updated git and svn scripts
[xrzperl.git] / urlrule_database_add_google
1 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
2 # $Id$
3 use strict;
4 require v5.10.0;
5 our $VERSION = 'v0.1';
9 my $PROGRAM_DIR = $0;
10 $PROGRAM_DIR =~ s/[^\/\\]+$//;
11 $PROGRAM_DIR = "./" unless($PROGRAM_DIR);
12 unshift @INC,
13 map "$PROGRAM_DIR$_",qw{modules lib ../modules ..lib};
16 my %OPTS;
17 my @OPTIONS = qw/help|h|? version|ver edit-me manual|man/;
19 if(@ARGV)
21 require Getopt::Long;
22 require MyPlace::Usage;
23 Getopt::Long::GetOptions(\%OPTS,@OPTIONS);
24 MyPlace::Usage::Process(\%OPTS,$VERSION);
26 else
28 require MyPlace::Usage;
29 MyPlace::Usage::PrintHelp();
32 exec("urlrule_database","add",@ARGV,"google.search.image","newly");
34 __END__
36 =pod
38 =head1 NAME
40 urlrule_database_add_google - PERL script
42 =head1 SYNOPSIS
44 urlrule_database_add_google [options] ...
46 =head1 OPTIONS
48 =over 12
50 =item B<--version>
52 Print version infomation.
54 =item B<-h>,B<--help>
56 Print a brief help message and exits.
58 =item B<--manual>,B<--man>
60 View application manual
62 =item B<--edit-me>
64 Invoke 'editor' against the source
66 =back
70 ___DESC___
72 =head1 CHANGELOG
74 2010-06-20 duel <duel@myplace.hell>
76 * file created.
78 =head1 AUTHOR
80 duel <duel@myplace.hell>
82 =cut