* wesnoth-mode.el: Fix docstring typos.
[wesnoth-mode.git] / wesnoth-mode.el
1 ;; wesnoth-mode.el - A major mode for editing WML.
2 ;; Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Chris Mann
4 ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
5 ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
6 ;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
7 ;; License, or (at your option) any later version.
9 ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
10 ;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 ;; General Public License for more details.
14 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15 ;; along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
16 ;; Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
17 ;; MA 02139, USA.
19 ;;; Description:
20 ;; wesnoth-mode is a major mode for Emacs which assists in the editing
21 ;; of Wesnoth Markup Language (WML) files. Currently, this mode
22 ;; features syntax highlighting support, automatic indentation,
23 ;; tag-completion and preliminary support for syntax checking.
25 ;;; Usage:
26 ;; Add the following to your .emacs:
27 ;; (add-to-list 'load-path "path/to/wesnoth-mode")
28 ;; (autoload 'wesnoth-mode "wesnoth-mode" "Major mode for editing WML." t)
29 ;; Optionally adding:
30 ;; (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.cfg\\'" . wesnoth-mode))
31 ;; to automatically load wesnoth-mode for all files ending in '.cfg'.
33 ;;; Changes:
34 ;; 1.2.2
35 ;; * Fixed a bug in savefile indentation where content was needed between
36 ;; elements pairs for indentation to work.
37 ;; * Fixed `wesnoth-newline-and-indent' ignoring the state of
38 ;; `wesnoth-auto-indent-flag'.
39 ;; * Fixed `{...}' structures and `#endif' not font-locking correctly.
40 ;; * Added indentation styles: `wesnoth-indent-savefile-preproc',
41 ;; `wesnoth-indent-default-preproc' which implement a a similar indentation
42 ;; style to the existing styles, however all preprocessor statements are
43 ;; indented to the first column.
44 ;; * Added support for several new tags.
45 ;; * Added functions: `wesnoth-indent', `wesnoth-element-closing',
46 ;; `wesnoth-element', `wesnoth-element-opening',
47 ;; `wesnoth-insert-and-indent', `wesnoth-insert-missing-closing'.
48 ;; * Renamed `wesnoth-indent-line-default', `wesnoth-indent-line-savefile' and
49 ;; `wesnoth-jump-backward', `wesnoth-jump-forward' to
50 ;; `wesnoth-indent-default', `wesnoth-indent-savefile' and
51 ;; `wesnoth-backward-tag', `wesnoth-forward-tag', respectively.
52 ;; * Modified `wesnoth-newline' to behave more consistently.
53 ;; * `wesnoth-jump-to-matching', `wesnoth-forward-tag', `wesnoth-backward-tag'
54 ;; now leave point at the beginning (when moving backward) or end (when moving
55 ;; forward) of the match.
56 ;; * `wesnoth-jump-to-matching' now attempts to find a target if necessary and
57 ;; will now work on preprocessor statements. Will now warn if jump
58 ;; destination may not be correct.
59 ;; * Indentation style is now determined by `wesnoth-indentation-function'.
60 ;; * `wesnoth-check-structure' can now be applied over an active region and
61 ;; now checks preprocessor statements for correct nesting.
62 ;; * `wesnoth-newline' and `wesnoth-newline-and-indent' can now be forced to
63 ;; perform indentation by providing a prefix argument.
64 ;; * Indentation styles now leave point at the first non-whitespace character of
65 ;; the line.
66 ;; * `wesnoth-check-tag-names' now reports on success.
67 ;; * `wesnoth-insert-tag' is now able to insert tags around a region.
68 ;; 1.2.1
69 ;; * Base indent now defaults to 4.
70 ;; * Added support for #ifndef.
72 (defconst wesnoth-mode-version "1.2.2"
73 "The current version of wesnoth-mode.")
75 (defgroup wesnoth-mode nil "Wesnoth-mode access"
76 :group 'languages
77 :prefix "wesnoth-")
79 (defcustom wesnoth-indentation-function 'wesnoth-indent-default
80 "Use the specified function when indenting WML.
