+ =
[straw.git] / straw /
1 """feedfinder: Find the Web feed for a Web page
4 Usage:
5 feed(uri) - returns feed found for a URI
6 feeds(uri) - returns all feeds found for a URI
8 >>> import feedfinder
9 >>> feedfinder.feed('')
10 ''
11 >>>
12 >>> feedfinder.feeds('')
13 ['',
14 '',
15 '']
16 >>>
18 Can also use from the command line. Feeds are returned one per line:
20 $ python
23 How it works:
24 0. At every step, feeds are minimally verified to make sure they are really feeds.
25 1. If the URI points to a feed, it is simply returned; otherwise
26 the page is downloaded and the real fun begins.
27 2. Feeds pointed to by LINK tags in the header of the page (autodiscovery)
28 3. <A> links to feeds on the same server ending in ".rss", ".rdf", ".xml", or
29 ".atom"
30 4. <A> links to feeds on the same server containing "rss", "rdf", "xml", or "atom"
31 5. <A> links to feeds on external servers ending in ".rss", ".rdf", ".xml", or
32 ".atom"
33 6. <A> links to feeds on external servers containing "rss", "rdf", "xml", or "atom"
34 7. Try some guesses about common places for feeds (index.xml, atom.xml, etc.).
35 8. As a last ditch effort, we search Syndic8 for feeds matching the URI
36 """
38 __version__ = "1.371"
39 __date__ = "2006-04-24"
40 __maintainer__ = "Aaron Swartz ("
41 __author__ = "Mark Pilgrim ("
42 __copyright__ = "Copyright 2002-4, Mark Pilgrim; 2006 Aaron Swartz"
43 __license__ = "Python"
44 __credits__ = """Abe Fettig for a patch to sort Syndic8 feeds by popularity
45 Also Jason Diamond, Brian Lalor for bug reporting and patches"""
47 _debug = 1
49 import sgmllib, urllib, urlparse, re, sys, robotparser
51 import threading
52 class TimeoutError(Exception): pass
53 def timelimit(timeout):
54 """borrowed from"""
55 def _1(function):
56 def _2(*args, **kw):
57 class Dispatch(threading.Thread):
58 def __init__(self):
59 threading.Thread.__init__(self)
60 self.result = None
61 self.error = None
63 self.setDaemon(True)
64 self.start()
66 def run(self):
67 try:
68 self.result = function(*args, **kw)
69 except:
70 self.error = sys.exc_info()
72 c = Dispatch()
73 c.join(timeout)
74 if c.isAlive():
75 raise TimeoutError, 'took too long'
76 if c.error:
77 raise c.error[0], c.error[1]
78 return c.result
79 return _2
80 return _1
82 # XML-RPC support allows feedfinder to query Syndic8 for possible matches.
83 # Python 2.3 now comes with this module by default, otherwise you can download it
84 try:
85 import xmlrpclib #
86 except ImportError:
87 xmlrpclib = None
89 if not dict:
90 def dict(aList):
91 rc = {}
92 for k, v in aList:
93 rc[k] = v
94 return rc
96 def _debuglog(message):
97 if _debug: print message
99 class URLGatekeeper:
100 """a class to track robots.txt rules across multiple servers"""
101 def __init__(self):
102 self.rpcache = {} # a dictionary of RobotFileParser objects, by domain
103 self.urlopener = urllib.FancyURLopener()
104 self.urlopener.version = "feedfinder/" + __version__ + " " + self.urlopener.version + " +"
105 _debuglog(self.urlopener.version)
106 self.urlopener.addheaders = [('User-agent', self.urlopener.version)]
107 robotparser.URLopener.version = self.urlopener.version
108 robotparser.URLopener.addheaders = self.urlopener.addheaders
110 def _getrp(self, url):
111 protocol, domain = urlparse.urlparse(url)[:2]
112 if self.rpcache.has_key(domain):
113 return self.rpcache[domain]
114 baseurl = '%s://%s' % (protocol, domain)
115 robotsurl = urlparse.urljoin(baseurl, 'robots.txt')
116 _debuglog('fetching %s' % robotsurl)
117 rp = robotparser.RobotFileParser(robotsurl)
118 try:
120 except:
