Move getMapCenter and getMapBounds to the RandomMap object, refs #4964.
[0ad.git] / binaries / data / mods / public / l10n / pt_PT.public-templates-buildings.po
1 # Translation template for 0 A.D. — Empires Ascendant.
2 # Copyright © 2014 Wildfire Games
3 # This file is distributed under the same license as the 0 A.D. — Empires Ascendant project.
5 # Translators:
6 #, 2015
7 # André Gomes <>, 2017
8 # Carlos Moreira, 2015
9 # Danny Reese <>, 2016
10 # Iago Leandro de Abreu <>, 2015
11 # Luis Neves <>, 2015
12 # Mário Branco <>, 2017
13 # mogafi, 2014
14 # Nuno de Mendonça Raimundo <>, 2014
15 # Pedro matias <>, 2015
16 # Tiago Martins <>, 2014
17 msgid ""
18 msgstr ""
19 "Project-Id-Version: 0 A.D.\n"
20 "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-06-21 09:03+0200\n"
21 "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-06-21 15:05+0000\n"
22 "Last-Translator: Adrián Chaves Fernández <>\n"
23 "Language-Team: Portuguese (Portugal) (\n"
24 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
25 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
26 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
27 "Language: pt_PT\n"
28 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
30 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_civic.xml:14
31 msgid "Civic Structure"
32 msgstr "Estrutura Cívica"
34 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_civic.xml:15
35 msgid "Civic"
36 msgstr "Cívico"
38 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_civic_civil_centre.xml:73
39 msgid "Civic Center"
40 msgstr "Centro Cívico"
42 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_civic_civil_centre.xml:74
43 msgid "Build to acquire large tracts of territory. Train citizens."
44 msgstr "Construa para adquirir grandes extensões de território. Treinar cidadãos."
46 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_civic_civil_centre.xml:76
47 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_civic_civil_centre.xml:38
48 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_civic_civil_centre_military_colony.xml:12
49 msgid "CivilCentre"
50 msgstr "CentroCívico"
52 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_civic_civil_centre_military_colony.xml:33
53 #: simulation/templates/structures/ptol_military_colony.xml:9
54 msgid "Military Colony"
55 msgstr "Colónia militar"
57 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_civic_civil_centre_military_colony.xml:34
58 msgid "Klēroukhía"
59 msgstr "Klēroukhía"
61 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_civic_hellenic_royal_stoa.xml:33
62 msgid "Stoa"
63 msgstr "Stoa"
65 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_civic_hellenic_royal_stoa.xml:34
66 msgid "Hellenic Royal Stoa"
67 msgstr "Stoa Helénico Real"
69 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_civic_hellenic_royal_stoa.xml:36
70 msgid "Recruit special units."
71 msgstr "Recrutar unidades especiais."
73 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_civic_hellenic_royal_stoa.xml:39
74 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_civic_temple.xml:35
75 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_defense_defense_tower.xml:57
76 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_economic_market.xml:24
77 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_military_blacksmith.xml:32
78 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_military_embassy.xml:26
79 #: simulation/templates/structures/brit_blacksmith.xml:11
80 #: simulation/templates/structures/brit_kennel.xml:39
81 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_super_dock.xml:39
82 #: simulation/templates/structures/gaul_blacksmith.xml:11
83 #: simulation/templates/structures/gaul_tavern.xml:29
84 #: simulation/templates/structures/maur_elephant_stables.xml:29
85 #: simulation/templates/structures/ptol_lighthouse.xml:20
86 msgid "Town"
87 msgstr "Vila"
89 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_civic_house.xml:35
90 msgid "Increase the population limit."
91 msgstr "Aumenta o limite populacional."
93 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_civic_house.xml:37
94 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_defense_outpost.xml:65
95 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_defense_sentry_tower.xml:42
96 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_economic_farmstead.xml:27
97 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_economic_storehouse.xml:27
98 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_military_barracks.xml:31
99 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_military_dock.xml:27
100 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_resource_corral.xml:20
101 msgid "Village"
102 msgstr "Aldeia"
104 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_civic_house.xml:37
105 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_civic_house.xml:34
106 msgid "House"
107 msgstr "Casa"
109 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_civic_temple.xml:34
110 msgid ""
111 "Train healers. Garrison units to heal them at a quick rate (3 HP per "
112 "second). Research healing and religious improvements."
113 msgstr "Recruta curandeiros. Guarneça até 20 unidades no seu interior para as curar a um ritmo rápido (3 pontos de vida por segundo). Desenvolve melhorias de cura e religião."
115 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_civic_temple.xml:35
116 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_civic_temple.xml:33
117 msgid "Temple"
118 msgstr "Templo"
120 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_defense.xml:14
121 msgid "Defensive Structure"
122 msgstr "Edifício Defensivo"
124 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_defense_defense_tower.xml:54
125 msgid "Defense Tower"
126 msgstr "Torre de Defesa"
128 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_defense_defense_tower.xml:55
129 msgid ""
130 "Shoots arrows. Garrison to provide extra defense. Needs the murder holes "
131 "tech to protect its foot."
132 msgstr "Dispara flechas. Guarneça com unidades para defesa extra. Precisa da tecnologia de buracos de tiro para proteger a sua base."
134 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_defense_defense_tower.xml:57
135 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_defense_defense_tower.xml:26
136 msgid "DefenseTower"
137 msgstr "Torre"
139 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_defense_outpost.xml:63
140 msgid ""
141 "Build in neutral and own territories to scout areas of the map. Slowly "
142 "converts to Gaia while in neutral territory."
143 msgstr "Construir em territórios neutros e próprios para explorar áreas do mapa. Lentamente se converte em Gaia, enquanto em território neutro."
145 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_defense_outpost.xml:65
146 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_defense_outpost.xml:33
147 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_defense_outpost.xml:62
148 msgid "Outpost"
149 msgstr "Atalaia"
151 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_defense_sentry_tower.xml:40
152 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_defense_sentry_tower.xml:39
153 msgid "Sentry Tower"
154 msgstr "Torre Sentinela"
156 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_defense_sentry_tower.xml:42
157 msgid "SentryTower"
158 msgstr "Torre Sentinela"
160 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_defense_sentry_tower.xml:69
161 msgid "Reinforce with stone and upgrade to a defense tower."
162 msgstr "Reforçar com pedra e atualizar para uma torre de defesa."
164 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_defense_wall.xml:26
165 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_s_wall_long.xml:7
166 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_s_wall_medium.xml:7
167 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_s_wall_short.xml:7
168 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_s_wall_tower.xml:7
169 msgid "Stone Wall"
170 msgstr "Muralha de Pedra"
172 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_defense_wall.xml:27
173 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_defense_wallset.xml:11
174 msgid "Wall off your town for a stout defense."
175 msgstr "Cerque a sua povoação com muralhas para uma defesa mais robusta."
177 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_defense_wall_gate.xml:10
178 msgid "City Gate"
179 msgstr "Porta da Cidade"
181 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_defense_wall_gate.xml:11
182 msgid ""
183 "Allow units access through a city wall. Can be locked to prevent access."
184 msgstr "Por onde todas as unidades podem atravessar a  muralha. Pode ser encerrada para evitar o acesso."
186 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_defense_wall_long.xml:42
187 msgid "Long wall segments can be converted to gates."
188 msgstr "Segmentos de muralhas podem ser convertidos em portas."
190 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_defense_wall_long.xml:47
191 msgid ""
192 "This will allow you to let units circulate through your fortifications."
193 msgstr "Isso permitirá que você deixe as unidades circularem através das suas fortificações."
195 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_defense_wall_tower.xml:52
196 msgid "Wall Turret"
197 msgstr "Cubelo"
199 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_defense_wall_tower.xml:53
200 msgid "Shoots arrows. Garrison to defend a city wall against attackers."
201 msgstr "Dispara flechas. Guarneça com unidades para defender a muralha de ataques inimigos."
