RT-AC56 core
[tomato.git] / release / src-rt-6.x.4708 / makefiles / WLAN_Common.mk
2 $(if $D,$(info Info: Avoiding redundant include ($(MAKEFILE_LIST))))
3 else # _WLAN_COMMON_MK
5 unexport _WLAN_COMMON_MK # in case of make -e
7 ################################################################
8 # Summary and Namespace Rules
9 ################################################################
10 # This is a special makefile fragment intended for common use.
11 # The most important design principle is that it be used only to
12 # define variables and functions in a tightly controlled namespace.
13 # If a make include file is used to set rules, pattern rules,
14 # or well known variables like CFLAGS, it can have unexpected
15 # effects on the including makefile, with the result that people
16 # either stop including it or stop changing it.
17 # Therefore, the only way to keep this a file which can be
18 # safely included by any GNU makefile and extended at will is
19 # to allow it only to set variables and only in its own namespace.
20 # The namespace is "WLAN_CamelCase" for normal variables,
21 # "wlan_lowercase" for functions, and WLAN_UPPERCASE for boolean
22 # "constants" (these are all really just make variables; only the
23 # usage patterns differ).
24 # Internal (logically file-scoped) variables are prefixed with "-"
25 # and have no other namespace restrictions.
26 # Every variable defined here should match one of these patterns.
28 ################################################################
29 # Enforce required conditions
30 ################################################################
32 ifneq (,$(filter 3.7% 3.80,$(MAKE_VERSION)))
33 $(error $(MAKE): Error: version $(MAKE_VERSION) too old, 3.81+ required)
34 endif
36 ################################################################
37 # Derive including makefile since it's a little tricky.
38 ################################################################
40 WLAN_Makefile := $(abspath $(lastword $(filter-out $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)),$(MAKEFILE_LIST))))
42 ################################################################
43 # Shiny new ideas, can be enabled via environment for testing.
44 ################################################################
46 ifdef WLAN_MakeBeta
47 $(info Info: BUILDING WITH "WLAN_MakeBeta" ENABLED!)
48 SHELL := /bin/bash
49 #export SHELLOPTS ?= pipefail
51 #MAKEFLAGS += -r
52 endif
54 ################################################################
55 # Allow a makefile to force this file into all child makes.
56 ################################################################
58 ifdef WLAN_StickyCommon
59 export MAKEFILES := $(MAKEFILES) $(abspath $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))
60 endif
62 ################################################################
63 # Host type determination
64 ################################################################
66 _common-uname-s := $(shell uname -s)
68 # Typically this will not be tested explicitly; it's the default condition.
69 WLAN_HOST_TYPE := unix
71 ifneq (,$(filter Linux,$(_common-uname-s)))
73 else ifneq (,$(filter CYGWIN%,$(_common-uname-s)))
76 else ifneq (,$(filter Darwin,$(_common-uname-s)))
79 else ifneq (,$(filter FreeBSD NetBSD,$(_common-uname-s)))
81 else ifneq (,$(filter SunOS%,$(_common-uname-s)))
83 endif
85 ################################################################
86 # Utility variables
87 ################################################################
89 empty :=
90 space := $(empty) $(empty)
91 comma := ,
93 ################################################################
94 # Utility functions
95 ################################################################
97 # Provides enhanced-format messages from make logic.
98 wlan_die = $(error Error: $1)
99 wlan_warning = $(warning Warning: $1)
100 wlan_info = $(info Info: $1)
102 # Debug function to enable make verbosity.
103 wlan_dbg = $(if $D,$(call wlan_info,$1))
105 # Debug function to expose values of the listed variables.
106 wlan_dbgv = $(foreach _,$1,$(call wlan_dbg,$_=$($_)))
108 # Make-time assertion.
109 define wlan_assert
110 ifeq (,$(findstring clean,$(MAKECMDGOALS)))
111 $(if $1,,$(call wlan_die,$2))
112 endif
113 endef
115 # Checks for the presence of an option in an option string
116 # like "aaa-bbb-ccc-ddd".
117 wlan_opt = $(if $(findstring -$1-,-$2-),1,0)
119 # Compares two dotted numeric strings (e.g for $1 >= $2
120 define wlan_version_ge
121 $(findstring TRUE,$(shell bash -c 'sort -cu -t. -k1,1nr -k2,2nr -k3,3nr -k4,4nr <(echo -e "$2\n$1") 2>&1 || echo TRUE'))
122 endef
124 # This is a useful macro to wrap around a compiler command line,
125 # e.g. "$(call wlan_cc,<command-line>). It organizes flags in a
126 # readable way while taking care not to change any ordering
127 # which matters. It also provides a hook for externally
128 # imposed C flags which can be passed in from the top level.
