push 4e98c31ec75caed2ea3040ac2e710b58ba1ca0e1
[wine/hacks.git] / dlls / oleaut32 / tests / olefont.c
1 /*
2 * OLEFONT test program
4 * Copyright 2003 Marcus Meissner
5 * Copyright 2006 (Google) Benjamin Arai
8 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
9 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
10 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
11 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
13 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
18 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
19 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
20 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
23 #include <stdarg.h>
24 #include <stdio.h>
25 #include <math.h>
26 #include <float.h>
27 #include <time.h>
29 #define COBJMACROS
31 #include <wine/test.h>
32 #include <windef.h>
33 #include <winbase.h>
34 #include <winuser.h>
35 #include <wingdi.h>
36 #include <winnls.h>
37 #include <winerror.h>
38 #include <winnt.h>
39 #include <initguid.h>
40 #include <wtypes.h>
41 #include <olectl.h>
42 #include <ocidl.h>
44 DEFINE_GUID(GUID_NULL,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);
46 static WCHAR MSSansSerif_font[] = {'M','S',' ','S','a','n','s',' ','S','e','r','i','f',0};
47 static WCHAR system_font[] = { 'S','y','s','t','e','m',0 };
48 static WCHAR arial_font[] = { 'A','r','i','a','l',0 };
50 static HMODULE hOleaut32;
52 static HRESULT (WINAPI *pOleCreateFontIndirect)(LPFONTDESC,REFIID,LPVOID*);
54 #define ok_ole_success(hr, func) ok(hr == S_OK, func " failed with error 0x%08x\n", hr)
56 /* Create a font with cySize given by lo_size, hi_size, */
57 /* SetRatio to ratio_logical, ratio_himetric, */
58 /* check that resulting hfont has height hfont_height. */
59 /* Various checks along the way. */
61 static void test_ifont_sizes(long lo_size, long hi_size,
62 long ratio_logical, long ratio_himetric,
63 long hfont_height, const char * test_name)
66 LPVOID pvObj = NULL;
67 IFont* ifnt = NULL;
68 HFONT hfont;
69 LOGFONT lf;
70 CY psize;
71 HRESULT hres;
73 fd.cbSizeofstruct = sizeof(FONTDESC);
74 fd.lpstrName = system_font;
75 S(fd.cySize).Lo = lo_size;
76 S(fd.cySize).Hi = hi_size;
77 fd.sWeight = 0;
78 fd.sCharset = 0;
79 fd.fItalic = 0;
80 fd.fUnderline = 0;
81 fd.fStrikethrough = 0;
83 /* Create font, test that it worked. */
84 hres = pOleCreateFontIndirect(&fd, &IID_IFont, &pvObj);
85 ifnt = pvObj;
86 ok(hres == S_OK,"%s: OCFI returns 0x%08x instead of S_OK.\n",
87 test_name, hres);
88 ok(pvObj != NULL,"%s: OCFI returns NULL.\n", test_name);
90 /* Read back size. Hi part was ignored. */
91 hres = IFont_get_Size(ifnt, &psize);
92 ok(hres == S_OK,"%s: IFont_get_size returns 0x%08x instead of S_OK.\n",
93 test_name, hres);
94 ok(S(psize).Lo == lo_size && S(psize).Hi == 0,
95 "%s: get_Size: Lo=%d, Hi=%d; expected Lo=%ld, Hi=%ld.\n",
96 test_name, S(psize).Lo, S(psize).Hi, lo_size, 0L);
98 /* Change ratio, check size unchanged. Standard is 72, 2540. */
99 hres = IFont_SetRatio(ifnt, ratio_logical, ratio_himetric);
100 ok(hres == S_OK,"%s: IFont_SR returns 0x%08x instead of S_OK.\n",
101 test_name, hres);
102 hres = IFont_get_Size(ifnt, &psize);
103 ok(hres == S_OK,"%s: IFont_get_size returns 0x%08x instead of S_OK.\n",
104 test_name, hres);
105 ok(S(psize).Lo == lo_size && S(psize).Hi == 0,
