Updating to version 0.20.2
[wmaker-crm.git] / util / Makefile.am
2 AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = no-dependencies
4 pkgdatadir  = $(datadir)/@PACKAGE@
6 bin_PROGRAMS = wxcopy wxpaste wdwrite getstyle setstyle seticons geticonset wmsetbg
8 bin_SCRIPTS = wmaker.inst wm-oldmenu2new
10 EXTRA_DIST = wmaker.inst.in bughint wm-oldmenu2new
12 INCLUDES = @DFLAGS@ @XCFLAGS@ -I$(top_srcdir)/wrlib -I$(top_srcdir)/libPropList @GFXFLAGS@ 
14 # X_EXTRA_LIBS is for libproplist in systems that need -lsocket 
15 liblist= -L$(top_builddir)/libPropList -lPropList @X_EXTRA_LIBS@ 
18 wdwrite_LDADD = $(liblist)
20 wxcopy_LDADD = @XLFLAGS@ @XLIBS@ 
22 wxpaste_LDADD = @XLFLAGS@ @XLIBS@ 
24 getstyle_LDADD = $(liblist)
26 setstyle_LDADD = $(liblist)
28 seticons_LDADD= $(liblist)
30 geticonset_LDADD= $(liblist)
32 wmsetbg_LDADD = -L$(top_builddir)/libPropList -lPropList \
33         -L$(top_builddir)/wrlib -lwraster @XLFLAGS@ @GFXLIBS@ @XLIBS@ -lm 
35 getstyle_SOURCES = getstyle.c
37 setstyle_SOURCES = setstyle.c
39 seticons_SOURCES = seticons.c
41 geticonset_SOURCES = geticonset.c
43 wxcopy_SOURCES = wxcopy.c
45 wxpaste_SOURCES = wxpaste.c
47 wdwrite_SOURCES = wdwrite.c
49 wmsetbg_SOURCES = wmsetbg.c
51 CLEANFILES = wmaker.inst
53 wmaker.inst: $(srcdir)/wmaker.inst.in $(srcdir)/Makefile
54         -rm -f wmaker.inst
55         sed -e "s:#pkgdatadir#:$(pkgdatadir):" \
56                 -e "s/#version#/$(VERSION)/" \
57                 -e "s:#bindir#:$(bindir):" \
58                         $(srcdir)/wmaker.inst.in >wmaker.inst
60         chmod 755 wmaker.inst