Merge 'remotes/trunk'
[0ad.git] / build / premake / premake5.lua
1 newoption { trigger = "android", description = "Use non-working Android cross-compiling mode" }
2 newoption { trigger = "atlas", description = "Include Atlas scenario editor projects" }
3 newoption { trigger = "coverage", description = "Enable code coverage data collection (GCC only)" }
4 newoption { trigger = "gles", description = "Use non-working OpenGL ES 2.0 mode" }
5 newoption { trigger = "icc", description = "Use Intel C++ Compiler (Linux only; should use either \"--cc icc\" or --without-pch too, and then set CXX=icpc before calling make)" }
6 newoption { trigger = "jenkins-tests", description = "Configure CxxTest to use the XmlPrinter runner which produces Jenkins-compatible output" }
7 newoption { trigger = "minimal-flags", description = "Only set compiler/linker flags that are really needed. Has no effect on Windows builds" }
8 newoption { trigger = "outpath", description = "Location for generated project files" }
9 newoption { trigger = "with-system-mozjs", description = "Search standard paths for libmozjs91, instead of using bundled copy" }
10 newoption { trigger = "with-system-nvtt", description = "Search standard paths for nvidia-texture-tools library, instead of using bundled copy" }
11 newoption { trigger = "with-valgrind", description = "Enable Valgrind support (non-Windows only)" }
12 newoption { trigger = "without-audio", description = "Disable use of OpenAL/Ogg/Vorbis APIs" }
13 newoption { trigger = "without-lobby", description = "Disable the use of gloox and the multiplayer lobby" }
14 newoption { trigger = "without-miniupnpc", description = "Disable use of miniupnpc for port forwarding" }
15 newoption { trigger = "without-nvtt", description = "Disable use of NVTT" }
16 newoption { trigger = "without-pch", description = "Disable generation and usage of precompiled headers" }
17 newoption { trigger = "without-tests", description = "Disable generation of test projects" }
19 -- Linux/BSD specific options
20 newoption { trigger = "prefer-local-libs", description = "Prefer locally built libs. Any local libraries used must also be listed within a file within /etc/ so the dynamic linker can find them at runtime." }
22 -- OS X specific options
23 newoption { trigger = "macosx-version-min", description = "Set minimum required version of the OS X API, the build will possibly fail if an older SDK is used, while newer API functions will be weakly linked (i.e. resolved at runtime)" }
24 newoption { trigger = "sysroot", description = "Set compiler system root path, used for building against a non-system SDK. For example /usr/local becomes SYSROOT/user/local" }
26 -- Windows specific options
27 newoption { trigger = "build-shared-glooxwrapper", description = "Rebuild glooxwrapper DLL for Windows. Requires the same compiler version that gloox was built with" }
28 newoption { trigger = "use-shared-glooxwrapper", description = "Use prebuilt glooxwrapper DLL for Windows" }
29 newoption { trigger = "large-address-aware", description = "Make the executable large address aware. Do not use for development, in order to spot memory issues easily" }
31 -- Install options
32 newoption { trigger = "bindir", description = "Directory for executables (typically '/usr/games'); default is to be relocatable" }
33 newoption { trigger = "datadir", description = "Directory for data files (typically '/usr/share/games/0ad'); default is ../data/ relative to executable" }
34 newoption { trigger = "libdir", description = "Directory for libraries (typically '/usr/lib/games/0ad'); default is ./ relative to executable" }
36 -- Root directory of project checkout relative to this .lua file
37 rootdir = "../.."
39 dofile("extern_libs5.lua")
41 -- detect compiler for non-Windows
42 if os.istarget("macosx") then
43 cc = "clang"
44 elseif os.istarget("linux") and _OPTIONS["icc"] then
45 cc = "icc"
46 elseif os.istarget("bsd") and os.getversion().description == "FreeBSD" then
47 cc = "clang"
48 elseif not os.istarget("windows") then
49 cc = os.getenv("CC")
50 if cc == nil or cc == "" then
51 local hasgcc = os.execute("which gcc > .gccpath")
52 local f =".gccpath", "r")
53 local gccpath = f:read("*line")
54 f:close()
55 os.execute("rm .gccpath")
56 if gccpath == nil then
57 cc = "clang"
58 else
59 cc = "gcc"
60 end
61 end
62 end
64 -- detect CPU architecture (simplistic)
65 -- The user can target an architecture with HOSTTYPE, but the game still selects some know value.
66 arch = "x86"
67 macos_arch = "x86_64"
69 if _OPTIONS["android"] then
70 arch = "arm"
71 elseif os.istarget("windows") then
72 if os.getenv("HOSTTYPE") then
73 arch = os.getenv("HOSTTYPE")
74 elseif os.getenv("PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE") == "amd64" or os.getenv("PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432") == "amd64" then
75 arch = "amd64"
76 end
77 else
78 local machine = "x86_64"
79 if os.getenv("HOSTTYPE") and os.getenv("HOSTTYPE") ~= '' then
80 machine = os.getenv("HOSTTYPE")
81 else
82 os.execute(cc .. " -dumpmachine > .gccmachine.tmp")
83 local f =".gccmachine.tmp", "r")
84 machine = f:read("*line")
85 f:close()
86 end
87 -- Special handling on mac os where xcode needs special flags.
88 if os.istarget("macosx") then
89 if string.find(machine, "arm64") then
90 arch = "aarch64"
91 macos_arch = "arm64"
92 else
93 arch = "amd64"
94 macos_arch = "x86_64"
95 end
96 elseif string.find(machine, "x86_64") == 1 or string.find(machine, "amd64") == 1 then
97 arch = "amd64"
98 elseif string.find(machine, "i.86") == 1 then
99 arch = "x86"
100 elseif string.find(machine, "arm") == 1 then
101 arch = "arm"
102 elseif string.find(machine, "aarch64") == 1 then
103 arch = "aarch64"
104 elseif string.find(machine, "e2k") == 1 then
105 arch = "e2k"
106 elseif string.find(machine, "ppc64") == 1 or string.find(machine, "powerpc64") == 1 then
107 arch = "ppc64"
108 else
109 print("WARNING: Cannot determine architecture from GCC, assuming x86")
113 -- Test whether we need to link libexecinfo.
114 -- This is mostly the case on musl systems, as well as on BSD systems : only glibc provides the
115 -- backtrace symbols we require in the libc, for other libcs we use the libexecinfo library.
