descriptionA website that enables users to submit jobs to the wrfxpy framework for fire simulation.
repository URL
last changeTue, 2 Apr 2024 23:31:12 +0000 (2 16:31 -0700)
last refreshSat, 27 Apr 2024 06:48:24 +0000 (27 08:48 +0200)
content tags


A website that enables users to submit jobs to the wrfxpy framework for fire simulation.

2024-04-02 Angel Farguell... commenting out console.logmaster
2024-03-26 Angel Farguell... finalize ignition line from KML
2024-03-26 Chase PorterResolving merge conflicts
2024-03-26 Chase PorterSplices ignition Times
2024-03-22 Angel Farguell... finishing implementation of active points in fire line
2024-03-20 Chase PorterSets up basics for kml drawing for line
2024-03-20 Angel Farguell... add wait wheel for uploading KML file
2024-03-13 Chase PorterOnly removes markers with backspace when in correct...
2024-03-13 Chase PorterAdds a shortcut to press backspace and delete perimeter...
2024-03-13 Chase PorterStable commit for drawing and deleting perimeter points
2024-03-13 Angel Farguell... highlight last point in the perimeter and start to...
2024-03-12 Chase Portercommitting changes to make points black
2024-03-11 Chase PorterFixes the marker offset from polygons and lines
2024-03-08 Angel Farguell... adding shading when uploading KML, setting the view...
2024-03-07 Chase PorterAdds support for drawing a line before adding a polygon...
2024-03-01 Angel Farguell... add processing of KML for the outer boundaries
4 years ago v2.0
3 weeks ago chaseporter/kml-writing
3 weeks ago master
14 months ago chaseporter/mergeFirePerimeters
14 months ago chaseporter/bugFix/broken-map
2 years ago firePerimeters
2 years ago angel
4 years ago adam-devel
4 years ago lauren
5 years ago devel
5 years ago adam