81 You can specify `wesnoth-indent-default',
82 `wesnoth-indent-savefile', `wesnoth-indent-default-preproc' or
83 `wesnoth-indent-savefile-preproc' or a custom function as the
84 indentation style."
85 :type 'function
86 :group 'wesnoth-mode)
88 (defcustom wesnoth-auto-indent-flag t
89 "Whether to attempt tag indentation when a newline is created.
90 If nil, no indentation will be attempted. Otherwise, attempt to
91 indent the line."
92 :type 'boolean
93 :group 'wesnoth-mode)
95 (defcustom wesnoth-base-indent 4
96 "The number of columns to indent WML."
97 :type 'integer
98 :group 'wesnoth-mode)
100 (defconst wesnoth-preprocessor-regexp
101 "#\\(?:define \\|e\\(?:lse\\|nd\\(?:\\(?:de\\|i\\)f\\)\\)\\|\\(?:ifn?\\|un\\)def \\)"
102 "Regular expression to match all preprocessor statements.")
104 (defconst wesnoth-preprocessor-opening-regexp
105 "#\\(?:define \\|else\\|ifdef \\|ifndef \\)"
106 "Regular expression to match \"opening\" preprocessor statements.")
108 (defconst wesnoth-preprocessor-closing-regexp
109 "#e\\(?:lse\\|nd\\(?:\\(?:de\\|i\\)f\\)\\)"
110 "Regular expression to match \"closing\" preprocessor statements.")
112 (defvar wesnoth-mode-hook nil)
114 (defvar wesnoth-mode-map ()
115 "Keymap used in wesnoth mode.")
116 (unless wesnoth-mode-map
117 (setq wesnoth-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap))
118 (define-key wesnoth-mode-map "\C-\M-a" 'wesnoth-backward-tag)
119 (define-key wesnoth-mode-map "\C-\M-e" 'wesnoth-forward-tag)
120 (define-key wesnoth-mode-map "\C-c\C-m" 'wesnoth-jump-to-matching)
121 (define-key wesnoth-mode-map "\C-cm" 'wesnoth-jump-to-matching)
122 (define-key wesnoth-mode-map "\C-m" 'wesnoth-newline)
123 (define-key wesnoth-mode-map "\C-j" 'wesnoth-newline-and-indent)
124 (define-key wesnoth-mode-map "\C-c\C-c" 'wesnoth-check-structure)
125 (define-key wesnoth-mode-map "\C-cc" 'wesnoth-check-structure)
126 (define-key wesnoth-mode-map "\C-c\C-n" 'wesnoth-check-tag-names)
127 (define-key wesnoth-mode-map "\C-cn" 'wesnoth-check-tag-names)
128 (define-key wesnoth-mode-map "\C-c\C-e" 'wesnoth-insert-tag)
129 (define-key wesnoth-mode-map "\C-ce" 'wesnoth-insert-tag)
130 (define-key wesnoth-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-/") 'wesnoth-insert-missing-closing)
131 (define-key wesnoth-mode-map (kbd "C-c /") 'wesnoth-insert-missing-closing))
133 (defvar wesnoth-syntax-table
134 (let ((wesnoth-syntax-table (make-syntax-table)))
135 (modify-syntax-entry ?= "." wesnoth-syntax-table)
136 (modify-syntax-entry ?\_ "w" wesnoth-syntax-table)
137 (modify-syntax-entry ?- "_" wesnoth-syntax-table)
138 (modify-syntax-entry ?. "_" wesnoth-syntax-table)
139 (modify-syntax-entry ?\n ">" wesnoth-syntax-table)
140 (modify-syntax-entry ?\r ">" wesnoth-syntax-table)
141 wesnoth-syntax-table)
142 "Syntax table for wesnoth-mode.")
144 ;; Prevents automatic syntax-highlighting of elements which might be
145 ;; pre-processor statements.
146 (defvar wesnoth-syntactic-keywords
147 (list
148 '("^[\t ]*\\(#\\(?:define \\|e\\(?:lse\\|nd\\(?:\\(?:de\\|i\\)f\\)\\)\\|\\(?:ifn?\\|un\\)def \\)\\)" 1 "w")
149 '("\\(#[\t ]*.*$\\)" 1 "<"))
150 "Highlighting syntactic keywords within wesnoth-mode.")
