adjusted merit-function so that it works with
[woropt.git] / run.lisp
1 #.(require :frontend)
2 (in-package :frontend)
4 #+nil
5 (defparameter *model* (make-instance 'sphere-model-angular))
7 #+nil
8 (time
9 (defparameter *model* (make-test-model)))
11 #+nil
12 (write-pgm "/home/martin/tmp/model-cut.pgm"
13 (normalize-2-csf/ub8-realpart (cross-section-xz (spheres *model*))))
14 #+nil
15 (time
16 (defparameter *psf*
17 (multiple-value-bind (conv dx dz)
18 (angular-intensity-psf-minimal-resolution
19 :x-um 8s0 :z-um 12s0
20 :window-radius 1.0 :window-x 0s0 :window-y 0s0
21 :debug t :initialize t
22 :integrand-evaluations 100)
23 (resample-3-csf conv dx dx dz .2 .2 1.0))))
24 #+nil
25 (write-pgm "/home/martin/tmp/psf-cut.pgm"
26 (normalize-2-csf/ub8-realpart (cross-section-xz *psf*)))
28 #+nil
29 (time (progn
30 (defparameter *conv*
31 (convolve (spheres *model*) *psf*))
32 (write-pgm "/home/martin/tmp/conv-cut.pgm"
33 (normalize-2-csf/ub8-realpart
34 (cross-section-xz
35 #+nil (spheres *model*)
36 *conv*
37 #+nil (.- *conv* (vol::s* 1e11 (spheres *model*))))))))
38 #+nil
39 (write-pgm "/home/martin/tmp/conv-cut.pgm"
40 (normalize-2-sf/ub8
41 (cross-section-xz
42 (.- (normalize-3-csf/sf-realpart *conv*)
43 (normalize-3-csf/sf-realpart (spheres *model*))))))
45 #+nil
46 (time
47 (progn
48 (update-tex
49 #+nil (normalize-3-csf/ub8-realpart *conv*)
50 (normalize-2-csf/ub8-realpart
51 (cross-section-xz *conv* (vec-i-y (elt (centers *model*) 0)))))
52 nil))
55 #+nil
56 (update-scale 300 40)
57 #+nil
58 (update-scale 1 40)
62 #+nil
63 (let* ((obj (lens:make-objective))
64 (n (lens::immersion-index obj))
65 (f (lens::focal-length obj))
66 (nucleus-position (elt (centers-mm *model*) 0))
67 (center (make-vec (vec-x nucleus-position)
68 (vec-y nucleus-position))))
69 (update-view-center nucleus-position)
70 (update-scale 300 20))
72 #+nil
73 (defun draw-all ()
74 (draw *model*
75 :nucleus 0
76 :win-x/r -.2d0
77 :win-r/r 0.1d0))
79 #+nil
80 (with-gui
81 (draw-all))
83 #+nil
84 (time
85 (let* ((n 100)
86 (a (make-array (list n n) :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
87 (nn (length *spheres-c-r*))
88 (mosaicx (ceiling (sqrt nn)))
89 (mosaic (make-array (list (* n mosaicx) (* n mosaicx))
90 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
91 (with-open-file (*standard-output* "/dev/shm/a"
92 :direction :output
93 :if-exists :supersede)
94 (dotimes (*nucleus-index* nn)
95 (dotimes (i 10)
96 (tagbody again
97 (multiple-value-bind (min point)
98 (simplex-anneal:anneal (simplex-anneal:make-simplex
99 (make-vec2 :x -1d0 :y -1d0) 1d0)
100 #'merit-function
101 ;; set temperature bigger than the
102 ;; maxima in the bfp but smaller
103 ;; than border-value
104 :start-temperature 2.4d0
105 :eps/m .02d0
106 :itmax 1000
107 :ftol 1d-3)
108 (unless (<= min 100d0)
109 (go again))
110 (let* ((x (aref point 0))
111 (y (aref point 1))
112 (ix (floor (* n (+ x 1)) 2))
113 (iy (floor (* n (+ y 1)) 2))
114 (mx (mod *nucleus-index* mosaicx))
115 (my (floor *nucleus-index* mosaicx)))
116 (incf (aref mosaic (+ (* n my) iy) (+ (* n mx) ix)))
117 (format t "min ~a~%" (list min ix iy))))))))
