Use wprefs_bindir output variable to set WPrefs path in menus.
[wmaker-crm.git] / distros / WindowMaker-WMRootMenu-fedora
1 ("Applications",
2  ("Info",
3   ("Info Panel", INFO_PANEL),
4   ("Legal", LEGAL_PANEL),
5  ),
6  ("Run...", SHEXEC, "%a(Run,Type command to run:)"),
7  ("Workspaces", WORKSPACE_MENU),
8  (
9    Applications,
11    "|| find /usr/share/applications -type f -name '*.desktop' | xargs wmmenugen -parser:xdg"
12  ),
13  (
14    Desktop,
16    "|| find ~/Desktop -type f -name '*.desktop' | xargs wmmenugen -parser:xdg"
17  ),
18  ("Selection",
19   ("Search in Manual", EXEC, "MANUAL_SEARCH(%s)")
20  ),
21  ("Commands",
22   ("Hide Others", HIDE_OTHERS),
23   ("Show All", SHOW_ALL),
24   ("Arrange Icons", ARRANGE_ICONS),
25   ("Refresh", REFRESH),
26  ),
27  ("Appearance",
28   ("Themes", OPEN_MENU, "-noext #wmdatadir#/Themes $HOME/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/Themes WITH setstyle"),
29   ("Styles", OPEN_MENU, "-noext #wmdatadir#/Styles $HOME/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/Styles WITH setstyle"),
30   ("Icon Sets", OPEN_MENU, "-noext #wmdatadir#/IconSets $HOME/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/IconSets WITH seticons"),
31   ("Background",
32    ("Solid",
33         ("Black", EXEC, "wdwrite WindowMaker WorkspaceBack '(solid, black)'"),
34         ("Blue",  EXEC, "wdwrite WindowMaker WorkspaceBack '(solid, \"#505075\")'"),
35         ("Indigo", EXEC, "wdwrite WindowMaker WorkspaceBack '(solid, \"#243e6c\")'"),
36         ("Bluemarine", EXEC, "wdwrite WindowMaker WorkspaceBack '(solid, \"#224477\")'"),
37         ("Purple", EXEC, "wdwrite WindowMaker WorkspaceBack '(solid, \"#554466\")'"),
38         ("Wheat", EXEC, "wdwrite WindowMaker WorkspaceBack '(solid, wheat4)'"),
39         ("Dark Gray", EXEC, "wdwrite WindowMaker WorkspaceBack '(solid, \"#333340\")'"),
40         ("Wine", EXEC, "wdwrite WindowMaker WorkspaceBack '(solid, \"#400020\")'")
41    ),
42    ("Gradient",
43         ("Sunset", EXEC, "wdwrite WindowMaker WorkspaceBack '(mvgradient, deepskyblue4, black, deepskyblue4, tomato4)'"),
44         ("Sky", EXEC, "wdwrite WindowMaker WorkspaceBack '(vgradient, blue4, white)'"),
45         ("Blue Shades",   EXEC, "wdwrite WindowMaker WorkspaceBack '(vgradient, \"#7080a5\", \"#101020\")'"),
46         ("Indigo Shades", EXEC, "wdwrite WindowMaker WorkspaceBack '(vgradient, \"#746ebc\", \"#242e4c\")'"),
47         ("Purple Shades", EXEC, "wdwrite WindowMaker WorkspaceBack '(vgradient, \"#654c66\", \"#151426\")'"),
48         ("Wheat Shades",  EXEC, "wdwrite WindowMaker WorkspaceBack '(vgradient, \"#a09060\", \"#302010\")'"),
49         ("Grey Shades",   EXEC, "wdwrite WindowMaker WorkspaceBack '(vgradient, \"#636380\", \"#131318\")'"),
50         ("Wine Shades",   EXEC, "wdwrite WindowMaker WorkspaceBack '(vgradient, \"#600040\", \"#180010\")'")
51    ),
52    ("Images", OPEN_MENU, "-noext #wmdatadir#/Backgrounds $HOME/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/Backgrounds WITH wmsetbg -u -t")
53    ),
54    ("Save Theme", SHEXEC, "getstyle -t $HOME/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/Themes/\"%a(Theme name)\""),
55    ("Save IconSet", SHEXEC, "geticonset $HOME/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/IconSets/\"%a(IconSet name)\""),
56    ("Preferences Utility", EXEC, "/usr/bin/WPrefs")
57    ),
58    ("Session",
59     ("Save Session", SAVE_SESSION),
60     ("Clear Session", CLEAR_SESSION),
61         ("Restart Window Maker", RESTART),
62         ("Exit", EXIT)
63    )