106 "%s: gS after SR: Lo=%d, Hi=%d; expected Lo=%ld, Hi=%ld.\n",
107 test_name, S(psize).Lo, S(psize).Hi, lo_size, 0L);
109 /* Check hFont size with this ratio. This tests an important */
110 /* conversion for which MSDN is very wrong. */
111 hres = IFont_get_hFont (ifnt, &hfont);
112 ok(hres == S_OK, "%s: IFont_get_hFont returns 0x%08x instead of S_OK.\n",
113 test_name, hres);
114 hres = GetObject (hfont, sizeof(LOGFONT), &lf);
115 ok(lf.lfHeight == hfont_height,
116 "%s: hFont has lf.lfHeight=%d, expected %ld.\n",
117 test_name, lf.lfHeight, hfont_height);
119 /* Free IFont. */
120 IFont_Release(ifnt);
123 static void test_QueryInterface(void)
125 LPVOID pvObj = NULL;
126 HRESULT hres;
127 IFont* font = NULL;
128 LONG ret;
130 hres = pOleCreateFontIndirect(NULL, &IID_IFont, &pvObj);
131 font = pvObj;
133 ok(hres == S_OK,"OCFI (NULL,..) does not return 0, but 0x%08x\n",hres);
134 ok(font != NULL,"OCFI (NULL,..) returns NULL, instead of !NULL\n");
136 pvObj = NULL;
137 hres = IFont_QueryInterface( font, &IID_IFont, &pvObj);
139 /* Test if QueryInterface increments ref counter for IFONTs */
140 ret = IFont_AddRef(font);
141 ok(ret == 3 ||
142 broken(ret == 1), /* win95 */
143 "IFont_QI expected ref value 3 but instead got %ld\n",ret);
144 IFont_Release(font);
146 ok(hres == S_OK,"IFont_QI does not return S_OK, but 0x%08x\n", hres);
147 ok(pvObj != NULL,"IFont_QI does return NULL, instead of a ptr\n");
149 /* Original ref and QueryInterface ref both have to be released */
150 IFont_Release(font);
151 IFont_Release(font);
154 static void test_type_info(void)
156 LPVOID pvObj = NULL;
157 HRESULT hres;
158 IFontDisp* fontdisp = NULL;
159 ITypeInfo* pTInfo;
160 WCHAR name_Name[] = {'N','a','m','e',0};
161 BSTR names[3];
162 UINT n;
165 DISPPARAMS dispparams;
166 VARIANT varresult;
168 pOleCreateFontIndirect(NULL, &IID_IFontDisp, &pvObj);
169 fontdisp = pvObj;
171 hres = IFontDisp_GetTypeInfo(fontdisp, 0, en_us, &pTInfo);
172 ok(hres == S_OK, "GTI returned 0x%08x instead of S_OK.\n", hres);
173 ok(pTInfo != NULL, "GTI returned NULL.\n");
175 hres = ITypeInfo_GetNames(pTInfo, DISPID_FONT_NAME, names, 3, &n);
176 ok(hres == S_OK, "GetNames returned 0x%08x instead of S_OK.\n", hres);
177 ok(n == 1, "GetNames returned %d names instead of 1.\n", n);
178 ok(!lstrcmpiW(names[0],name_Name), "DISPID_FONT_NAME doesn't get 'Names'.\n");
179 SysFreeString(names[0]);
181 ITypeInfo_Release(pTInfo);
183 dispparams.cNamedArgs = 0;
184 dispparams.rgdispidNamedArgs = NULL;
185 dispparams.cArgs = 0;
186 dispparams.rgvarg = NULL;
187 VariantInit(&varresult);
188 hres = IFontDisp_Invoke(fontdisp, DISPID_FONT_NAME, &IID_NULL,
189 LOCALE_NEUTRAL, DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET, &dispparams, &varresult,
190 NULL, NULL);
191 ok(hres == S_OK, "IFontDisp_Invoke return 0x%08x instead of S_OK.\n", hres);
192 VariantClear(&varresult);
194 IFontDisp_Release(fontdisp);
197 static HRESULT WINAPI FontEventsDisp_QueryInterface(
198 IFontEventsDisp *iface,
199 /* [in] */ REFIID riid,
200 /* [iid_is][out] */ void __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppvObject)
202 if (IsEqualIID(riid, &IID_IFontEventsDisp) || IsEqualIID(riid, &IID_IUnknown) || IsEqualIID(riid, &IID_IDispatch))
204 IUnknown_AddRef(iface);
205 *ppvObject = iface;
206 return S_OK;
208 else
210 *ppvObject = NULL;
211 return E_NOINTERFACE;
