Vanilla commit.
[tinybbs.git] / includes / config.php
1 <?php
3 $db_info = array
5 'server' => 'localhost', // Usually "localhost". If you don't know, consult your host's FAQs.
6 'username' => 'change me',
7 'password' => 'change me',
8 'database' => 'change me' // The name you chose for the ATBBS database.
9 );
11 /* IMPORTANT */
12 define('SITE_TITLE', 'DefaultTalk'); // The title of your site, shown in the main header among other places.
13 define('DOMAIN', ''); // Your site's domain, e.g., -- INCLUDE TRAILING SLASH!
14 define('ADMIN_NAME', 'Admin'); // This display's instead of "Anonymous *" when you reply as an admin.
15 define('MAILER_ADDRESS', ''); // Your e-mail address. This will be used as the From: header for ID recovery e-mails.
16 define('SITE_FOUNDED', 1256083756); // CHANGE ME! The Unix timestamp of your site's founding (used by statistics.php) You can find the current Unix timestamp at
18 /* ETC */
19 define('ALLOW_IMAGES', true); // allow image uploading?
20 define('MAX_IMAGE_SIZE', 1048576); // max image filesize in bytes
21 define('MAX_IMAGE_DIMENSIONS', 180); // maximum thumbnail height/width
22 define('SALT', 'random shitdfsfds'); // just type random shit, it's not important
23 define('BAN_PERIOD', 604800); // The period in seconds of all ID bans
24 define('ITEMS_PER_PAGE', 50); // the number of topics shown on the index, the number of replies on replies.php, etc.
25 define('MAX_LENGTH_HEADLINE', 100); // max length of headlines
26 define('MIN_LENGTH_HEADLINE', 3); // min length of headlines
27 define('MAX_LENGTH_BODY', 30000); // max length of post bodies
28 define('MIN_LENGTH_BODY', 3); // min length of post bodies
29 define('MAX_LINES', 450); // The maximum number of lines in a post body.
30 define('REQUIRED_LURK_TIME_REPLY', 15); // How long should new IDs have to wait until they can reply?
31 define('REQUIRED_LURK_TIME_TOPIC', 120); // How long should new IDs have to wait until they can post a topic?
32 define('FLOOD_CONTROL_REPLY', 4); // seconds an IP address must wait before posting another reply
33 define('FLOOD_CONTROL_TOPIC', 120); // seconds an IP address must wait before posting another topic
34 define('ALLOW_MODS_EXTERMINATE', false); // should mods (i.e., not just admins) be allowed to use the dangerous exterminator tool?
35 define('ALLOW_EDIT', true); // should normal users be able to edit their posts?
36 define('TIME_TO_EDIT', 600); // how long in seconds should normal users have to edit their new posts?
39 $moderators = array
43 $administrators = array