laoich. Faodaidh gu ruige 20 saighdear a dhol ’nan gearastan ann airson dìona sheasmhaich."
951 #: simulation/templates/structures/mace_library.xml:15
952 #: simulation/templates/structures/ptol_library.xml:15
953 #: simulation/templates/structures/sele_library.xml:15
954 msgid "Library"
955 msgstr "Leabhar-lann"
957 #: simulation/templates/structures/mace_library.xml:16
958 #: simulation/templates/structures/ptol_library.xml:16
959 msgid "Bibliothḗkē"
960 msgstr "Bibliothḗkē"
962 #: simulation/templates/structures/mace_library.xml:18
963 #: simulation/templates/structures/ptol_library.xml:18
964 #: simulation/templates/structures/sele_library.xml:18
965 msgid ""
966 "Research special technologies and reduce the research time of all remaining "
967 "technologies."
968 msgstr "Rannsaich teicneolasan sònraichte is ìslich an ùine a bheir rannsachadh airson an corr dhen teicneolas."
970 #: simulation/templates/structures/mace_siege_workshop.xml:17
971 msgid "Synergeîon Poliorkētṓn"
972 msgstr "Synergeîon Poliorkētṓn"
974 #: simulation/templates/structures/mace_siege_workshop.xml:18
975 msgid "Siege Workshop"
976 msgstr "Ceàrdach sèistidh"
978 #: simulation/templates/structures/mace_siege_workshop.xml:20
979 msgid "Build siege engines. Research siege technologies."
980 msgstr "Tog innealan-sèiste. Rannsaich teicneolasan sèiste."
982 #: simulation/templates/structures/mace_temple.xml:9
983 #: simulation/templates/structures/spart_temple.xml:9
984 msgid "Asklēpieîon"
985 msgstr "Asklēpieîon"
987 #: simulation/templates/structures/maur_barracks.xml:9
988 msgid "Sainyavasa"
989 msgstr "Sainyavasa"
991 #: simulation/templates/structures/maur_blacksmith.xml:5
992 msgid "Lohakāra"
993 msgstr "Lohakāra"
995 #: simulation/templates/structures/maur_civil_centre.xml:9
996 msgid "Rajadhanika"
997 msgstr "Rajadhanika"
999 #: simulation/templates/structures/maur_corral.xml:12
1000 msgid "Gotra"
1001 msgstr "Gotra"
1003 #: simulation/templates/structures/maur_defense_tower.xml:5
1004 msgid "Udarka"
1005 msgstr "Udarka"
1007 #: simulation/templates/structures/maur_dock.xml:9
1008 msgid "Naukasthanaka"
1009 msgstr "Naukasthanaka"
1011 #: simulation/templates/structures/maur_elephant_stables.xml:21
1012 msgid "Elephant Stables"
1013 msgstr "Stàball ailbheanan"
1015 #: simulation/templates/structures/maur_elephant_stables.xml:22
1016 msgid "Vāraṇaśālā"
1017 msgstr "Vāraṇaśālā"
1019 #: simulation/templates/structures/maur_elephant_stables.xml:26
1020 msgid "Train elephant units."
1021 msgstr "Trèanaich ailbhein."
1023 #: simulation/templates/structures/maur_farmstead.xml:12
1024 msgid "Kantu"
1025 msgstr "Kantu"
1027 #: simulation/templates/structures/maur_field.xml:5
1028 msgid "Kshetra"
1029 msgstr "Kshetra"
1031 #: simulation/templates/structures/maur_fortress.xml:5
1032 msgid "Durg"
1033 msgstr "Durg"
1035 #: simulation/templates/structures/maur_fortress.xml:7
1036 msgid "Train heroes and champion units."
1037 msgstr "Trèanaich curaidhean is laoich."
1039 #: simulation/templates/structures/maur_house.xml:9
1040 msgid "Griham"
1041 msgstr "Griham"
1043 #: simulation/templates/structures/maur_market.xml:12
1044 msgid "Vipana"
1045 msgstr "Vipana"
1047 #: simulation/templates/structures/maur_outpost.xml:5
1048 msgid "Uparaksana"
1049 msgstr "Uparaksana"
1051 #: simulation/templates/structures/maur_pillar_ashoka.xml:11
1052 msgid "All traders in range +20% walk speed."