215 static ULONG WINAPI FontEventsDisp_AddRef(
216 IFontEventsDisp *iface)
218 return 2;
221 static ULONG WINAPI FontEventsDisp_Release(
222 IFontEventsDisp *iface)
224 return 1;
227 static int fonteventsdisp_invoke_called = 0;
229 static HRESULT WINAPI FontEventsDisp_Invoke(
230 IFontEventsDisp __RPC_FAR * iface,
231 /* [in] */ DISPID dispIdMember,
232 /* [in] */ REFIID riid,
233 /* [in] */ LCID lcid,
234 /* [in] */ WORD wFlags,
235 /* [out][in] */ DISPPARAMS __RPC_FAR *pDispParams,
236 /* [out] */ VARIANT __RPC_FAR *pVarResult,
237 /* [out] */ EXCEPINFO __RPC_FAR *pExcepInfo,
238 /* [out] */ UINT __RPC_FAR *puArgErr)
240 static const WCHAR wszBold[] = {'B','o','l','d',0};
241 ok(wFlags == INVOKE_FUNC, "invoke flags should have been INVOKE_FUNC instead of 0x%x\n", wFlags);
242 ok(dispIdMember == DISPID_FONT_CHANGED, "dispIdMember should have been DISPID_FONT_CHANGED instead of 0x%x\n", dispIdMember);
243 ok(pDispParams->cArgs == 1, "pDispParams->cArgs should have been 1 instead of %d\n", pDispParams->cArgs);
244 ok(V_VT(&pDispParams->rgvarg[0]) == VT_BSTR, "VT of first param should have been VT_BSTR instead of %d\n", V_VT(&pDispParams->rgvarg[0]));
245 ok(!lstrcmpW(V_BSTR(&pDispParams->rgvarg[0]), wszBold), "String in first param should have been \"Bold\"\n");
247 fonteventsdisp_invoke_called++;
248 return S_OK;
251 static IFontEventsDispVtbl FontEventsDisp_Vtbl =
253 FontEventsDisp_QueryInterface,
254 FontEventsDisp_AddRef,
255 FontEventsDisp_Release,
256 NULL,
257 NULL,
258 NULL,
259 FontEventsDisp_Invoke
262 static IFontEventsDisp FontEventsDisp = { &FontEventsDisp_Vtbl };
264 static void test_font_events_disp(void)
266 IFont *pFont;
267 IFont *pFont2;
268 IConnectionPointContainer *pCPC;
269 IConnectionPoint *pCP;
270 FONTDESC fontdesc;
271 HRESULT hr;
272 DWORD dwCookie;
273 IFontDisp *pFontDisp;
274 DISPPARAMS dispparams;
275 VARIANTARG vararg;
277 fontdesc.cbSizeofstruct = sizeof(fontdesc);
278 fontdesc.lpstrName = MSSansSerif_font;
279 fontdesc.cySize.int64 = 12 * 10000; /* 12 pt */
280 fontdesc.sWeight = FW_NORMAL;
281 fontdesc.sCharset = 0;
282 fontdesc.fItalic = FALSE;
283 fontdesc.fUnderline = FALSE;
284 fontdesc.fStrikethrough = FALSE;
286 hr = pOleCreateFontIndirect(&fontdesc, &IID_IFont, (void **)&pFont);
287 ok_ole_success(hr, "OleCreateFontIndirect");
289 hr = IFont_QueryInterface(pFont, &IID_IConnectionPointContainer, (void **)&pCPC);
290 ok_ole_success(hr, "IFont_QueryInterface");
292 hr = IConnectionPointContainer_FindConnectionPoint(pCPC, &IID_IFontEventsDisp, &pCP);
293 ok_ole_success(hr, "IConnectionPointContainer_FindConnectionPoint");
294 IConnectionPointContainer_Release(pCPC);
296 hr = IConnectionPoint_Advise(pCP, (IUnknown *)&FontEventsDisp, &dwCookie);
297 ok_ole_success(hr, "IConnectionPoint_Advise");
298 IConnectionPoint_Release(pCP);
300 hr = IFont_put_Bold(pFont, TRUE);
301 ok_ole_success(hr, "IFont_put_Bold");
303 ok(fonteventsdisp_invoke_called == 1, "IFontEventDisp::Invoke wasn't called once\n");
305 hr = IFont_QueryInterface(pFont, &IID_IFontDisp, (void **)&pFontDisp);
306 ok_ole_success(hr, "IFont_QueryInterface");
308 V_VT(&vararg) = VT_BOOL;
309 V_BOOL(&vararg) = VARIANT_FALSE;
310 dispparams.cNamedArgs = 0;
311 dispparams.rgdispidNamedArgs = NULL;
312 dispparams.cArgs = 1;
313 dispparams.rgvarg = &vararg;