118 (write-pgm "/home/martin/tmp/scan-mosaic-max.pgm" mosaic)))
121 #+nil
122 (illuminate-ray (lens:make-objective) *model* 0 :left .4d0 0d0 .2d0 :right)
124 #+nil
125 (defmacro defstuff ()
126 `(progn
127 ,@(loop for i in '(*centers* *dims* *spheres* *psf* *conv-l* *conv-l-s*
128 *conv-plane* *conv-plane-s*
129 Lf L-plane*f)
130 collect
131 `(defparameter ,i nil))))
132 #+nil
133 (defstuff)
135 #+nil
136 (write-pgm "/home/martin/tmp/fftw.pgm"
137 (normalize-2-csf/ub8-abs
138 (cross-section-xz
139 (let ((a (ft (draw-sphere-csf 12.0 34 206 296)))
140 #+nil (b (ft (draw-sphere-csf 5.0 34 206 296))))
141 a))))
142 #+bla
143 (defun init-model ()
144 ;; find the centers of the nuclei and store into *centers*
145 (multiple-value-bind (c ch dims)
146 (find-centers)
147 (declare (ignore ch))
148 (defparameter *centers* c)
149 (defparameter *dims* dims)
150 (sb-ext:gc :full t))
152 ;; as a model of fluorophore concentration draw ovals around the
153 ;; positions in *centers* and store into *spheres*
154 (let ((spheres
155 (destructuring-bind (z y x)
156 *dims*
157 (draw-ovals 12.0 *centers* z y x))))
158 (defparameter *spheres* spheres)
159 (write-pgm "/home/martin/tmp/comp0-spheres-cut.pgm"
160 (normalize-2-csf/ub8-realpart
161 (cross-section-xz *spheres*
162 (vec-i-y (elt *centers* 21)))))
163 (sb-ext:gc :full t))
165 ;; store the fluorophore concentration
166 (save-stack-ub8 "/home/martin/tmp/spheres"
167 (normalize-3-csf/ub8-realpart *spheres*)))
169 #+nil
170 (time (init-model))
173 #+bla
174 (defun init-psf ()
175 ;; calculate intensity psf, make extend in z big enough to span the
176 ;; full fluorophore concentration even when looking at the bottom
177 ;; plane of it
178 (let* ((dx .2)
179 (dz 1.0)
180 (psf (destructuring-bind (z y x)
181 *dims*
182 (declare (ignore y x))
183 (let ((r 100))
184 (psf:intensity-psf (* 2 z) r r (* z dz) (* r dx)
185 :integrand-evaluations 40)))))
186 (defparameter *psf* psf)
187 (write-pgm "/home/martin/tmp/comp1-psf.pgm"
188 (normalize-2-csf/ub8-realpart (cross-section-xz psf)))
189 (sb-ext:gc :full t)))
190 #+nil
191 (time (init-psf))
193 #+bla
194 (defun clem ()
195 ;; Extract one specific plane from the fluorophore concentration
196 ;; model and convolve with intensity psf. The result is the light
197 ;; distribution in the sample.
198 (destructuring-bind (z y x)
199 (array-dimensions *spheres*)
200 (declare (ignore z))
201 (let* ((zz (vec-i-z (elt *centers* 31)))
202 (current-slice-bbox (make-bbox :start (v 0d0 0d0 (* 1d0 zz))
203 :end (v (* 1d0 (1- x))
204 (* 1d0 (1- y))
205 (* 1d0 zz))))
206 (current-slice (extract-bbox3-cdf *spheres* current-slice-bbox)))
207 (multiple-value-bind (conv conv-start)
208 (convolve3-nocrop current-slice *psf*)
209 (defparameter *conv-l* conv)
210 (defparameter *conv-l-s* (v--i (make-vec-i :z zz)
211 conv-start))
212 (write-pgm "/home/martin/tmp/comp2-conv.pgm"
213 (normalize2-cdf/ub8-realpart
214 (cross-section-xz
215 conv
216 (vec-i-y (v+-i conv-start (elt *centers* 31)))))))
217 (sb-ext:gc :full t)))
219 ;; store light distribution
220 (save-stack-ub8 "/home/martin/tmp/conv-l"
