t/lib.perl: fix Perl integration tests w/o installation
[unicorn.git] / t / lib.perl
1 #!perl -w
2 # Copyright (C) unicorn hackers <unicorn-public@80x24.org>
3 # License: GPL-3.0+ <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt>
4 package UnicornTest;
5 use v5.14;
6 use parent qw(Exporter);
7 use autodie;
8 use Test::More;
9 use Socket qw(SOMAXCONN);
10 use Time::HiRes qw(sleep time);
11 use IO::Socket::INET;
12 use IO::Socket::UNIX;
13 use Carp qw(croak);
14 use POSIX qw(dup2 _exit setpgid :signal_h SEEK_SET F_SETFD);
15 use File::Temp 0.19 (); # 0.19 for ->newdir
16 our ($tmpdir, $errfh, $err_log, $u_sock, $u_conf, $daemon_pid,
17 $pid_file, $wtest_sock, $fifo);
18 our @EXPORT = qw(unicorn slurp tcp_server tcp_start unicorn
19 $tmpdir $errfh $err_log $u_sock $u_conf $daemon_pid $pid_file
20 $wtest_sock $fifo
21 SEEK_SET tcp_host_port which spawn check_stderr unix_start slurp_hdr
22 do_req stop_daemon sleep time mkfifo_die kill_until_dead write_file);
24 my ($base) = ($0 =~ m!\b([^/]+)\.[^\.]+\z!);
25 $tmpdir = File::Temp->newdir("unicorn-$base-XXXX", TMPDIR => 1);
27 $wtest_sock = "$tmpdir/wtest.sock";
28 $err_log = "$tmpdir/err.log";
29 $pid_file = "$tmpdir/pid";
30 $fifo = "$tmpdir/fifo";
31 $u_sock = "$tmpdir/u.sock";
32 $u_conf = "$tmpdir/u.conf.rb";
33 open($errfh, '>>', $err_log);
35 if (my $t = $ENV{TAIL}) {
36 my @tail = $t =~ /tail/ ? split(/\s+/, $t) : (qw(tail -F));
37 push @tail, $err_log;
38 my $pid = fork;
39 if ($pid == 0) {
40 open STDOUT, '>&', \*STDERR;
41 exec @tail;
42 die "exec(@tail): $!";
44 say "# @tail";
45 sleep 0.2;
46 UnicornTest::AutoReap->new($pid);
49 sub kill_until_dead ($;%) {
50 my ($pid, %opt) = @_;
51 my $tries = $opt{tries} // 1000;
52 my $sig = $opt{sig} // 0;
53 while (CORE::kill($sig, $pid) && --$tries) { sleep(0.01) }
54 $tries or croak "PID: $pid died after signal ($sig)";
57 sub stop_daemon (;$) {
58 my ($is_END) = @_;
59 kill('TERM', $daemon_pid);
60 kill_until_dead $daemon_pid;
61 if ($is_END && CORE::kill(0, $daemon_pid)) { # after done_testing
62 CORE::kill('KILL', $daemon_pid);
63 die "daemon_pid=$daemon_pid did not die";
64 } else {
65 ok(!CORE::kill(0, $daemon_pid), 'daemonized unicorn gone');
66 undef $daemon_pid;
70 END {
71 diag slurp($err_log) if $tmpdir;
72 stop_daemon(1) if defined $daemon_pid;
75 sub check_stderr (@) {
76 my @log = @_;
77 slurp($err_log) if !@log;
78 diag("@log") if $ENV{V};
79 my @err = grep(!/NameError.*Unicorn::Waiter/, grep(/error/i, @log));
80 @err = grep(!/failed to set accept_filter=/, @err);
81 @err = grep(!/perhaps accf_.*? needs to be loaded/, @err);
82 is_deeply(\@err, [], 'no unexpected errors in stderr');
83 is_deeply([grep(/SIGKILL/, @log)], [], 'no SIGKILL in stderr');
86 sub slurp_hdr {
87 my ($c) = @_;
88 local $/ = "\r\n\r\n"; # affects both readline+chomp
89 chomp(my $hdr = readline($c));
90 my ($status, @hdr) = split(/\r\n/, $hdr);