129 # This would be the best place to add a check for
130 # command line length. Requires a $(strlen) function;
131 # GMSL has one.
132 define wlan_cc
133 $(filter-out -D% -I%,$1) $(filter -D%,$1) $(filter -I%,$1) $(WLAN_EXTERNAL_CFLAGS)
134 endef
136 # Applies the standard cygpath translation for a path on Cygwin.
137 define wlan_cygpath
138 $(if $(WLAN_CYGWIN_HOST),$(shell cygpath -m $1),$1)
139 endef
141 ################################################################
142 # Standard make variables
143 ################################################################
145 # This points to the root of the build tree, currently known to
146 # be 2 levels above the directory of this file.
147 ifndef WLAN_TreeBaseA
149 WLAN_TreeBaseA := $(shell cygpath -m -a $(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))../..)
150 else
151 WLAN_TreeBaseA := $(subst \,/,$(realpath $(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))../..))
152 endif
153 endif
155 # We've observed a bug, or at least a surprising behavior, in emake which
156 # causes the $(realpath) above to fail so this fallback is used.
157 ifndef WLAN_TreeBaseA
158 WLAN_TreeBaseA := $(shell cd $(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))../.. && pwd)
159 endif
161 # Export these values so they can be used by scripts or nmake/pmake makefiles.
162 export WLAN_TreeBaseA
164 # We may eventually remove this and require an
165 # explict absolute-vs-relative choice.
166 export WLAN_TreeBase := $(WLAN_TreeBaseA)
168 # Pick up the "relpath" make function.
169 include $(WLAN_TreeBaseA)/src-rt-6.x.4708/makefiles/RelPath.mk
171 # This is a relativized version of $(WLAN_TreeBaseA).
172 export WLAN_TreeBaseR = $(call relpath,$(WLAN_TreeBaseA))
174 # For compatibility, due to the prevalence of $(SRCBASE)
175 WLAN_SrcBaseA := $(WLAN_TreeBaseA)/src-rt-6.x.4708
176 WLAN_SrcBaseR = $(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $(WLAN_TreeBaseR)))
178 # Show makefile list before we start including things.
179 $(call wlan_dbgv, CURDIR MAKEFILE_LIST)
181 ################################################################
182 # Pick up the "universal settings file" containing
183 # the list of all available software components.
184 ################################################################
186 include $(WLAN_TreeBaseA)/src-rt-6.x.4708/tools/release/WLAN.usf
188 ################################################################
189 # Calculate paths to requested components.
190 ################################################################
192 # This uses pattern matching to pull component paths from
193 # their basenames (e.g. src/wl/xyz => xyz).
194 # It also strips out component paths which don't currently exist.
195 # This may be required due to our "partial-source" build styles
196 # and the fact that linux mkdep throws an error when a directory
197 # specified with -I doesn't exist.
198 define _common-component-names-to-rel-paths
199 $(strip \
200 $(patsubst $(WLAN_TreeBaseA)/%,%,$(wildcard $(addprefix $(WLAN_TreeBaseA)/,\
201 $(sort $(foreach name,$(if $1,$1,$(WLAN_AllComponentPaths)),$(filter %/$(name),$(WLAN_AllComponentPaths))))))))
202 endef
204 # If WLAN_ComponentsInUse is unset it defaults to the full set (for now, anyway - TODO).
205 # It's also possible to request the full set with a literal '*'.
206 ifeq (,$(WLAN_ComponentsInUse))
207 WLAN_ComponentsInUse := $(sort $(notdir $(WLAN_AllComponentPaths)))
208 # $(call wlan_die,no SW component request)
209 else ifeq (*,$(WLAN_ComponentsInUse))
210 WLAN_ComponentsInUse := $(sort $(notdir $(WLAN_AllComponentPaths)))
211 $(call wlan_info,all SW components requested ("$(WLAN_ComponentsInUse)"))
212 else
213 WLAN_ComponentsInUse := $(sort $(WLAN_ComponentsInUse))
214 endif
215 WLAN_ComponentPathsInUse := $(call _common-component-names-to-rel-paths,$(WLAN_ComponentsInUse))
217 # Test that all requested components exist.