203 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_defense_wallset.xml:10
204 msgid "City Wall"
205 msgstr "Muralha"
207 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_economic.xml:14
208 msgid "Economic Structure"
209 msgstr "Edifício Económico"
211 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_economic.xml:15
212 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_military_dock.xml:27
213 msgid "Economic"
214 msgstr "Económico"
216 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_economic_farmstead.xml:25
217 msgid "Dropsite for the food resource. Research food gathering improvements."
218 msgstr "Armazém para comida. Desenvolve tecnologias para optimizar a obtenção de alimentos. "
220 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_economic_farmstead.xml:27
221 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_economic_farmstead.xml:24
222 msgid "Farmstead"
223 msgstr "Quinta"
225 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_economic_market.xml:22
226 msgid ""
227 "Create trade units to trade between other markets. Barter resources. "
228 "Research trading and bartering improvements."
229 msgstr "Cria mercadores para comercializar com outros mercados. Permite trocar recursos. Desenvolve tecnologias relativas a comércio e trocas."
231 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_economic_market.xml:24
232 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_economic_market.xml:21
233 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_military_dock.xml:27
234 msgid "Market"
235 msgstr "Mercado"
237 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_economic_storehouse.xml:25
238 msgid ""
239 "Dropsite for wood, stone, and metal resources. Research gathering "
240 "improvements for these resources."
241 msgstr "Armazém de madeira, pedra e metal. Desenvolve tecnologias para optimizar a recolha destes recursos."
243 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_economic_storehouse.xml:27
244 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_economic_storehouse.xml:24
245 msgid "Storehouse"
246 msgstr "Armazém"
248 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_gaia_settlement.xml:9
249 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_gaia_settlement.xml:10
250 msgid "Settlement"
251 msgstr "Povoação"
253 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_gaia_settlement.xml:11
254 msgid "Build a Civic Center at this location to expand your territory."
255 msgstr "Construa um Centro Cívico nesta localização para expandir o seu território."
257 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_military.xml:14
258 msgid "Military Structure"
259 msgstr "Edifício Militar"
261 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_military.xml:15
262 msgid "Military"
263 msgstr "Militar"
265 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_military_barracks.xml:30
266 msgid "Train citizen-soldiers. Research training improvements."
267 msgstr "Cidadãos-soldados treinados. Melhorias na formação em investigação."
269 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_military_barracks.xml:31
270 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_military_barracks.xml:29
271 msgid "Barracks"
272 msgstr "Quartel"
274 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_military_blacksmith.xml:30
275 msgid "Research weapons and armor improvements."
276 msgstr "Desenvolve melhoramentos para armaduras e armas."
278 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_military_blacksmith.xml:32
279 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_military_blacksmith.xml:29
280 msgid "Blacksmith"
281 msgstr "Ferraria"
283 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_military_dock.xml:25
284 msgid ""
285 "Build upon a shoreline to construct naval vessels and to open sea trade. "
286 "Research naval improvements."
287 msgstr "Tem de estar localizado na costa. Permite construir embarcações e fazer comércio marítimo. Desenvolve tecnologias navais."
289 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_military_dock.xml:27
290 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_military_dock.xml:24
291 msgid "Dock"
292 msgstr "Porto"
294 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_military_embassy.xml:26
295 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_military_embassy.xml:27
296 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_embassy.xml:19
297 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_embassy.xml:20
298 msgid "Embassy"
299 msgstr "Embaixada"
301 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_military_fortress.xml:29
302 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_military_fortress.xml:62
303 msgid "Fortress"
304 msgstr "Fortaleza"
306 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_military_fortress.xml:63
307 msgid ""
308 "Train heroes, champions, and siege weapons. Research siege weapon "
309 "improvements."
310 msgstr "Treine heróis, campeões e armas de cerco. Melhorias em armas de cerco de pesquisa."
312 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_military_fortress.xml:65
313 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_special.xml:45
314 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_wonder.xml:52
315 msgid "City"
316 msgstr "Cidade"
318 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_resource.xml:17
319 msgid "Resource Structure"
320 msgstr "Edifício de Recursos"
322 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_resource.xml:19
323 msgid "Resource"
324 msgstr "Recursos"
326 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_resource_corral.xml:19
327 msgid ""
328 "Raise herd animals for food. Task domestic animals here to gain a trickle of"
329 " food or other bonus (Not yet implemented)."
330 msgstr "Cria animais para obter comida. Recolha animais domésticos neste edifício para obter mais comida e outras bonificações (funcionalidade ainda não implementada)."
332 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_resource_corral.xml:20
333 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_resource_corral.xml:18
334 msgid "Corral"
335 msgstr "Curral"
337 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_resource_field.xml:27
338 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_resource_field.xml:26
339 msgid "Field"
340 msgstr "Seara"
342 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_resource_field.xml:28
343 msgid "Harvest vegetables for food. Max gatherers: 5."
344 msgstr "Colha vegetais para obter comida. Máximo de 5 unidades na colheita."
346 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_special.xml:42
347 #: simulation/templates/structures/brit_kennel.xml:36
348 msgid "Special Building"
349 msgstr "Edifício Especial"
351 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_special.xml:43
352 msgid "This is a special building unique to a particular civilization."
353 msgstr "Este é um edifício especial, exclusivo de uma civilização específica."
355 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_special_library.xml:17
356 msgid "Library"
357 msgstr "Biblioteca"
359 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_special_library.xml:19
360 msgid "Research special technologies."
361 msgstr "Pesquisa de tecnologias especiais."
363 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_special_rotarymill.xml:22
364 msgid "Rotary Mill"
365 msgstr "Moinho Giratório"
367 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_special_rotarymill.xml:23
368 msgid "Melonas"
369 msgstr "Melonas"
371 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_special_theatron.xml:25
372 msgid "Greek Theater"
373 msgstr "Teatro Grego"
375 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_special_theatron.xml:26
376 msgid "Théātron"
377 msgstr "Théātron"
379 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_wonder.xml:51
380 msgid ""
381 "Bring glory to your civilization and add large tracts of land to your "
382 "empire."
383 msgstr "Glorifica a sua civilização e anexa uma grande porção de território ao seu império."
385 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_wonder.xml:52
386 #: simulation/templates/template_structure_wonder.xml:50
387 msgid "Wonder"
388 msgstr "Maravilha"
390 #: simulation/templates/structures/athen_barracks.xml:18
391 #: simulation/templates/structures/mace_barracks.xml:18
392 #: simulation/templates/structures/spart_barracks.xml:18
393 msgid "Stratēgeîon"
394 msgstr "Stratēgeîon"
396 #: simulation/templates/structures/athen_blacksmith.xml:5
397 #: simulation/templates/structures/spart_blacksmith.xml:5
398 msgid "Khalkeṓn"
399 msgstr "Khalkeṓn"
401 #: simulation/templates/structures/athen_civil_centre.xml:8
402 #: simulation/templates/structures/mace_civil_centre.xml:8
403 #: simulation/templates/structures/spart_civil_centre.xml:8
404 msgid "Agorá"
405 msgstr "Ágora"
407 #: simulation/templates/structures/athen_corral.xml:12
408 #: simulation/templates/structures/mace_corral.xml:12
409 #: simulation/templates/structures/sele_corral.xml:12
410 #: simulation/templates/structures/spart_corral.xml:12
411 msgid "Épaulos"
412 msgstr "Épaulos"
414 #: simulation/templates/structures/athen_defense_tower.xml:9
415 #: simulation/templates/structures/mace_defense_tower.xml:9
416 #: simulation/templates/structures/sele_defense_tower.xml:9
417 #: simulation/templates/structures/spart_defense_tower.xml:9
418 msgid "Pyrgíon"
419 msgstr "Pyrgíon"
421 #: simulation/templates/structures/athen_dock.xml:12
422 #: simulation/templates/structures/mace_dock.xml:12
423 #: simulation/templates/structures/spart_dock.xml:12
424 msgid "Limḗn"
425 msgstr "Limḗn"
427 #: simulation/templates/structures/athen_farmstead.xml:12
428 #: simulation/templates/structures/mace_farmstead.xml:12
429 #: simulation/templates/structures/spart_farmstead.xml:12
430 msgid "Sitobólion"
431 msgstr "Sitobólion"
433 #: simulation/templates/structures/athen_field.xml:5
434 #: simulation/templates/structures/mace_field.xml:5
435 #: simulation/templates/structures/sele_field.xml:5
436 #: simulation/templates/structures/spart_field.xml:5
437 msgid "Agrós"
438 msgstr "Agrós"
440 #: simulation/templates/structures/athen_fortress.xml:9
441 msgid "Epiteíkhisma"
442 msgstr "Epiteíkhisma"
444 #: simulation/templates/structures/athen_fortress.xml:10
445 msgid "Build siege engines. Garrison soldiers inside for stout defense."