152 (defvar wesnoth-font-lock-keywords
153 (list
154 '("\\(#\\(?:define\\|\\(?:ifn?\\|un\\)def\\)\\)"
155 1 font-lock-preprocessor-face)
156 '("\\(#\\(?:define\\|\\(?:ifn?\\|un\\)def\\)\\)[\t ]+\\(\\w+\\)"
157 2 font-lock-function-name-face)
158 '("\\(#e\\(?:lse\\|nd\\(?:\\(?:de\\|i\\)f\\)\\)\\)" . font-lock-preprocessor-face)
159 '("\\({[@~]?\\(\\w\\|\\.\\|/\\|-\\)+}\\)"
160 (1 font-lock-function-name-face))
161 '("\\({\\w+\\).*?\\(}\\)"
162 (1 font-lock-function-name-face)
163 (2 font-lock-function-name-face))
164 '("\\[[^]]+\\]" . font-lock-type-face)
165 '("\\$\\w+" . font-lock-variable-name-face)
166 '("\\(\\w+\\(\\,[\t ]*\\w+\\)*\\)="
167 1 font-lock-variable-name-face))
168 "Syntax highlighting for wesnoth-mode.")
170 (defvar wesnoth-tags-list
171 (list
172 "abilities" "about" "advances" "advancefrom" "ai" "allow_recruit" "and"
173 "animation" "array" "attack" "attacks" "avoid" "binary_path" "bold"
174 "campaign" "capture_village" "choose""clear_variable" "colour_adjust"
175 "command" "deaths" "defend" "defends" "defense" "delay" "destination"
176 "disallow_recruit" "do" "effect" "else" "end_turn" "endlevel" "entry" "era"
177 "event" "expenses" "filter" "filter_adjacent_location" "filter_radius"
178 "filter_second" "format" "frame" "game_config" "generator" "gold"
179 "have_unit" "header" "hide_unit" "if" "illuminated_time" "image" "img"
180 "income" "italic" "item" "jump" "kill" "killed" "label" "language"
181 "leader_goal" "main_map" "menu" "message" "mini_map" "missile_frame"
182 "modifications" "modify_side" "modify_turns" "move" "move_unit_fake"
183 "movement_costs" "movetype" "multiplayer" "multiplayer_side" "music" "not"
184 "num_units" "object" "objectives" "objective" "observers" "option" "or"
185 "panel" "part" "place_shroud" "position" "print" "protect_location"
186 "protect_unit" "race" "random" "recall" "recalls" "recruit" "recruits"
187 "redraw" "ref" "remove_shroud" "remove_unit_overlay" "removeitem" "replay"
188 "replay_start" "resistance" "resolution" "results" "role" "save" "scenario"
189 "scroll" "scroll_to" "scroll_to_unit" "section" "set_recruit"
190 "set_variable" "side" "side_playing" "snapshot" "sound" "source" "specials"
191 "statistics" "status" "stone" "store_gold" "store_locations"
192 "store_starting_location" "store_unit" "story" "target" "team" "teleport"
193 "teleport_anim" "terrain" "terrain_graphics" "test" "textdomain" "theme"
194 "then" "tile" "time" "time_area" "time_of_day" "topic" "toplevel" "trait"
195 "turn" "tutorial" "unhide_unit" "unit" "unit_abilities" "unit_alignment"
196 "unit_description" "unit_hp" "unit_image" "unit_level" "unit_moves"
197 "unit_overlay" "unit_profile" "unit_status" "unit_traits" "unit_type"
198 "unit_weapons" "unit_xp" "units" "unstone" "unstore_unit" "upkeep"
199 "variable" "variables" "village" "villages" "while")
200 "A list containing all tags which are available for use in WML.")
202 (defun wesnoth-element-closing (&optional preproc-bol)
203 "Return string to use for closing indentation element."
204 (if preproc-bol
205 "^[ \t]*\\[/.+\\]"
206 (concat "^[ \t]*\\(\\[/.+\\]\\|\\("
207 wesnoth-preprocessor-closing-regexp "\\)\\)")))
209 (defun wesnoth-element-opening (&optional preproc-bol)
210 "Return string to use for opening indentation element."