221 (normalize3-cdf/ub8-realpart *conv-l*))
223 ;; multiply fluorophore concentration with light distribution, this
224 ;; gives the excitation pattern in the sample
225 (progn
226 (defparameter Lf (.* *conv-l* *spheres* *conv-l-s*))
227 (write-pgm "/home/martin/tmp/comp3-conv-lf.pgm"
228 (normalize2-cdf/ub8-realpart
229 (cross-section-xz Lf (vec-i-y (elt *centers* 31))))))
231 ;; estimate in-focus and out-of-focus excitation for this particular
232 ;; excitation regime
233 (destructuring-bind (z y x)
234 (array-dimensions Lf)
235 (let* ((zz (1- (floor z 2)))
236 (in-focus (extract-bbox3-cdf Lf (make-bbox :start (v 0d0 0d0 (* 1d0 zz))
237 :end (v (* 1d0 (1- x))
238 (* 1d0 (1- y))
239 (* 1d0 zz))))))
240 (save-stack-ub8 "/home/martin/tmp/Lf" (normalize3-cdf/ub8-realpart in-focus))
241 (/ (mean-realpart in-focus)
242 (mean-realpart Lf)))))
244 #+bla
245 (defun widefield ()
246 ;; convolve a plane with the psf
247 (destructuring-bind (z y x)
248 (array-dimensions *spheres*)
249 (declare (ignore z))
250 (let* ((zz (vec-i-z (elt *centers* 31)))
251 (current-slice (make-array (list 1 y x)
252 :element-type '(complex my-float)
253 :initial-element (complex 1d0))))
254 (multiple-value-bind (conv conv-start)
255 (convolve3-nocrop current-slice *psf*)
256 (defparameter *conv-plane* conv)
257 (defparameter *conv-plane-s* (v--i (make-vec-i :z zz)
258 conv-start))
259 (write-pgm "/home/martin/tmp/comp4-conv-plane.pgm"
260 (normalize2-cdf/ub8-realpart
261 (cross-section-xz
262 conv
263 (vec-i-y (v+-i conv-start (elt *centers* 31)))))))
264 (sb-ext:gc :full t)))
266 ;; multiply fluorophore concentration with light distribution, this
267 ;; gives the excitation pattern in the sample
268 (progn
269 (defparameter L-plane*f (.* *conv-plane* *spheres* *conv-plane-s*))
270 (write-pgm "/home/martin/tmp/comp5-conv-plane-lf.pgm"
271 (normalize2-cdf/ub8-realpart
272 (cross-section-xz L-plane*f (vec-i-y (elt *centers* 31))))))
274 ;; estimate in-focus and out-of-focus excitation for this particular
275 ;; excitation regime
276 (destructuring-bind (z y x)
277 (array-dimensions L-plane*f)
278 (let* ((zz (1- (floor z 2)))
279 (in-focus (extract-bbox3-cdf L-plane*f (make-bbox :start (v 0d0 0d0 (* 1d0 zz))
280 :end (v (* 1d0 (1- x))
281 (* 1d0 (1- y))
282 (* 1d0 zz))))))
283 #+nil (save-stack-ub8 "/home/martin/tmp/Lf" (normalize3-cdf/ub8-realpart in-focus))
284 (/ (mean-realpart in-focus)
285 (mean-realpart L-plane*f)))))
287 #+nil
288 (time
289 (progn
290 (init-model)
291 (init-psf))) ;; 7.5s
293 #+nil
294 (time
295 (clem)) ;; 8s, result: 6.5
297 #+nil
298 (time
299 (widefield)) ;; 5.7s result: 1.8
302 mkdir ~/tmp
303 cp /home/martin/0519/MedianofCelegans-10-02-09-LSM700-t58.tif ~/tmp/med.tif
304 cd ~/tmp/
305 tiffsplit med.tif
306 for i in *.tif ; do tifftopnm $i > `basename $i .tif`.pgm;done
312 #+bla
313 (defun ensure-even (x)
314 (declare (fixnum x)
315 (values fixnum &optional))
316 (if (eq 1 (mod x 2))
317 (1+ x)
321 #+nil
322 (progn
323 (defparameter *merge*
324 (let ((a (make-array (array-dimensions *stack*)
325 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
326 (destructuring-bind (z y x)