116 local link_execinfo = false
117 if os.istarget("bsd") then
118 link_execinfo = true
119 elseif os.istarget("linux") then
120 local _, link_errorCode = os.outputof(cc .. " ./tests/execinfo.c -o /dev/null")
121 if link_errorCode ~= 0 then
122 link_execinfo = true
126 -- Set up the Workspace
127 workspace "pyrogenesis"
128 targetdir(rootdir.."/binaries/system")
129 libdirs(rootdir.."/binaries/system")
130 if not _OPTIONS["outpath"] then
131 error("You must specify the 'outpath' parameter")
133 location(_OPTIONS["outpath"])
134 configurations { "Release", "Debug" }
136 source_root = rootdir.."/source/" -- default for most projects - overridden by local in others
138 -- Rationale: projects should not have any additional include paths except for
139 -- those required by external libraries. Instead, we should always write the
140 -- full relative path, e.g. #include "maths/Vector3d.h". This avoids confusion
141 -- ("which file is meant?") and avoids enormous include path lists.
144 -- projects: engine static libs, main exe, atlas, atlas frontends, test.
146 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
147 -- project helper functions
148 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
150 function project_set_target(project_name)
152 -- Note: On Windows, ".exe" is added on the end, on unices the name is used directly
154 local obj_dir_prefix = _OPTIONS["outpath"].."/obj/"..project_name.."_"
156 filter "Debug"
157 objdir(obj_dir_prefix.."Debug")
158 targetsuffix("_dbg")
160 filter "Release"
161 objdir(obj_dir_prefix.."Release")
163 filter { }
168 function project_set_build_flags()
170 editandcontinue "Off"
172 if not _OPTIONS["minimal-flags"] then
173 symbols "On"
176 if cc ~= "icc" and (os.istarget("windows") or not _OPTIONS["minimal-flags"]) then
177 -- adds the -Wall compiler flag
178 warnings "Extra" -- this causes far too many warnings/remarks on ICC
181 -- disable Windows debug heap, since it makes malloc/free hugely slower when
182 -- running inside a debugger
183 if os.istarget("windows") then
184 debugenvs { "_NO_DEBUG_HEAP=1" }
187 filter "Debug"
188 defines { "DEBUG" }
190 filter "Release"
191 if os.istarget("windows") or not _OPTIONS["minimal-flags"] then
192 optimize "Speed"
194 defines { "NDEBUG", "CONFIG_FINAL=1" }
196 filter { }
198 if _OPTIONS["gles"] then
199 defines { "CONFIG2_GLES=1" }
202 if _OPTIONS["without-audio"] then
203 defines { "CONFIG2_AUDIO=0" }
206 if _OPTIONS["without-nvtt"] then
207 defines { "CONFIG2_NVTT=0" }
210 if _OPTIONS["without-lobby"] then
211 defines { "CONFIG2_LOBBY=0" }
214 if _OPTIONS["without-miniupnpc"] then
215 defines { "CONFIG2_MINIUPNPC=0" }
218 -- Enable C++17 standard.
219 filter "action:vs*"
220 buildoptions { "/std:c++17" }
221 filter "action:not vs*"
222 buildoptions { "-std=c++17" }
223 filter {}
225 -- various platform-specific build flags
226 if os.istarget("windows") then
228 flags { "MultiProcessorCompile" }
230 -- Since KB4088875 Windows 7 has a soft requirement for SSE2.
231 -- Windows 8+ and Firefox ESR52 make it hard requirement.
232 -- Finally since VS2012 it's enabled implicitely when not set.
233 vectorextensions "SSE2"
235 -- use native wchar_t type (not typedef to unsigned short)
236 nativewchar "on"
238 else -- *nix
240 -- TODO, FIXME: This check is incorrect because it means that some additional flags will be added inside the "else" branch if the
241 -- compiler is ICC and minimal-flags is specified (ticket: #2994)
242 if cc == "icc" and not _OPTIONS["minimal-flags"] then
243 buildoptions {
244 "-w1",
245 -- "-Wabi",
246 -- "-Wp64", -- complains about OBJECT_TO_JSVAL which is annoying
247 "-Wpointer-arith",
248 "-Wreturn-type",
249 -- "-Wshadow",
250 "-Wuninitialized",
251 "-Wunknown-pragmas",
252 "-Wunused-function",
253 "-wd1292" -- avoid lots of 'attribute "__nonnull__" ignored'
255 filter "Debug"
256 buildoptions { "-O0" } -- ICC defaults to -O2
257 filter { }
258 if os.istarget("macosx") then
259 linkoptions { "-multiply_defined","suppress" }
261 else
262 -- exclude most non-essential build options for minimal-flags
263 if not _OPTIONS["minimal-flags"] then
264 buildoptions {
265 -- enable most of the standard warnings
266 "-Wno-switch", -- enumeration value not handled in switch (this is sometimes useful, but results in lots of noise)
267 "-Wno-reorder", -- order of initialization list in constructors (lots of noise)
268 "-Wno-invalid-offsetof", -- offsetof on non-POD types (see comment in renderer/PatchRData.cpp)
270 "-Wextra",
271 "-Wno-missing-field-initializers", -- (this is common in external headers we can't fix)
273 -- add some other useful warnings that need to be enabled explicitly
274 "-Wunused-parameter",
275 "-Wredundant-decls", -- (useful for finding some multiply-included header files)
276 -- "-Wformat=2", -- (useful sometimes, but a bit noisy, so skip it by default)
277 -- "-Wcast-qual", -- (useful for checking const-correctness, but a bit noisy, so skip it by default)
278 "-Wnon-virtual-dtor", -- (sometimes noisy but finds real bugs)
279 "-Wundef", -- (useful for finding macro name typos)
281 -- enable security features (stack checking etc) that shouldn't have
282 -- a significant effect on performance and can catch bugs
283 "-fstack-protector-all",
284 "-U_FORTIFY_SOURCE", -- (avoid redefinition warning if already defined)
287 -- always enable strict aliasing (useful in debug builds because of the warnings)
288 "-fstrict-aliasing",
290 -- don't omit frame pointers (for now), because performance will be impacted
291 -- negatively by the way this breaks profilers more than it will be impacted
292 -- positively by the optimisation
293 "-fno-omit-frame-pointer"
296 if not _OPTIONS["without-pch"] then
297 buildoptions {
298 -- do something (?) so that ccache can handle compilation with PCH enabled
299 -- (ccache 3.1+ also requires CCACHE_SLOPPINESS=time_macros for this to work)
300 "-fpch-preprocess"
304 if os.istarget("linux") or os.istarget("bsd") then
305 buildoptions { "-fPIC" }
306 linkoptions { "-Wl,--no-undefined", "-Wl,--as-needed", "-Wl,-z,relro" }
309 if arch == "x86" then
310 buildoptions {
311 -- To support intrinsics like __sync_bool_compare_and_swap on x86
312 -- we need to set -march to something that supports them (i686).