446 msgstr "Permite construir maquinaria de cerco. Guarneça até 20 soldados no seu interior para uma defesa robusta."
448 #: simulation/templates/structures/athen_gymnasion.xml:23
449 msgid "Gymnasium"
450 msgstr "Ginásio"
452 #: simulation/templates/structures/athen_gymnasion.xml:24
453 msgid "Gymnásion"
454 msgstr "Gymnásion"
456 #: simulation/templates/structures/athen_gymnasion.xml:25
457 msgid "Train champion units."
458 msgstr "Recruta unidades de elite."
460 #: simulation/templates/structures/athen_house.xml:5
461 #: simulation/templates/structures/mace_house.xml:5
462 #: simulation/templates/structures/sele_house.xml:5
463 #: simulation/templates/structures/spart_house.xml:5
464 msgid "Oîkos"
465 msgstr "Oîkos"
467 #: simulation/templates/structures/athen_market.xml:5
468 #: simulation/templates/structures/mace_market.xml:5
469 #: simulation/templates/structures/spart_market.xml:5
470 msgid "Empórios"
471 msgstr "Empórios"
473 #: simulation/templates/structures/athen_outpost.xml:5
474 #: simulation/templates/structures/mace_outpost.xml:5
475 #: simulation/templates/structures/spart_outpost.xml:5
476 msgid "Greek Outpost"
477 msgstr "Atalaia Grega"
479 #: simulation/templates/structures/athen_outpost.xml:6
480 #: simulation/templates/structures/mace_outpost.xml:6
481 #: simulation/templates/structures/spart_outpost.xml:6
482 msgid "Prophylakḗ"
483 msgstr "Prophylakḗ"
485 #: simulation/templates/structures/athen_prytaneion.xml:24
486 msgid "Council Chamber"
487 msgstr "Pritaneu"
489 #: simulation/templates/structures/athen_prytaneion.xml:25
490 msgid "Prytaneîon"
491 msgstr "Prytaneîon"
493 #: simulation/templates/structures/athen_prytaneion.xml:26
494 msgid "Train heroes. Research special technologies."
495 msgstr "Recruta heróis. Desenvolve tecnologias especiais."
497 #: simulation/templates/structures/athen_storehouse.xml:5
498 #: simulation/templates/structures/mace_storehouse.xml:5
499 #: simulation/templates/structures/sele_storehouse.xml:5
500 #: simulation/templates/structures/spart_storehouse.xml:5
501 msgid "Apothḗkē"
502 msgstr "Apothḗkē"
504 #: simulation/templates/structures/athen_temple.xml:9
505 msgid "Naṓs"
506 msgstr "Naõs"
508 #: simulation/templates/structures/athen_wall_gate.xml:9
509 #: simulation/templates/structures/mace_wall_gate.xml:9
510 #: simulation/templates/structures/sele_wall_gate.xml:9
511 #: simulation/templates/structures/spart_wall_gate.xml:9
512 msgid "Pýlai"
513 msgstr "Pýlai"
515 #: simulation/templates/structures/athen_wall_long.xml:10
516 #: simulation/templates/structures/athen_wall_medium.xml:10
517 #: simulation/templates/structures/athen_wall_short.xml:10
518 #: simulation/templates/structures/athen_wallset_stone.xml:5
519 #: simulation/templates/structures/mace_wall_long.xml:10
520 #: simulation/templates/structures/mace_wall_medium.xml:10
521 #: simulation/templates/structures/mace_wall_short.xml:10
522 #: simulation/templates/structures/mace_wallset_stone.xml:5
523 #: simulation/templates/structures/sele_wall_long.xml:10
524 #: simulation/templates/structures/sele_wall_medium.xml:10
525 #: simulation/templates/structures/sele_wall_short.xml:10
526 #: simulation/templates/structures/sele_wallset_stone.xml:5
527 #: simulation/templates/structures/spart_wall_long.xml:10
528 #: simulation/templates/structures/spart_wall_medium.xml:10
529 #: simulation/templates/structures/spart_wall_short.xml:10
530 #: simulation/templates/structures/spart_wallset_stone.xml:5
531 msgid "Teîkhos"
532 msgstr "Teîkhos"
534 #: simulation/templates/structures/athen_wall_tower.xml:9
535 #: simulation/templates/structures/mace_wall_tower.xml:9
536 #: simulation/templates/structures/sele_wall_tower.xml:9
537 #: simulation/templates/structures/spart_wall_tower.xml:9
538 msgid "Pýrgos"
539 msgstr "Pýrgos"
541 #: simulation/templates/structures/athen_wonder.xml:15
542 #: simulation/templates/structures/mace_wonder.xml:15
543 #: simulation/templates/structures/spart_wonder.xml:15
544 msgid "Naós Parthenṓn"
545 msgstr "Naós Parthenṓn"
547 #: simulation/templates/structures/athen_wonder.xml:17
548 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_wonder.xml:17
549 #: simulation/templates/structures/mace_wonder.xml:17
550 #: simulation/templates/structures/ptol_wonder.xml:17
551 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_wonder.xml:16
552 msgid ""
553 "Bring glory to your civilization and add large tracts of land to your "
554 "empire. Garrison units to heal them at an extremely quick rate."
555 msgstr "Traz a glória à sua civilização e anexa um grande território ao teu império. Guarneça até 30 unidades para serem curadas rapidamente."
557 #: simulation/templates/structures/brit_barracks.xml:15
558 #: simulation/templates/structures/gaul_barracks.xml:15
559 msgid "Gwersyllty"
560 msgstr "Gwersyllty"
562 #: simulation/templates/structures/brit_blacksmith.xml:8
563 #: simulation/templates/structures/gaul_blacksmith.xml:8
564 msgid "Amoridas"
565 msgstr "Amoridas"
567 #: simulation/templates/structures/brit_civil_centre.xml:12
568 #: simulation/templates/structures/gaul_civil_centre.xml:12
569 msgid "Caer"
570 msgstr "Caer"
572 #: simulation/templates/structures/brit_corral.xml:9
573 #: simulation/templates/structures/gaul_corral.xml:9
574 msgid "Cavalidos"
575 msgstr "Cavalidos"
577 #: simulation/templates/structures/brit_crannog.xml:13
578 msgid "Island Settlement"
579 msgstr "Arquipélago"
581 #: simulation/templates/structures/brit_crannog.xml:17
582 msgid "Increase population limit and defend waterways."
583 msgstr "Aumentar limite de população e defender vias navegáveis."