218 ifneq ($(sort $(WLAN_ComponentsInUse)),$(notdir $(WLAN_ComponentPathsInUse)))
219 # TODO - turned off until old branches support this infrastructure.
220 # $(call wlan_warning,bogus component request: "$(sort $(WLAN_ComponentsInUse))" != "$(notdir $(WLAN_ComponentPathsInUse))")
221 endif
223 # Loop through all components in use. If an xyz.mk file exists at the base of
224 # component xyz's subtree, include it and use its contents to modify the list
225 # of include and src dirs. Otherwise, use the defaults for that component.
226 # Also generate a WLAN_ComponentBaseDir_xyz variable for each component "xyz".
227 WLAN_ComponentIncPathsInUse :=
228 WLAN_ComponentSrcPathsInUse :=
229 $(foreach _path,$(WLAN_ComponentPathsInUse), \
230 $(if $(wildcard $(WLAN_TreeBaseA)/$(_path)/$(notdir $(_path)).mk),$(eval include $(WLAN_TreeBaseA)/$(_path)/$(notdir $(_path)).mk)) \
231 $(eval $(notdir $(_path))_IncDirs ?= include) \
232 $(eval $(notdir $(_path))_SrcDirs ?= src) \
233 $(eval WLAN_ComponentIncPathsInUse += $(addprefix $(_path)/,$($(notdir $(_path))_IncDirs))) \
234 $(eval WLAN_ComponentSrcPathsInUse += $(addprefix $(_path)/,$($(notdir $(_path))_SrcDirs))) \
235 $(eval WLAN_ComponentBaseDir_$$(notdir $(_path)) := $$(WLAN_TreeBaseA)/$(_path)) \
238 # Public convenience macros based on WLAN_ComponentPathsInUse list.
239 export WLAN_ComponentSrcDirsR = $(addprefix $(WLAN_TreeBaseR)/,$(WLAN_ComponentSrcPathsInUse))
240 export WLAN_ComponentIncDirsR = $(addprefix $(WLAN_TreeBaseR)/,$(WLAN_ComponentIncPathsInUse))
241 export WLAN_ComponentIncPathR = $(addprefix -I,$(WLAN_ComponentIncDirsR))
243 export WLAN_ComponentSrcDirsA = $(addprefix $(WLAN_TreeBaseA)/,$(WLAN_ComponentSrcPathsInUse))
244 export WLAN_ComponentIncDirsA = $(addprefix $(WLAN_TreeBaseA)/,$(WLAN_ComponentIncPathsInUse))
245 export WLAN_ComponentIncPathA = $(addprefix -I,$(WLAN_ComponentIncDirsA))
247 export WLAN_ComponentSrcDirs = $(WLAN_ComponentSrcDirsA)
248 export WLAN_ComponentIncDirs = $(WLAN_ComponentIncDirsA)
249 export WLAN_ComponentIncPath = $(WLAN_ComponentIncPathA)
251 # Dump a representative sample of derived variables in debug mode.
252 $(call wlan_dbgv, WLAN_TreeBaseA WLAN_TreeBaseR WLAN_SrcBaseA WLAN_SrcBaseR \
253 WLAN_ComponentPathsInUse WLAN_ComponentIncPath WLAN_ComponentIncPathR \
254 WLAN_ComponentSrcDirs WLAN_ComponentSrcDirsR)
256 # Special case for Windows to reflect CL in the build log if used.
258 ifdef CL
259 $(info Info: CL=$(CL))
260 endif
261 endif
263 # A big hammer for debugging each shell invocation.
264 # Warning: this can get lost if a sub-makefile sets SHELL explicitly, and
265 # if so the parent should add $WLAN_ShellDebugSHELL to the call.
266 ifeq ($D,2)
267 WLAN_ShellDebug := 1
268 endif
269 ifdef WLAN_ShellDebug
271 SHELL = $(strip $(warning Shell: ORIG_SHELL=$(ORIG_SHELL) PATH=$(PATH))$(ORIG_SHELL)) -x
272 WLAN_ShellDebugSHELL := SHELL='$$(warning Shell: ORIG_SHELL=$$(ORIG_SHELL) PATH=$$(PATH))$(ORIG_SHELL) -x'
273 endif
275 # Variables of general utility.