313 -- We use pentium3 to also enable other features like mmx and sse,
314 -- while tuning for generic to have good performance on every
315 -- supported CPU.
316 -- Note that all these features are already supported on amd64.
317 "-march=pentium3 -mtune=generic",
318 -- This allows x86 operating systems to handle the 2GB+ public mod.
324 if arch == "arm" then
325 -- disable warnings about va_list ABI change and use
326 -- compile-time flags for futher configuration.
327 buildoptions { "-Wno-psabi" }
328 if _OPTIONS["android"] then
329 -- Android uses softfp, so we should too.
330 buildoptions { "-mfloat-abi=softfp" }
334 if _OPTIONS["coverage"] then
335 buildoptions { "-fprofile-arcs", "-ftest-coverage" }
336 links { "gcov" }
339 -- MacOS 10.12 only supports intel processors with SSE 4.1, so enable that.
340 if os.istarget("macosx") and arch == "amd64" then
341 buildoptions { "-msse4.1" }
344 -- Check if SDK path should be used
345 if _OPTIONS["sysroot"] then
346 buildoptions { "-isysroot " .. _OPTIONS["sysroot"] }
347 linkoptions { "-Wl,-syslibroot," .. _OPTIONS["sysroot"] }
350 -- On OS X, sometimes we need to specify the minimum API version to use
351 if _OPTIONS["macosx-version-min"] then
352 buildoptions { "-mmacosx-version-min=" .. _OPTIONS["macosx-version-min"] }
353 -- clang and llvm-gcc look at mmacosx-version-min to determine link target
354 -- and CRT version, and use it to set the macosx_version_min linker flag
355 linkoptions { "-mmacosx-version-min=" .. _OPTIONS["macosx-version-min"] }
358 -- Only libc++ is supported on MacOS
359 if os.istarget("macosx") then
360 buildoptions { "-stdlib=libc++" }
361 linkoptions { "-stdlib=libc++" }
365 buildoptions {
366 -- Hide symbols in dynamic shared objects by default, for efficiency and for equivalence with
367 -- Windows - they should be exported explicitly with __attribute__ ((visibility ("default")))
368 "-fvisibility=hidden"
371 if _OPTIONS["bindir"] then
372 defines { "INSTALLED_BINDIR=" .. _OPTIONS["bindir"] }
374 if _OPTIONS["datadir"] then
375 defines { "INSTALLED_DATADIR=" .. _OPTIONS["datadir"] }
377 if _OPTIONS["libdir"] then
378 defines { "INSTALLED_LIBDIR=" .. _OPTIONS["libdir"] }
381 if os.istarget("linux") or os.istarget("bsd") then
382 if _OPTIONS["prefer-local-libs"] then
383 libdirs { "/usr/local/lib" }
386 -- To use our local shared libraries, they need to be found in the
387 -- runtime dynamic linker path. Add their path to -rpath.
388 if _OPTIONS["libdir"] then
389 linkoptions {"-Wl,-rpath," .. _OPTIONS["libdir"] }
390 else
391 -- On FreeBSD we need to allow use of $ORIGIN
392 if os.istarget("bsd") then
393 linkoptions { "-Wl,-z,origin" }
396 -- Adding the executable path and taking care of correct escaping
397 if _ACTION == "gmake" then
398 linkoptions { "-Wl,-rpath,'$$ORIGIN'" }
399 elseif _ACTION == "codeblocks" then
400 linkoptions { "-Wl,-R\\\\$$$ORIGIN" }
408 -- create a project and set the attributes that are common to all projects.
409 function project_create(project_name, target_type)
411 project(project_name)
412 language "C++"
413 kind(target_type)
415 filter "action:vs2017"
416 toolset "v141_xp"
417 filter {}
419 filter "action:vs*"
420 buildoptions "/utf-8"
421 filter {}
423 project_set_target(project_name)
424 project_set_build_flags()
428 -- OSX creates a .app bundle if the project type of the main application is set to "WindowedApp".
429 -- We don't want this because this bundle would be broken (it lacks all the resources and external dependencies, Info.plist etc...)
430 -- Windows opens a console in the background if it's set to ConsoleApp, which is not what we want.
431 -- I didn't check if this setting matters for linux, but WindowedApp works there.
432 function get_main_project_target_type()
433 if _OPTIONS["android"] then
434 return "SharedLib"
435 elseif os.istarget("macosx") then
436 return "ConsoleApp"
437 else
438 return "WindowedApp"
443 -- source_root: rel_source_dirs and rel_include_dirs are relative to this directory
444 -- rel_source_dirs: A table of subdirectories. All source files in these directories are added.
445 -- rel_include_dirs: A table of subdirectories to be included.
446 -- extra_params: table including zero or more of the following:
447 -- * no_pch: If specified, no precompiled headers are used for this project.
448 -- * pch_dir: If specified, this directory will be used for precompiled headers instead of the default
449 -- <source_root>/pch/<projectname>/.
450 -- * extra_files: table of filenames (relative to source_root) to add to project
451 -- * extra_links: table of library names to add to link step
452 function project_add_contents(source_root, rel_source_dirs, rel_include_dirs, extra_params)
454 for i,v in pairs(rel_source_dirs) do
455 local prefix = source_root..v.."/"
456 files { prefix.."*.cpp", prefix.."*.h", prefix.."*.inl", prefix.."*.js", prefix.."*.asm", prefix.."*.mm" }
459 -- Put the project-specific PCH directory at the start of the
460 -- include path, so '#include "precompiled.h"' will look in
461 -- there first
462 local pch_dir
463 if not extra_params["pch_dir"] then
464 pch_dir = source_root .. "pch/" .. project().name .. "/"
465 else
466 pch_dir = extra_params["pch_dir"]
468 includedirs { pch_dir }
470 -- Precompiled Headers
471 -- rationale: we need one PCH per static lib, since one global header would
472 -- increase dependencies. To that end, we can either include them as
473 -- "projectdir/precompiled.h", or add "source/PCH/projectdir" to the
474 -- include path and put the PCH there. The latter is better because
475 -- many projects contain several dirs and it's unclear where there the
476 -- PCH should be stored. This way is also a bit easier to use in that
477 -- source files always include "precompiled.h".
478 -- Notes:
479 -- * Visual Assist manages to use the project include path and can
480 -- correctly open these files from the IDE.
481 -- * precompiled.cpp (needed to "Create" the PCH) also goes in
482 -- the abovementioned dir.
