descriptionxpad acquisition software
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last changeTue, 5 Oct 2010 12:20:04 +0000 (5 14:20 +0200)
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2010-10-05 picca frederic* do not send the stop method when exiting from the... master
2010-10-05 picca frederic* work in progress with the image reshape
2010-10-04 picca frederic* set the right default for exposure, gateNumber and...
2010-10-04 picca frederic* POGO add the type property.
2010-09-02 picca frederic* temporary
2010-07-29 picca frederic* remove obsolete files
2010-07-28 picca frederic* use the right xpad_load_calibration method
2010-07-28 picca frederic* implemente the new commandes
2010-07-28 picca frederic* POGO delete the ResetCalibration, add LoadFlatDacl...
2010-07-28 picca frederic* implemente the ithune and imfp attributes
2010-07-27 picca frederic* pogo itune and imfp
2010-07-27 picca frederic* refactor the xpad library to prepare for new devices...
2010-07-09 picca* read the dacl in few areas
2010-06-01 picca* now the calibration is working
2010-05-25 picca* make dacl and ithl work :)
2010-05-11 picca* correct the dacl default values.
13 years ago master
14 years ago upstream
14 years ago next