UI cleanup, phase 5, ARM (functional changes)
[tomato.git] / release / src-rt-6.x.4708 / router / www / about.asp
2 <!--
3 Tomato GUI
4 Copyright (C) 2006-2010 Jonathan Zarate
5 http://www.polarcloud.com/tomato/
7 For use with Tomato Firmware only.
8 No part of this file may be used without permission.
9 -->
10 <html>
11 <head>
12 <meta http-equiv='content-type' content='text/html;charset=utf-8'>
13 <meta name='robots' content='noindex,nofollow'>
14 <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
15 <title>[<% ident(); %>] About</title>
16 <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='tomato.css'>
17 <% css(); %>
18 <script type='text/javascript' src='tomato.js'></script>
19 <script type='text/javascript'>
20 // <% nvram(''); %> // http_id
22 var clicks = 0;
23 var tux = null;
24 var t = 0;
25 var r = 3;
26 var rd = 1;
28 function moo()
30 if ((r <= 2) || (r >= 25)) rd = -rd;
31 r += rd;
32 t += (Math.PI / 10);
33 if (t > (2 * Math.PI)) t = 0;
35 var x = tux.origX + (r * Math.sin(t));
36 var y = tux.origY + (r * Math.cos(t));
38 tux.style.left = x + 'px';
39 tux.style.top = y + 'px';
41 if (clicks > 0) setTimeout(moo, 33);
44 function onClick()
46 try {
47 ++clicks;
48 if (clicks < 10) moo();
49 else clicks = 0;
51 catch (ex) {
55 function init()
57 try {
58 tux = E('tux');
60 var o = elem.getOffset(tux);
61 tux.origX = o.x;
62 tux.origY = o.y;
64 tux.style.position = 'absolute';
65 tux.style.left = o.x + 'px';
66 tux.style.top = o.y + 'px';
68 tux.addEventListener('click', onClick, false);
70 catch (ex) {
73 </script>
75 <!-- / / / -->
77 </head>
78 <body onload='init()'>
79 <table id='container' cellspacing=0>
80 <tr><td colspan=2 id='header'>
81 <div class='title'>Tomato</div>
82 <div class='version'>Version <% version(); %></div>
83 </td></tr>
84 <tr id='body'><td id='navi'><script type='text/javascript'>navi()</script></td>
85 <td id='content'>
86 <div id='ident'><% ident(); %></div>
88 <!-- / / / -->
90 <div style='float:right;margin:140px 30px;text-align:center'>
91 <img src='kinaree.png' alt='Linux &amp; Tomato' id='tux'>
92 </div>
93 <div style='margin:30px 30px;font-size:14px;color:#555;'>
94 <b>Tomato Firmware v<% version(1); %></b><br>
95 <br>
96 <b>Built on <% build_time(); %></b><br>
97 <br>
98 Based on TomatoUSB by Fedor Kozhevnikov<br>
99 - Linux kernel <% version(2); %> and Broadcom Wireless Driver <% version(3); %> updates<br>
100 <i>Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Tomato-ARM Team</i><br>
101 <br>
102 <b>Tomato-ARM Team:</b><br>
103 - Michał Rupental (Shibby)<br>
104 - Ofer Chen (roadkill)<br>
105 - Vicente Soriano (Victek)<br>
106 <br>
107 <hr>
108 <!-- / / / -->
110 <br>
111 <b>TomatoUSB Team features:</b><br>
112 <!-- USB-BEGIN -->
113 - USB support integration and GUI<br>
114 <!-- USB-END -->
115 <!-- IPV6-BEGIN -->
116 - IPv6 support<br>
117 <!-- IPV6-END -->
118 - Dual-band and Wireless-N mode<br>
119 <i>Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Fedor Kozhevnikov, Ray Van Tassle, Wes Campaigne</i><br>
120 <a href='http://www.tomatousb.org/' target='_new'>http://www.tomatousb.org</a><br>