483 if (not _OPTIONS["without-pch"] and not extra_params["no_pch"]) then
484 filter "action:vs*"
485 pchheader("precompiled.h")
486 filter "action:xcode*"
487 pchheader("../"..pch_dir.."precompiled.h")
488 filter { "action:not vs*", "action:not xcode*" }
489 pchheader(pch_dir.."precompiled.h")
490 filter {}
491 pchsource(pch_dir.."precompiled.cpp")
492 defines { "CONFIG_ENABLE_PCH=1" }
493 files { pch_dir.."precompiled.h", pch_dir.."precompiled.cpp" }
494 else
495 defines { "CONFIG_ENABLE_PCH=0" }
496 flags { "NoPCH" }
499 -- next is source root dir, for absolute (nonrelative) includes
500 -- (e.g. "lib/precompiled.h")
501 includedirs { source_root }
503 for i,v in pairs(rel_include_dirs) do
504 includedirs { source_root .. v }
507 if extra_params["extra_files"] then
508 for i,v in pairs(extra_params["extra_files"]) do
509 -- .rc files are only needed on Windows
510 if path.getextension(v) ~= ".rc" or os.istarget("windows") then
511 files { source_root .. v }
516 if extra_params["extra_links"] then
517 links { extra_params["extra_links"] }
522 -- Add command-line options to set up the manifest dependencies for Windows
523 -- (See lib/sysdep/os/win/manifest.cpp)
524 function project_add_manifest()
525 linkoptions { "\"/manifestdependency:type='win32' name='Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls' version='' processorArchitecture='X86' publicKeyToken='6595b64144ccf1df'\"" }
528 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
529 -- engine static libraries
530 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
532 -- the engine is split up into several static libraries. this eases separate
533 -- distribution of those components, reduces dependencies a bit, and can
534 -- also speed up builds.
535 -- more to the point, it is necessary to efficiently support a separate
536 -- test executable that also includes much of the game code.
538 -- names of all static libs created. automatically added to the
539 -- main app project later (see explanation at end of this file)
540 static_lib_names = {}
541 static_lib_names_debug = {}
542 static_lib_names_release = {}
544 -- set up one of the static libraries into which the main engine code is split.
545 -- extra_params:
546 -- no_default_link: If specified, linking won't be done by default.
547 -- For the rest of extra_params, see project_add_contents().
548 -- note: rel_source_dirs and rel_include_dirs are relative to global source_root.
549 function setup_static_lib_project (project_name, rel_source_dirs, extern_libs, extra_params)
551 local target_type = "StaticLib"
552 project_create(project_name, target_type)
553 project_add_contents(source_root, rel_source_dirs, {}, extra_params)
554 project_add_extern_libs(extern_libs, target_type)
556 if not extra_params["no_default_link"] then
557 table.insert(static_lib_names, project_name)
560 -- Deactivate Run Time Type Information. Performance of dynamic_cast is very poor.
561 -- The exception to this principle is Atlas UI, which is not a static library.
562 rtti "off"
564 if os.istarget("macosx") then
565 architecture(macos_arch)
566 buildoptions { "-arch " .. macos_arch }
567 linkoptions { "-arch " .. macos_arch }
568 xcodebuildsettings { ARCHS = macos_arch }
569 if _OPTIONS["macosx-version-min"] then
570 xcodebuildsettings { MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = _OPTIONS["macosx-version-min"] }
575 function setup_third_party_static_lib_project (project_name, rel_source_dirs, extern_libs, extra_params)
577 setup_static_lib_project(project_name, rel_source_dirs, extern_libs, extra_params)
578 includedirs { source_root .. "third_party/" .. project_name .. "/include/" }
581 function setup_shared_lib_project (project_name, rel_source_dirs, extern_libs, extra_params)
583 local target_type = "SharedLib"
584 project_create(project_name, target_type)
585 project_add_contents(source_root, rel_source_dirs, {}, extra_params)
586 project_add_extern_libs(extern_libs, target_type)
588 if not extra_params["no_default_link"] then
589 table.insert(static_lib_names, project_name)
592 if os.istarget("windows") then
593 links { "delayimp" }
594 elseif os.istarget("macosx") then
595 architecture(macos_arch)
596 buildoptions { "-arch " .. macos_arch }
597 linkoptions { "-arch " .. macos_arch }
598 xcodebuildsettings { ARCHS = macos_arch }
599 if _OPTIONS["macosx-version-min"] then
600 xcodebuildsettings { MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = _OPTIONS["macosx-version-min"] }
606 -- this is where the source tree is chopped up into static libs.
607 -- can be changed very easily; just copy+paste a new setup_static_lib_project,
608 -- or remove existing ones. static libs are automagically added to
609 -- main_exe link step.
610 function setup_all_libs ()
612 -- relative to global source_root.
613 local source_dirs = {}
614 -- names of external libraries used (see libraries_dir comment)
615 local extern_libs = {}
618 source_dirs = {
619 "network",
621 extern_libs = {
622 "spidermonkey",
623 "enet",
624 "sdl",
625 "boost", -- dragged in via server->simulation.h->random and NetSession.h->lockfree
626 "fmt",
628 if not _OPTIONS["without-miniupnpc"] then
629 table.insert(extern_libs, "miniupnpc")
631 setup_static_lib_project("network", source_dirs, extern_libs, {})
633 source_dirs = {
634 "rlinterface",
636 extern_libs = {
637 "boost", -- dragged in via simulation.h and scriptinterface.h
638 "fmt",
639 "spidermonkey",
641 setup_static_lib_project("rlinterface", source_dirs, extern_libs, { no_pch = 1 })
643 source_dirs = {
644 "third_party/tinygettext/src",
646 extern_libs = {
647 "iconv",
648 "boost",
649 "fmt",
651 setup_third_party_static_lib_project("tinygettext", source_dirs, extern_libs, { } )
653 -- it's an external library and we don't want to modify its source to fix warnings, so we just disable them to avoid noise in the compile output
654 filter "action:vs*"
655 buildoptions {
656 "/wd4127",
657 "/wd4309",
658 "/wd4800",