1053 msgstr "Coisichidh gach neach-malairt am fagas nas luaithe le +20%."
1055 #: simulation/templates/structures/maur_pillar_ashoka.xml:38
1056 msgid "Edict Pillar of Ashoka"
1057 msgstr "Carragh fuagraidh Aśoka"
1059 #: simulation/templates/structures/maur_pillar_ashoka.xml:39
1060 msgid "Śāsana Stambha Aśokā"
1061 msgstr "Śāsana Stambha Aśokā"
1063 #: simulation/templates/structures/maur_pillar_ashoka.xml:42
1064 msgid ""
1065 "The famous pillar of Ashoka. Increases the walk speed of traders. Buildings "
1066 "in the territory of the monument do not decay."
1067 msgstr "Carragh Aśoka chliùiteach. Cuiridh i ri luaths coiseachd an luchd-malairt. Cha bhi crìonadh air togalaichean a tha am broinn ranntair na carraighe seo."
1069 #: simulation/templates/structures/maur_storehouse.xml:5
1070 msgid "Khalla"
1071 msgstr "Khalla"
1073 #: simulation/templates/structures/maur_temple.xml:12
1074 msgid "Devalaya"
1075 msgstr "Devalaya"
1077 #: simulation/templates/structures/maur_wall.xml:9
1078 #: simulation/templates/structures/maur_wall_long.xml:35
1079 #: simulation/templates/structures/maur_wall_medium.xml:29
1080 #: simulation/templates/structures/maur_wall_short.xml:16
1081 #: simulation/templates/structures/maur_wallset_stone.xml:5
1082 msgid "Shilabanda"
1083 msgstr "Shilabanda"
1085 #: simulation/templates/structures/maur_wall_gate.xml:9
1086 msgid "Dwara"
1087 msgstr "Dwara"
1089 #: simulation/templates/structures/maur_wall_tower.xml:18
1090 msgid "Puratta"
1091 msgstr "Puratta"
1093 #: simulation/templates/structures/maur_wonder.xml:9
1094 msgid "Great Stupa"
1095 msgstr "Stupa Mòr"
1097 #: simulation/templates/structures/merc_camp_egyptian.xml:7
1098 #: simulation/templates/structures/ptol_mercenary_camp.xml:7
1099 msgid "MercenaryCamp"
1100 msgstr "Campa shaighdearan-duaise"
1102 #: simulation/templates/structures/merc_camp_egyptian.xml:29
1103 msgid "Mercenary Camp (Egyptian)"
1104 msgstr "Campa shaighdearan-duaise (Èipheiteach)"
1106 #: simulation/templates/structures/merc_camp_egyptian.xml:30
1107 msgid "Stratópedo Misthophóron Aigyptiakós"
1108 msgstr "Stratópedo Misthophóron Aigyptiakós"
1110 #: simulation/templates/structures/merc_camp_egyptian.xml:33
1111 msgid "Capture this structure to train mercenaries from Hellenistic Egypt."
1112 msgstr "Glac an structar seo ach an trèanaich thu saighdearan-duaise às an Èipheit Ghreugach."
1114 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_apadana.xml:26
1115 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_palace.xml:23
1116 msgid "Persian Palace"
1117 msgstr "Lùchairt Phearsach"
1119 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_apadana.xml:27
1120 msgid "Apadana"
1121 msgstr "Apadana"
1123 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_apadana.xml:34
1124 msgid ""
1125 "\"Satrapy Tribute\": Gain a trickle of food, wood, stone, and metal "
1126 "resources. Train Persian heroes and their \"Immortals\" bodyguards. Build "
1127 "Limit: 1."
1128 msgstr "Cìos satrapachd: Faigh beagan teachd a-steach cunbhalach de bhiadh, fiodh, clach is meatailt. Trèanaich curaidhean Pearsach is an lèintean-crios “neo-bhàsmhor.” Cuingeachadh togail: 1."
1130 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_barracks.xml:5
1131 msgid "Padgan"
1132 msgstr "Padgan"
1134 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_barracks.xml:7
1135 msgid "Levy citizen-infantry units."
