Vanilla commit.
[tinybbs.git] / exterminate.php
1 <?php
3 require('includes/header.php');
5 if( ! $administrator && ! $moderator || $moderator && ! ALLOW_MODS_EXTERMINATE)
7 add_error('You are not wise enough.', true);
10 $page_title = 'Exterminate trolls by phrase';
12 if($_POST['exterminate'])
14 $_POST['phrase'] = str_replace("\r", '', $_POST['phrase']);
16 // Prevent CSRF
17 if(empty($_POST['start_time']) || $_POST['start_time'] != $_SESSION['exterminate_start_time'])
19 add_error('Session error.', true);
22 if(strlen($_POST['phrase']) < 4)
24 add_error('That phrase is too short.', true);
27 $phrase = '%' . $_POST['phrase'] . '%';
29 if(ctype_digit($_POST['range']))
31 $affect_posts_after = $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] - $_POST['range'];
33 // Delete replies.
34 $fetch_parents = $link->prepare('SELECT id, parent_id FROM replies WHERE body LIKE ? AND time > ?');
35 $fetch_parents->bind_param('si', $phrase, $affect_posts_after);
36 $fetch_parents->execute();
37 $fetch_parents->bind_result($reply_id, $parent_id);
39 $victim_parents = array();
40 while($fetch_parents->fetch())
42 $victim_parents[] = $parent_id;
44 $fetch_parents->close();
46 $delete_replies = $link->prepare('DELETE FROM replies WHERE body LIKE ? AND time > ?');
47 $delete_replies->bind_param('si', $phrase, $affect_posts_after);
48 $delete_replies->execute();
49 $delete_replies->close();
51 $decrement = $link->prepare('UPDATE topics SET replies = replies - 1 WHERE id = ?');
52 foreach($victim_parents as $parent_id)
54 $decrement->bind_param('i', $parent_id);
55 $decrement->execute();
57 $decrement->close();
59 // Delete topics.
60 $delete_topics = $link->prepare('DELETE FROM topics WHERE body LIKE ? OR headline LIKE ? AND time > ?');
61 $delete_topics->bind_param('ssi', $phrase, $phrase, $affect_posts_after);
62 $delete_topics->execute();
63 $delete_topics->close();
65 $_SESSION['notice'] = 'Finished.';
69 $start_time = $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'];
70 $_SESSION['exterminate_start_time'] = $start_time;
74 <p>This features removes all posts that contain anywhere in the body or headline the exact phrase that you specify.</p>
76 <form action="" method="post">
77 <div class="noscreen">
78 <input type="hidden" name="start_time" value="<?php echo $start_time ?>" />
79 </div>
81 <div class="row">
82 <label for="phrase">Phrase</label>
83 <textarea id="phrase" name="phrase"></textarea>
84 </div>
86 <div class="row">
87 <label for="range" class="inline">Affect posts made within:</label>
88 <select id="range" name="range" class="inline">
89 <option value="28800">Last 8 hours</option>
90 <option value="86400">Last 24 hours</option>
91 <option value="259200">Last 72 hours</option>
92 <option value="604800">Last week</option>
93 <option value="2629743">Last month</option>
94 </select>
95 </div>
97 <div class="row">
98 <input type="submit" name="exterminate" value="Clean up this fucking mess" onclick="confirm('Really?')" />
99 </div>
100 </form>
102 <?php
104 require('includes/footer.php');