659 "/wd4100",
660 "/wd4996",
661 "/wd4099",
662 "/wd4503"
664 filter {}
667 if not _OPTIONS["without-lobby"] then
668 source_dirs = {
669 "lobby",
670 "lobby/scripting",
671 "i18n",
672 "third_party/encryption"
675 extern_libs = {
676 "spidermonkey",
677 "boost",
678 "enet",
679 "gloox",
680 "icu",
681 "iconv",
682 "libsodium",
683 "tinygettext",
684 "fmt",
686 setup_static_lib_project("lobby", source_dirs, extern_libs, {})
688 if _OPTIONS["use-shared-glooxwrapper"] and not _OPTIONS["build-shared-glooxwrapper"] then
689 table.insert(static_lib_names_debug, "glooxwrapper_dbg")
690 table.insert(static_lib_names_release, "glooxwrapper")
691 else
692 source_dirs = {
693 "lobby/glooxwrapper",
695 extern_libs = {
696 "boost",
697 "gloox",
698 "fmt",
700 if _OPTIONS["build-shared-glooxwrapper"] then
701 setup_shared_lib_project("glooxwrapper", source_dirs, extern_libs, {})
702 else
703 setup_static_lib_project("glooxwrapper", source_dirs, extern_libs, {})
706 else
707 source_dirs = {
708 "lobby/scripting",
709 "third_party/encryption"
711 extern_libs = {
712 "spidermonkey",
713 "boost",
714 "libsodium",
715 "fmt",
717 setup_static_lib_project("lobby", source_dirs, extern_libs, {})
718 files { source_root.."lobby/Globals.cpp" }
722 source_dirs = {
723 "simulation2",
724 "simulation2/components",
725 "simulation2/helpers",
726 "simulation2/scripting",
727 "simulation2/serialization",
728 "simulation2/system",
729 "simulation2/testcomponents",
731 extern_libs = {
732 "boost",
733 "spidermonkey",
734 "fmt",
736 setup_static_lib_project("simulation2", source_dirs, extern_libs, {})
739 source_dirs = {
740 "scriptinterface",
741 "scriptinterface/third_party"
743 extern_libs = {
744 "boost",
745 "spidermonkey",
746 "valgrind",
747 "sdl",
748 "fmt",
750 setup_static_lib_project("scriptinterface", source_dirs, extern_libs, {})
753 source_dirs = {
754 "ps",
755 "ps/scripting",
756 "network/scripting",
757 "ps/GameSetup",
758 "ps/XMB",
759 "ps/XML",
760 "soundmanager",
761 "soundmanager/data",
762 "soundmanager/items",
763 "soundmanager/scripting",
764 "maths",
765 "maths/scripting",
766 "i18n",
767 "i18n/scripting",
769 extern_libs = {
770 "spidermonkey",
771 "sdl", -- key definitions
772 "libxml2",
773 "zlib",
774 "boost",
775 "enet",
776 "libcurl",
777 "tinygettext",
778 "icu",
779 "iconv",
780 "libsodium",
781 "fmt",
782 "freetype",
785 if not _OPTIONS["without-audio"] then
786 table.insert(extern_libs, "openal")
787 table.insert(extern_libs, "vorbis")
790 setup_static_lib_project("engine", source_dirs, extern_libs, {})
793 source_dirs = {
794 "graphics",
795 "graphics/scripting",
796 "renderer",
797 "renderer/backend",
798 "renderer/backend/dummy",
799 "renderer/backend/gl",
800 "renderer/backend/vulkan",
801 "renderer/scripting",
802 "third_party/mikktspace",
803 "third_party/ogre3d_preprocessor",
804 "third_party/vma"
806 extern_libs = {
807 "sdl", -- key definitions
808 "spidermonkey", -- for graphics/scripting
809 "boost",
810 "fmt",
811 "freetype",
812 "icu",
814 if not _OPTIONS["without-nvtt"] then
815 table.insert(extern_libs, "nvtt")
817 setup_static_lib_project("graphics", source_dirs, extern_libs, {})
820 source_dirs = {
821 "tools/atlas/GameInterface",
822 "tools/atlas/GameInterface/Handlers"
824 extern_libs = {
825 "boost",
826 "sdl", -- key definitions
827 "spidermonkey",
828 "fmt",
830 setup_static_lib_project("atlas", source_dirs, extern_libs, {})
833 source_dirs = {
834 "gui",
835 "gui/ObjectTypes",
836 "gui/ObjectBases",
837 "gui/Scripting",
838 "gui/SettingTypes",
839 "i18n"
841 extern_libs = {
842 "spidermonkey",
843 "sdl", -- key definitions
844 "boost",
845 "enet",
846 "tinygettext",
847 "icu",
848 "iconv",
849 "fmt",
851 if not _OPTIONS["without-audio"] then
852 table.insert(extern_libs, "openal")
854 setup_static_lib_project("gui", source_dirs, extern_libs, {})
857 source_dirs = {
858 "lib",
859 "lib/adts",
860 "lib/allocators",
861 "lib/external_libraries",
862 "lib/file",
863 "lib/file/archive",
864 "lib/file/common",
865 "lib/file/io",
866 "lib/file/vfs",
867 "lib/pch",
868 "lib/posix",
869 "lib/res",
870 "lib/res/graphics",
871 "lib/sysdep",
872 "lib/tex"
874 extern_libs = {
875 "boost",
876 "sdl",
877 "openal",
878 "libpng",
879 "zlib",
880 "valgrind",
881 "cxxtest",
882 "fmt",
885 -- CPU architecture-specific
886 if arch == "amd64" then
887 table.insert(source_dirs, "lib/sysdep/arch/amd64");
888 table.insert(source_dirs, "lib/sysdep/arch/x86_x64");
889 elseif arch == "x86" then
890 table.insert(source_dirs, "lib/sysdep/arch/ia32");
891 table.insert(source_dirs, "lib/sysdep/arch/x86_x64");
892 elseif arch == "arm" then
893 table.insert(source_dirs, "lib/sysdep/arch/arm");
894 elseif arch == "aarch64" then
895 table.insert(source_dirs, "lib/sysdep/arch/aarch64");
896 elseif arch == "e2k" then
897 table.insert(source_dirs, "lib/sysdep/arch/e2k");
898 elseif arch == "ppc64" then
899 table.insert(source_dirs, "lib/sysdep/arch/ppc64");
902 -- OS-specific
903 sysdep_dirs = {
904 linux = { "lib/sysdep/os/linux", "lib/sysdep/os/unix" },
905 -- note: RC file must be added to main_exe project.
906 -- note: don't add "lib/sysdep/os/win/aken.cpp" because that must be compiled with the DDK.
907 windows = { "lib/sysdep/os/win", "lib/sysdep/os/win/wposix", "lib/sysdep/os/win/whrt" },
908 macosx = { "lib/sysdep/os/osx", "lib/sysdep/os/unix" },
909 bsd = { "lib/sysdep/os/bsd", "lib/sysdep/os/unix", "lib/sysdep/os/unix/x" },
911 for i,v in pairs(sysdep_dirs[]) do
912 table.insert(source_dirs, v);
915 if os.istarget("linux") then
916 if _OPTIONS["android"] then
917 table.insert(source_dirs, "lib/sysdep/os/android")
918 else
919 table.insert(source_dirs, "lib/sysdep/os/unix/x")
923 -- On OSX, disable precompiled headers because C++ files and Objective-C++ files are
924 -- mixed in this project. To fix that, we would need per-file basis configuration which
925 -- is not yet supported by the gmake action in premake. We should look into using gmake2.