1136 msgstr "Tog saighdearan-dùthcha."
1138 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_blacksmith.xml:5
1139 msgid "Arštišta"
1140 msgstr "Arštišta"
1142 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_civil_centre.xml:5
1143 msgid "Provincial Governor"
1144 msgstr "Riaghladair mòr-roinne"
1146 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_civil_centre.xml:6
1147 msgid "Xšaçapāvan"
1148 msgstr "Xšaçapāvan"
1150 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_corral.xml:12
1151 msgid "Gaiāšta"
1152 msgstr "Gaiāšta"
1154 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_defense_tower.xml:5
1155 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_wall_tower.xml:9
1156 msgid "Pāyaud"
1157 msgstr "Pāyaud"
1159 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_dock.xml:12
1160 msgid "Nāvašta"
1161 msgstr "Nāvašta"
1163 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_farmstead.xml:12
1164 msgid "Kaštašta"
1165 msgstr "Kaštašta"
1167 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_field.xml:5
1168 msgid "Kaštrya"
1169 msgstr "Kaštrya"
1171 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_fortress.xml:5
1172 msgid "Didā"
1173 msgstr "Didā"
1175 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_fortress.xml:7
1176 msgid "Train Champion Cavalry and Construct Siege Rams."
1177 msgstr "Trèanaich laoich eachraidh is tog reitheachan-sèiste."
1179 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_house.xml:22
1180 msgid "Huvādā"
1181 msgstr "Huvādā"
1183 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_ishtar_gate.xml:20
1184 msgid "Ishtar Gate of Babylon"
1185 msgstr "Geata Ištar Bhàbilon"
1187 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_ishtar_gate.xml:21
1188 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_arch.xml:23
1189 msgid "Special Imperial Roman building."
1190 msgstr "Togalach sònraichte na h‑impireachd Ròmanach."
1192 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_market.xml:12
1193 msgid "Ardatašta"
1194 msgstr "Ardatašta"
1196 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_outpost.xml:5
1197 msgid "Didebani"
1198 msgstr "Didebani"
1200 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_palace.xml:24
1201 msgid "Palace"
1202 msgstr "Lùchairt"
1204 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_palace.xml:30
1205 msgid "Build Limit: 1."
1206 msgstr "Cuingeachadh togail: 1."
1208 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_sb2.xml:22
1209 msgid "Persian Special Building"
1210 msgstr "Togalach sònraichte nam Pearsach."
1212 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_sb2.xml:23
1213 msgid "Parihuvādā"
1214 msgstr "Parihuvādā"
1216 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_sb2.xml:26
1217 msgid ""
1218 "Special Building.\n"
1219 "Train War Elephants and Kardakes mercenaries."
1220 msgstr "Togalach sònraichte\nTrèanaich ailbheanan-cogaidh is saighdearan-duaise Kardakes."
1222 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_stables.xml:18
1223 msgid "Cavalry Stables"
1224 msgstr "Stàballan an eachraidh"
1226 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_stables.xml:19
1227 msgid "Paraspa"
1228 msgstr "Paraspa"
1230 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_stables.xml:20
1231 msgid "Stables"
1232 msgstr "Stàball"
1234 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_stables.xml:22
1235 msgid "Train citizen-cavalry units."
1236 msgstr "Trèanaich eachraidh-dùthcha."
1238 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_storehouse.xml:5
1239 msgid "Asiyah"
1240 msgstr "Asiyah"
1242 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_temple.xml:12
1243 msgid "Ayadana"
1244 msgstr "Ayadana"
1246 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_wall.xml:9
1247 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_wall_long.xml:29
1248 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_wall_medium.xml:23
1249 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_wall_short.xml:10
1250 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_wallset_stone.xml:5
1251 msgid "Para"
1252 msgstr "Para"
1254 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_wall_gate.xml:9
1255 msgid "Duvitaparnam"
1256 msgstr "Duvitaparnam"
1258 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_wonder.xml:12
1259 msgid "Hanging Gardens of Babylon"
1260 msgstr "Gàrraidhean crochte Bhàbalon"
1262 #: simulation/templates/structures/ptol_barracks.xml:17
1263 msgid "ḥwt-n-mš'"
1264 msgstr "ḥwt-n-mš’"
1266 #: simulation/templates/structures/ptol_barracks.xml:19
1267 msgid ""
1268 "Train Egyptian and Middle-Eastern citizen-soldiers. Research training "
1269 "improvements. Garrison: 10."
