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Fugitive is the premier Vim plugin for Git. Or maybe it's the premier Git plugin for Vim? Either way, it's "so awesome, it should be illegal". That's why it's called Fugitive.

The crown jewel of Fugitive is :Git (or just :G), which calls any arbitrary Git command. If you know how to use Git at the command line, you know how to use :Git. It's vaguely akin to :!git but with numerous improvements:

Additional commands are provided for higher level operations:

Add %{FugitiveStatusline()} to 'statusline' to get an indicator with the current branch in your statusline.

For more information, see :help fugitive.



Install using your favorite package manager, or use Vim's built-in package support:

mkdir -p ~/.vim/pack/tpope/start
cd ~/.vim/pack/tpope/start
git clone
vim -u NONE -c "helptags fugitive/doc" -c q


What happened to the dispatch.vim backed asynchronous :Gpush and :Gfetch?

This behavior was divisive, confusing, and complicated inputting passwords, so it was removed. Use :Git! push to use Fugitive's own asynchronous execution, or retroactively make :Git push asynchronous by pressing CTRL-D.

Why am I getting core.worktree is required when using an external Git dir?

Git generally sets core.worktree for you automatically when necessary, but if you're doing something weird, or using a third-party tool that does something weird, you may need to set it manually:

git config core.worktree "$PWD"

This may be necessary even when simple git commands seem to work fine without it.

So I have a symlink and...

Stop. Just stop. If Git won't deal with your symlink, then Fugitive won't either. Consider using a plugin that resolves symlinks, or even better, using fewer symlinks.


Like fugitive.vim? Follow the repository on GitHub and vote for it on And if you're feeling especially charitable, follow tpope on Twitter and GitHub.


Copyright (c) Tim Pope. Distributed under the same terms as Vim itself. See :help license.

2024-04-08 Yida ZhangFix TempReadPost returning 0master
2024-03-31 Tim PopeRestore winfixbuf consideration in status blur
2024-03-28 Tim PopeRevert "Set winfixbuf on status windows"
2024-03-26 Tim PopeFix misfire of User FugitivePager
2024-03-21 Yifan HuFix typo for `advice.statusHints`
2024-03-16 Tim PopeSet winfixbuf on status windows
2024-03-16 Tim PopeSet winfixbuf on blame windows
2024-03-16 Tim PopeAvoid reuse of winfixbuf windows
2024-03-04 Tim PopeFor push map, never push to fetch remote
2024-03-02 Tim PopeUse fewer buffer variables for status buffer
2024-03-02 Tim PopeIntroduce stat.push and stat.merge
2024-03-02 Tim PopeMove push_remote and fetch_remote into stat
2024-03-02 Tim PopeMove pull_type into stat
2024-03-02 Tim PopeDon't assume default value for branch.*.merge
2024-02-24 Tim PopeAvoid settabvar()
2024-02-18 Tim PopeMove props into stat
22 months ago v3.7 fugitive.vim 3.7
2 years ago v3.6 fugitive.vim 3.6
2 years ago v3.5 fugitive.vim 3.5
2 years ago trashtest trashtest
2 years ago v3.4 fugitive.vim 3.4
3 years ago v3.3 fugitive.vim 3.3
4 years ago v3.2 fugitive.vim 3.2
4 years ago v3.1 fugitive.vim 3.1
4 years ago v3.0 fugitive.vim 3.0
5 years ago v2.5 fugitive.vim 2.5
5 years ago v2.4 fugitive.vim 2.4
5 years ago v2.3 fugitive.vim 2.3
9 years ago v2.2 fugitive.vim 2.2
9 years ago v2.1 fugitive.vim 2.1
9 years ago v2.0 fugitive.vim 2.0
13 years ago v1.2 fugitive.vim 1.2
2 weeks ago master
2 years ago double-status
2 years ago parallel-status
4 years ago difftool
6 years ago blame_message
8 years ago worktree
8 years ago nested/test
11 years ago buffer_path
11 years ago http_github_fi
11 years ago blame_color
12 years ago copied