585 #: simulation/templates/structures/brit_crannog.xml:18
586 #: simulation/templates/structures/brit_dock.xml:15
587 #: simulation/templates/structures/gaul_dock.xml:15
588 msgid "Crannóc"
589 msgstr "Crannóc"
591 #: simulation/templates/structures/brit_defense_tower.xml:9
592 #: simulation/templates/structures/brit_wall_tower.xml:11
593 #: simulation/templates/structures/gaul_defense_tower.xml:9
594 #: simulation/templates/structures/gaul_wall_tower.xml:11
595 msgid "Tyrau"
596 msgstr "Tyrau"
598 #: simulation/templates/structures/brit_farmstead.xml:8
599 #: simulation/templates/structures/gaul_farmstead.xml:12
600 msgid "Ffermdy"
601 msgstr "Ffermdy"
603 #: simulation/templates/structures/brit_field.xml:5
604 #: simulation/templates/structures/gaul_field.xml:5
605 msgid "Varmo"
606 msgstr "Varmo"
608 #: simulation/templates/structures/brit_fortress.xml:21
609 msgid "Brythonic Broch"
610 msgstr "Broch Bretão"
612 #: simulation/templates/structures/brit_fortress.xml:22
613 msgid "Train Brythonic heroes and champions. Construct siege rams."
614 msgstr "Recruta unidades de elite e heróis bretões. Constrói aríetes. "
616 #: simulation/templates/structures/brit_house.xml:9
617 #: simulation/templates/structures/gaul_house.xml:9
618 msgid "Annedd"
619 msgstr "Annedd"
621 #: simulation/templates/structures/brit_kennel.xml:37
622 msgid "Kennel"
623 msgstr "Canil"
625 #: simulation/templates/structures/brit_kennel.xml:40
626 msgid "Train Celtic war dogs."
627 msgstr "Treina cães de guerra Célticos. "
629 #: simulation/templates/structures/brit_market.xml:15
630 #: simulation/templates/structures/gaul_market.xml:15
631 msgid "Marchnaty"
632 msgstr "Marchnaty"
634 #: simulation/templates/structures/brit_outpost.xml:5
635 msgid "Brythonic Outpost"
636 msgstr "Atalaia Bretã"
638 #: simulation/templates/structures/brit_storehouse.xml:8
639 #: simulation/templates/structures/gaul_storehouse.xml:8
640 msgid "Ystordy"
641 msgstr "Ystordy"
643 #: simulation/templates/structures/brit_temple.xml:18
644 #: simulation/templates/structures/gaul_temple.xml:18
645 msgid "Addoldy"
646 msgstr "Addoldy"
648 #: simulation/templates/structures/brit_wall_gate.xml:9
649 msgid "Dor"
650 msgstr "Dor"
652 #: simulation/templates/structures/brit_wall_long.xml:29
653 #: simulation/templates/structures/brit_wall_medium.xml:23
654 #: simulation/templates/structures/brit_wall_short.xml:10
655 #: simulation/templates/structures/brit_wallset_stone.xml:5
656 #: simulation/templates/structures/gaul_wall_long.xml:29
657 #: simulation/templates/structures/gaul_wall_medium.xml:23
658 #: simulation/templates/structures/gaul_wall_short.xml:10
659 #: simulation/templates/structures/gaul_wallset_stone.xml:5
660 msgid "Gwarchglawdd"
661 msgstr "Gwarchglawdd"
663 #: simulation/templates/structures/brit_wall_tower.xml:13
664 #: simulation/templates/structures/gaul_wall_tower.xml:13
665 msgid "Does not shoot or garrison."
666 msgstr "Não dispara nem permite guarnição."
668 #: simulation/templates/structures/brit_wonder.xml:9
669 #: simulation/templates/structures/gaul_wonder.xml:9
670 msgid "Stonehenge"
671 msgstr "Stonehenge"
673 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_apartment.xml:17
674 msgid "Apartment Building"
675 msgstr "Prédio de apartamentos"
677 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_barracks.xml:18
678 msgid "Maḥanēt"
679 msgstr "Maḥanēt"
681 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_barracks.xml:20
682 msgid ""
683 "Train North African citizen-soldiers. Research improvements for North "
684 "African units."
685 msgstr "Recruta cidadãos-soldados norte-africanos. Desenvolve melhoramentos para unidades norte-africanas."
687 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_civil_centre.xml:8
688 msgid "Merkāz"
689 msgstr "Merkāz"
691 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_corral.xml:12
692 msgid "Rēfet"
693 msgstr "Rēfet"
695 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_defense_tower.xml:9
696 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_wall_tower.xml:12
697 msgid "Mijdil"
698 msgstr "Mijdil"
700 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_dock.xml:17
701 msgid "Commercial Port"
702 msgstr "Porto Comercial"
704 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_dock.xml:18
705 msgid "Namel"
706 msgstr "Namel"
708 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_dock.xml:20
709 msgid ""
710 "Construct fishing boats to gather meat and merchant ships to trade with "
711 "other docks."
712 msgstr "Constrói navios pesqueiros para obter comida e navios mercantes para comercializar com outros portos."
714 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_embassy.xml:22
715 msgid "Hire mercenaries."
716 msgstr "Contrata mercenários."
718 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_embassy_celtic.xml:20
719 msgid "Celtic Embassy"
720 msgstr "Embaixada Celta"
722 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_embassy_celtic.xml:22
723 msgid "Hire Celtic mercenaries. Research improvements for these mercenaries."
724 msgstr "Contrata mercenários celtas e desenvolve tecnologias para estas unidades."
726 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_embassy_iberian.xml:13
727 msgid "Iberian Embassy"
728 msgstr "Embaixada Ibérica"
730 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_embassy_iberian.xml:15
731 msgid "Hire Iberian mercenaries. Research improvements for these mercenaries."
732 msgstr "Contrata mercenários ibéricos e desenvolve melhoramentos para estas unidades."
734 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_embassy_italiote.xml:20
735 msgid "Italian Embassy"
736 msgstr "Embaixada Italiana"
738 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_embassy_italiote.xml:22
739 msgid "Hire Italian mercenaries. Research improvements for these mercenaries."
740 msgstr "Contrata mercenários italiotas. Desenvolve tecnologias para estas unidades."
742 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_farmstead.xml:9
743 msgid "Aḥuzāh"
744 msgstr "Aḥuzāh"
746 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_field.xml:5
747 msgid "Šadd"
748 msgstr "Šadd"
750 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_fortress.xml:9
751 msgid "Blockhouse Fort"
752 msgstr "Fortim"
754 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_fortress.xml:10
755 msgid "Ḥamet"
756 msgstr "Ḥamet"
758 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_house.xml:9
759 msgid "Bet"
760 msgstr "Bet"
762 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_market.xml:12
763 msgid "Šūq"
764 msgstr "Šūq"
766 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_outpost.xml:5
767 msgid "Carthaginian Outpost"
768 msgstr "Atalaia Cartaginesa"
770 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_s_wall_long.xml:6
771 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_s_wall_medium.xml:6
772 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_s_wall_short.xml:6
773 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_s_wall_tower.xml:6
774 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_wallset_short.xml:5
775 msgid "Low Wall"
776 msgstr "muro baixo"
778 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_storehouse.xml:9
779 msgid "Maḥṣabah"
780 msgstr "Maḥṣabah"
782 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_super_dock.xml:37
783 msgid "Naval Shipyard"
784 msgstr "Estaleiro Naval"
786 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_super_dock.xml:38
787 msgid "Cothon"
788 msgstr "Cothon"
790 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_super_dock.xml:39
791 msgid "Shipyard"
792 msgstr "Estaleiro"
794 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_super_dock.xml:41
795 msgid "Construct and repair mighty warships."
796 msgstr "Constrói e repara poderosos navios de guerra."
798 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_temple.xml:14
799 msgid "Maqdaš"
800 msgstr "Maqdaš"
802 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_temple.xml:16
803 msgid ""
804 "Train priestesses to heal your troops. Train Sacred Band pikemen. Garrison "
805 "units to heal them at a quick rate."
