the model can now rotate around a selected nucleus position
[woropt.git] / frontend / draw-model.lisp
1 (in-package :frontend)
3 (defmethod draw-hidden-spheres ((model sphere-model))
4 (with-slots (centers-mm radii-mm) model
5 (gl:with-pushed-matrix
6 (gl:line-width 1)
7 (let ((n 4))
8 (loop for c in centers-mm and r in radii-mm do
9 (gl:with-pushed-matrix
10 (translate-v c)
11 (let ((c .13))
12 (gl:color c c c))
13 (glut:solid-sphere r (* 2 n) n)
14 (gl:color .2 .2 .2)
15 (gl:line-width 5)
16 (glut:wire-sphere (* 1.06 r) (* 2 n) n)
17 (gl:color .5 .5 .5)
18 (gl:line-width 1)
19 (glut:wire-sphere (* 1.12 r) (* 2 n) n)))))))
21 ;; sketch of the coordinate system:
23 ;; the objective sits below the sample. its (thin) lens has a distance
24 ;; nf to the in-focus plane. z is directed from the objective towards
25 ;; the sample. the first slice of the stack is furthest from the
26 ;; objective.
28 ;; ^ z
29 ;; |
30 ;; | /
31 ;; +-----+-/----+
32 ;; --------+-----/------+--------- nf
33 ;; +---/-+------+
34 ;; / |
35 ;; \ /- | /
36 ;; \ /- | / principal
37 ;; -\ /- | /- sphere
38 ;; --/ | /--
39 ;; |---\ | /---
40 ;; | -----+----------------- 0
41 ;; | |
42 ;; | |
43 ;; | |
44 ;; | |
45 ;; ----+---------+----------------- -f
46 ;; | | back focal plane
47 ;; |
49 (defmacro pop-until-end (l)
50 `(if (cdr ,l)
51 (pop ,l)
52 (car ,l)))
54 (let ((rot 0)
55 (tex nil)
56 (new-tex nil)
57 (scale '(100))
58 (view-center (list (v))))
59 ;; call update-tex from anywhere to upload image data, the closure
60 ;; stores the data until ensure-uptodate-tex is called from within
61 ;; an opengl context
62 (defun update-tex (data)
63 (setf new-tex data))
64 (defun ensure-uptodate-tex ()
65 (when new-tex
66 (when tex
67 (destroy tex)
68 (setf tex nil))
69 (setf tex (make-instance 'texture-luminance-ub8 :data new-tex))
70 (setf new-tex nil)))
71 (defun update-scale (target-value &optional (steps 10))
72 (let* ((current (car scale)))
73 (setf scale
74 (loop for i from 1 upto steps collect
75 (let* ((x (/ (* 1d0 i) steps)))
76 (+ (* (- 1 x) current) (* x target-value)))))))
77 (defun update-view-center (target-value &optional (steps 10))
78 (let ((current (car view-center)))
79 (setf view-center
80 (loop for i from 1 upto steps collect
81 (let* ((x (/ (* 1d0 i) steps)))
82 (v+ (v* current (- 1 x)) (v* target-value x)))))))
83 (defun rotate-translate-sample-space ()
84 (when (< 360 (incf rot 10))
85 (setf rot 0))
87 (let ((center (pop-until-end view-center))
88 (angle (+ 120 (* 15 (expt (* .5
89 (1+ (sin (* 2 pi
90 (/ rot 360)))))
91 3.3)))))
92 (translate-v center)
93 (gl:rotate rot #+nil angle 0 0 1)
94 (translate-v (v* center -1d0))))
95 (defmethod draw ((model sphere-model) &key (nucleus 0)
96 (objective (lens:make-objective :normal (v 0 0 1)
97 :center (v)))
98 (bfp-ratio-x 0d0)(bfp-ratio-y 0d0))
99 (declare (fixnum nucleus)
100 (lens:objective objective))
101 (gl:clear-color .32 .3 .3 1)