121 _debuglog('failed to fetch %s' % robotsurl)
122 self.rpcache[domain] = rp
123 return rp
125 def can_fetch(self, url):
126 rp = self._getrp(url)
127 allow = rp.can_fetch(self.urlopener.version, url)
128 _debuglog("gatekeeper of %s says %s" % (url, allow))
129 return allow
131 @timelimit(50)
132 def get(self, url, check=True):
133 if check and not self.can_fetch(url): return ''
134 try:
135 content = ""
137 if url.startswith("file://"):
138 f = open(url[7:], "r")
139 content =
140 f.close()
141 else:
142 import httplib2, os
143 import Config
144 CACHE_DIR = os.path.join(Config.straw_home(), 'cache')
145 h = httplib2.Http(CACHE_DIR)
146 resp, content = h.request(url, "GET")
148 return content
149 #return
150 except Exception, e:
151 _debuglog(e)
152 return ''
154 _gatekeeper = URLGatekeeper()
156 class BaseParser(sgmllib.SGMLParser):
157 def __init__(self, baseuri):
158 sgmllib.SGMLParser.__init__(self)
159 self.links = []
160 self.baseuri = baseuri
162 def normalize_attrs(self, attrs):
163 def cleanattr(v):
164 v = sgmllib.charref.sub(lambda m: unichr(int(m.groups()[0])), v)
165 v = v.strip()
166 v = v.replace('&lt;', '<').replace('&gt;', '>').replace('&apos;', "'").replace('&quot;', '"').replace('&amp;', '&')
167 return v
168 attrs = [(k.lower(), cleanattr(v)) for k, v in attrs]
169 attrs = [(k, k in ('rel','type') and v.lower() or v) for k, v in attrs]
170 return attrs
172 def do_base(self, attrs):
173 attrsD = dict(self.normalize_attrs(attrs))
174 if not attrsD.has_key('href'): return
175 self.baseuri = attrsD['href']
177 class LinkParser(BaseParser):
178 FEED_TYPES = ('application/rss+xml',
179 'text/xml',
180 'application/atom+xml',
181 'application/x.atom+xml',
182 'application/x-atom+xml')
184 def do_link(self, attrs):
185 attrsD = dict(self.normalize_attrs(attrs))
186 if not attrsD.has_key('rel'): return
187 rels = attrsD['rel'].split()
188 if 'alternate' not in rels: return
189 if attrsD.get('type') not in self.FEED_TYPES: return
190 if not attrsD.has_key('href'): return
191 self.links.append(urlparse.urljoin(self.baseuri, attrsD['href']))
193 class ALinkParser(BaseParser):
194 def start_a(self, attrs):
195 attrsD = dict(self.normalize_attrs(attrs))
196 if not attrsD.has_key('href'): return
197 self.links.append(urlparse.urljoin(self.baseuri, attrsD['href']))
199 def makeFullURI(uri):
200 uri = uri.strip()
201 if uri.startswith('feed://'):
202 uri = 'http://' + uri.split('feed://', 1).pop()
203 for x in ['http', 'https', 'file']:
204 if uri.startswith('%s://' % x):
205 return uri
206 return 'http://%s' % uri
208 def getLinks(data, baseuri):
209 p = LinkParser(baseuri)
211 try:
212 p.feed(data)
213 except sgmllib.SGMLParseError, e:
214 _debuglog("got SGMLParseError: %s" % str(e))
216 return p.links
218 def getALinks(data, baseuri):
219 p = ALinkParser(baseuri)
221 try:
222 p.feed(data)
223 except sgmllib.SGMLParseError, e:
224 _debuglog("got SGMLParseError: %s" % str(e))
226 return p.links
228 def getLocalLinks(links, baseuri):
229 baseuri = baseuri.lower()
230 return [l for l in links if l.lower().startswith(baseuri)]
232 def isFeedLink(link):
233 return link.endswith("feed/") or link[-4:].lower() in ('.rss', '.rdf', '.xml', '.atom')
235 def isXMLRelatedLink(link):
236 link = link.lower()
237 return link.count('rss') + link.count('rdf') + link.count('xml') + link.count('atom')
239 r_brokenRedirect = re.compile('<newLocation[^>]*>(.*?)</newLocation>', re.S)
240 def tryBrokenRedirect(data):
241 if '<newLocation' in data:
242 newuris = r_brokenRedirect.findall(data)
243 if newuris: return newuris[0].strip()
245 def couldBeFeedData(data):
246 if not data:
