4 "Project-Id-Version: None\n"
5 "POT-Creation-Date: 2022-12-16 08:12+0000\n"
6 "PO-Revision-Date: 2022-12-16 08:12+0000\n"
7 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
9 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
10 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit"
13 msgid "Scroll speed increased to %.1f"
14 msgstr "Velocidade de deslocamento da vista aumentada para %.1f"
17 msgid "Scroll speed decreased to %.1f"
18 msgstr "Velocidade de deslocamento da vista diminuída para %.1f"
21 msgid "Rotate speed increased to X=%.3f, Y=%.3f"
22 msgstr "Chaidh luaths a’ chuairteachaidh a mheudachadh gu X=%.3f, Y=%.3f"
25 msgid "Rotate speed decreased to X=%.3f, Y=%.3f"
26 msgstr "Chaidh luaths a’ chuairteachaidh a lùghdachadh gu X=%.3f, Y=%.3f"
29 msgid "Zoom speed increased to %.1f"
30 msgstr "Chaidh luaths an t-sùmaidh a mheudachadh gu %.1f"
33 msgid "Zoom speed decreased to %.1f"
34 msgstr "Chaidh luaths an t-sùmaidh a lùghdachadh gu %.1f"
37 msgstr "Συμβολοσειρές μεγάλου μήκους"
39 msgid "unknown subtype (see logs)"
40 msgstr "fo-sheòrsa nach aithne duinn (thoir sùil air na logaichean)"
42 msgid "The certificate is not trusted."
43 msgstr "Das Zertifikat ist nicht vertrauenswürdig."
45 msgid "The certificate hasn't got a known issuer."
46 msgstr "Het certificaat is niet uitgegeven door een bekende verstrekker."
48 msgid "The certificate has been revoked."
49 msgstr "Šis sertifikatas buvo paskelbtas negaliojančiu."
51 msgid "The certificate has expired."
52 msgstr "ధృవీకరణ పత్రం యొక్క గడువు ముగిసింది."
54 msgid "The certificate is not yet active."
55 msgstr "Chan eil an teisteanas gnìomhach fhathast."
57 msgid "The certificate has not been issued for the peer connected to."
58 msgstr "Cha deach an teisteanas fhoillseachadh dhan t-seise a chaidh a cheangal ris."
60 msgid "The certificate signer is not a certificate authority."
61 msgstr "Ziurtagiriaren sinatzailea ez da ziurtagiriak argitaratzeko elkarte bat."
64 msgstr "Hoit do is wos schiaf gloffa"
67 msgstr "Todo funcionou correctamente"
69 msgid "Player already logged in"
70 msgstr "Tha an cluicheadair air a chlàradh a-steach mar-thà"
73 msgstr " தடைசெய்யப்பட்டது "
75 msgid "Internal server error"
76 msgstr "Mearachd taobh a-staigh an fhrithealaiche"
79 msgstr "Chan eil seo ceadaichte"
81 msgid "Not authorized"
82 msgstr "Nie jest autoryzowana"
84 msgid "Recipient temporarily unavailable"
85 msgstr "El destinatario está temporalmente fuera de servicio"
87 msgid "Registration required"
88 msgstr "Primero tienes que registrarte"
90 msgid "Service unavailable"
91 msgstr "Chan eil an t-seirbheis seo ri làimh"
94 msgstr "Ui, do woas i ned wos schiaf gloffa is"
97 msgstr "Napaka pri podatkovnem toku"
99 msgid "The incoming stream version is unsupported"
100 msgstr "Die Version des eingehenden Daten-Stroms wird nicht unterstützt."