806 msgstr "Recruta sacerdotisas para curar as suas tropas. Recruta piqueiros do Batalhão Sagrado. Guarneça até 15 unidades no seu interior para serem curadas rapidamente. "
808 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_wall_gate.xml:9
809 msgid "Mijdil-šaʿar"
810 msgstr "Mijdil-šaʿar"
812 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_wall_long.xml:29
813 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_wall_medium.xml:23
814 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_wall_short.xml:10
815 msgid "Homah"
816 msgstr "Homah"
818 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_wallset_stone.xml:5
819 msgid "Jdar"
820 msgstr "Jdar"
822 #: simulation/templates/structures/cart_wonder.xml:15
823 msgid "Temple of Ba'al Hammon"
824 msgstr "Templo de Baal Hammon"
826 #: simulation/templates/structures/gaul_fortress.xml:8
827 msgid "Gallic Dun"
828 msgstr "Gallic Dun"
830 #: simulation/templates/structures/gaul_fortress.xml:9
831 msgid "Train Gallic heroes and champions. Construct siege rams."
832 msgstr "Recruta heróis e soldados de elite gauleses. Constrói aríetes. "
834 #: simulation/templates/structures/gaul_outpost.xml:5
835 msgid "Gallic Outpost"
836 msgstr "Atalaia gaulesa"
838 #: simulation/templates/structures/gaul_tavern.xml:23
839 msgid "Tavern"
840 msgstr "Taberna"
842 #: simulation/templates/structures/gaul_tavern.xml:24
843 msgid "Taberna"
844 msgstr "Taberna"
846 #: simulation/templates/structures/gaul_tavern.xml:26
847 msgid "Recruit Naked Fanatics."
848 msgstr "Recrutar Fanático nu"
850 #: simulation/templates/structures/gaul_wall_gate.xml:9
851 msgid "Duro"
852 msgstr "Duro"
854 #: simulation/templates/structures/iber_barracks.xml:11
855 msgid "Kaserna"
856 msgstr "Kaserna"
858 #: simulation/templates/structures/iber_blacksmith.xml:5
859 msgid "Harotz"
860 msgstr "Harotz"
862 #: simulation/templates/structures/iber_civil_centre.xml:8
863 msgid "Oppidum"
864 msgstr "Oppidum"
866 #: simulation/templates/structures/iber_corral.xml:12
867 msgid "Saroe"
868 msgstr "Saroe"
870 #: simulation/templates/structures/iber_defense_tower.xml:32
871 #: simulation/templates/structures/iber_wall_tower.xml:9
872 msgid "Dorre"
873 msgstr "Dorre"
875 #: simulation/templates/structures/iber_dock.xml:12
876 msgid "Kai"
877 msgstr "Kai"
879 #: simulation/templates/structures/iber_farmstead.xml:5
880 msgid "Baserri"
881 msgstr "Baserri"
883 #: simulation/templates/structures/iber_field.xml:5
884 msgid "Soro"
885 msgstr "Soro"
887 #: simulation/templates/structures/iber_fortress.xml:15
888 msgid "Castro"
889 msgstr "Castro"
891 #: simulation/templates/structures/iber_house.xml:12
892 msgid "Etxe"
893 msgstr "Etxe"
895 #: simulation/templates/structures/iber_market.xml:12
896 msgid "Arruga"
897 msgstr "Arruga"
899 #: simulation/templates/structures/iber_monument.xml:9
900 msgid "Monument"
901 msgstr "Monumento"
903 #: simulation/templates/structures/iber_monument.xml:34
904 msgid "Revered Monument"
905 msgstr "Monumento Venerado"
907 #: simulation/templates/structures/iber_monument.xml:35
908 msgid "Gur Oroigarri"
909 msgstr "Gur Oroigarri"
911 #: simulation/templates/structures/iber_monument.xml:38
912 msgid ""
913 "All units within vision of this monument will fight harder. Buildings in the"
914 " territory of the monument do not decay."
915 msgstr "Todas as unidades dentro da visão deste monumento vão lutar mais. Os edifícios no território do monumento não se deterioram."
917 #: simulation/templates/structures/iber_outpost.xml:5
918 msgid "Iberian Outpost"
919 msgstr "Atalaia Ibérica"
921 #: simulation/templates/structures/iber_storehouse.xml:5
922 msgid "Ola"
923 msgstr "Ola"
925 #: simulation/templates/structures/iber_temple.xml:12
926 msgid "Loki"
927 msgstr "Loki"
929 #: simulation/templates/structures/iber_wall_gate.xml:9
930 msgid "Biko Sarbide"
931 msgstr "Biko Sarbide"
933 #: simulation/templates/structures/iber_wall_long.xml:29
934 #: simulation/templates/structures/iber_wall_medium.xml:23
935 #: simulation/templates/structures/iber_wall_short.xml:10
936 #: simulation/templates/structures/iber_wallset_stone.xml:5
937 msgid "Zabal Horma"
938 msgstr "Zabal Horma"
940 #: simulation/templates/structures/iber_wonder.xml:9
941 msgid "Cancho Roano"
942 msgstr "Cancho Roano"
944 #: simulation/templates/structures/mace_blacksmith.xml:5
945 msgid "Sidērourgeîon"
946 msgstr "Sidērourgeîon"
948 #: simulation/templates/structures/mace_fortress.xml:9
949 msgid "Teíchisma"
950 msgstr "Teíchisma"
952 #: simulation/templates/structures/mace_fortress.xml:10
953 msgid ""
954 "Train Champions and Heroes. Garrison soldiers inside for stout defense."
955 msgstr "Recruta campeões e heróis. Guarnece até 15 soldados para defender."
957 #: simulation/templates/structures/mace_library.xml:5
958 #: simulation/templates/structures/ptol_library.xml:5
959 msgid "Bibliothḗkē"
960 msgstr "Biblioteca"
962 #: simulation/templates/structures/mace_siege_workshop.xml:17
963 msgid "Synergeîon Poliorkētṓn"
964 msgstr "Synergeîon Poliorkētṓn"
966 #: simulation/templates/structures/mace_siege_workshop.xml:18
967 msgid "Siege Workshop"
968 msgstr "Oficina de Maquinaria de Cerco"
970 #: simulation/templates/structures/mace_siege_workshop.xml:20
971 msgid "Build siege engines. Research siege technologies."
972 msgstr "Constrói maquinaria de cerco e desenvolve a sua tecnologia. "
974 #: simulation/templates/structures/mace_temple.xml:9
975 #: simulation/templates/structures/spart_temple.xml:9
976 msgid "Asklēpieîon"
977 msgstr "Asklēpieîon"
979 #: simulation/templates/structures/maur_barracks.xml:9
980 msgid "Sainyavasa"
981 msgstr "Sainyavasa"
983 #: simulation/templates/structures/maur_blacksmith.xml:5
984 msgid "Lohakāra"
985 msgstr "Lohakāra"
987 #: simulation/templates/structures/maur_civil_centre.xml:12
988 msgid "Rajadhanika"
989 msgstr "Rajadhanika"
991 #: simulation/templates/structures/maur_corral.xml:12
992 msgid "Gotra"
993 msgstr "Gotra"
995 #: simulation/templates/structures/maur_defense_tower.xml:5
996 msgid "Udarka"
997 msgstr "Udarka"
999 #: simulation/templates/structures/maur_dock.xml:9
1000 msgid "Naukasthanaka"
1001 msgstr "Naukasthanaka"
1003 #: simulation/templates/structures/maur_elephant_stables.xml:24
1004 msgid "Elephant Stables"
1005 msgstr "Curral de Elefantes"
1007 #: simulation/templates/structures/maur_elephant_stables.xml:25
1008 msgid "Vāraṇaśālā"
1009 msgstr "Vāraṇaśālā"
1011 #: simulation/templates/structures/maur_elephant_stables.xml:28
1012 msgid "Train elephant units."
1013 msgstr "Recruta unidades de elefantes."
1015 #: simulation/templates/structures/maur_farmstead.xml:12
1016 msgid "Kantu"
1017 msgstr "Kantu"
1019 #: simulation/templates/structures/maur_field.xml:5
1020 msgid "Kshetra"
1021 msgstr "Kshetra"
1023 #: simulation/templates/structures/maur_fortress.xml:5
1024 msgid "Durg"
1025 msgstr "Durg"
1027 #: simulation/templates/structures/maur_fortress.xml:6
1028 msgid "Train heroes and champion units."
