descriptionminetest hacked client (dragonfire fork)
last changeTue, 21 Sep 2021 10:58:57 +0000 (21 12:58 +0200)
content tags

A fork of the great Dragonfireclient which is itself a fork of minetest

Our focus is on feature development, not on particular tidyness, user friendliness or support. (We might help you but in general if you can't get it to work that's your problem)

compile like minetest (cmake .;make -j$(nproc) )

2021-09-21 coraincrementaltp: respect physics overridesmaster
2021-09-20 coracore: add zoom to privbypass
2021-09-11 corascaffold: fix lp:get_pos
2021-09-11 corarailscaff: add variable lightblock
2021-09-11 coramove dragonfire legacy world code to scaffold mod
2021-09-08 coralua api: add register_on_particlespawner
2021-09-05 coranlist: add missing forms.lua
2021-09-04 corawasplib: add find_player
2021-08-31 corawalltool: adjust lower bounds
2021-08-31 corawalltool: optimize placement
2021-08-31 corawalbot: add proper restrictions of the inner wall
2021-08-31 corawasplib: change range from 2 to 4
2021-08-31 coraadd newline
2021-08-31 corawasplib: add get_reachable_airpocket
2021-08-31 corawasplib: optimize flow in ws.replace
2021-08-31 corawasplib: proper rate limiting for ws.donodes
2 years ago merge-df-5.5
2 years ago master
3 years ago frenemies