276 WLAN_Perl := perl
277 WLAN_Python := python
279 WLAN_WINPFX ?= //broadcom/sjca
281 # These macros are used to stash an extra copy of generated source files,
282 # such that when a source release is made those files can be reconstituted
283 # from the stash during builds. Required if the generating tools or inputs
284 # are not shipped.
285 define wlan_copy_to_gen
286 $(if $(WLAN_COPY_GEN),&& mkdir -pv $(subst $(abspath $2),$(abspath $2/$(WLAN_GenBaseDir)),$(dir $1)) && \
287 cp -pv $1 $(subst $(abspath $2),$(abspath $2/$(WLAN_GenBaseDir)),$1.GEN))
288 endef
290 ################################################################
291 # CLM function; generates a rule to run ClmCompiler iff the XML exists.
292 # USAGE: $(call WLAN_GenClmCompilerRule,target-dir,src-base[,flags[,ext]])
293 # This macro uses GNU make's eval function to generate an
294 # explicit rule to generate a particular CLM data file each time
295 # it's called. Make variables which should be evaluated during eval
296 # processing get one $, those which must defer till "runtime" get $$.
297 # The CLM "base flags" are the default minimal set, the "ext flags"
298 # are those which must be present for all release builds.
299 # The "clm_compiled" phony target is provided for makefiles which need
300 # to defer some other processing until CLM data is ready, and "clm_clean"
301 # and "CLM_DATA_FILES" make it easier for internal client makefiles to
302 # clean up CLM data (externally, this is treated as source and not removed).
303 # The outermost conditional allows this rule to become a no-op
304 # in external settings where there is no XML input file while allowing
305 # it to turn back on automatically if an XML file is provided.
306 # A vpath is used to find the XML input because this file is not allowed
307 # to be present in external builds. Use of vpath allows it to be "poached"
308 # from the internal build as necessary.
309 # There are a few ways to set ClmCompiler flags: passing them as the $3
310 # parameter (preferred) or by overriding CLMCOMPDEFFLAGS. Additionally,
311 # when the make variable CLM_TYPE is defined it points to a config file
312 # for the compiler. The CLMCOMPEXTFLAGS variable contains "external flags"
313 # which must be present for all external builds. It can be forced to "" for
314 # debug builds.
315 # Note: the .c file is listed with and without a path due to the way the
316 # Linux kernel Makefiles generate .depend data.
317 # The undocumented $5 parameter has been used for dongle testing
318 # against variant XML but its semantics are subject to change.
319 CLMCOMPDEFFLAGS ?= --region '\#a/0' --region '\#r/0' --full_set
320 CLMCOMPEXTFLAGS := --obfuscate
321 define WLAN_GenClmCompilerRule
322 $(eval\
323 .PHONY: clm_compiled clm_clean
324 vpath wlc_clm_data$4.c $1 $$(abspath $1)
325 ifneq (,$(wildcard $(addsuffix /wl/clm/private/wlc_clm_data.xml,$2 $2/../../src $2/../../../src)))
326 vpath wlc_clm_data.xml $(wildcard $(addsuffix /wl/clm/private,$5 $2 $2/../../src $2/../../../src))
327 vpath %.clm $(addsuffix /wl/clm/types,$2 $2/../../src $2/../../../src)
328 $$(sort $1/wlc_clm_data$4.c ./wlc_clm_data$4.c): wlc_clm_data.xml $$(if $$(CLM_TYPE),$$(CLM_TYPE).clm) ; \
329 $$(strip $$(abspath $$(<D)/../../../tools/build/ClmCompiler) \
330 $$(if $$(CLM_TYPE),--config_file $$(lastword $$^) $3,$$(if $3,$3,$$(CLMCOMPDEFFLAGS))) \
331 $(CLMCOMPEXTFLAGS) $$< $$@ $$(call wlan_copy_to_gen,$$@,$2))
332 else
333 vpath %.GEN $(subst $(abspath $2),$(abspath $2/$(WLAN_GenBaseDir)),$1) $(sort $(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $(wildcard $(subst $(abspath $2),$(abspath $2/$(WLAN_GenBaseDir)),$(dir $1))*/*.GEN))))
334 $1/%: %.GEN ; cp -pv $$< $$@
335 endif
336 clm_compiled: $1/wlc_clm_data$4.c
337 clm_clean:: ; $$(RM) $1/wlc_clm_data$4.c
338 CLM_DATA_FILES += $1/wlc_clm_data$4.c
340 endef
342 ################################################################
344 endif # _WLAN_COMMON_MK