1270 msgstr "Trèanaich saighdearan-dùthcha Èipheiteach is Ear Mheadhanach. Rannsaich leasachaidhean trèanaidh. Gearastan: 10."
1272 #: simulation/templates/structures/ptol_civil_centre.xml:15
1273 msgid "pr-'a"
1274 msgstr "pr-’a"
1276 #: simulation/templates/structures/ptol_corral.xml:19
1277 msgid "h-n-ssmt.w"
1278 msgstr "h-n-ssmt.w"
1280 #: simulation/templates/structures/ptol_defense_tower.xml:9
1281 msgid "mktr-n-ḏw"
1282 msgstr "mktr-n-ḏw"
1284 #: simulation/templates/structures/ptol_dock.xml:12
1285 msgid "ḥwt-n-dpt.w"
1286 msgstr "ḥwt-n-dpt.w"
1288 #: simulation/templates/structures/ptol_farmstead.xml:19
1289 msgid "pr-n-t"
1290 msgstr "pr-n-t"
1292 #: simulation/templates/structures/ptol_fortress.xml:9
1293 msgid "mktr-'a"
1294 msgstr "mktr-’a"
1296 #: simulation/templates/structures/ptol_house.xml:19
1297 msgid "ḥwt"
1298 msgstr "ḥwt"
1300 #: simulation/templates/structures/ptol_lighthouse.xml:17
1301 msgid "Lighthouse"
1302 msgstr "Taigh-solais"
1304 #: simulation/templates/structures/ptol_lighthouse.xml:18
1305 msgid "Pháros"
1306 msgstr "Pháros"
1308 #: simulation/templates/structures/ptol_lighthouse.xml:20
1309 msgid ""
1310 "Build along the shore to reveal the shorelines over the entire map. Very "
1311 "large vision range: 180 meters."
1312 msgstr "Tog air an oirthir e gus na h-oirthirean air feadh a’ mhapa a nochdadh. Astar lèirsinne glè mhòr: 180 meatair."
1314 #: simulation/templates/structures/ptol_market.xml:9
1315 msgid "ḥwt-n-ḫt.w-wḫa.w"
1316 msgstr "ḥwt-n-ḫt.w-wḫa.w"
1318 #: simulation/templates/structures/ptol_mercenary_camp.xml:29
1319 msgid "Mercenary Camp"
1320 msgstr "Campa shaighdearan-duaise"
1322 #: simulation/templates/structures/ptol_mercenary_camp.xml:30
1323 msgid "Stratopedeía Misthophórōn"
1324 msgstr "Stratopedeía Misthophórōn"
1326 #: simulation/templates/structures/ptol_mercenary_camp.xml:33
1327 msgid ""
1328 "Cheap barracks-like structure that is buildable in Neutral territory, but casts no territory influence.\n"
1329 "- Train Mercenaries. \n"
1330 "- Min. distance from other Military Settlements: 100 meters."
1331 msgstr "Structar coltach ri taighean-feachd ach saor a ghabhas togail air ranntair neo-phàirteach ’s aig nach bi buaidh air an ranntair.\n- Trèanaich saighdearan-duaise\n- An t-astar as lugha o thuineachaidhean an airm eile: 100 meatair."
1333 #: simulation/templates/structures/ptol_military_colony.xml:25
1334 #: simulation/templates/structures/sele_military_colony.xml:25
1335 msgid "Colony"
1336 msgstr "Tuineachadh"
1338 #: simulation/templates/structures/ptol_military_colony.xml:47
1339 #: simulation/templates/structures/sele_military_colony.xml:47
1340 msgid "Military Colony"
1341 msgstr "Tuineachas an airm"
1343 #: simulation/templates/structures/ptol_military_colony.xml:48
1344 msgid "Klēroukhía"
1345 msgstr "Klēroukhía"
1347 #: simulation/templates/structures/ptol_military_colony.xml:51
1348 msgid ""
1349 "This is the Ptolemaic expansion building, similar to Civic Centers for other factions. It is weaker and carries a smaller territory influence, but is cheaper and built faster.\n"
1350 "- Train settler-soldiers of various nationalities.\n"
1351 "- Min. distance from other Military Colonies: 120 meters."