102 (with-slots (dimensions spheres centers-mm centers dx dy dz) model
103 (with-slots ((f lens::focal-length)
104 (bfp-radius lens::bfp-radius)
105 (na lens::numerical-aperture)
106 (ri lens::immersion-index)) objective
107 (destructuring-bind (z y x)
108 dimensions
109 (let* ((cent (elt centers-mm nucleus))
110 (y-mm (vec-y cent))
111 (z-mm (vec-z cent))
112 (nf (* ri f))
113 (ez (v 0 0 1)))
114 (progn
115 (gl:enable :depth-test)
117 (let ((s (pop-until-end scale)))
118 (gl:scale s s s))
120 (gl:translate 0 0 (- nf))
122 (rotate-translate-sample-space)
123 (gl:with-pushed-matrix
124 (gl:translate 0 0 nf)
125 (draw-axes))
126 (gl:with-pushed-matrix
127 (translate-v (v* ez (- nf z-mm)))
128 (draw-hidden-spheres model))
129 (let ((lens (make-instance 'lens:disk :center (v)
130 :radius bfp-radius))
131 (bfp (make-instance 'lens:disk :center (make-vec 0d0 0d0 (- f))
132 :radius bfp-radius)))
133 (gl:color .4 .4 .4)
134 (gui::draw lens)
135 (gui::draw bfp))
136 (macrolet ((plane (direction position)
137 ;; for defining a plane that is perpendicular to an
138 ;; axis and crosses it at POSITION
139 (declare (type (member :x :y :z) direction))
140 (let* ((normal (ecase direction
141 (:x (v 1))
142 (:y (v 0 1))
143 (:z (v 0 0 1)))))
144 `(let* ((pos ,position)
145 (center (v* ,normal pos))
146 (outer-normal (normalize center)))
147 (declare (type double-float pos))
148 (make-instance 'lens:disk
149 :radius (* ri .01)
150 :normal outer-normal
151 :center center)))))
152 (let* ((z+ (- nf z-mm))
153 (z- (+ nf (- (* 1d-3 ri dz z) z-mm)))
154 (x+ (* 1d-3 ri dx x))
155 (y+ (* 1d-3 ri dy x))
156 (p+z (plane :z z+))
157 (p-z (plane :z z-))
158 (bfps '(:left :left :right :right :top :top :bottom :bottom
159 :left :right :bottom :top))
160 (samples '(:left :right :right :left :bottom :top :bottom :top
161 :center :center :center :center)))
162 #+nil(gui::draw p+z)
163 #+nil(gui::draw p-z)
164 (let* ((start (make-vec 0d0 0d0 z+))
165 (dim (make-vec x+ y+ (* 1d-3 ri dz z))))
166 (gl:color .6 .6 .6)
167 (draw-wire-box start (v+ start dim)))
168 (handler-case
169 (loop for bfp-pos in bfps and sample-pos in samples do
170 (multiple-value-bind (exit enter)
171 (make-ray objective model
172 nucleus sample-pos
173 bfp-ratio-x
174 bfp-ratio-y
175 .02d0 bfp-pos)
176 ;; draw light ray from back focal plane through sample
177 (let ((h+z (lens:intersect exit p+z))
178 (h-z (lens:intersect exit p-z)))
179 (gl:line-width 7)
180 (gl:with-primitive :lines
181 (gl:color .8 .3 .3)
182 (vertex-v (vector::start enter))
183 (vertex-v (vector::start exit))
185 (vertex-v (vector::start exit))
186 (vertex-v h+z)
188 (gl:color .3 .8 .3)
189 (vertex-v h+z)
190 (vertex-v h-z)))))
191 (ray-lost () nil))
193 (let* ((ty (/ (* 1d0 (vec-i-y (elt centers 0)))
194 y)))
195 (progn ;; load and display the 3d texture
196 (gl:color 1 1 1 1)
197 (ensure-uptodate-tex)
198 (when tex
199 (draw-xz tex x+ 0d0 z+ z- :ty ty :y y-mm)))))))))))))