102 msgid "The stream has been closed by the server"
103 msgstr "La comunicación fue interrumpida por el servidor"
105 msgid "An I/O error occurred"
106 msgstr "Objevila se chyba vstupu/výstupu (I/O)"
108 msgid "The connection was refused by the server"
109 msgstr "Chaidh an ceangal a dhiùltadh leis an fhrithealaiche"
111 msgid "Resolving the server's hostname failed"
112 msgstr "Houbo un falhu a l resolvere l nome hospedeiru de l servidor"
114 msgid "This system is out of memory"
115 msgstr "Dieses System hat keinen freien Speicher mehr zur Verfügung."
118 "The server's certificate could not be verified or the TLS handshake did not complete "
121 "Das Zertifikat des Servers konnte nicht verifiziert werden oder der TLS-Handshake wurde"
122 " nicht erfolgreich abgeschlossen."
124 msgid "The server did not offer required TLS encryption"
125 msgstr "El servidor no ofrece cifrado TLS, que es necesario por seguridad"
127 msgid "Authentication failed. Incorrect password or account does not exist"
129 "Dh’fhàillig leis an dearbhadh. Chan eil am facal-faire mar bu chòir no chan eil an "
132 msgid "The user or system requested a disconnect"
133 msgstr "Bu kullanıcı veya sistem bağlantının kesilmesine ihtiyaç duyuyor"
135 msgid "There is no active connection"
136 msgstr "Es existiert keine aktive Verbindung."
138 msgid "Your account has been successfully registered"
139 msgstr "Contul dumneavoastră a fost înregistrat cu succes"
141 msgid "Not all necessary information provided"
142 msgstr "Nicht alle erforderlichen Informationen wurden bereitgestellt."
144 msgid "Username already exists"
145 msgstr "409: Uživatelské jméno je již používáno"
148 msgid "Could not write external mod.json for zipped mod '%s'. The mod should be reinstalled."
150 "Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn am mod.json air an taobh a-muigh a sgrìobhadh dhan tuilleadan "
151 "dùmhlaichte “%s”. Bu chòir dhut an tuilleadan ath-stàladh."
154 msgid "Failure while starting querying for game id. Error: %s; %s."
155 msgstr "Αποτυχία κατά την έναρξη της εξέτασης του αναγνωριστικού του παιχνιδιού. Σφάλμα: %s, %s."
158 msgid "Failure while starting querying for mods. Error: %s; %s."
160 "Thachair mearachd nuair a bha sinn ag iarraidh fiosrachadh nan tuilleadan. Mearachd: "
164 msgid "Could not create mod directory: %s."
165 msgstr "Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn pasgan nan tuilleadan a chruthachadh: %s."
168 msgid "Could not open temporary file for mod download: %s."
169 msgstr "Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn faidhle sealach fhosgladh airson tuilleadan a luchdadh a-nuas: %s."
172 msgid "Failed to start the download. Error: %s; %s."
173 msgstr "Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn tòiseachadh air an luchdadh a-nuas. Mearachd: %s; %s."
176 msgid "Asynchronous download failure: %s, %s."
177 msgstr "Dh’fhàillig le luchdadh a-nuas neo-shioncronaichte: %s, %s."
180 msgid "Download failure. Server response: %s; %s."
181 msgstr "Dh’fhàillig leis an luchdadh a-nuas. Freagairt an fhrithealaiche: %s, %s."
183 msgid "Mismatched filesize."
184 msgstr "Læs granduræs de los archivos nun coinciden."
187 msgid "Invalid file. Expected md5 %s, got %s."
188 msgstr "Archivo incorrecto. Se esperaba el siguiente md5: %s y se ha obtenido: %s."
190 msgid "Failed to compute final hash."
191 msgstr "Hi ha hagut un error en computar el valor final del hash."
193 msgid "Failed to verify signature."
194 msgstr "Cha deach leinn an soidhneadh a dhearbhadh."
197 msgid "Saved game to '%s'"
198 msgstr "Chaidh an geama a shàbhaladh gu “%s”"
201 msgstr "Construcción personalizada"
204 msgid "Screenshot written to '%s'"
205 msgstr "Dîmender dîmendera ku ji '%s' re hatî nivîsandin"