926 extra_params = {}
927 if os.istarget("macosx") then
928 extra_params = { no_pch = 1 }
931 -- runtime-library-specific
932 if _ACTION == "vs2017" then
933 table.insert(source_dirs, "lib/sysdep/rtl/msc");
934 else
935 table.insert(source_dirs, "lib/sysdep/rtl/gcc");
938 setup_static_lib_project("lowlevel", source_dirs, extern_libs, extra_params)
941 extern_libs = { "glad" }
942 if not os.istarget("windows") and not _OPTIONS["android"] and not os.istarget("macosx") then
943 -- X11 should only be linked on *nix
944 table.insert(used_extern_libs, "x11")
946 setup_static_lib_project("gladwrapper", {}, used_extern_libs, { no_pch = 1 })
947 glad_path = libraries_source_dir.."glad/"
948 sysincludedirs { glad_path.."include" }
949 files { glad_path.."src/vulkan.cpp" }
950 if _OPTIONS["gles"] then
951 files { glad_path.."src/gles2.cpp" }
952 else
953 files { glad_path.."src/gl.cpp" }
954 if os.istarget("windows") then
955 files { glad_path.."src/wgl.cpp" }
956 elseif os.istarget("linux") or os.istarget("bsd") then
957 files { glad_path.."src/egl.cpp", glad_path.."src/glx.cpp" }
962 -- Third-party libraries that are built as part of the main project,
963 -- not built externally and then linked
964 source_dirs = {
965 "third_party/mongoose",
967 extern_libs = {
969 setup_static_lib_project("mongoose", source_dirs, extern_libs, { no_pch = 1 })
972 -- CxxTest mock function support
973 extern_libs = {
974 "boost",
975 "cxxtest",
978 -- 'real' implementations, to be linked against the main executable
979 -- (files are added manually and not with setup_static_lib_project
980 -- because not all files in the directory are included)
981 setup_static_lib_project("mocks_real", {}, extern_libs, { no_default_link = 1, no_pch = 1 })
982 files { "mocks/*.h", source_root.."mocks/*_real.cpp" }
983 -- 'test' implementations, to be linked against the test executable
984 setup_static_lib_project("mocks_test", {}, extern_libs, { no_default_link = 1, no_pch = 1 })
985 files { source_root.."mocks/*.h", source_root.."mocks/*_test.cpp" }
988 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
989 -- main EXE
990 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
992 -- used for main EXE as well as test
993 used_extern_libs = {
994 "sdl",
996 "libpng",
997 "zlib",
999 "spidermonkey",
1000 "libxml2",
1002 "boost",
1003 "cxxtest",
1004 "comsuppw",
1005 "enet",
1006 "libcurl",
1007 "tinygettext",
1008 "icu",
1009 "iconv",
1010 "libsodium",
1011 "fmt",
1012 "freetype",
1014 "valgrind",
1017 if not os.istarget("windows") and not _OPTIONS["android"] and not os.istarget("macosx") then
1018 -- X11 should only be linked on *nix
1019 table.insert(used_extern_libs, "x11")
1022 if not _OPTIONS["without-audio"] then
1023 table.insert(used_extern_libs, "openal")
1024 table.insert(used_extern_libs, "vorbis")
1027 if not _OPTIONS["without-nvtt"] then
1028 table.insert(used_extern_libs, "nvtt")
1031 if not _OPTIONS["without-lobby"] then
1032 table.insert(used_extern_libs, "gloox")
1035 if not _OPTIONS["without-miniupnpc"] then
1036 table.insert(used_extern_libs, "miniupnpc")
1039 -- Bundles static libs together with main.cpp and builds game executable.
1040 function setup_main_exe ()
1042 local target_type = get_main_project_target_type()
1043 project_create("pyrogenesis", target_type)
1045 filter "system:not macosx"
1046 linkgroups 'On'
1047 filter {}
1049 links { "mocks_real" }
1051 local extra_params = {
1052 extra_files = { "main.cpp" },
1053 no_pch = 1
1055 project_add_contents(source_root, {}, {}, extra_params)
1056 project_add_extern_libs(used_extern_libs, target_type)
1058 dependson { "Collada" }
1060 rtti "off"
1062 -- Platform Specifics
1063 if os.istarget("windows") then
1065 files { source_root.."lib/sysdep/os/win/icon.rc" }
1066 -- from "lowlevel" static lib; must be added here to be linked in
1067 files { source_root.."lib/sysdep/os/win/error_dialog.rc" }
1069 linkoptions {
1070 -- wraps main thread in a __try block(see wseh.cpp). replace with mainCRTStartup if that's undesired.
1071 "/ENTRY:wseh_EntryPoint",
1073 -- see wstartup.h
1074 "/INCLUDE:_wstartup_InitAndRegisterShutdown",
1076 -- allow manual unload of delay-loaded DLLs
1080 -- allow the executable to use more than 2GB of RAM.
1081 -- this should not be enabled during development, so that memory issues are easily spotted.
1082 if _OPTIONS["large-address-aware"] then
1083 linkoptions { "/LARGEADDRESSAWARE" }
1086 -- see manifest.cpp
1087 project_add_manifest()
1089 elseif os.istarget("linux") or os.istarget("bsd") then
1091 if not _OPTIONS["android"] and not (os.getversion().description == "OpenBSD") then
1092 links { "rt" }
1095 if _OPTIONS["android"] then
1096 -- NDK's STANDALONE-TOOLCHAIN.html says this is required
1097 linkoptions { "-Wl,--fix-cortex-a8" }
1099 links { "log" }
1102 if link_execinfo then
1103 links {
1104 "execinfo"
1108 if os.istarget("linux") or os.getversion().description == "GNU/kFreeBSD" then
1109 links {
1110 -- Dynamic libraries (needed for linking for gold)
1111 "dl",
1115 -- Threading support
1116 buildoptions { "-pthread" }
1117 if not _OPTIONS["android"] then
1118 linkoptions { "-pthread" }
1121 -- For debug_resolve_symbol
1122 filter "Debug"
1123 linkoptions { "-rdynamic" }
1124 filter { }
1126 elseif os.istarget("macosx") then
1128 links { "pthread" }
1129 links { "ApplicationServices.framework", "Cocoa.framework", "CoreFoundation.framework" }
1131 architecture(macos_arch)
1132 buildoptions { "-arch " .. macos_arch }
1133 linkoptions { "-arch " .. macos_arch }
1134 xcodebuildsettings { ARCHS = macos_arch }
1135 if _OPTIONS["macosx-version-min"] then
1136 xcodebuildsettings { MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = _OPTIONS["macosx-version-min"] }
1142 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1143 -- atlas
1144 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1146 -- setup a typical Atlas component project
1147 -- extra_params, rel_source_dirs and rel_include_dirs: as in project_add_contents;
1148 function setup_atlas_project(project_name, target_type, rel_source_dirs, rel_include_dirs, extern_libs, extra_params)
1150 local source_root = rootdir.."/source/tools/atlas/" .. project_name .. "/"
1151 project_create(project_name, target_type)
1153 -- if not specified, the default for atlas pch files is in the project root.
