descriptionProject of Transfor Files
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last changeWed, 13 Aug 2008 02:26:01 +0000 (13 10:26 +0800)
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Pigeons 0.0.1

Copyright (C) 2008, Xiyou Linux Group


This project is on Linux+QT4 platform, which was used for transfer files on Internet, providing communication with IP MSG, FeiQ or other clients. It is written for KDE envirenment. This software is released under GPL lisence, for more details about the license, please see the content of file COPYING.



- basic buddy chatting

- file transfer

- chatting messages recording

- custom-head picture displaying

- display buddies' details

- modifying personal details

- UDP and TCP transfer files

- search buddy and add buddy

- system messages recording

- auto replying

- quick replying

- system setting

More details of changing in ChangeLog file.

At the End

2008-08-13 Jianjun KongMerge work in kongovemaster
2008-08-13 Jianjun Kongupdate TODOkongove
2008-06-04 Jianjun KongMerge commit 'HEAD'; branch 'kongove'
2008-06-04 Jianjun Kongadd src.rc
2008-06-04 Jianjun KongMerge commit 'HEAD'; branch 'master' into kongove
2008-06-04 Jianjun Kongupdate Requirements_Analysis.pdf
2008-06-01 Jianjun Kongadd refurbish and fix a bug of close upd
2008-05-31 Jianjun KongAdd Reauirements_Analysis.pdf
2008-05-25 Jianjun Kongupdate serve.cpp
2008-05-25 Jianjun KongDiscriminate Users
2008-05-25 Jianjun Kongupdate of send file
2008-05-24 Jianjun Kongupdate of select file
2008-05-17 Jianjun Kongcut some warning
2008-05-16 Jianjun Kongadd subislist
2008-05-16 Jianjun Kongupdate of exit
2008-05-15 Jianjun KongRealizate communicate with WinIpMsg
15 years ago master
15 years ago kongove