various updates to API 3 draft
[mygpo.git] / doc / api / reference / subscriptions.rst
1 .. _subscriptions-api:
3 Subscriptions API
4 =================
6 The subscriptions API is used to manage the podcast subscriptions of a client
7 device.
10 Resources
11 ---------
13 The Subscriptions API defines the following resources ::
15  /user/<username>/subscriptions
16  /user/<username>/device/<device-id>/subscriptions
19 Subscription Upload
20 -------------------
22 Clients can upload the podcast subscriptions for a device to replace any
23 existing subscriptions.
26 Request
27 ^^^^^^^
29 The client sends an object containing all current subscriptions for the
30 device. ::
32  PUT /user/<username>/device/<device-id>/subscriptions
33  Content-Type: application/json
35  {
36     podcasts: [
37         { url: "" },
38         { url: "" }
39     ]
40  }
43 Response
44 ^^^^^^^^
46 The server can respond with the following status codes.
48 If a ``Link`` header with ``rel=changes`` is provided, this URL can be used to
49 retrieve changes to the subscriptions since the respective response (see
50 :ref:`subscription-change-download`)
52 If a new device has been created ::
54  201 Created
55  Link: <<username>/device/<device-id>/subscription?since=0>; rel=changes
57  no body
60 If the subscriptions have been processed immediatelly ::
62  204 No Content
63  Link: <<username>/device/<device-id>/subscription?since=1234>; rel=changes
65  no body
68 If the subscriptions have been accepted for later processing ::
70  202 Accepted
72  no body
74 No change download address is provided in this case, as is is not yet known at
75 the time of the response. If the client needs to know the current
76 subscriptions, it should follow up by a request to download the subscriptions.
78 If invalid podcast information is provided (eg an invalid feed URL), the whole
79 request will be rejected. ::
81  400 Bad Request
82  Content-Type: application/json
84  {
85    "message": "Invalid podcast URL",
86    "errors": [
87      {
88        "field": "/podcasts/1",
89        "code": "invalid_url"
90      }
91    ]
92  }
95 Subscription Download
96 ---------------------
98 Clients can download the current subscriptions of a device.
101 Request
102 ^^^^^^^
104 Download subscriptions of a device ::
106  GET /user/<username>/device/<device-id>/subscriptions
107  Content-Type: application/json
110 Download all of the user's subscriptions ::
112  GET /user/<username>/subscriptions
113  Content-Type: application/json
116 Response
117 ^^^^^^^^
119 The podcasts correspond to the :ref:`podcast-type` type. ::
121  200 OK
122  Link: <<username>/device/<device-id>/subscription?since=1234>; rel=changes
123  Content-Type: application/json
126     podcasts: [
127         { podcast1 },
128         { podcast2 }
129     ]
132 The changes link is not provided if all subscriptions of a user are requested.
135 Subscription Change Upload
136 --------------------------
138 Clients can update the current subscriptions of a device by reporting
139 subscribed and unsubscribed podcasts.
142 Request
143 ^^^^^^^
145 A client can send which podcasts have been subscribed and unsubscribed. ::
147  POST /user/<username>/device/<device-id>/subscriptions
148  Content-Tpe: application/json
151     subscribe: [
152         { url: "" }
153     ]
154     unsubscribe: [
155         { url: "" }
156     ]
159 A client MUST NOT upload a change set where both ``subscribe`` and
160 ``unsubscribe`` are empty.
163 Response
164 ^^^^^^^^
166 The server responds with either of the following status codes.
168 The changes are processed immediatelly. ::
170  200 OK
171  Content-Tpe: application/json
173  body according to Subscription Download
176 The changes have been accepted for later processing. ::
178  204 Accepted
180  no body
182 No response body is provided in this case, as it is not yet known.
185 .. _subscription-change-download:
187 Subscription Change Download
188 ----------------------------
190 Download changes to the subscriptions of a device.
193 Request
194 ^^^^^^^
196 The client makes the following request. ::
198  GET /user/<username>/device/<device-id>/subscriptions?since=<since>
199  Content-Tpe: application/json
202 Response
203 ^^^^^^^^
205 The server can response with any of the following status codes.
207 The changes are returned immediatelly. ::
209  200 OK
210  Link: <<username>/device/<device-id>/subscription?since=1234>; rel=changes
211  Content-Type: application/json
214     subscribe: [
215         { url: "" }
216     ]
217     unsubscribe: [
218         { url: "" }
219     ]
222 The server can also return a prepared response (see
223 :ref:`prepared-response-api`).