314 hr = IFontDisp_Invoke(pFontDisp, DISPID_FONT_BOLD, &IID_NULL, 0, DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUT, &dispparams, NULL, NULL, NULL);
316 IFontDisp_Release(pFontDisp);
318 ok(fonteventsdisp_invoke_called == 2, "IFontEventDisp::Invoke was called %d times instead of twice\n",
319 fonteventsdisp_invoke_called);
321 hr = IFont_Clone(pFont, &pFont2);
322 ok_ole_success(hr, "IFont_Clone");
323 IFont_Release(pFont);
325 hr = IFont_put_Bold(pFont2, FALSE);
326 ok_ole_success(hr, "IFont_put_Bold");
328 /* this test shows that the notification routine isn't called again */
329 ok(fonteventsdisp_invoke_called == 2, "IFontEventDisp::Invoke was called %d times instead of twice\n",
330 fonteventsdisp_invoke_called);
332 IFont_Release(pFont2);
335 static void test_names_ids(WCHAR* w_name_1, const char* a_name_1,
336 WCHAR* w_name_2, const char* a_name_2,
337 LCID lcid, DISPID id_1, DISPID id_2,
338 HRESULT hres_expect, int numnames)
340 LPVOID pvObj = NULL;
341 IFontDisp *fontdisp = NULL;
342 HRESULT hres;
343 DISPID rgDispId[2] = {0xdeadbeef, 0xdeadbeef};
344 LPOLESTR names[2] = {w_name_1, w_name_2};
346 pOleCreateFontIndirect(NULL, &IID_IFontDisp, &pvObj);
347 fontdisp = pvObj;
349 hres = IFontDisp_GetIDsOfNames(fontdisp, &IID_NULL, names, numnames,
350 lcid, rgDispId);
352 /* test hres */
353 ok(hres == hres_expect,
354 "GetIDsOfNames: \"%s\", \"%s\" returns 0x%08x, expected 0x%08x.\n",
355 a_name_1, a_name_2, hres, hres_expect);
357 /* test first DISPID */
358 ok(rgDispId[0]==id_1,
359 "GetIDsOfNames: \"%s\" gets DISPID 0x%08x, expected 0x%08x.\n",
360 a_name_1, rgDispId[0], id_1);
362 /* test second DISPID is present */
363 if (numnames == 2)
365 ok(rgDispId[1]==id_2,
366 "GetIDsOfNames: ..., \"%s\" gets DISPID 0x%08x, expected 0x%08x.\n",
367 a_name_2, rgDispId[1], id_2);
370 IFontDisp_Release(fontdisp);
373 static void test_GetIDsOfNames(void)
375 WCHAR name_Name[] = {'N','a','m','e',0};
376 WCHAR name_Italic[] = {'I','t','a','l','i','c',0};
377 WCHAR name_Size[] = {'S','i','z','e',0};
378 WCHAR name_Bold[] = {'B','o','l','d',0};
379 WCHAR name_Underline[] = {'U','n','d','e','r','l','i','n','e',0};
380 WCHAR name_Strikethrough[] = {'S','t','r','i','k','e','t','h','r','o','u','g','h',0};
381 WCHAR name_Weight[] = {'W','e','i','g','h','t',0};
382 WCHAR name_Charset[] = {'C','h','a','r','s','e','t',0};
383 WCHAR name_Foo[] = {'F','o','o',0};
384 WCHAR name_nAmE[] = {'n','A','m','E',0};
385 WCHAR name_Nom[] = {'N','o','m',0};
392 /* Test DISPID_FONTs for the various properties. */
393 test_names_ids(name_Name, "Name", NULL, "", en_us,
395 test_names_ids(name_Size, "Size", NULL, "", en_us,
397 test_names_ids(name_Bold, "Bold", NULL, "", en_us,
399 test_names_ids(name_Italic, "Italic", NULL, "", en_us,
401 test_names_ids(name_Underline, "Underline", NULL, "", en_us,
403 test_names_ids(name_Strikethrough, "Strikethrough", NULL, "", en_us,
405 test_names_ids(name_Weight, "Weight", NULL, "", en_us,
407 test_names_ids(name_Charset, "Charset", NULL, "", en_us,
410 /* Capitalization doesn't matter. */
411 test_names_ids(name_nAmE, "nAmE", NULL, "", en_us,
414 /* Unknown name. */
415 test_names_ids(name_Foo, "Foo", NULL, "", en_us,
418 /* Pass several names: first is processed, */
419 /* second gets DISPID_UNKNOWN and doesn't affect retval. */
420 test_names_ids(name_Italic, "Italic", name_Name, "Name", en_us,