211 (if preproc-bol
212 "^[ \t]*\\[[^/]*?\\]"
213 (concat "^[ \t]*\\(\\[[^/]*?\\]\\|\\("
214 wesnoth-preprocessor-opening-regexp "\\)\\)")))
216 (defun wesnoth-element (&optional preproc-bol)
217 "Return string to use for an opening or closing indentation element."
218 (if preproc-bol
219 "^[\t ]*\\["
220 (concat "^[\t ]*\\(\\[\\|"
221 wesnoth-preprocessor-regexp "\\)")))
223 ;;; Insertion
224 (defun wesnoth-insert-tag (tagname &optional start end)
225 "Inserts the specified opening tag and it's matching closing tag.
226 Both the opening and closing tags will be placed on their own
227 lines with point positioned between them. Completion of tags at
228 the prompt uses `wesnoth-tags-list'.
230 TAGNAME is the name of the tag to be inserted. If START and END
231 are given, the tags will be inserted around the specified region."
232 (interactive
233 (list (completing-read "Tag: " wesnoth-tags-list nil nil)))
234 (when (and (not (or start end)) transient-mark-mode mark-active)
235 (setq start (region-beginning)
236 end (copy-marker (region-end))))
237 (if (and start end)
238 (progn
239 (goto-char start)
240 (or (looking-at "^[\t ]*$")
241 (open-line 1))
242 (insert "[" tagname "]")
243 (goto-char end)
244 (or (looking-back "^[\t ]*$")
245 (newline))
246 (insert "[/" tagname "]\n")
247 (setq end (point)) ;; New target for indent-region
248 (indent-region start end))
249 (or (looking-back "^[\t ]*$")
250 (newline))
251 (wesnoth-insert-and-indent "[" tagname "]")
252 (wesnoth-insert-and-indent "\n")
253 (save-excursion
254 (wesnoth-insert-and-indent "\n[/" tagname "]"))))
256 (defun wesnoth-insert-missing-closing (&optional start end)
257 "Insert the next expected closing element at point."
258 (interactive)
259 (if (and transient-mark-mode mark-active)
260 (setq start (region-beginning)
261 end (copy-marker (region-end)))
262 (setq start (point-min)
263 end (point-max)))
264 (let ((element (wesnoth-check-structure start end)))
265 (if element
266 (if (string= element "Unexpected end of file")
267 (message "%s" "Error: Expected end of file")
268 (when (not (looking-at "^[\t ]*$"))
269 (end-of-line)
270 (wesnoth-newline))
271 (insert element)
272 (wesnoth-indent-line)
273 (end-of-line))
274 (error "%s" "Unable to find element to insert"))))
276 (defun wesnoth-insert-and-indent (&rest args)
277 "Concatenate and insert the given string(s) before indenting."
278 (insert (apply 'concat args))
279 (wesnoth-indent-line)
280 (end-of-line))
282 (defun wesnoth-newline (&optional indent)
283 "Indent both the current line and the newline created.
284 If `wesnoth-auto-indent-flag' is nil, indentation will not be
285 performed."
286 (interactive)
287 (save-excursion
288 (when (or wesnoth-auto-indent-flag indent)
289 (wesnoth-indent-line)))
290 (newline))
292 (defun wesnoth-newline-and-indent (&optional indent)
293 "Indent both the current line and the newline created.
294 If `wesnoth-auto-indent-flag' is nil, indentation will not be
295 performed."
296 (interactive)
297 (wesnoth-newline)
298 (when (or wesnoth-auto-indent-flag indent)
299 (wesnoth-indent-line)))
302 ;;; Movement
303 (defun wesnoth-forward-tag (repeat)
304 "Move point to the end of the next tag.
305 REPEAT is an optional numeric argument. If REPEAT is non-nil,
306 jump forward the specified number of tags."
307 (interactive "p")
308 (or repeat (setq repeat 1))
309 (if (< repeat 0)
310 (wesnoth-backward-tag (abs repeat))
311 (let ((iterations 0))
312 (while (< iterations repeat)
313 (end-of-line)
314 (search-forward-regexp
315 (wesnoth-element-opening)
316 (buffer-size) t)
317 (setq iterations (1+ iterations))))
318 (end-of-line)))
320 (defun wesnoth-backward-tag (repeat)
321 "Move point to the beginning of the previous tag.