327 (array-dimensions *stack*)
328 (do-box (k j i 0 z 0 y 0 x)
329 (setf (aref a k j i)
330 (clamp (if (eq 0 (aref *blobs*
331 k j i))
332 (* (aref *stack* k j i) 2)
333 0))))
334 a)))
335 (save-stack-ub "/home/martin/tmp/merge" *merge*))
337 ;; (- z k 1) (- y j 1) (- x i 1)
341 #+nil ;; model with isotropic pixels
342 (save-stack-ub "/home/martin/tmp/iso/iso"
343 (convert-vol (draw-scaled-spheres 2d0 *centers*)))
345 #+nil
346 (save-stack-ub "/home/martin/tmp/blobs" *blobs*)
348 #+nil
349 (save-scaled-stack 100 100 "/home/martin/tmp/sca" *blobs*)
351 #+nil ;; find maximum
352 (reduce #'max (map 'vector #'abs (sb-ext:array-storage-vector *stack*)))
354 #+nil ;; scale to 1
355 (destructuring-bind (z y x)
356 (array-dimensions *stack*)
357 (do-box (k j i 0 z 0 y 0 x)
358 (setf (aref *stack* k j i)
359 (/ (aref *stack* k j i) 257d0))))
361 #+nil
362 (save-stack "/home/martin/tmp/stack" *stack*)
365 #+nil ;; make a text image of the psf
366 (let ((numerical-aperture 1.38d0))
367 (psf:init :numerical-aperture numerical-aperture)
368 (multiple-value-bind (u v)
369 (psf:get-uv 0 1.5 3 :numerical-aperture numerical-aperture)
370 (let* ((nu 31)
371 (nv 61)
372 (a (psf:integ-all nu nv (/ u nu) (/ v nv)))
373 (max (aref a 0 0))
374 (scale (/ 99 max)))
375 (destructuring-bind (uu vv)
376 (array-dimensions a)
377 (format t "~%")
378 (dotimes (u uu)
379 (dotimes (v vv)
380 (format t "~2d" (truncate (* scale (aref a u v)))))
381 (format t "~%"))))))
384 #+nil
385 (time
386 (let ((z 18d0))
387 (save-stack "/home/martin/tmp/psf"
388 (fftshift3 (ft3 (sim-psf 128 128 128 z (* .5d0 z))))
389 :function #'(lambda (x) (* .01d0 (abs x))))))
391 ;; worm stack 0.198 um in X and Y and 1 um in Z
393 #+nil
394 (array-dimensions *blobs*)
396 #+nil ;; write ft of object
397 (time
398 (save-stack "/home/martin/tmp/kblobs" (fftshift3 (ft3 *blobs*))
399 :function #'(lambda (x) (* 1d-4 (abs x)))))
401 #+nil ;; write ft of psf
402 (time
403 (destructuring-bind (z y x)
404 (array-dimensions *blobs*)
405 (save-stack "/home/martin/tmp/otf"
406 (fftshift3 (ft3 (sim-psf z y x
407 (* .198d0 z)
408 (* .198d0
409 (ceiling (* (sqrt 2d0) (max y x)))))))
410 :function #'(lambda (x) (* 1d-1 (abs x))))))
412 #+nil
413 (time
414 (destructuring-bind (z y x)
415 (array-dimensions *blobs*)
416 (let ((psf (sim-psf z y x
417 (* .198d0 z) (* .198d0 (ceiling (* (sqrt 2d0) (max y x)))))))
418 (save-stack "/home/martin/tmp/impsf"
419 (convolve3 *blobs* psf)
420 :function #'(lambda (x) (* 1d-8 (realpart x)))))))
424 #+nil ;; compare intensity and |e-field|^2
425 (time
426 (let ((z 128)
427 (y 128)
428 (x 128))
429 (multiple-value-bind (e0 e1 e2)
430 (psf:electric-field-psf z x y 10d0 5d0)
431 (let ((intens (make-array (array-dimensions e0)
432 :element-type '(complex my-float))))
433 (do-box (k j i 0 z 0 y 0 x)
434 (setf (aref intens k j i) (complex (+ (psf::abs2 (aref e0 k j i))
435 (psf::abs2 (aref e1 k j i))
436 (psf::abs2 (aref e2 k j i))))))
437 (let* ((k0 (fftshift3 (ft3 intens)))
438 (k1 (fftshift3 (ft3 (psf:intensity-psf z y x 10d0 5d0))))
439 (k- (make-array (array-dimensions k0)
440 :element-type '(complex my-float))))