422 test_names_ids(name_Italic, "Italic", name_Foo, "Foo", en_us,
425 /* Locale ID has no effect. */
426 test_names_ids(name_Name, "Name", NULL, "", fr_fr,
428 test_names_ids(name_Nom, "This is not a font", NULL, "", fr_fr,
431 /* One of the arguments are invalid */
432 test_names_ids(name_Name, "Name", NULL, "", en_us,
433 0xdeadbeef, 0xdeadbeef, E_INVALIDARG,0);
434 test_names_ids(name_Italic, "Italic", NULL, "", en_us,
435 0xdeadbeef, 0xdeadbeef, E_INVALIDARG,0);
436 test_names_ids(name_Foo, "Foo", NULL, "", en_us,
437 0xdeadbeef, 0xdeadbeef, E_INVALIDARG,0);
439 /* Crazy locale ID? */
440 test_names_ids(name_Name, "Name", NULL, "", -1,
444 static void test_Invoke(void)
446 IFontDisp *fontdisp;
447 HRESULT hr;
448 VARIANTARG vararg;
449 DISPPARAMS dispparams;
450 VARIANT varresult;
452 hr = pOleCreateFontIndirect(NULL, &IID_IFontDisp, (void **)&fontdisp);
453 ok_ole_success(hr, "OleCreateFontIndirect");
455 V_VT(&vararg) = VT_BOOL;
456 V_BOOL(&vararg) = VARIANT_FALSE;
457 dispparams.cNamedArgs = 0;
458 dispparams.rgdispidNamedArgs = NULL;
459 dispparams.cArgs = 1;
460 dispparams.rgvarg = &vararg;
461 hr = IFontDisp_Invoke(fontdisp, DISPID_FONT_BOLD, &IID_IFontDisp, 0, DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUT, &dispparams, NULL, NULL, NULL);
462 ok(hr == DISP_E_UNKNOWNINTERFACE, "IFontDisp_Invoke should have returned DISP_E_UNKNOWNINTERFACE instead of 0x%08x\n", hr);
464 dispparams.cArgs = 0;
465 dispparams.rgvarg = NULL;
466 hr = IFontDisp_Invoke(fontdisp, DISPID_FONT_BOLD, &IID_NULL, 0, DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUT, &dispparams, NULL, NULL, NULL);
467 ok(hr == DISP_E_BADPARAMCOUNT, "IFontDisp_Invoke should have returned DISP_E_BADPARAMCOUNT instead of 0x%08x\n", hr);
470 ok(hr == DISP_E_PARAMNOTOPTIONAL, "IFontDisp_Invoke should have returned DISP_E_PARAMNOTOPTIONAL instead of 0x%08x\n", hr);
473 ok(hr == DISP_E_PARAMNOTOPTIONAL, "IFontDisp_Invoke should have returned DISP_E_PARAMNOTOPTIONAL instead of 0x%08x\n", hr);
475 hr = IFontDisp_Invoke(fontdisp, DISPID_FONT_BOLD, &IID_NULL, 0, DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET, NULL, &varresult, NULL, NULL);
476 ok_ole_success(hr, "IFontDisp_Invoke");
478 hr = IFontDisp_Invoke(fontdisp, DISPID_FONT_BOLD, &IID_NULL, 0, DISPATCH_METHOD, NULL, &varresult, NULL, NULL);
479 ok(hr == DISP_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND, "IFontDisp_Invoke should have returned DISP_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND instead of 0x%08x\n", hr);
481 hr = IFontDisp_Invoke(fontdisp, 0xdeadbeef, &IID_NULL, 0, DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET, NULL, &varresult, NULL, NULL);
482 ok(hr == DISP_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND, "IFontDisp_Invoke should have returned DISP_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND instead of 0x%08x\n", hr);
484 dispparams.cArgs = 1;
485 dispparams.rgvarg = &vararg;
486 hr = IFontDisp_Invoke(fontdisp, DISPID_FONT_BOLD, &IID_NULL, 0, DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET, &dispparams, &varresult, NULL, NULL);
487 ok_ole_success(hr, "IFontDisp_Invoke");
489 IFontDisp_Release(fontdisp);
492 static void test_IsEqual(void)
494 FONTDESC fd;
495 LPVOID pvObj = NULL;
496 LPVOID pvObj2 = NULL;
497 IFont* ifnt = NULL;