1352 msgstr "Seo togalach tuineachadh nam Ptolamach a tha coltach ris an ionad shìobhalta aig sìobhaltasan eile. Tha e nas laige agus tha a bhuaidh air an ranntair as lugha, ach tha e nas saoire is togaidh tu nas luaithe e.\n- Trèanaich saighdearan-tuineachaidh à diofar dhùthchannan.\n- An t-astar as lugha o thuineachaidhean an airm eile: 120 meatair."
1354 #: simulation/templates/structures/ptol_outpost.xml:5
1355 msgid "mktr-n-ḫt"
1356 msgstr "mktr-n-ḫt"
1358 #: simulation/templates/structures/ptol_storehouse.xml:18
1359 msgid "h-n-ḫt.w"
1360 msgstr "h-n-ḫt.w"
1362 #: simulation/templates/structures/ptol_wall_gate.xml:9
1363 msgid "sba-n-njwt"
1364 msgstr "sba-n-njwt"
1366 #: simulation/templates/structures/ptol_wall_long.xml:29
1367 #: simulation/templates/structures/ptol_wall_medium.xml:23
1368 #: simulation/templates/structures/ptol_wall_short.xml:10
1369 #: simulation/templates/structures/ptol_wallset_stone.xml:5
1370 msgid "h-n-njwt"
1371 msgstr "h-n-njwt"
1373 #: simulation/templates/structures/ptol_wall_tower.xml:9
1374 msgid "mktr"
1375 msgstr "mktr"
1377 #: simulation/templates/structures/ptol_wonder.xml:9
1378 msgid "Temple of Edfu"
1379 msgstr "Teampall Edfu"
1381 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_arch.xml:22
1382 msgid "Triumphal Arch"
1383 msgstr "Bogha buaidhe"
1385 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_army_camp.xml:59
1386 msgid "Entrenched Army Camp"
1387 msgstr "Campa daingeann an airm"
1389 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_army_camp.xml:60
1390 msgid "Castrum Vallum"
1391 msgstr "Castrum Vallum"
1393 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_army_camp.xml:65
1394 msgid ""
1395 "Build anywhere on the map, even in enemy territory. Construct siege weapons "
1396 "and train citizen-soldiers. Heal garrisoned units slowly."
1397 msgstr "Tog seo àite sam bith air a’ mhapa, fiù ’s air ranntair nàmhad. tog innealan-sèiste is trèanaich saighdearan-dùthcha. Slànaichidh seo aonadan a bhios ’nan gearastan ann beag air bheag."
1399 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_barracks.xml:18
1400 msgid "Castrum"
1401 msgstr "Castrum"
1403 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_blacksmith.xml:5
1404 msgid "Armamentarium"
1405 msgstr "Armamentarium"
1407 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_civil_centre.xml:9
1408 msgid "Forum"
1409 msgstr "Forum"
1411 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_corral.xml:12
1412 msgid "Saeptum"
1413 msgstr "Saeptum"
1415 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_defense_tower.xml:9
1416 msgid "Turris Lignea"
1417 msgstr "Turris Lignea"
1419 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_dock.xml:12
1420 msgid "Portus"
1421 msgstr "Portus"
1423 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_farmstead.xml:12
1424 msgid "Villa"
1425 msgstr "Villa"
1427 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_field.xml:5
1428 msgid "Ager"
1429 msgstr "Ager"
1431 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_fortress.xml:5
1432 msgid "Castellum"
1433 msgstr "Castellum"
1435 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_house.xml:18
1436 msgid "Domus"
1437 msgstr "Domus"
1439 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_market.xml:12
1440 msgid "Mercatus"
1441 msgstr "Mercatus"
1443 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_outpost.xml:5
1444 msgid "Vigilarium"
1445 msgstr "Vigilarium"
1447 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_siege_wall_gate.xml:31
1448 msgid "Siege Wall Gate"
1449 msgstr "Geata balla-sèiste"
1451 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_siege_wall_gate.xml:32
1452 msgid "Porta Circummunitionis"
1453 msgstr "Porta Circummunitionis"
1455 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_siege_wall_long.xml:51
1456 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_siege_wall_medium.xml:45
1457 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_siege_wall_short.xml:32
1458 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_wallset_siege.xml:5
1459 msgid "Siege Wall"
1460 msgstr "Balla sèiste"
1462 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_siege_wall_long.xml:52
1463 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_siege_wall_medium.xml:46
1464 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_siege_wall_short.xml:33
1465 msgid "Murus Circummunitionis"
1466 msgstr "Murus Circummunitionis"
1468 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_siege_wall_long.xml:57
1469 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_siege_wall_medium.xml:51
1470 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_siege_wall_short.xml:38
1471 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_wallset_siege.xml:8
1472 msgid "A wooden and turf palisade buildable in enemy and neutral territories."