441 (do-box (k j i 0 z 0 y 0 x)
442 (setf (aref k- k j i) (- (aref k0 k j i)
443 (aref k1 k j i))))
444 (save-stack "/home/martin/tmp/intens0"
446 :function #'(lambda (x) (* 1d-1 (abs x))))
447 (write-pgm (convert-img (cross-section-xz k-)
448 #'(lambda (z) (* 1e-1 (abs z))))
449 "/home/martin/tmp/intens0xz.pgm"))))))
453 #+nil ;; find centers of nuclei 12.5s 3.1s
454 (time
455 (multiple-value-bind (c ch dims)
456 (find-centers)
457 (defparameter *centers* c)
458 (defparameter *center-heights* ch)
459 (defparameter *dims* dims)
460 (sb-ext:gc :full t)))
462 #+nil ;; draw the spheres (squeezed in z) 9.7s 1.8s
463 (time
464 (let ((spheres
465 (destructuring-bind (z y x)
466 *dims*
467 (draw-ovals 7d0 *centers* z y x))))
468 (setf *spheres* spheres)
469 #+nil (save-stack-ub8 "/home/martin/tmp/spheres" (normalize-vol *spheres*))
470 (write-pgm (normalize-img (cross-section-xz *spheres*
471 (vec-i-y (elt *centers* 31))))
472 "/home/martin/tmp/spheres-cut.pgm")
473 (sb-ext:gc :full t)))
475 #+nil ;; draw the spheres (squeezed in z) and emphasize one of them
476 (time
477 (let ((spheres
478 (destructuring-bind (z y x)
479 *dims*
480 (let* ((dims (list z y x))
481 (points (make-array dims
482 :element-type '(complex my-float)))
483 (centers *centers*)
484 (radius 7d0)
485 (n (length centers)))
486 (dotimes (i n)
487 (let ((c (aref centers i)))
488 (setf (aref points
489 (vec-i-z c)
490 (vec-i-y c)
491 (vec-i-x c))
492 (complex (if (eq i 31)
494 1d0) 0d0))))
495 (convolve3-circ points (fftshift3 (draw-oval radius z y x)))))))
496 (save-stack-ub8 "/home/martin/tmp/spheres" (normalize-ub8 spheres))
497 (sb-ext:gc :full t)))
499 #+nil ;; construct LCOS image
500 (let ((coord (aref *centers* 31))
501 (radius 7d0)
502 (slice (make-array (array-dimensions *spheres*)
503 :element-type '(complex my-float))))
504 (destructuring-bind (z y x)
505 (array-dimensions *spheres*)
506 ;; draw only the center sphere
507 (let* ((xc (vec-i-x coord))
508 (yc (vec-i-y coord))
509 (zc (vec-i-z coord))
510 (k zc))
511 (do-rectangle (j i 0 y 0 x)
512 (let ((r (sqrt (+ (square (* 1d0 (- i xc)))
513 (square (* 1d0 (- j yc)))
514 (square (* 1d0 (- k zc)))))))
515 (setf (aref slice k j i)
516 (if (< r radius)
517 (complex 255d0)
518 (complex 0d0)))))))
519 (defparameter *slice* slice)
520 #+nil (save-stack-ub8 "/home/martin/tmp/slice" (convert-vol slice))
521 (write-pgm (normalize-img (cross-section-xz slice (vec-i-y coord)))
522 "/home/martin/tmp/slice-cut.pgm")
523 (sb-ext:gc :full t))
525 #+bla (defparameter *bfp-circ-radius* .3d0)
526 #+bla (defparameter *bfp-circ-center-x* .4d0 #+nil (- .999d0 *bfp-circ-radius*))
528 #+nil ;; 11.3s 2.6s
529 (time
530 (progn
531 (angular-psf :x 80 :z 90
532 :window-x *bfp-circ-center-x*
533 :window-y 0d0 :window-radius *bfp-circ-radius*
534 :numerical-aperture 1.38d0
535 :immersion-index 1.515d0
536 :pixel-size-x .1d0 :pixel-size-z .5d0
537 :integrand-evaluations 160
538 :debug t)
539 nil))
541 #+nil ;; light distribution in the specimen
542 ;; default resolution is isotropic 12 um /64 = 187.5 nm/pixel
543 (time ;; 32.5s 5.4s
544 (let* ((radius .2d0)
545 (x .3d0)
546 (xx 120)