322 REPEAT is an optional numeric argument. If REPEAT is non-nil,
323 jump backward the specified number of tags."
324 (interactive "p")
325 (or repeat (setq repeat 1))
326 (if (< repeat 0)
327 (wesnoth-forward-tag (abs repeat))
328 (let ((iterations 0))
329 (while (< iterations repeat)
330 (beginning-of-line)
331 (search-backward-regexp
332 (wesnoth-element-opening)
333 0 t)
334 (unless (bobp)
335 (search-forward-regexp "[^[:blank:]]")
336 (backward-char))
337 (setq iterations (1+ iterations))))))
339 (defun wesnoth-jump-to-matching ()
340 "Jump point to the matching opening/closing tag.
341 A tag must be on the same line as point for jumping to occur.
342 Tag structure between the start and target positions must be
343 consistent for jumping to occur."
344 (interactive)
345 (let ((open-tags 0)
346 (search-started nil)
347 (tag-position nil)
348 (search-backward nil))
349 (save-excursion
350 (beginning-of-line)
351 (if (looking-at
352 (wesnoth-element))
353 (when (looking-at (wesnoth-element-closing))
354 (setq search-backward t))
355 (if (wesnoth-wml-start-pos)
356 (if (> (point) (wesnoth-wml-start-pos))
357 (search-backward-regexp
358 (wesnoth-element)
359 (point-min) t)
360 (goto-char (point-min))
361 (search-forward-regexp
362 (wesnoth-element))
363 (beginning-of-line))
364 (error "%s" "Unable to locate tag to jump from")))
365 (if search-backward
366 (progn
367 (end-of-line)
368 (while (and
369 (or (< open-tags 0) (not search-started))
370 (search-backward-regexp
371 (wesnoth-element)
372 (point-min) t))
373 (setq search-started t)
374 (if (looking-at (wesnoth-element-opening))
375 (setq open-tags (1+ open-tags))
376 (when (looking-at (wesnoth-element-closing))
377 (setq open-tags (1- open-tags)))))
378 (end-of-line)
379 (search-backward-regexp "\\[\\|#"))
380 (while (and
381 (or (> open-tags 0) (not search-started))
382 (search-forward-regexp
383 (wesnoth-element)
384 (point-max) t))
385 (beginning-of-line)
386 (setq search-started t)
387 (if (looking-at (wesnoth-element-opening))
388 (setq open-tags (1+ open-tags))
389 (when (looking-at (wesnoth-element-closing))
390 (setq open-tags (1- open-tags))))
391 (end-of-line))
392 (end-of-line))
393 (setq tag-position (point)))
394 (and search-backward
395 (end-of-line))
396 (and (wesnoth-check-structure (min (point) tag-position)
397 (max (point) tag-position))
398 (message "%s" "Region concerning jump does not nest correctly; \
399 target may not be correct"))
400 (if (interactive-p)
401 (goto-char tag-position)
402 tag-position)))
404 ;;; Indentation
405 (defun wesnoth-indent-line ()
406 "Determine and performs indentation on the current line.
407 The Indentation style can be customised by modifying
408 `wesnoth-indentation-function'."
409 (interactive)
410 (funcall wesnoth-indentation-function))
412 (defun wesnoth-wml-start-pos ()
413 "Determine the position of `point' relative to where the actual WML begins.
414 Return the likely starting position of the WML if it is found.
415 Otherwise return nil."
416 (save-excursion
417 (goto-char (point-min))
418 (when (search-forward-regexp (wesnoth-element nil)
419 (buffer-size) t)
420 (beginning-of-line)
421 (point))))
423 (defun wesnoth-indent (savefile preproc-bol)
424 "Indent the current line as WML.
425 If SAVEFILE is non-nil, use savefile-style indentation,
426 otherwise use default style indentation.
427 If PREPROC-BOL is non-nil, indent preprocessor statements
428 to the first column, otherwise indent them in-line with any
429 surrounding tags."