121 <br>
122 <div style='border-top:2px solid #e7e7e7;margin:1em 0;padding:1em 0;font-size:12px'>
123 </div>
124 <b>This compilation by Toastman may include:</b><br>
125 <br>
126 <br>
127 <b>"Shibby" features:</b><br>
128 <!-- BBT-BEGIN -->
129 - Transmission 2.84 integration<br>
130 <!-- BBT-END -->
131 <!-- BT-BEGIN -->
132 - GUI for Transmission<br>
133 <!-- BT-END -->
134 <!-- NFS-BEGIN -->
135 - NFS utils integration and GUI<br>
136 <!-- NFS-END -->
137 - Custom log file path<br>
138 <!-- LINUX26-BEGIN -->
139 - SD-idle tool integration for kernel 2.6<br>
140 <!-- USB-BEGIN -->
141 - 3G Modem support (big thanks for @LDevil)<br>
142 - 4G/LTE Modem support<br>
143 <!-- USB-END -->
144 <!-- LINUX26-END -->
145 <!-- SNMP-BEGIN -->
146 - SNMP integration and GUI<br>
147 <!-- SNMP-END -->
148 <!-- UPS-BEGIN -->
149 - APCUPSD integration and GUI (implemented by @arrmo)<br>
150 <!-- UPS-END -->
151 <!-- DNSCRYPT-BEGIN -->
152 - DNScrypt-proxy 1.4.0 integration and GUI<br>
153 <!-- DNSCRYPT-END -->
154 <!-- TOR-BEGIN -->
155 - TOR Project integration and GUI<br>
156 <!-- TOR-END -->
157 <!-- OPENVPN-BEGIN -->
158 - OpenVPN: Routing Policy
159 <!-- OPENVPN-END -->
160 - TomatoThemeBase project integration and GUI<br>
161 - Ethernet Ports State<br>
162 - Extended MOTD (written by @Monter, modified by @Shibby)<br>
163 - Webmon Backup Script<br>
164 <i>Copyright (C) 2011-2014 Michał Rupental</i><br>
165 <a href='http://openlinksys.info' target='_new'>http://openlinksys.info</a><br>
166 <br>
168 <b>Tomato-RAF features:</b><br>
169 - Extended Sysinfo<br>
170 <!-- NOCAT-BEGIN -->
171 - Captive Portal. (Based in NocatSplash)<br>
172 <!-- NOCAT-END -->
173 <!-- NGINX-BEGIN -->
174 - Web Server. (NGinX)<br>
175 <!-- NGINX-END -->
176 <!-- HFS-BEGIN -->
177 - HFS / HFS+ filesystem integration<br>
178 <!-- HFS-END -->
179 <i>Copyright (C) 2007-2014 Ofer Chen &amp; Vicente Soriano</i><br>
180 <a href='http://victek.is-a-geek.com' target='_new'>http://victek.is-a-geek.com</a><br>
181 <br>
183 <b>"Teaman" features:</b><br>
184 - QOS-detailed &amp; ctrate filters<br>
185 - Realtime bandwidth monitoring of LAN clients<br>
186 - Static ARP binding<br>
187 - VLAN administration GUI<br>
188 - Multiple LAN support integration and GUI<br>
189 - Multiple/virtual SSID support (experimental)<br>
190 - UDPxy integration and GUI<br>
191 <!-- PPTPD-BEGIN -->
192 - PPTP Server integration and GUI<br>
193 <!-- PPTPD-END -->
194 <i>Copyright (C) 2011 Augusto Bott</i><br>
195 <a href='http://code.google.com/p/tomato-sdhc-vlan/' target='_new'>Tomato-sdhc-vlan Homepage</a><br>
196 <br>
198 <b>"Lancethepants" features:</b><br>
199 <!-- DNSSEC-BEGIN -->
200 - DNSSEC integration and GUI<br>
201 <!-- DNSSEC-END -->
202 <!-- DNSCRYPT-BEGIN -->
203 - DNSCrypt-Proxy selectable/manual resolver<br>
204 <!-- DNSCRYPT-END -->
205 <!-- TINC-BEGIN -->
206 - Tinc Daemon integration and GUI<br>
207 <!-- TINC-END -->
208 - Comcast DSCP Fix GUI<br>
209 <i>Copyright (C) 2014 Lance Fredrickson</i><br>
210 <a href='mailto:lancethepants@gmail.com'>lancethepants@gmail.com</a><br>