547 (zz 120)
548 (dx .1d0)
549 (dz .5d0)
550 (psf (resample-half
551 (angular-psf :window-x *bfp-circ-center-x*
552 :window-y 0d0
553 :window-radius *bfp-circ-radius*
554 :x (* 2 xx) :z (* 2 zz)
555 :pixel-size-x dx :pixel-size-z dz
556 :integrand-evaluations 200)))
557 (dims (destructuring-bind (z y x)
558 *dims*
559 (list z y x))))
560 (write-pgm (normalize-img (cross-section-xz psf))
561 "/home/martin/tmp/small-psf-cut.pgm")
562 (sb-ext:gc :full t)
563 (defparameter *slice-x-psf* (convolve3 *slice* psf))
564 (sb-ext:gc :full t)))
566 #+nil
567 (defparameter *slice-x-psf* nil)
568 #+nil
569 (sb-ext:gc :full t)
570 #+nil
571 (write-pgm (normalize-img
572 (cross-section-xz *slice-x-psf*
573 (vec-i-y (elt *centers* 31))))
574 "/home/martin/tmp/slice-x-psf-cut.pgm")
576 #+nil
577 (save-stack-ub8 "/home/martin/tmp/psf" (normalize-ub8 *psf*))
580 #+nil ;; draw lines into the light distribution in the specimen
581 (destructuring-bind (z y x)
582 (array-dimensions *slice-x-psf*)
583 (let ((coord (elt *centers* 31))
584 (vol (normalize-ub8 *slice-x-psf*))
585 (dx 2.d-4)
586 (dz 1d-3))
587 #+nil(draw-ray-into-vol (* dx (- (floor x 2) (vec-i-x coord)))
588 (* dx (- (floor y 2) (vec-i-y coord)))
589 -.6d0 0d0 vol)
590 (loop for pos in (list (list (* (- (floor x 2) (- (vec-i-x coord) 7)) dx)
591 (* (- (floor y 2) (vec-i-y coord)) dx))
592 (list (* (- (floor x 2) (+ (vec-i-x coord) 7)) dx)
593 (* (- (floor y 2) (vec-i-y coord)) dx))) do
594 (loop for angle in (list ;;-.010d0
595 ;;-.6d0
596 ;;(- (- *bfp-circ-center-x* *bfp-circ-radius*))
597 ;;-.8d0
598 ;;-.99d0
599 (- *bfp-circ-center-x*)
600 ;;(- (+ *bfp-circ-center-x* *bfp-circ-radius*))
601 ) do
602 (draw-ray-into-vol (first pos) (second pos)
603 angle 0d0
605 :shift-z (- (vec-i-z coord)
606 (floor z 2)))))
608 #+nil (write-pgm (normalize-img
609 (cross-section-xz vol
610 (vec-i-y (elt *centers* 31))))
611 "/home/martin/tmp/slice-x-psf-lines-cut.pgm")
612 (save-stack-ub8 "/home/martin/tmp/slice-x-psf" vol)))
615 #+nil ;; excited fluorophores
616 (progn
617 (setf *slice-x-psf-times-spheres* (.* *spheres* *slice-x-psf*))
618 (save-stack-ub8 "/home/martin/tmp/slice-x-psf-times-spheres"
619 (normalize-ub8 *slice-x-psf-times-spheres*)))
622 #+nil ;; blur with detection psf
623 (time
624 (let* ((radius .5d0)
625 (x (- 1d0 radius))
626 (xx 80)
627 (yy xx)
628 (zz 128)
629 (dx .2d0)
630 (psf (psf:intensity-psf zz yy xx (* zz dx) (* xx dx)
631 :integrand-evaluations 100))
632 (dims (destructuring-bind (z y x)
633 *dims*
634 (list (* z 5) y x)))
635 (psf-big (make-array dims
636 :element-type '(complex my-float))))
637 (setf *psf-big* psf-big)
638 (destructuring-bind (z y x)
639 dims
640 (let ((ox (- (floor x 2) (floor xx 2)))
641 (oy (- (floor y 2) (floor yy 2)))
642 (oz (- (floor z 2) (floor zz 2))))
643 (do-box (k j i 0 zz 0 yy 0 xx)
644 (setf (aref psf-big (+ oz k) (+ oy j) (+ ox i))
645 (aref psf k j i)))))
646 (save-stack-ub8 "/home/martin/tmp/psf-detect-big" (normalize-ub8 psf-big))
647 (sb-ext:gc :full t)
648 (defparameter *camera-volume* (convolve3-circ *slice-x-psf-times-spheres*
649 (fftshift3 psf-big)))