430 (beginning-of-line)
431 (if (or (not (wesnoth-wml-start-pos))
432 (<= (point) (wesnoth-wml-start-pos))
433 (nth 3 (syntax-ppss (point)))
434 (and preproc-bol (looking-at
435 (concat "^[\t ]*" wesnoth-preprocessor-regexp)))
436 (not (wesnoth-check-structure (wesnoth-wml-start-pos) (point))))
437 (indent-line-to 0)
438 (let ((cur-indent))
439 (save-excursion
440 (cond
441 ;; Closing regexp
442 ((looking-at (wesnoth-element-closing preproc-bol))
443 (search-backward-regexp
444 (wesnoth-element preproc-bol))
445 ;; If closing preceded by closing, decrease indentation
446 (when (looking-at (wesnoth-element-closing preproc-bol))
447 (setq cur-indent (- (current-indentation) wesnoth-base-indent))))
448 ;; Opening regexp
449 ((looking-at (wesnoth-element-opening preproc-bol))
450 ;; Goto start-pos if unable to find target
451 (search-backward-regexp
452 (wesnoth-element preproc-bol) (wesnoth-wml-start-pos) 0)
453 ;; If opening preceded by opening, increase indentation
454 (when (or (looking-at (wesnoth-element-opening preproc-bol))
455 (not
456 (wesnoth-check-structure (wesnoth-wml-start-pos) (point))))
457 (setq cur-indent (+ (current-indentation) wesnoth-base-indent))))
458 ;; Not opening, not closing
460 (search-backward-regexp (wesnoth-element preproc-bol))
461 ;; Decrease indent if preceded by closing
462 (if savefile
463 (and (looking-at (wesnoth-element-opening preproc-bol))
464 (setq cur-indent
465 (+ (current-indentation) wesnoth-base-indent)))
466 (and (looking-at (wesnoth-element-closing preproc-bol))
467 (setq cur-indent (- (current-indentation)
468 wesnoth-base-indent))))))
469 ;; Indentation change unnecessary
470 (unless cur-indent
471 (setq cur-indent (current-indentation))))
472 (and (< cur-indent 0) (setq cur-indent 0))
473 (unless (and (not cur-indent) (= (current-indentation) cur-indent))
474 (indent-line-to cur-indent))))
475 (beginning-of-line)
476 (search-forward-regexp "[\t ]*"))
478 (defun wesnoth-indent-default ()
479 "Indent the current line using default-style indentation.
480 Preprocessor statements will be indented as tags."
481 (wesnoth-indent nil nil))
483 (defun wesnoth-indent-savefile ()
484 "Indent the current line using savefile-style indentation.
485 Preprocessor statements will be indented as tags."
486 (wesnoth-indent t nil))
488 (defun wesnoth-indent-default-preproc ()
489 "Indent the current line using default-style indentation.
490 Preprocessor statements will be indented to the first column."
491 (wesnoth-indent nil t))
493 (defun wesnoth-indent-savefile-preproc ()
494 "Indent the current line using savefile-style indentation.
495 Preprocessor statements will be indented to the first column."
496 (wesnoth-indent t t))
498 ;;; WML checks
499 (defun wesnoth-check-tag-names ()
500 "Check the names of all tags in the buffer for correctness.
501 If a tag is found which is not present in the list an error will
502 be signalled and point will be moved to the corresponding
503 position."
504 (interactive)
505 (let ((tag-position nil)
506 (missing-tag-name nil))
507 (save-excursion
508 (goto-char (point-min))
509 (while (and
510 (search-forward-regexp "^[\t ]*\\[" (point-max) t)
511 (not tag-position))
512 (beginning-of-line)
513 (when (looking-at "^[\t ]*\\[[/]?\\(\\w+\\)\\]")
514 (unless (member (match-string-no-properties 1) wesnoth-tags-list)
515 (setq tag-position (point))
516 (setq missing-tag-name (match-string-no-properties 1))))
517 (end-of-line)))
518 (if tag-position
519 (progn
520 (goto-char tag-position)
521 (message "'%s' is not known to exist"
522 missing-tag-name))
523 (message "%s" "No unknown tag names found."))))