1473 msgstr "Sonnach fiodha is sgratha a ghabhas togail air ranntair nàmhad is neo-phàirteach."
1475 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_siege_wall_long.xml:58
1476 msgid "Convert Siege Wall into Siege Wall Gate"
1477 msgstr "Dèan geata balla-sèiste dhen bhalla-sèiste"
1479 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_siege_wall_tower.xml:31
1480 msgid "Siege Wall Tower"
1481 msgstr "Tùr balla-sèiste"
1483 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_siege_wall_tower.xml:32
1484 msgid "Turris Circummunitionis"
1485 msgstr "Turris Circummunitionis"
1487 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_storehouse.xml:5
1488 msgid "Receptaculum"
1489 msgstr "Receptaculum"
1491 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_temple.xml:9
1492 msgid "Aedes"
1493 msgstr "Aedes"
1495 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_temple_mars.xml:12
1496 msgid "Temple of Mars"
1497 msgstr "Teampall Mhàirs"
1499 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_temple_mars.xml:13
1500 msgid "Aedes Martis"
1501 msgstr "Aedes Martis"
1503 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_temple_mars.xml:15
1504 msgid "Train healers. Garrison up to 30 units to heal them at a quick rate."
1505 msgstr "Trèanaich lighichean. Cuir gearastan de gu ruige 30 aonadan ann gus an slànachadh gu luath."
1507 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_temple_vesta.xml:12
1508 msgid "Temple of Vesta"
1509 msgstr "Teampall Bheasta"
1511 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_temple_vesta.xml:13
1512 msgid "Aedes Vestae"
1513 msgstr "Aedes Vestae"
1515 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_temple_vesta.xml:15
1516 msgid ""
1517 "Build this temple to greatly increase the loyalty of your buildings and "
1518 "female-citizens (helps prevent their capture)."
1519 msgstr "Tog an teampall seo ach am bi na togalaichean is na saoranaich boireann agad mòran nas dìlse (ach nach tèid an glacadh)."
1521 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_tent.xml:29
1522 msgid "Tent"
1523 msgstr "Tenta"
1525 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_tent.xml:30
1526 msgid "Tabernāculum"
1527 msgstr "Tabernāculum"
1529 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_tent.xml:32
1530 msgid "A temporary shelter for soldiers. +5 population bonus."
1531 msgstr "Còmhdach sealach airson shaighdearan. Buannachd de +5 air an sluagh."