650 (save-stack-ub8 "/home/martin/tmp/camera-volume"
651 (normalize-ub8 *camera-volume*))
652 (sb-ext:gc :full t)))
656 #+nil ;; check convolution
657 (time
658 (let ((a (make-array (list 64 64 64)
659 :element-type '(complex my-float)))
660 (b (psf:intensity-psf 64 64 64 20d0 20d0) #+nil (make-array (list 64 64 64)
661 :element-type '(complex my-float))))
662 (setf (aref a 12 12 12) (complex 255d0))
663 #+nil (setf (aref b 0 0 0) (complex 255d0))
664 (save-stack-ub8 "/home/martin/tmp/conv-test" (normalize-ub8 (convolve3-circ a (fftshift3 b))))))
667 #+nil ;; output the xz cross section centered on a sphere in the middle
668 (let ((coord (aref *centers* 30)))
669 (write-pgm (normalize-img (cross-section-xz *spheres* (* 5 (vec-i-z coord))))
670 "/home/martin/tmp/cut-spheres.pgm")
671 (write-pgm (normalize-img (cross-section-xz *psf-big*))
672 "/home/martin/tmp/cut-psf-big.pgm")
673 (write-pgm (normalize-img (cross-section-xz *slice-x-psf* (* 5 (vec-i-z coord))))
674 "/home/martin/tmp/cut-slice-x-psf.pgm")
675 (write-pgm (normalize-img (cross-section-xz (.* *spheres* *slice-x-psf*) (* 5 (vec-i-z coord))))
676 "/home/martin/tmp/cut-exfluo.pgm"))
678 #+nil
679 (save-stack-ub8 "/home/martin/tmp/spheres" (normalize-ub8 *spheres*))
681 #+nil
682 (let ((sli (make-array (array-dimensions *spheres*)
683 :element-type '(complex my-float))))
684 (destructuring-bind (z y x)
685 (array-dimensions *spheres*)
686 (do-box (k j i 0 z 0 y 0 x)
687 (setf (aref sli k j i)
688 (aref *spheres* k j i)))
689 (let ((k (* 5 (vec-i-z (aref *centers* 30)))))
690 (do-rectangle (j i 0 y 0 x)
691 (setf (aref sli k j i)
692 (* 10 (aref sli k j i)))))
693 (defparameter *sli* sli))
694 (save-stack-ub8 "/home/martin/tmp/spheres" (normalize-ub8 *sli*)))
698 #+nil
699 (let ((a (sb-ext:array-storage-vector *slice*)))
700 (reduce #'max (map 'vector #'abs a)))
702 #+nil
703 (sb-ext:gc :full t)
705 #+nil ;; model with unscaled spheres
706 (defparameter *blobs*
707 (destructuring-bind (z y x)
708 *dims*
709 (draw-spheres 7d0 *centers* (* 5 z) y x)))
712 #+nil ;; print ft of angular psf
713 (time (let* ((radius .5d0)
714 (x (- 1d0 radius))
715 (psf (angular-psf x 0d0 radius)))
716 (write-pgm (normalize-ub8 (cross-section-xz (fftshift3 (ft3 psf))))
717 "/home/martin/tmp/cut-intens.pgm")))
718 #+nil
719 (let* ((intens (psf:intensity-psf 64 64 64 10d0 5d0))
720 (k0 intens #+nil(fftshift3 (ft3 intens))))
721 (save-stack "/home/martin/tmp/intens1" k0
722 :function #'(lambda (x) (* 1d-5 (abs x))))
723 (write-pgm (convert-img
724 (cross-section-xz k0)
725 #'(lambda (z) (* 1d-4 (abs z))))
726 "/home/martin/tmp/intens1xz.pgm"))
728 #+nil
729 (time
730 (destructuring-bind (z y x)
731 (array-dimensions *blobs*)
732 (save-stack "/home/martin/tmp/blobs"
733 *blobs*
737 #+nil ;; clean up the garbage
738 (sb-ext:gc :full t)
741 #+nil
742 (sb-vm:memory-usage :print-spaces t :count-spaces t)
743 #+nil
744 (sb-vm:memory-usage)
746 #+nil
747 (sb-vm:instance-usage :dynamic)
749 #+nil
750 (sb-vm:list-allocated-objects :dynamic)
752 #+nil
753 (sb-vm:print-allocated-objects :dynamic)
755 #+nil
756 (format t "~a~%" (sb-vm::type-breakdown :dynamic))