descriptionTechnion Timetable Scheduler
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last changeMon, 1 Oct 2007 15:01:00 +0000 (1 17:01 +0200)
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This is an old version! Please see github repository for latest version.
2007-10-01 Ohad LutzkyVarious accumulated changesmasterorigin/master
2007-04-10 ohadTranslationsorigin
2007-04-09 ohadIncluded facilities for using DB
2007-04-09 haggaiadded a database object scaffold with sqlobject
2007-04-08 ohadMessing with it some more
2007-04-08 ohadSome attempts at prettier parsing
2007-04-06 ohadState machine ARGH!!!!!
2007-04-05 ohadMore parsing
2007-04-05 ohadParsed some more... Boaz help!
2007-04-05 ohadInitial handling of sports courses
2007-04-05 ohadAdded a handy-dandy REPY viewer
2007-04-03 ohadParsing looks better
2007-04-02 ohadRegexes misbehaving :(
2007-04-02 ohadREP file for your comfort
2007-04-01 ohadHmm, where did this go?
2007-03-30 ohad(no commit message)
16 years ago master
17 years ago origin
17 years ago binary
17 years ago sched_table