1154 if not extra_params["pch_dir"] then
1155 extra_params["pch_dir"] = source_root
1158 project_add_contents(source_root, rel_source_dirs, rel_include_dirs, extra_params)
1159 project_add_extern_libs(extern_libs, target_type)
1161 -- Platform Specifics
1162 if os.istarget("windows") then
1163 -- Link to required libraries
1164 links { "winmm", "delayimp" }
1166 elseif os.istarget("macosx") then
1167 architecture(macos_arch)
1168 buildoptions { "-arch " .. macos_arch }
1169 linkoptions { "-arch " .. macos_arch }
1170 xcodebuildsettings { ARCHS = macos_arch }
1171 if _OPTIONS["macosx-version-min"] then
1172 xcodebuildsettings { MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = _OPTIONS["macosx-version-min"] }
1174 elseif os.istarget("linux") or os.istarget("bsd") then
1175 if os.getversion().description == "FreeBSD" then
1176 buildoptions { "-fPIC" }
1177 linkoptions { "-fPIC" }
1178 else
1179 buildoptions { "-rdynamic", "-fPIC" }
1180 linkoptions { "-fPIC", "-rdynamic" }
1183 -- warnings triggered by wxWidgets
1184 buildoptions { "-Wno-unused-local-typedefs" }
1190 -- build all Atlas component projects
1191 function setup_atlas_projects()
1193 setup_atlas_project("AtlasObject", "StaticLib",
1194 { -- src
1195 ".",
1196 "../../../third_party/jsonspirit"
1198 },{ -- include
1199 "../../../third_party/jsonspirit"
1200 },{ -- extern_libs
1201 "boost",
1202 "iconv",
1203 "libxml2"
1204 },{ -- extra_params
1205 no_pch = 1
1208 atlas_src = {
1209 "ActorEditor",
1210 "CustomControls/Buttons",
1211 "CustomControls/Canvas",
1212 "CustomControls/ColorDialog",
1213 "CustomControls/DraggableListCtrl",
1214 "CustomControls/EditableListCtrl",
1215 "CustomControls/FileHistory",
1216 "CustomControls/HighResTimer",
1217 "CustomControls/MapDialog",
1218 "CustomControls/MapResizeDialog",
1219 "CustomControls/SnapSplitterWindow",
1220 "CustomControls/VirtualDirTreeCtrl",
1221 "CustomControls/Windows",
1222 "General",
1223 "General/VideoRecorder",
1224 "Misc",
1225 "ScenarioEditor",
1226 "ScenarioEditor/Sections/Common",
1227 "ScenarioEditor/Sections/Cinema",
1228 "ScenarioEditor/Sections/Environment",
1229 "ScenarioEditor/Sections/Map",
1230 "ScenarioEditor/Sections/Object",
1231 "ScenarioEditor/Sections/Player",
1232 "ScenarioEditor/Sections/Terrain",
1233 "ScenarioEditor/Tools",
1234 "ScenarioEditor/Tools/Common",
1236 atlas_extra_links = {
1237 "AtlasObject"
1240 atlas_extern_libs = {
1241 "boost",
1242 "comsuppw",
1243 "iconv",
1244 "libxml2",
1245 "sdl", -- key definitions
1246 "wxwidgets",
1247 "zlib",
1249 if not os.istarget("windows") and not os.istarget("macosx") then
1250 -- X11 should only be linked on *nix
1251 table.insert(atlas_extern_libs, "x11")
1254 setup_atlas_project("AtlasUI", "SharedLib", atlas_src,
1255 { -- include
1256 "..",
1257 "CustomControls",
1258 "Misc",
1259 "../../../third_party/jsonspirit"
1261 atlas_extern_libs,
1262 { -- extra_params
1263 pch_dir = rootdir.."/source/tools/atlas/AtlasUI/Misc/",
1264 no_pch = false,
1265 extra_links = atlas_extra_links,
1266 extra_files = { "Misc/atlas.rc" }
1271 -- Atlas 'frontend' tool-launching projects
1272 function setup_atlas_frontend_project (project_name)
1274 local target_type = get_main_project_target_type()
1275 project_create(project_name, target_type)
1277 local source_root = rootdir.."/source/tools/atlas/AtlasFrontends/"
1278 files { source_root..project_name..".cpp" }
1280 if os.istarget("windows") then
1281 files { source_root..project_name..".rc" }
1284 includedirs { source_root .. ".." }
1286 -- Platform Specifics
1287 if os.istarget("windows") then
1288 -- see manifest.cpp
1289 project_add_manifest()
1291 else -- Non-Windows, = Unix
1292 links { "AtlasObject" }
1293 if os.istarget("macosx") then
1294 architecture(macos_arch)
1295 buildoptions { "-arch " .. macos_arch }
1296 linkoptions { "-arch " .. macos_arch }
1297 xcodebuildsettings { ARCHS = macos_arch }
1301 links { "AtlasUI" }
1305 function setup_atlas_frontends()
1306 setup_atlas_frontend_project("ActorEditor")
1310 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1311 -- collada
1312 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1314 function setup_collada_project(project_name, target_type, rel_source_dirs, rel_include_dirs, extern_libs, extra_params)
1316 project_create(project_name, target_type)
1317 local source_root = source_root.."collada/"
1318 extra_params["pch_dir"] = source_root
1319 project_add_contents(source_root, rel_source_dirs, rel_include_dirs, extra_params)
1320 project_add_extern_libs(extern_libs, target_type)
1322 -- Platform Specifics
1323 if os.istarget("windows") then
1324 characterset "MBCS"
1325 elseif os.istarget("linux") then
1326 defines { "LINUX" }
1328 links {
1329 "dl",
1332 -- FCollada is not aliasing-safe, so disallow dangerous optimisations
1333 -- (TODO: It'd be nice to fix FCollada, but that looks hard)
1334 buildoptions { "-fno-strict-aliasing" }
1335 if os.getversion().description ~= "FreeBSD" then
1336 buildoptions { "-rdynamic" }
1337 linkoptions { "-rdynamic" }
1340 elseif os.istarget("bsd") then
1341 if os.getversion().description == "OpenBSD" then
1342 links { "c", }
1345 if os.getversion().description == "GNU/kFreeBSD" then
1346 links {
1347 "dl",
1351 buildoptions { "-fno-strict-aliasing" }
1353 buildoptions { "-rdynamic" }
1354 linkoptions { "-rdynamic" }
1356 elseif os.istarget("macosx") then
1357 -- define MACOS-something?