498 IFont* ifnt2 = NULL;
499 HRESULT hres;
501 /* Basic font description */
502 fd.cbSizeofstruct = sizeof(FONTDESC);
503 fd.lpstrName = system_font;
504 S(fd.cySize).Lo = 100;
505 S(fd.cySize).Hi = 100;
506 fd.sWeight = 0;
507 fd.sCharset = 0;
508 fd.fItalic = 0;
509 fd.fUnderline = 0;
510 fd.fStrikethrough = 0;
512 /* Create font */
513 pOleCreateFontIndirect(&fd, &IID_IFont, &pvObj);
514 ifnt = pvObj;
516 /* Test equal fonts */
517 pOleCreateFontIndirect(&fd, &IID_IFont, &pvObj2);
518 ifnt2 = pvObj2;
519 hres = IFont_IsEqual(ifnt,ifnt2);
520 ok(hres == S_OK,
521 "IFont_IsEqual: (EQUAL) Expected S_OK but got 0x%08x\n",hres);
522 IFont_Release(ifnt2);
524 /* Check for bad pointer */
525 hres = IFont_IsEqual(ifnt,NULL);
526 ok(hres == E_POINTER,
527 "IFont_IsEqual: (NULL) Expected 0x80004003 but got 0x%08x\n",hres);
529 /* Test strName */
530 fd.lpstrName = arial_font;
531 pOleCreateFontIndirect(&fd, &IID_IFont, &pvObj2);
532 hres = IFont_IsEqual(ifnt,ifnt2);
533 ok(hres == S_FALSE,
534 "IFont_IsEqual: (strName) Expected S_FALSE but got 0x%08x\n",hres);
535 fd.lpstrName = system_font;
536 IFont_Release(ifnt2);
538 /* Test lo font size */
539 S(fd.cySize).Lo = 10000;
540 pOleCreateFontIndirect(&fd, &IID_IFont, &pvObj2);
541 ifnt2 = pvObj2;
542 hres = IFont_IsEqual(ifnt,ifnt2);
543 ok(hres == S_FALSE,
544 "IFont_IsEqual: (Lo font size) Expected S_FALSE but got 0x%08x\n",hres);
545 S(fd.cySize).Lo = 100;
546 IFont_Release(ifnt2);
548 /* Test hi font size */
549 S(fd.cySize).Hi = 10000;
550 pOleCreateFontIndirect(&fd, &IID_IFont, &pvObj2);
551 ifnt2 = pvObj2;
552 hres = IFont_IsEqual(ifnt,ifnt2);
553 ok(hres == S_FALSE,
554 "IFont_IsEqual: (Hi font size) Expected S_FALSE but got 0x%08x\n",hres);
555 S(fd.cySize).Hi = 100;
556 IFont_Release(ifnt2);
558 /* Test font weight */
559 fd.sWeight = 100;
560 pOleCreateFontIndirect(&fd, &IID_IFont, &pvObj2);
561 ifnt2 = pvObj2;
562 hres = IFont_IsEqual(ifnt,ifnt2);
563 ok(hres == S_FALSE,
564 "IFont_IsEqual: (Weight) Expected S_FALSE but got 0x%08x\n",hres);
565 fd.sWeight = 0;
566 IFont_Release(ifnt2);
568 /* Test charset */
569 fd.sCharset = 1;
570 pOleCreateFontIndirect(&fd, &IID_IFont, &pvObj2);
571 hres = IFont_IsEqual(ifnt,ifnt2);
572 ok(hres == S_FALSE,
573 "IFont_IsEqual: (Charset) Expected S_FALSE but got 0x%08x\n",hres);
574 fd.sCharset = 0;
575 IFont_Release(ifnt2);
577 /* Test italic setting */
578 fd.fItalic = 1;
579 pOleCreateFontIndirect(&fd, &IID_IFont, &pvObj2);
580 hres = IFont_IsEqual(ifnt,ifnt2);
581 ok(hres == S_FALSE,
582 "IFont_IsEqual: (Italic) Expected S_FALSE but got 0x%08x\n",hres);
583 fd.fItalic = 0;
584 IFont_Release(ifnt2);
586 /* Test underline setting */
587 fd.fUnderline = 1;
588 pOleCreateFontIndirect(&fd, &IID_IFont, &pvObj2);
589 hres = IFont_IsEqual(ifnt,ifnt2);
590 ok(hres == S_FALSE,
591 "IFont_IsEqual: (Underline) Expected S_FALSE but got 0x%08x\n",hres);
592 fd.fUnderline = 0;
593 IFont_Release(ifnt2);
595 /* Test strikethrough setting */
596 fd.fStrikethrough = 1;
597 pOleCreateFontIndirect(&fd, &IID_IFont, &pvObj2);
598 hres = IFont_IsEqual(ifnt,ifnt2);
599 ok(hres == S_FALSE,
600 "IFont_IsEqual: (Strikethrough) Expected S_FALSE but got 0x%08x\n",hres);
601 fd.fStrikethrough = 0;
602 IFont_Release(ifnt2);
604 /* Free IFont. */
605 IFont_Release(ifnt);
608 static void test_ReleaseHfont(void)