1029 msgstr "Recruta heróis e unidades de elite."
1031 #: simulation/templates/structures/maur_house.xml:9
1032 msgid "Griham"
1033 msgstr "Griham"
1035 #: simulation/templates/structures/maur_market.xml:12
1036 msgid "Vipana"
1037 msgstr "Vipana"
1039 #: simulation/templates/structures/maur_outpost.xml:5
1040 msgid "Uparaksana"
1041 msgstr "Uparaksana"
1043 #: simulation/templates/structures/maur_pillar_ashoka.xml:9
1044 msgid "Pillar"
1045 msgstr "Pilar"
1047 #: simulation/templates/structures/maur_pillar_ashoka.xml:34
1048 msgid "Edict Pillar of Ashoka"
1049 msgstr "Pilares de Asoka"
1051 #: simulation/templates/structures/maur_pillar_ashoka.xml:35
1052 msgid "Śāsana Stambha Aśokā"
1053 msgstr "Śāsana Stambha Aśokā"
1055 #: simulation/templates/structures/maur_pillar_ashoka.xml:38
1056 msgid ""
1057 "The famous pillar of Ashoka. Increases the walk speed of traders. Buildings "
1058 "in the territory of the monument do not decay."
1059 msgstr "O famoso Pilar de Asoca. Aumenta a velocidade de comerciantes. Estruturas no território do monumento não sofrem deterioração."
1061 #: simulation/templates/structures/maur_storehouse.xml:5
1062 msgid "Khalla"
1063 msgstr "Khalla"
1065 #: simulation/templates/structures/maur_temple.xml:12
1066 msgid "Devalaya"
1067 msgstr "Devalaya"
1069 #: simulation/templates/structures/maur_wall_gate.xml:9
1070 msgid "Dwara"
1071 msgstr "Dwara"
1073 #: simulation/templates/structures/maur_wall_long.xml:35
1074 #: simulation/templates/structures/maur_wall_medium.xml:29
1075 #: simulation/templates/structures/maur_wall_short.xml:16
1076 #: simulation/templates/structures/maur_wallset_stone.xml:5
1077 msgid "Shilabanda"
1078 msgstr "Shilabanda"
1080 #: simulation/templates/structures/maur_wall_tower.xml:18
1081 msgid "Puratta"
1082 msgstr "Puratta"
1084 #: simulation/templates/structures/maur_wonder.xml:9
1085 msgid "Great Stupa"
1086 msgstr "Grande Stupa"
1088 #: simulation/templates/structures/merc_camp_egyptian.xml:7
1089 #: simulation/templates/structures/ptol_mercenary_camp.xml:7
1090 msgid "MercenaryCamp"
1091 msgstr "AcampamentoMercenário"
1093 #: simulation/templates/structures/merc_camp_egyptian.xml:29
1094 msgid "Mercenary Camp (Egyptian)"
1095 msgstr "Acampamento Mercenário (Egípcio)"
1097 #: simulation/templates/structures/merc_camp_egyptian.xml:30
1098 msgid "Stratópedo Misthophóron Aigyptiakós"
1099 msgstr "Stratópedo Misthophóron Aigyptiakós"
1101 #: simulation/templates/structures/merc_camp_egyptian.xml:33
1102 msgid "Capture this structure to train mercenaries from Hellenistic Egypt."
1103 msgstr "Capture este edifício para recrutar mercenários do Egipto Helenístico."
1105 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_apadana.xml:29
1106 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_tacara.xml:26
1107 msgid "Persian Palace"
1108 msgstr "Palácio Persa"
1110 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_apadana.xml:30
1111 msgid "Apadana"
1112 msgstr "Apadana"
1114 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_apadana.xml:34
1115 msgid ""
1116 "\"Satrapy Tribute\": Gain a trickle of food, wood, stone, and metal "
1117 "resources. Train Persian heroes and their \"Immortals\" bodyguards."
1118 msgstr "\"Tributo de Sátrapa\": Obtenha um aumento de comida, madeira, pedra e metal. Recruta heróis persas e os seus guarda-costas \"imortais\"."
1120 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_barracks.xml:5
1121 msgid "Padgan"
1122 msgstr "Padgan"
1124 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_barracks.xml:7
1125 msgid "Levy citizen-infantry units."
1126 msgstr "Mobiliza unidades de infantaria de cidadãos."
1128 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_blacksmith.xml:5
1129 msgid "Arštišta"
1130 msgstr "Arštišta"
1132 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_civil_centre.xml:8
1133 msgid "Provincial Governor"
1134 msgstr "Governo Civil"
1136 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_civil_centre.xml:9
1137 msgid "Xšaçapāvan"
1138 msgstr "Xšaçapāvan"
1140 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_corral.xml:12
1141 msgid "Gaiāšta"
1142 msgstr "Gaiāšta"
1144 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_defense_tower.xml:5
1145 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_wall_tower.xml:9
1146 msgid "Pāyaud"
1147 msgstr "Pāyaud"
1149 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_dock.xml:12
1150 msgid "Nāvašta"
1151 msgstr "Nāvašta"
1153 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_farmstead.xml:12
1154 msgid "Kaštašta"
1155 msgstr "Kaštašta"
1157 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_field.xml:5
1158 msgid "Kaštrya"
1159 msgstr "Kaštrya"
1161 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_fortress.xml:5
1162 msgid "Didā"
1163 msgstr "Didā"
1165 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_fortress.xml:7
1166 msgid "Train Champion Cavalry and Construct Siege Rams."
1167 msgstr "Recruta cavalaria de elite e constrói aríetes."
1169 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_hall.xml:28
1170 msgid "Persian Hall"
1171 msgstr "Salão Persa"
1173 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_hall.xml:29
1174 msgid "Duvarthi Visadahyu"
1175 msgstr "Duvarthi Visadahyu"
1177 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_hall.xml:31
1178 msgid "Train War Elephants and Kardakes mercenaries."
1179 msgstr "Recruta elefantes de guerra e mercenários Kárdakes."
1181 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_house.xml:9
1182 msgid "Huvādā"
1183 msgstr "Huvādā"
1185 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_ishtar_gate.xml:30
1186 msgid "Persian Special Building"
1187 msgstr "Edifício especial persa"
1189 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_ishtar_gate.xml:31
1190 msgid "Ishtar Gate of Babylon"
1191 msgstr "Porta de Ishtar"
1193 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_ishtar_gate.xml:32
1194 msgid ""
1195 "Increases the loyalty regeneration of nearby structures, making them harder "
1196 "to capture."
1197 msgstr "Aumenta a regeneração de lealdade de estruturas próximas, tornando-os mais difíceis de capturar."
1199 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_market.xml:12
1200 msgid "Ardatašta"
1201 msgstr "Ardatašta"
1203 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_outpost.xml:5
1204 msgid "Didebani"
1205 msgstr "Didebani"
1207 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_stables.xml:18
1208 msgid "Cavalry Stables"
1209 msgstr "Cavalariças"
1211 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_stables.xml:19
1212 msgid "Paraspa"
1213 msgstr "Paraspa"
1215 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_stables.xml:20
1216 msgid "Stables"
1217 msgstr "Estábulos"
1219 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_stables.xml:22
1220 msgid "Train citizen-cavalry units."
1221 msgstr "Recruta cidadãos-cavaleiros."