1533 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_wall.xml:9
1534 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_wall_long.xml:29
1535 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_wall_medium.xml:26
1536 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_wall_short.xml:13
1537 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_wallset_stone.xml:5
1538 msgid "Moenia"
1539 msgstr "Moenia"
1541 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_wall_gate.xml:9
1542 msgid "Porta"
1543 msgstr "Porta"
1545 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_wall_tower.xml:9
1546 msgid "Turris Lapidea"
1547 msgstr "Turris Lapidea"
1549 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_wallset_siege.xml:6
1550 msgid "Murus Latericius"
1551 msgstr "Murus Latericius"
1553 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_wonder.xml:9
1554 msgid "Aedes Iovis Optimi Maximi"
1555 msgstr "Aedes Iovis Optimi Maximi"
1557 #: simulation/templates/structures/sele_barracks.xml:18
1558 msgid "Stratones"
1559 msgstr "Stratones"
1561 #: simulation/templates/structures/sele_blacksmith.xml:5
1562 msgid "Sidirourgeíon"
1563 msgstr "Sidirourgeíon"
1565 #: simulation/templates/structures/sele_civil_centre.xml:8
1566 msgid "Agorā́"
1567 msgstr "Agorā́"
1569 #: simulation/templates/structures/sele_dock.xml:12
1570 msgid "Liménas"
1571 msgstr "Liménas"
1573 #: simulation/templates/structures/sele_farmstead.xml:12
1574 msgid "Sītobólion"
1575 msgstr "Sītobólion"
1577 #: simulation/templates/structures/sele_field.xml:5
1578 msgid "Agrós"
1579 msgstr "Agrós"
1581 #: simulation/templates/structures/sele_fortress.xml:9
1582 msgid "Phrourion"
1583 msgstr "Phrourion"
1585 #: simulation/templates/structures/sele_fortress.xml:10
1586 msgid ""
1587 "Build siege engines and train Champions. Garrison up to 20 soldiers inside "
1588 "for stout defense."
1589 msgstr "Tog innealan-sèiste agus trèanaich laoich. Faodaidh gu ruige 20 saighdearan a dhol ’nan gearastan ann airson dìona sheasmhaich."
1591 #: simulation/templates/structures/sele_library.xml:16
1592 msgid "Bibliothikon"
1593 msgstr "Bibliothikon"
1595 #: simulation/templates/structures/sele_market.xml:5
1596 msgid "Empórion"
1597 msgstr "Empórion"
1599 #: simulation/templates/structures/sele_military_colony.xml:48
1600 msgid "Klēroukhia"
1601 msgstr "Klēroukhia"
1603 #: simulation/templates/structures/sele_military_colony.xml:51
1604 msgid ""
1605 "This is the Seleucid expansion building, similar to Civic Centers for other factions. It is weaker and carries a smaller territory influence, but is cheaper and built faster.\n"
1606 "- Train settler-soldiers of various nationalities.\n"
1607 "- Min. distance from other Military Colonies: 120 meters."
1608 msgstr "Seo togalach tuineachadh nan Seleucach a tha coltach ris an ionad shìobhalta aig sìobhaltasan eile. Tha e nas laige agus tha a bhuaidh air an ranntair as lugha, ach tha e nas saoire is togaidh tu nas luaithe e.\n- Trèanaich saighdearan-tuineachaidh à diofar dhùthchannan.\n- An t-astar as lugha o thuineachaidhean an airm eile: 120 meatair."
1610 #: simulation/templates/structures/sele_outpost.xml:5
1611 msgid "Prophylax"
1612 msgstr "Prophylax"
1614 #: simulation/templates/structures/sele_temple.xml:9
1615 msgid "Naós"
1616 msgstr "Naós"
1618 #: simulation/templates/structures/sele_wonder.xml:12
1619 msgid "Paradise of Daphne"
1620 msgstr "Pàrras Daphnaidh"
1622 #: simulation/templates/structures/spart_fortress.xml:9
1623 msgid "Teíkhisma"
1624 msgstr "Teíkhisma"
1626 #: simulation/templates/structures/spart_gerousia.xml:21
1627 msgid "Spartan Senate"
1628 msgstr "Seanadh Spartach"
1630 #: simulation/templates/structures/spart_gerousia.xml:22
1631 msgid "Gerontía"
1632 msgstr "Gerontía"
1634 #: simulation/templates/structures/spart_gerousia.xml:23
1635 msgid "Train heroes."
1636 msgstr "Trèanaich curaidhean."
1638 #: simulation/templates/structures/spart_syssiton.xml:21
1639 msgid "Military Mess Hall"
1640 msgstr "Comaidh an airm"
1642 #: simulation/templates/structures/spart_syssiton.xml:22
1643 msgid "Syssítion"
1644 msgstr "Syssítion"
1646 #: simulation/templates/structures/spart_syssiton.xml:26
1647 msgid "Train Spartan heroes and Spartiate champion hoplites."
1648 msgstr "Trèanaich curaidhean Spartach is laoch hoiplidean Homoioi."