610 FONTDESC fd;
611 LPVOID pvObj1 = NULL;
612 LPVOID pvObj2 = NULL;
613 IFont* ifnt1 = NULL;
614 IFont* ifnt2 = NULL;
615 HFONT hfnt1 = 0;
616 HFONT hfnt2 = 0;
617 HRESULT hres;
619 /* Basic font description */
620 fd.cbSizeofstruct = sizeof(FONTDESC);
621 fd.lpstrName = system_font;
622 S(fd.cySize).Lo = 100;
623 S(fd.cySize).Hi = 100;
624 fd.sWeight = 0;
625 fd.sCharset = 0;
626 fd.fItalic = 0;
627 fd.fUnderline = 0;
628 fd.fStrikethrough = 0;
630 /* Create HFONTs and IFONTs */
631 pOleCreateFontIndirect(&fd, &IID_IFont, &pvObj1);
632 ifnt1 = pvObj1;
633 IFont_get_hFont(ifnt1,&hfnt1);
634 fd.lpstrName = arial_font;
635 pOleCreateFontIndirect(&fd, &IID_IFont, &pvObj2);
636 ifnt2 = pvObj2;
637 IFont_get_hFont(ifnt2,&hfnt2);
639 /* Try invalid HFONT */
640 hres = IFont_ReleaseHfont(ifnt1,NULL);
641 ok(hres == E_INVALIDARG,
642 "IFont_ReleaseHfont: (Bad HFONT) Expected E_INVALIDARG but got 0x%08x\n",
643 hres);
645 /* Try to add a bad HFONT */
646 hres = IFont_ReleaseHfont(ifnt1,(HFONT)32);
647 ok(hres == S_FALSE,
648 "IFont_ReleaseHfont: (Bad HFONT) Expected S_FALSE but got 0x%08x\n",
649 hres);
651 /* Release all refs */
652 hres = IFont_ReleaseHfont(ifnt1,hfnt1);
653 ok(hres == S_OK,
654 "IFont_AddRefHfont: (Release ref) Expected S_OK but got 0x%08x\n",
655 hres);
657 hres = IFont_ReleaseHfont(ifnt2,hfnt2);
658 ok(hres == S_OK,
659 "IFont_AddRefHfont: (Release ref) Expected S_OK but got 0x%08x\n",
660 hres);
662 /* Check that both lists are empty */
663 hres = IFont_ReleaseHfont(ifnt1,hfnt1);
664 ok(hres == S_FALSE,
665 "IFont_AddRefHfont: (Release ref) Expected S_FALSE but got 0x%08x\n",
666 hres);
668 /* The list should be empty */
669 hres = IFont_ReleaseHfont(ifnt2,hfnt2);
670 ok(hres == S_FALSE,
671 "IFont_AddRefHfont: (Release ref) Expected S_FALSE but got 0x%08x\n",
672 hres);
674 IFont_Release(ifnt1);
675 IFont_Release(ifnt2);
678 static void test_AddRefHfont(void)
680 FONTDESC fd;
681 IFont* ifnt1 = NULL;
682 IFont* ifnt2 = NULL;
683 IFont* ifnt3 = NULL;
684 HFONT hfnt1 = 0;
685 HFONT hfnt2 = 0;
686 HFONT hfnt3 = 0;
687 HRESULT hres;
689 /* Basic font description */
690 fd.cbSizeofstruct = sizeof(FONTDESC);
691 fd.lpstrName = system_font;
692 S(fd.cySize).Lo = 100;
693 S(fd.cySize).Hi = 100;
694 fd.sWeight = 0;
695 fd.sCharset = 0;
696 fd.fItalic = 0;
697 fd.fUnderline = 0;
698 fd.fStrikethrough = 0;
700 /* Create HFONTs and IFONTs */
701 pOleCreateFontIndirect(&fd, &IID_IFont, (void **)&ifnt1);
702 IFont_get_hFont(ifnt1,&hfnt1);
703 fd.lpstrName = arial_font;
704 pOleCreateFontIndirect(&fd, &IID_IFont, (void **)&ifnt2);
705 IFont_get_hFont(ifnt2,&hfnt2);
707 /* Try invalid HFONT */
708 hres = IFont_AddRefHfont(ifnt1,NULL);
709 ok(hres == E_INVALIDARG,
710 "IFont_AddRefHfont: (Bad HFONT) Expected E_INVALIDARG but got 0x%08x\n",
711 hres);
713 /* Try to add a bad HFONT */
714 hres = IFont_AddRefHfont(ifnt1,(HFONT)32);
715 ok(hres == S_FALSE,
716 "IFont_AddRefHfont: (Bad HFONT) Expected S_FALSE but got 0x%08x\n",
717 hres);
719 /* Add simple IFONT HFONT pair */
720 hres = IFont_AddRefHfont(ifnt1,hfnt1);
721 ok(hres == S_OK,
722 "IFont_AddRefHfont: (Add ref) Expected S_OK but got 0x%08x\n",
723 hres);
725 /* IFONT and HFONT do not have to be the same (always looks at HFONT) */
726 hres = IFont_AddRefHfont(ifnt2,hfnt1);
727 ok(hres == S_OK,
