descriptionA replay routine for the Atari ST, using the YM2149 chip.
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last changeSat, 17 Sep 2005 20:58:14 +0000 (17 21:58 +0100)
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                          YMamoto Alpha Zero
                 Julian Squires <> / 2004

                            ABOUT YMAMOTO

YMamoto is my first attempt at a reasonable music playroutine for the
Atari ST.  The design goal is to allow the production of interesting
music; I considered adding efficiency of {memory usage, song size,
cycles per frame} to the set of goals, but I decided that aiming at
any of these things directly would just cripple the main goal, until I
am more familiar with the ST and the YM.

So, YMamoto, when finished, should be suitable at least for music
disks and parts of demos where cycles aren't too scarce.
2005-09-17 Julian SquiresCleaned up a little.master
2005-07-16 Julian SquiresFew bug fixes -- primarily, fixed really stupid playtes...
2005-07-15 Julian SquiresThanks to m68k-asm, playroutine and demo updated to...
2005-01-13 Julian SquiresSome attempts to fix broken playroutine, some demo...
2005-01-11 Julian SquiresMoved to use MiNT tools.
2004-12-30 Julian SquiresAlternate approach to writing registers.
2004-12-29 Julian SquiresBasic vibrato support.
2004-12-28 Julian SquiresPrimitive env-follow experiments.
2004-12-28 Julian SquiresAdded simple software volume envelopes.
2004-12-28 Julian SquiresBasic volume support.
2004-12-27 Julian SquiresCleaned up a few things; implemented channel loop.
2004-12-27 Julian SquiresMinor adjustment to pitch-setting code.
2004-12-10 Julian Squireschanged to fixed frame durations, added arpeggios.
2004-11-18 Julian Squiresinitial import.
19 years ago master