525 (defun wesnoth-check-structure (&optional start end)
526 "Check the buffer for correct nesting of elements.
527 If a problem is found in the structure, point will be placed at
528 the location which an element was expected and the expected
529 element will be displayed in the mini-buffer."
530 (interactive)
531 (unless (or start end)
532 (if (and transient-mark-mode mark-active)
533 (setq start (region-beginning)
534 end (copy-marker (region-end)))
535 (setq start (point-min)
536 end (point-max))))
537 (let ((unmatched-tag-list '())
538 (error-position nil)
539 (expected nil))
540 (save-excursion
541 (goto-char start)
542 (while (and (search-forward-regexp (wesnoth-element) end t)
543 (not error-position))
544 (beginning-of-line)
545 (if (looking-at "^[\t ]*#\\(\\w+\\)")
546 (let ((preprocessor-name (match-string-no-properties 1)))
547 (cond
548 ((string= preprocessor-name "define")
549 (setq unmatched-tag-list
550 (cons preprocessor-name unmatched-tag-list)))
551 ((string= preprocessor-name "ifdef")
552 (setq unmatched-tag-list
553 (cons preprocessor-name unmatched-tag-list)))
554 ((string= preprocessor-name "ifndef")
555 (setq unmatched-tag-list
556 (cons preprocessor-name unmatched-tag-list)))
557 ((string= preprocessor-name "else")
558 (unless (string-match "ifn?def" (car unmatched-tag-list))
559 (setq error-position (point))))
560 ((string= preprocessor-name "endif")
561 (if (string-match "ifn?def" (car unmatched-tag-list))
562 (setq unmatched-tag-list (cdr unmatched-tag-list))
563 (setq error-position (point))))
564 ((string= preprocessor-name "enddef")
565 (if (string= (car unmatched-tag-list) "define")
566 (setq unmatched-tag-list (cdr unmatched-tag-list))
567 (setq error-position (point))))))
568 (if (looking-at "^[\t ]*\\[\\+?\\(\\w+\\)\\]")
569 (setq unmatched-tag-list
570 (cons (match-string-no-properties 1)
571 unmatched-tag-list))
572 (when (looking-at "^[\t ]*\\[/\\(\\w+\\)\\]")
573 (if (string= (match-string-no-properties 1)
574 (car unmatched-tag-list))
575 (setq unmatched-tag-list (cdr unmatched-tag-list))
576 (setq error-position (point))))))
577 (end-of-line)))
578 (when unmatched-tag-list
579 (cond ((string= (car unmatched-tag-list) "define")
580 (setq expected "#enddef"))
581 ((string-match "ifn?def" (car unmatched-tag-list))
582 (setq expected "#endif"))
583 ((not unmatched-tag-list)
584 (setq expected "Unexpected end of file"))))
585 (if (interactive-p)
586 (if (not (or unmatched-tag-list error-position))
587 (message "%s" "Structure appears consistent.")
588 (and error-position
589 (goto-char error-position))
590 (if (string= expected "Unexpected end of file")
591 (message "Error %s" expected)
592 (message "Error: Expecting %s"
594 expected
595 (concat " [/" (car unmatched-tag-list) "]")))))
596 (when (or expected unmatched-tag-list)
597 (or expected (concat "[/" (car unmatched-tag-list) "]"))))))
599 ;;; wesnoth-mode
600 (define-derived-mode wesnoth-mode fundamental-mode "wesnoth-mode"
601 "Major mode for editing WML."
602 (set-syntax-table wesnoth-syntax-table)
603 (set (make-local-variable 'outline-regexp) "^[\t ]*\\[\\w+")
604 (set (make-local-variable 'comment-start) "#")
605 (set (make-local-variable 'indent-line-function) 'wesnoth-indent-line)
606 (set (make-local-variable 'font-lock-defaults)
607 '(wesnoth-font-lock-keywords
608 nil t nil nil
609 (font-lock-syntactic-keywords . wesnoth-syntactic-keywords)))
610 (setq indent-tabs-mode nil)
611 (setq mode-name "WML")
612 (run-hooks 'wesnoth-mode-hook))
614 (provide 'wesnoth-mode)