211 <br>
213 <!-- VPN-BEGIN -->
214 <b>"JYAvenard" features:</b><br>
215 <!-- OPENVPN-BEGIN -->
216 - OpenVPN enhancements &amp; username/password only authentication<br>
217 <!-- OPENVPN-END -->
218 <!-- PPTPD-BEGIN -->
219 - PPTP VPN Client integration and GUI<br>
220 <!-- PPTPD-END -->
221 <i>Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Jean-Yves Avenard</i><br>
222 <a href='mailto:jean-yves@avenard.org'>jean-yves@avenard.org</a><br>
223 <br>
225 <!-- OPENVPN-BEGIN -->
226 <b>TomatoVPN feature:</b><br>
227 - OpenVPN integration and GUI<br>
228 <i>Copyright (C) 2010 Keith Moyer</i><br>
229 <a href='mailto:tomatovpn@keithmoyer.com'>tomatovpn@keithmoyer.com</a><br>
230 <br>
232 <b>"TomatoEgg" feature:</b><br>
233 - Openvpn username/password verify feature and configure GUI.<br>
234 <br>
235 <!-- OPENVPN-END -->
236 <!-- VPN-END -->
238 <!-- NGINX-BEGIN -->
239 <b>Tomato-hyzoom feature:</b><br>
240 - MySQL Server integration and GUI<br>
241 <i>Copyright (C) 2014 Bao Weiquan, Hyzoom</i><br>
242 <a href='mailto:bwq518@gmail.com'>bwq518@gmail.com</a><br>
243 <br>
244 <!-- NGINX-END -->
246 <b>"Toastman" Features:</b><br>
247 - 250 entry limit in Static DHCP &amp; Wireless Filter<br>
248 - 500 entry limit in Access Restriction rules*<br>
249 - Up to 128 Port Forward rules*<br>
250 - Up to 128 QOS rules* (*all dependent on nvram space)<br>
251 - Configurable QOS class names<br>
252 - Comprehensive QOS rule examples set by default<br>
253 Copyright (C) 2010-2015 Toastman<br>
254 <a href='http://www.toastmanfirmware.yolasite.com'>http://www.toastmanfirmware.yolasite.com</a><br>
255 <br>
256 <b>If you enjoy this firmware, and would like to thank me for all the time I spent<br>
257 working on it, you can make a PayPal donation:</b>
258 <br>
259 <br>
260 <form action="http://toastmanfirmware.yolasite.com/donations.php" method="post">
261 <input type="image" src="https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_donateCC_LG.gif" border="0" name="submit">
262 </form>
263 <br>
264 <div style='border-top:2px solid #e7e7e7;margin:1em 0;padding:1em 0;font-size:12px'>
265 </div>
266 <b>Based on Tomato Firmware v<% version(); %></b><br>
267 Copyright (C) 2006-2010 Jonathan Zarate<br>
268 <a href='http://www.polarcloud.com/tomato/' target='_new'>http://www.polarcloud.com/tomato/</a><br>
269 <br>
270 <!--
272 Please do not remove or change the homepage link or donate button.
274 Thanks.
275 - Jon
279 <form action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post">
280 <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_s-xclick">
281 <input type="image" src="https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_donateCC_LG.gif" border="0" name="submit" alt="Donate">
283 </form>
285 <div style='border-top:2px solid #e7e7e7;margin:2em 0;padding:2em 0;font-size:12px'>
286 <b>Thanks to everyone who risked their routers, tested, reported bugs, made
287 suggestions and contributed to this project. ^ _ ^</b><br>
288 </div>
290 </div>
293 </td></tr>
294 <tr><td id='footer' colspan=2>&nbsp;</td></tr>
295 </table>
296 </body>
297 </html>