1223 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_storehouse.xml:5
1224 msgid "Asiyah"
1225 msgstr "Asiyah"
1227 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_tacara.xml:27
1228 msgid "Taçara"
1229 msgstr "Taçara"
1231 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_temple.xml:12
1232 msgid "Ayadana"
1233 msgstr "Ayadana"
1235 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_wall_gate.xml:9
1236 msgid "Duvitaparnam"
1237 msgstr "Duvitaparnam"
1239 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_wall_long.xml:29
1240 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_wall_medium.xml:23
1241 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_wall_short.xml:10
1242 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_wallset_stone.xml:5
1243 msgid "Para"
1244 msgstr "Para"
1246 #: simulation/templates/structures/pers_wonder.xml:12
1247 msgid "Hanging Gardens of Babylon"
1248 msgstr "Jardins Suspensos da Babilónia"
1250 #: simulation/templates/structures/ptol_barracks.xml:17
1251 msgid "ḥwt-n-mš'"
1252 msgstr "ḥwt-n-mš'"
1254 #: simulation/templates/structures/ptol_barracks.xml:18
1255 msgid ""
1256 "Train Egyptian and Middle-Eastern citizen-soldiers. Research training "
1257 "improvements."
1258 msgstr "Treine egípcios e cidadãos-soldados do Médio Oriente. melhorias de formação em investigação."
1260 #: simulation/templates/structures/ptol_civil_centre.xml:12
1261 msgid "pr-'a"
1262 msgstr "pr-'a"
1264 #: simulation/templates/structures/ptol_corral.xml:19
1265 msgid "h-n-ssmt.w"
1266 msgstr "h-n-ssmt.w"
1268 #: simulation/templates/structures/ptol_defense_tower.xml:9
1269 msgid "mktr-n-ḏw"
1270 msgstr "mktr-n-ḏw"
1272 #: simulation/templates/structures/ptol_dock.xml:12
1273 msgid "ḥwt-n-dpt.w"
1274 msgstr "ḥwt-n-dpt.w"
1276 #: simulation/templates/structures/ptol_farmstead.xml:19
1277 msgid "pr-n-t"
1278 msgstr "pr-n-t"
1280 #: simulation/templates/structures/ptol_fortress.xml:9
1281 msgid "mktr-'a"
1282 msgstr "mktr-'a"
1284 #: simulation/templates/structures/ptol_house.xml:19
1285 msgid "ḥwt"
1286 msgstr "ḥwt"
1288 #: simulation/templates/structures/ptol_house.xml:20
1289 msgid ""
1290 "Increase the population limit. Since they are made of mud brick, Egyptian "
1291 "houses are free of cost, but are very weak."
1292 msgstr "Aumente o limite de população. Como eles são feitos de tijolos de barro, as casas egípcias são gratuitas, mas são muito fracas."
1294 #: simulation/templates/structures/ptol_lighthouse.xml:17
1295 msgid "Lighthouse"
1296 msgstr "Farol"
1298 #: simulation/templates/structures/ptol_lighthouse.xml:18
1299 msgid "Pháros"
1300 msgstr "Pháros"
1302 #: simulation/templates/structures/ptol_lighthouse.xml:21
1303 msgid ""
1304 "Build along the shore to reveal the shorelines over the entire map. Very "
1305 "large vision range: 180 meters."
1306 msgstr "Construir ao longo da costa para revelar as linhas costeiras ao longo de todo o mapa. Muito grande o campo de visão: 180 metros."
1308 #: simulation/templates/structures/ptol_market.xml:9
1309 msgid "ḥwt-n-ḫt.w-wḫa.w"
1310 msgstr "ḥwt-n-ḫt.w-wḫa.w"
1312 #: simulation/templates/structures/ptol_mercenary_camp.xml:29
1313 msgid "Mercenary Camp"
1314 msgstr "Acampamento Mercenário"
1316 #: simulation/templates/structures/ptol_mercenary_camp.xml:30
1317 msgid "Stratopedeía Misthophórōn"
1318 msgstr "Stratopedeía Misthophórōn"
1320 #: simulation/templates/structures/ptol_mercenary_camp.xml:33
1321 msgid ""
1322 "Cheap barracks-like structure that is buildable in neutral territory, but "
1323 "casts no territory influence. Train Mercenaries."
1324 msgstr "Estrutura militar tipo quartel que pode ser construído em território neutro mas não tem influência territorial. Recruta mercenário."
1326 #: simulation/templates/structures/ptol_military_colony.xml:10
1327 msgid "Klēroukhia"
1328 msgstr "Klēroukhia"
1330 #: simulation/templates/structures/ptol_military_colony.xml:12
1331 msgid ""
1332 "This is the Ptolemaic expansion building, similar to Civic Centers for other"
1333 " factions. It is weaker and carries a smaller territory influence, but is "
1334 "cheaper and built faster. Train settler-soldiers of various nationalities."
1335 msgstr "Este é o edifício de expansão Ptolemaico, semelhante aos Centros Cívicos para outras facções. É mais fraco e carrega uma menor influência do território, mas é mais barato e mais rápido. Treine colonos-soldados de várias nacionalidades."
1337 #: simulation/templates/structures/ptol_outpost.xml:5
1338 msgid "mktr-n-ḫt"
1339 msgstr "mktr-n-ḫt"
1341 #: simulation/templates/structures/ptol_storehouse.xml:18
1342 msgid "h-n-ḫt.w"
1343 msgstr "h-n-ḫt.w"
1345 #: simulation/templates/structures/ptol_wall_gate.xml:9
1346 msgid "sba-n-njwt"
1347 msgstr "sba-n-njwt"
1349 #: simulation/templates/structures/ptol_wall_long.xml:30
1350 #: simulation/templates/structures/ptol_wall_medium.xml:24
1351 #: simulation/templates/structures/ptol_wall_short.xml:11
1352 #: simulation/templates/structures/ptol_wallset_stone.xml:5
1353 msgid "h-n-njwt"
1354 msgstr "h-n-njwt"
1356 #: simulation/templates/structures/ptol_wall_tower.xml:9
1357 msgid "mktr"
1358 msgstr "mktr"
1360 #: simulation/templates/structures/ptol_wonder.xml:15
1361 msgid "Temple of Edfu"
1362 msgstr "Templo de Edfu"
1364 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_arch.xml:22
1365 msgid "Triumphal Arch"
1366 msgstr "Arco do Triunfo"
1368 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_arch.xml:23
1369 msgid "Special Imperial Roman building."
1370 msgstr "Edifício especial do Império Romano."
1372 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_army_camp.xml:35
1373 msgid "ArmyCamp"
1374 msgstr "Acampamento do Exército"
1376 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_army_camp.xml:68
1377 msgid "Entrenched Army Camp"
1378 msgstr "Acampamento Militar Entrincheirado"
1380 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_army_camp.xml:69
1381 msgid "Castrum Vallum"
1382 msgstr "Castrum Vallum"
1384 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_army_camp.xml:72
1385 msgid ""
1386 "Build in neutral or enemy territory. Construct siege weapons and train "
1387 "citizen-soldiers. Heal garrisoned units slowly."
1388 msgstr "Construir em território neutro ou território inimigo. Construa armaduras de cerco e treine cidadãos-soldados. Cure unidades guarnecidas lentamente."