91 diag explain([ $status, \@hdr ]) if $ENV{V};
92 ($status, \@hdr);
95 sub unix_server (;$@) {
96 my $l = shift // $u_sock;
97 IO::Socket::UNIX->new(Listen => SOMAXCONN, Local => $l, Blocking => 0,
98 Type => SOCK_STREAM, @_);
101 sub unix_connect ($) {
102 IO::Socket::UNIX->new(Peer => $_[0], Type => SOCK_STREAM);
105 sub tcp_server {
106 my %opt = (
107 ReuseAddr => 1,
108 Proto => 'tcp',
109 Type => SOCK_STREAM,
110 Listen => SOMAXCONN,
111 Blocking => 0,
114 eval {
115 die 'IPv4-only' if $ENV{TEST_IPV4_ONLY};
116 require IO::Socket::INET6;
117 IO::Socket::INET6->new(%opt, LocalAddr => '[::1]')
118 } || eval {
119 die 'IPv6-only' if $ENV{TEST_IPV6_ONLY};
120 IO::Socket::INET->new(%opt, LocalAddr => '')
121 } || BAIL_OUT "failed to create TCP server: $! ($@)";
124 sub tcp_host_port {
125 my ($s) = @_;
126 my ($h, $p) = ($s->sockhost, $s->sockport);
127 my $ipv4 = $s->sockdomain == AF_INET;
128 if (wantarray) {
129 $ipv4 ? ($h, $p) : ("[$h]", $p);
130 } else {
131 $ipv4 ? "$h:$p" : "[$h]:$p";
135 sub unix_start ($@) {
136 my ($dst, @req) = @_;
137 my $s = unix_connect($dst) or BAIL_OUT "unix connect $dst: $!";
138 $s->autoflush(1);
139 print $s @req, "\r\n\r\n" if @req;
143 sub tcp_start ($@) {
144 my ($dst, @req) = @_;
145 my $addr = tcp_host_port($dst);
146 my $s = ref($dst)->new(
147 Proto => 'tcp',
148 Type => SOCK_STREAM,
149 PeerAddr => $addr,
150 ) or BAIL_OUT "failed to connect to $addr: $!";
151 $s->autoflush(1);
152 print $s @req, "\r\n\r\n" if @req;
156 sub slurp {
157 open my $fh, '<', $_[0];
158 local $/ if !wantarray;
159 readline($fh);
162 sub spawn {
163 my $env = ref($_[0]) eq 'HASH' ? shift : undef;
164 my $opt = ref($_[-1]) eq 'HASH' ? pop : {};
165 my @cmd = @_;
166 my $old = POSIX::SigSet->new;
167 my $set = POSIX::SigSet->new;
168 $set->fillset or die "sigfillset: $!";
169 sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, $set, $old) or die "SIG_SETMASK: $!";
170 pipe(my $r, my $w);
171 my $pid = fork;
172 if ($pid == 0) {
173 close $r;
174 $SIG{__DIE__} = sub {
175 warn(@_);
176 syswrite($w, my $num = $! + 0);
177 _exit(1);
180 # pretend to be systemd (cf. sd_listen_fds(3))
181 my $cfd;
182 for ($cfd = 0; ($cfd < 3) || defined($opt->{$cfd}); $cfd++) {
183 my $io = $opt->{$cfd} // next;
184 my $pfd = fileno($io);
185 if ($pfd == $cfd) {
186 fcntl($io, F_SETFD, 0);
187 } else {
188 dup2($pfd, $cfd) // die "dup2($pfd, $cfd): $!";
191 if (($cfd - 3) > 0) {
192 $env->{LISTEN_PID} = $$;
193 $env->{LISTEN_FDS} = $cfd - 3;
196 if (defined(my $pgid = $opt->{pgid})) {
197 setpgid(0, $pgid) // die "setpgid(0, $pgid): $!";
199 $SIG{$_} = 'DEFAULT' for grep(!/^__/, keys %SIG);
200 if (defined(my $cd = $opt->{-C})) { chdir $cd }
201 $old->delset(POSIX::SIGCHLD) or die "sigdelset CHLD: $!";
202 sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, $old) or die "SIG_SETMASK: ~CHLD: $!";
203 @ENV{keys %$env} = values(%$env) if $env;