1359 buildoptions { "-fno-strict-aliasing" }
1360 -- On OSX, fcollada uses a few utility functions from coreservices
1361 links { "CoreServices.framework" }
1363 architecture(macos_arch)
1364 buildoptions { "-arch " .. macos_arch }
1365 linkoptions { "-arch " .. macos_arch }
1366 xcodebuildsettings { ARCHS = macos_arch }
1371 -- build all Collada component projects
1372 function setup_collada_projects()
1374 setup_collada_project("Collada", "SharedLib",
1375 { -- src
1377 },{ -- include
1378 },{ -- extern_libs
1379 "fcollada",
1380 "iconv",
1381 "libxml2"
1382 },{ -- extra_params
1388 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1389 -- tests
1390 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1392 function setup_tests()
1394 local cxxtest = require "cxxtest"
1396 if os.istarget("windows") then
1397 cxxtest.setpath(rootdir.."/build/bin/cxxtestgen.exe")
1398 else
1399 cxxtest.setpath(rootdir.."/libraries/source/cxxtest-4.4/bin/cxxtestgen")
1402 local runner = "ErrorPrinter"
1403 if _OPTIONS["jenkins-tests"] then
1404 runner = "XmlPrinter"
1407 local includefiles = {
1408 -- Precompiled headers - the header is added to all generated .cpp files
1409 -- note that the header isn't actually precompiled here, only #included
1410 -- so that the build stage can use it as a precompiled header.
1411 "precompiled.h",
1412 -- This is required to build against SDL 2.0.4 on Windows.
1413 "lib/external_libraries/libsdl.h",
1416 cxxtest.init(source_root, true, runner, includefiles)
1418 local target_type = get_main_project_target_type()
1419 project_create("test", target_type)
1421 -- Find header files in 'test' subdirectories
1422 local all_files = os.matchfiles(source_root .. "**/tests/*.h")
1423 local test_files = {}
1424 for i,v in pairs(all_files) do
1425 -- Don't include sysdep tests on the wrong sys
1426 -- Don't include Atlas tests unless Atlas is being built
1427 if not (string.find(v, "/sysdep/os/win/") and not os.istarget("windows")) and
1428 not (string.find(v, "/tools/atlas/") and not _OPTIONS["atlas"]) and
1429 not (string.find(v, "/sysdep/arch/x86_x64/") and ((arch ~= "amd64") or (arch ~= "x86")))
1430 then
1431 table.insert(test_files, v)
1435 cxxtest.configure_project(test_files)
1437 filter "system:not macosx"
1438 linkgroups 'On'
1439 filter {}
1441 links { static_lib_names }
1442 filter "Debug"
1443 links { static_lib_names_debug }
1444 filter "Release"
1445 links { static_lib_names_release }
1446 filter { }
1448 links { "mocks_test" }
1449 if _OPTIONS["atlas"] then
1450 links { "AtlasObject" }
1452 extra_params = {
1453 extra_files = { "test_setup.cpp" },
1456 project_add_contents(source_root, {}, {}, extra_params)
1457 project_add_extern_libs(used_extern_libs, target_type)
1459 dependson { "Collada" }
1461 rtti "off"
1463 -- TODO: should fix the duplication between this OS-specific linking
1464 -- code, and the similar version in setup_main_exe
1466 if os.istarget("windows") then
1467 -- from "lowlevel" static lib; must be added here to be linked in
1468 files { source_root.."lib/sysdep/os/win/error_dialog.rc" }
1470 -- see wstartup.h
1471 linkoptions { "/INCLUDE:_wstartup_InitAndRegisterShutdown" }
1472 -- Enables console for the TEST project on Windows
1473 linkoptions { "/SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE" }
1475 project_add_manifest()
1477 elseif os.istarget("linux") or os.istarget("bsd") then
1479 if link_execinfo then
1480 links {
1481 "execinfo"
1484 if not _OPTIONS["android"] and not (os.getversion().description == "OpenBSD") then
1485 links { "rt" }
1488 if _OPTIONS["android"] then
1489 -- NDK's STANDALONE-TOOLCHAIN.html says this is required
1490 linkoptions { "-Wl,--fix-cortex-a8" }
1493 if os.istarget("linux") or os.getversion().description == "GNU/kFreeBSD" then
1494 links {
1495 -- Dynamic libraries (needed for linking for gold)
1496 "dl",
1500 -- Threading support
1501 buildoptions { "-pthread" }
1502 if not _OPTIONS["android"] then
1503 linkoptions { "-pthread" }
1506 -- For debug_resolve_symbol
1507 filter "Debug"
1508 linkoptions { "-rdynamic" }
1509 filter { }
1511 includedirs { source_root .. "pch/test/" }
1513 elseif os.istarget("macosx") then
1514 architecture(macos_arch)
1515 buildoptions { "-arch " .. macos_arch }
1516 linkoptions { "-arch " .. macos_arch }
1517 xcodebuildsettings { ARCHS = macos_arch }
1518 if _OPTIONS["macosx-version-min"] then
1519 xcodebuildsettings { MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = _OPTIONS["macosx-version-min"] }
1524 -- must come first, so that VC sets it as the default project and therefore
1525 -- allows running via F5 without the "where is the EXE" dialog.
1526 setup_main_exe()
1528 setup_all_libs()
1530 -- add the static libs to the main EXE project. only now (after
1531 -- setup_all_libs has run) are the lib names known. cannot move
1532 -- setup_main_exe to run after setup_all_libs (see comment above).
1533 -- we also don't want to hardcode the names - that would require more
1534 -- work when changing the static lib breakdown.
1535 project("pyrogenesis") -- Set the main project active
1536 links { static_lib_names }
1537 filter "Debug"
1538 links { static_lib_names_debug }
1539 filter "Release"
1540 links { static_lib_names_release }
1541 filter { }
1543 if _OPTIONS["atlas"] then
1544 setup_atlas_projects()
1545 setup_atlas_frontends()
1548 setup_collada_projects()
1550 if not _OPTIONS["without-tests"] then
1551 setup_tests()