[tfs.git] /
1 %define name tf4mono
2 %define release @PACKAGE_VERSION@
4 Name: %name
5 Version: %release
6 Release: %release
7 Summary: A command line client for Team Foundation Servers.
9 Group: Applications/Multimedia
10 License: BSD
11 URL:
12 Vendor: tf4mono release team
13 Source:%name-%release.tar.gz
14 BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)
16 Requires: mono-core >= @MONO_REQUIRED_VERSION@
17 Requires: gtk-sharp >= @GTKSHARP_REQUIRED_VERSION@
18 ExclusiveArch:%{ix86}
20 BuildRequires:pkgconfig
21 BuildRequires:mono-devel
22 BuildRequires:file-devel
23 BuildRequires:asciidoc
24 BuildRequires:xmlto
25 Prereq:/sbin/ldconfig
27 %description
28 An implementation of the Team Foundation libraries and related client programs for the Mono .Net platform. Team Foundation is a 'collection of collaborative technologies that support a team effort to deliver a product' from Microsoft that includes bug tracking, source control, and other capabilities.
30 %prep
31 %setup
33 %build
34 %configure \
35 --prefix=%{_prefix} \
36 make
38 %install
39 rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
40 %makeinstall
42 %clean
43 rm -fr $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
45 %files
46 %defattr(-, root, root, -)
48 %{_libdir}/mono/gac/Microsoft.TeamFoundation*
49 %{_bindir}/*
51 %changelog
52 * Wed Sep 19 2007 Joel W. Reed <joelwreed at gmail>
53 - Initial spec file