204 exec { $cmd[0] } @cmd;
205 die "exec @cmd: $!";
207 close $w;
208 sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, $old) or die "SIG_SETMASK(old): $!";
209 if (my $cerrnum = do { local $/, <$r> }) {
210 $! = $cerrnum;
211 die "@cmd PID=$pid died: $!";
213 $pid;
216 sub which {
217 my ($file) = @_;
218 return $file if index($file, '/') >= 0;
219 for my $p (split(/:/, $ENV{PATH})) {
220 $p .= "/$file";
221 return $p if -x $p;
223 undef;
226 # returns an AutoReap object
227 sub unicorn {
228 my %env;
229 if (ref($_[0]) eq 'HASH') {
230 my $e = shift;
231 %env = %$e;
233 my @args = @_;
234 push(@args, {}) if ref($args[-1]) ne 'HASH';
235 $args[-1]->{2} //= $errfh; # stderr default
237 state $ruby = which($ENV{RUBY} // 'ruby');
238 state $lib = File::Spec->rel2abs('lib');
239 state $ver = $ENV{TEST_RUBY_VERSION} // `$ruby -e 'print RUBY_VERSION'`;
240 state $eng = $ENV{TEST_RUBY_ENGINE} // `$ruby -e 'print RUBY_ENGINE'`;
241 state $ext = File::Spec->rel2abs("test/$eng-$ver/ext/unicorn_http");
242 state $exe = File::Spec->rel2abs("test/$eng-$ver/bin/unicorn");
243 state $rl = $ENV{RUBYLIB} ? "$lib:$ext:$ENV{RUBYLIB}" : "$lib:$ext";
244 $env{RUBYLIB} = $rl;
245 my $pid = spawn(\%env, $ruby, $exe, @args);
246 UnicornTest::AutoReap->new($pid);
249 sub do_req ($@) {
250 my ($dst, @req) = @_;
251 my $c = ref($dst) ? tcp_start($dst, @req) : unix_start($dst, @req);
252 return $c if !wantarray;
253 my ($status, $hdr);
254 # read headers iff HTTP/1.x request, HTTP/0.9 remains supported
255 my ($first) = (join('', @req) =~ m!\A([^\r\n]+)!);
256 ($status, $hdr) = slurp_hdr($c) if $first =~ m{\s*HTTP/\S+$};
257 my $bdy = do { local $/; <$c> };
258 close $c;
259 ($status, $hdr, $bdy);
262 sub mkfifo_die ($;$) {
263 POSIX::mkfifo($_[0], $_[1] // 0600) or croak "mkfifo: $!";
266 sub write_file ($$@) { # mode, filename, LIST (for print)
267 open(my $fh, shift, shift);
268 print $fh @_;
269 # return $fh for futher writes if user wants it:
270 defined(wantarray) && !wantarray ? $fh : close $fh;
273 # automatically kill + reap children when this goes out-of-scope
274 package UnicornTest::AutoReap;
275 use v5.14;
276 use autodie;
278 sub new {
279 my (undef, $pid) = @_;
280 bless { pid => $pid, owner => $$ }, __PACKAGE__
283 sub do_kill {
284 my ($self, $sig) = @_;
285 kill($sig // 'TERM', $self->{pid});
288 sub join {
289 my ($self, $sig) = @_;
290 my $pid = delete $self->{pid} or return;
291 kill($sig, $pid) if defined $sig;
292 my $ret = waitpid($pid, 0);
293 $ret == $pid or die "BUG: waitpid($pid) != $ret";
296 sub DESTROY {
297 my ($self) = @_;
298 return if $self->{owner} != $$;
299 $self->join('TERM');
302 package main; # inject ourselves into the t/*.t script
303 UnicornTest->import;
304 Test::More->import;
305 # try to ensure ->DESTROY fires:
306 $SIG{TERM} = sub { exit(15 + 128) };
307 $SIG{INT} = sub { exit(2 + 128) };
308 $SIG{PIPE} = sub { exit(13 + 128) };