1390 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_barracks.xml:18
1391 msgid "Castrum"
1392 msgstr "Castrum"
1394 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_blacksmith.xml:5
1395 msgid "Armamentarium"
1396 msgstr "Armamentarium"
1398 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_civil_centre.xml:12
1399 msgid "Forum"
1400 msgstr "Forum"
1402 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_corral.xml:12
1403 msgid "Saeptum"
1404 msgstr "Saeptum"
1406 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_defense_tower.xml:9
1407 msgid "Turris Lignea"
1408 msgstr "Turris Lignea"
1410 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_dock.xml:12
1411 msgid "Portus"
1412 msgstr "Portus"
1414 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_farmstead.xml:12
1415 msgid "Villa"
1416 msgstr "Villa"
1418 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_field.xml:5
1419 msgid "Ager"
1420 msgstr "Ager"
1422 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_fortress.xml:5
1423 msgid "Castellum"
1424 msgstr "Castellum"
1426 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_house.xml:5
1427 msgid "Domus"
1428 msgstr "Domus"
1430 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_market.xml:12
1431 msgid "Mercatus"
1432 msgstr "Mercatus"
1434 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_outpost.xml:5
1435 msgid "Vigilarium"
1436 msgstr "Vigilarium"
1438 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_siege_wall_gate.xml:25
1439 msgid "Siege Wall Gate"
1440 msgstr "Portão"
1442 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_siege_wall_gate.xml:26
1443 msgid "Porta Circummunitionis"
1444 msgstr "Porta Circummunitionis"
1446 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_siege_wall_long.xml:51
1447 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_siege_wall_medium.xml:45
1448 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_siege_wall_short.xml:32
1449 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_wallset_siege.xml:5
1450 msgid "Siege Wall"
1451 msgstr "Muralha de Cerco"
1453 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_siege_wall_long.xml:52
1454 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_siege_wall_medium.xml:46
1455 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_siege_wall_short.xml:33
1456 msgid "Murus Circummunitionis"
1457 msgstr "Murus Circummunitionis"
1459 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_siege_wall_long.xml:55
1460 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_siege_wall_medium.xml:49
1461 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_siege_wall_short.xml:36
1462 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_wallset_siege.xml:8
1463 msgid "A wooden and turf palisade buildable in enemy and neutral territories."
1464 msgstr "Uma paliçada de madeira e terra que pode ser construída em territórios neutrais ou inimigos."
1466 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_siege_wall_tower.xml:31
1467 msgid "Siege Wall Tower"
1468 msgstr "Torre de Vigia"
1470 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_siege_wall_tower.xml:32
1471 msgid "Turris Circummunitionis"
1472 msgstr "Turris Circummunitionis"
1474 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_storehouse.xml:5
1475 msgid "Receptaculum"
1476 msgstr "Receptaculum"
1478 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_temple.xml:9
1479 msgid "Aedes"
1480 msgstr "Aedes"
1482 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_temple_mars.xml:12
1483 msgid "Temple of Mars"
1484 msgstr "Templo de Marte"
1486 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_temple_mars.xml:13
1487 msgid "Aedes Martis"
1488 msgstr "Aedes Martis"
1490 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_temple_mars.xml:15
1491 msgid "Train healers. Garrison units to heal them at a quick rate."
1492 msgstr "Recruta Sacerdotes. Guarnece até 30 unidades para as curar rapidamente."
1494 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_temple_vesta.xml:17
1495 msgid "Temple of Vesta"
1496 msgstr "Templo de Vesta"
1498 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_temple_vesta.xml:19
1499 msgid "Aedes Vestae"
1500 msgstr "Aedes Vestae"
1502 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_tent.xml:29
1503 msgid "Tent"
1504 msgstr "Tenda"
1506 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_tent.xml:30
1507 msgid "Tabernāculum"
1508 msgstr "Tabernāculum"
1510 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_tent.xml:32
1511 msgid "A temporary shelter for soldiers."
1512 msgstr "Um refúgio temporário para soldados."
1514 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_wall_gate.xml:9
1515 msgid "Porta"
1516 msgstr "Porta"
1518 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_wall_long.xml:29
1519 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_wall_medium.xml:23
1520 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_wall_short.xml:10
1521 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_wallset_stone.xml:5
1522 msgid "Moenia"
1523 msgstr "Moenia"
1525 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_wall_tower.xml:9
1526 msgid "Turris Lapidea"
1527 msgstr "Turris Lapidea"
1529 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_wallset_siege.xml:6
1530 msgid "Murus Latericius"
1531 msgstr "Murus Latericius"
1533 #: simulation/templates/structures/rome_wonder.xml:15
1534 msgid "Aedes Iovis Optimi Maximi"
1535 msgstr "Aedes Iovis Optimi Maximi"
1537 #: simulation/templates/structures/sele_barracks.xml:18
1538 msgid "Stratones"
1539 msgstr "Stratones"
1541 #: simulation/templates/structures/sele_blacksmith.xml:5
1542 msgid "Sidirourgeíon"
1543 msgstr "Sidirourgeíon"
1545 #: simulation/templates/structures/sele_civil_centre.xml:8
1546 msgid "Agorā́"
1547 msgstr "Agorā́"
1549 #: simulation/templates/structures/sele_dock.xml:12
1550 msgid "Liménas"
1551 msgstr "Liménas"
1553 #: simulation/templates/structures/sele_farmstead.xml:12
1554 msgid "Sītobólion"
1555 msgstr "Sītobólion"
1557 #: simulation/templates/structures/sele_fortress.xml:9
1558 msgid "Phrourion"
1559 msgstr "Phrourion"
1561 #: simulation/templates/structures/sele_fortress.xml:10
1562 msgid ""
1563 "Build siege engines and train Champions. Garrison soldiers inside for stout "
1564 "defense."
1565 msgstr "Constrói maquinaria de cerco. Guarnece até 20 soldados para defender."
1567 #: simulation/templates/structures/sele_library.xml:9
1568 msgid "Bibliothikon"
1569 msgstr "Bibliothikon"
1571 #: simulation/templates/structures/sele_market.xml:5
1572 msgid "Empórion"
1573 msgstr "Empórion"
1575 #: simulation/templates/structures/sele_military_colony.xml:10
1576 msgid ""
1577 "This is the Seleucid expansion building, similar to Civic Centers for other "
1578 "factions. It is weaker and carries a smaller territory influence, but is "
1579 "cheaper and built faster. Train settler-soldiers of various nationalities."
1580 msgstr "Este é o edifício selêucida semelhante aos Centros Cívicos das outras civilizações. É mais fraco e tem uma influência territorial menor mas é mais barato e construído mais rapidamente. Recruta soldados colonizadores de várias nacionalidades."
1582 #: simulation/templates/structures/sele_outpost.xml:5
1583 msgid "Prophylax"
1584 msgstr "Prophylax"
1586 #: simulation/templates/structures/sele_temple.xml:9
1587 msgid "Naós"
1588 msgstr "Naós"
1590 #: simulation/templates/structures/sele_wonder.xml:12
1591 msgid "Temple of Pythian Apollo"
1592 msgstr "Templo de Pythian Apollo"
1594 #: simulation/templates/structures/spart_fortress.xml:9
1595 msgid "Teíkhisma"
1596 msgstr "Teíkhisma"
1598 #: simulation/templates/structures/spart_fortress.xml:10
1599 msgid ""
1600 "Build siege engines. Garrison up to 20 soldiers inside for stout defense."
1601 msgstr "Permite construir maquinaria de cerco. Guarneça até 20 soldados no seu interior para uma defesa robusta."
1603 #: simulation/templates/structures/spart_gerousia.xml:21
1604 msgid "Spartan Senate"
1605 msgstr "Senado de Esparta"
1607 #: simulation/templates/structures/spart_gerousia.xml:22
1608 msgid "Gerontía"
1609 msgstr "Gerontía"
1611 #: simulation/templates/structures/spart_gerousia.xml:23
1612 msgid "Train heroes."
1613 msgstr "Recruta heróis."
1615 #: simulation/templates/structures/spart_syssiton.xml:24
1616 msgid "Military Mess Hall"
1617 msgstr "Messe"
1619 #: simulation/templates/structures/spart_syssiton.xml:25
1620 msgid "Syssítion"
1621 msgstr "Syssítion"
1623 #: simulation/templates/structures/spart_syssiton.xml:27
1624 msgid "Train Spartan heroes and Spartiate champion hoplites."
1625 msgstr "Recruta heróis e hoplitas de elite espartanos."
1627 #: simulation/templates/structures/spart_wonder.xml:17
1628 msgid ""
1629 "Bring glory to your civilization and add large tracts of land to your "
1630 "empire. Garrison units to heal them at a quick rate."
1631 msgstr "Traz a glória à sua civilização e anexa um grande território ao teu império. Guarneça até 30 unidades para serem curadas rapidamente."