728 "IFont_AddRefHfont: (Add ref) Expected S_OK but got 0x%08x\n",
729 hres);
731 /* Release all hfnt1 refs */
732 hres = IFont_ReleaseHfont(ifnt1,hfnt1);
733 ok(hres == S_OK,
734 "IFont_AddRefHfont: (Release ref) Expected S_OK but got 0x%08x\n",
735 hres);
737 hres = IFont_ReleaseHfont(ifnt1,hfnt1);
738 ok(hres == S_OK,
739 "IFont_AddRefHfont: (Release ref) Expected S_OK but got 0x%08x\n",
740 hres);
742 hres = IFont_ReleaseHfont(ifnt1,hfnt1);
743 ok(hres == S_OK,
744 "IFont_AddRefHfont: (Release ref) Expected S_OK but got 0x%08x\n",
745 hres);
747 /* Check if hfnt1 is empty */
748 hres = IFont_ReleaseHfont(ifnt1,hfnt1);
749 ok(hres == S_FALSE,
750 "IFont_AddRefHfont: (Release ref) Expected S_FALSE but got 0x%08x\n",
751 hres);
753 /* Release all hfnt2 refs */
754 hres = IFont_ReleaseHfont(ifnt2,hfnt2);
755 ok(hres == S_OK,
756 "IFont_AddRefHfont: (Release ref) Expected S_OK but got 0x%08x\n",
757 hres);
759 /* Check if hfnt2 is empty */
760 hres = IFont_ReleaseHfont(ifnt2,hfnt2);
761 ok(hres == S_FALSE,
762 "IFont_AddRefHfont: (Release ref) Expected S_FALSE but got 0x%08x\n",
763 hres);
765 /* Show that releasing an IFONT does not always release it from the HFONT cache. */
767 IFont_Release(ifnt1);
769 /* Add a reference for destroyed hfnt1 */
770 hres = IFont_AddRefHfont(ifnt2,hfnt1);
771 ok(hres == S_OK,
772 "IFont_AddRefHfont: (Add ref) Expected S_OK but got 0x%08x\n",
773 hres);
775 /* Decrement reference for destroyed hfnt1 */
776 hres = IFont_ReleaseHfont(ifnt2,hfnt1);
777 ok(hres == S_OK ||
778 hres == S_FALSE, /* <= win2k */
779 "IFont_AddRefHfont: (Release ref) Expected S_OK or S_FALSE but got 0x%08x\n",
780 hres);
782 /* Shows that releasing all IFONT's does clear the HFONT cache. */
784 IFont_Release(ifnt2);
786 /* Need to make a new IFONT for testing */
787 fd.fUnderline = 1;
788 pOleCreateFontIndirect(&fd, &IID_IFont, (void **)&ifnt3);
789 IFont_get_hFont(ifnt3,&hfnt3);
791 /* Add a reference for destroyed hfnt1 */
792 hres = IFont_AddRefHfont(ifnt3,hfnt1);
793 ok(hres == S_FALSE,
794 "IFont_AddRefHfont: (Add ref) Expected S_OK but got 0x%08x\n",
795 hres);
797 /* Decrement reference for destroyed hfnt1 */
798 hres = IFont_ReleaseHfont(ifnt3,hfnt1);
799 ok(hres == S_FALSE,
800 "IFont_AddRefHfont: (Release ref) Expected S_OK but got 0x%08x\n",
801 hres);
803 IFont_Release(ifnt3);
806 START_TEST(olefont)
808 hOleaut32 = GetModuleHandleA("oleaut32.dll");
809 pOleCreateFontIndirect = (void*)GetProcAddress(hOleaut32, "OleCreateFontIndirect");
810 if (!pOleCreateFontIndirect)
812 skip("OleCreateFontIndirect not available\n");
813 return;
816 test_QueryInterface();
817 test_type_info();
819 /* Test various size operations and conversions. */
820 /* Add more as needed. */
821 if (0) /* FIXME: failing tests */
823 test_ifont_sizes(180000, 0, 72, 2540, -18, "default");
824 test_ifont_sizes(180000, 0, 144, 2540, -36, "ratio1"); /* change ratio */
825 test_ifont_sizes(180000, 0, 72, 1270, -36, "ratio2"); /* 2nd part of ratio */
827 /* These depend on details of how IFont rounds sizes internally. */
828 test_ifont_sizes(0, 0, 72, 2540, 0, "zero size"); /* zero size */
829 test_ifont_sizes(186000, 0, 72, 2540, -19, "rounding"); /* test rounding */
832 test_font_events_disp();
833 test_GetIDsOfNames();
834 test_Invoke();
835 test_IsEqual();
836 test_ReleaseHfont();
837 test_AddRefHfont();