descriptionMy personal website (mirror).
homepage URL
repository URL
last changeSun, 23 Oct 2011 21:05:39 +0000 (23 18:05 -0300)
last refreshSat, 27 Apr 2024 10:17:20 +0000 (27 12:17 +0200)
content tags


These are the sources of my main personal website. It gets turned into an actual website with the help of Hyde.

You can reach me via e-Mail and Google Talk/Jabber at: martin at NOSPAM


The buildout environment should be entirely self-contained, testing web server included.

If you want to modify the website, clone the repository and run:

  1. % source bootstrap
  2. % buildout
  3. % source bin/activate

When done editing, check everything looks fine with the development server by running the following and checking your browser:

  1. % ./develop

If everything looks fine, go ahead and run ./publish to re-build and upload everything to Google App Engine.

Don't forget to push the changes upstream (GitHub, Gitorious, odin).

Backup GIT repositories:

If you need to upload large(-ish) media (photos, downloads, etc), upload to S3 and link like:


Everything but the src/ directory is under the MIT/X11 license. All images, config files, and templates in src/ are licensed under the ??? license. (TODO). All content (*.html) inside the src/ directory is under the CC-BY-3.0 license.

MIT: See ./MIT. CC-BY-3.0:

To Do

2011-10-23 Martín Raúl... Update README.mdmaster
2011-10-07 Martín Raúl... Update
2011-10-07 Martín Raúl... Update
2011-10-07 Martín Raúl... Use alternative PyPI index
2011-10-02 Martín Raúl... Update metatags (#24)
2011-09-23 Martín Raúl... Convert footers to Markdown (#23)
2011-09-23 Martín Raúl... Add comment to base layout
2011-09-23 Martín Raúl... Move language data to LN/meta.yaml (#11)
2011-09-23 Martín Raúl... Add reference data page (#15)
2011-09-21 Martín Raúl... Remove NOTES (move to external project files)
2011-09-20 Martín Raúl... Update .gitignore
2011-09-15 Martín Raúl... Remove COMING SOON image (#3)
2011-09-15 Martín Raúl... Update NOTES
2011-09-14 Martín Raúl... Add Google Analytics tracking code (#3)
2011-09-14 Martín Raúl... Update NOTES
2011-09-14 Martín Raúl... Update EN index (#3)
12 years ago master