247 return False
249 data = data.lower()
250 if data.count('<html'): return 0
251 return data.count('<rss') + data.count('<rdf') + data.count('<feed')
253 def isFeed(uri):
254 _debuglog('seeing if %s is a feed' % uri)
255 protocol = urlparse.urlparse(uri)
256 if protocol[0] not in ('http', 'https'): return 0
257 data = _gatekeeper.get(uri)
258 print "isFeed -- %s" % uri
259 return (couldBeFeedData(data), uri, data)
261 def sortFeeds(feed1Info, feed2Info):
262 return cmp(feed2Info['headlines_rank'], feed1Info['headlines_rank'])
264 def getFeedsFromSyndic8(uri):
265 feeds = []
266 try:
267 server = xmlrpclib.Server('')
268 feedids = server.syndic8.FindFeeds(uri)
269 infolist = server.syndic8.GetFeedInfo(feedids, ['headlines_rank','status','dataurl'])
270 infolist.sort(sortFeeds)
271 feeds = [f['dataurl'] for f in infolist if f['status']=='Syndicated']
272 _debuglog('found %s feeds through Syndic8' % len(feeds))
273 except:
274 pass
275 return feeds
277 def urls(uri, uri_data):
278 #if _recurs is None: _recurs = [uri]
280 """fulluri = makeFullURI(uri)
282 try:
283 data = _gatekeeper.get(fulluri, check=False)
284 except:
285 return []"""
287 # is this already a feed?
288 if couldBeFeedData(uri_data):
289 result = set()
290 result.add((uri, uri_data))
291 return result
293 """newuri = tryBrokenRedirect(data)
295 if newuri and newuri not in _recurs:
296 _recurs.append(newuri)
297 return feeds(newuri, all=all, querySyndic8=querySyndic8, _recurs=_recurs)"""
299 # nope, it's a page, try LINK tags first
300 _debuglog('looking for LINK tags')
302 links = set()
304 try:
305 linktag_links = set(getLinks(uri_data, uri))
306 except Exception, e:
307 linktag_links = set()
308 _debuglog("Exception in getLinks: %s" % e)
310 _debuglog('found %s feeds through LINK tags' % len(links))
311 #outfeeds = process(outfeeds)
313 links = links.union(getALinks(uri_data, uri))
314 links = links.union(getLocalLinks(links, uri))
316 suffixes = [ # filenames used by popular software:
317 'atom.xml', # blogger, TypePad
318 'index.atom', # MT, apparently
319 'index.rdf', # MT
320 'rss.xml', # Dave Winer/Manila
321 'index.xml', # MT
322 'index.rss' # Slash
325 #links = links.union([urlparse.urljoin(fulluri, x) for x in suffixes])
327 links -= linktag_links
329 return linktag_links | set([url for url in links if isFeedLink(url) or isXMLRelatedLink(url)])
331 def process(urls):
332 #print "PROCESSING %s" % str(urls)
333 return [(a[1], a[2]) for a in [isFeed(_url) for _url in urls] if a[0] > 0]
335 ##### test harness ######
337 def test():
338 uri = ''
339 failed = []
340 count = 0
341 while 1:
342 data = _gatekeeper.get(uri)
343 if data.find('Atom autodiscovery test') == -1: break
344 sys.stdout.write('.')
345 sys.stdout.flush()
346 count += 1
347 links = getLinks(data, uri)
348 if not links:
349 print '\n*** FAILED ***', uri, 'could not find link'
350 failed.append(uri)
351 elif len(links) > 1:
352 print '\n*** FAILED ***', uri, 'found too many links'
353 failed.append(uri)
354 else:
355 atomdata = urllib.urlopen(links[0]).read()
356 if atomdata.find('<link rel="alternate"') == -1:
357 print '\n*** FAILED ***', uri, 'retrieved something that is not a feed'
358 failed.append(uri)
359 else:
360 backlink = atomdata.split('href="').pop().split('"')[0]
361 if backlink != uri:
362 print '\n*** FAILED ***', uri, 'retrieved wrong feed'
363 failed.append(uri)
364 if data.find('<link rel="next" href="') == -1: break
365 uri = urlparse.urljoin(uri, data.split('<link rel="next" href="').pop().split('"')[0])
366 print
367 print count, 'tests executed,', len(failed), 'failed'