use cooper theme -- end of git, I am trying livemesh
[srid.dotfiles.git] / emacs / external / ljupdate / http-get.el
1 ;;; http-get.el --- simple HTTP GET
3 ;; Copyright (C) 2002, 2003 Alex Schroeder
5 ;; Author: Alex Schroeder <>
6 ;; Pierre Gaston <>
7 ;; David Hansen <>
8 ;; Maintainer: David Hansen <>
9 ;; Version: 1.0.15
10 ;; Keywords: hypermedia
11 ;; URL:
13 ;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
15 ;; This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
16 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
17 ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
18 ;; any later version.
20 ;; This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
21 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
23 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
25 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
26 ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
27 ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
28 ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
31 ;;; Commentary:
33 ;; Use `http-get' to download an URL.
35 ;;; Change log:
37 ;; 1.0.15
38 ;; - made `http-parse-headers' RFC 2616 compatible (removing whitespaces,
39 ;; headers may spawn several line)
40 ;; - log message headers
41 ;; - made most variables buffer local with `make-variable-buffer-local'
42 ;; 1.0.14
43 ;; - Removed attempt to fix bug in 1.0.12, not needed anymore since 1.0.13.
44 ;; 1.0.13
45 ;; - The string is now not anymore decoded in the http-filter.
46 ;; You have to run `http-decode' yourself.
47 ;; 1.0.12
48 ;; - Hopefully fixed the bug with inserting "half" multi byte chars.
49 ;; 1.0.11
50 ;; - Added (setq string (string-make-unibyte string)) to http-filter
51 ;; this seems to solve problems with multi byte chars.
52 ;; - Fixed bug when building the headers.
53 ;; - Fixed indentation (please guys, read the coding conventions in the
54 ;; elisp manual)
55 ;; - Replaced string-bytes with length (string-bytes shouldn't be needed
56 ;; anymore as we force the string to be unibyte)
57 ;; 1.0.10
58 ;; - Fix some codings problems again.
59 ;; 1.0.9
60 ;; - Added better coding support.
61 ;; 1.0.8
62 ;; - Rewrote the parser.
63 ;; - Correction to the http 1.0 usage.
64 ;; 1.0.3
65 ;; - Move http-url-encode from http-post.el to http-get.el.
66 ;; - Add a param to http-get to specify the encoding of the params in the url.
68 ;;; Code:
70 (require 'hexl)
71 (require 'http-cookies)
73 (defvar http-get-version "1.0.15")
75 ;; Proxy
76 (defvar http-proxy-host nil
77 "*If nil dont use proxy, else name of proxy server.")
79 (defvar http-proxy-port nil
80 "*Port number of proxy server. Default is 80.")
82 (defvar http-coding 'iso-8859-1
83 "Default coding to be use when the string is inserted in the buffer.
84 This coding will be modified on Finding the content-type header")
85 (make-variable-buffer-local 'http-coding)
87 (defvar http-filter-pre-insert-hook '(http-parser)
88 "Hook run by the `http-filter'.
89 This is called whenever a chunk of input arrives, before it is
90 inserted into the buffer. If you want to modify the string that gets
91 inserted, modify the variable `string' which is dynamically bound to
92 what will get inserted in the end. The string will be inserted at
93 the `process-mark', which you can get by calling \(process-mark proc).
94 `proc' is dynamically bound to the process, and the current buffer
95 is the very buffer where the string will be inserted.")
97 (defvar http-filter-post-insert-hook nil
98 "Hook run by the `http-filter'.
99 This is called whenever a chunk of input arrives, after it has been
100 inserted, but before the `process-mark' has moved. Therefore, the new
101 text lies between the `process-mark' and point. You can get the values
102 of the `process-mark' by calling (process-mark proc). Please take care
103 to leave point at the right place, eg. by wrapping your code in a
104 `save-excursion'.")
106 (defun http-filter (proc string)
107 "Filter function for HTTP buffers.
108 See `http-filter-pre-insert-hook' and `http-filter-post-insert-hook'
109 for places where you can do your own stuff such as HTML rendering.
110 Argument PROC is the process that is filtered.
111 Argument STRING is the string outputted by the process."
112 ;; emacs seems to screw this sometimes
113 (when (fboundp 'string-make-unibyte)
114 (setq string (string-make-unibyte string)))
115 (with-current-buffer (process-buffer proc)
116 (let ((moving (= (point) (process-mark proc))))
117 (save-excursion
118 " Insert the text, advancing the process marker."
119 (goto-char (process-mark proc))
120 (run-hooks 'http-filter-pre-insert-hook)
121 ;; Note: the string is inserted binary in a unibyte buffer
122 (insert string)
123 (run-hooks 'http-filter-post-insert-hook)
124 (set-marker (process-mark proc) (point)))
125 (if moving (goto-char (process-mark proc))))))
127 (defvar http-status-code nil
128 "The status code returned for the current buffer.
129 This is set by the function `http-headers'.")
130 (make-variable-buffer-local 'http-status-code)
132 (defvar http-reason-phrase nil
133 "The reason phrase returned for the `http-status-code'.
134 This is set by the function `http-headers'.")
135 (make-variable-buffer-local 'http-reason-phrase)
137 (defvar http-headers nil
138 "An alist of the headers that have been parsed and removed from the buffer.
139 The headers are stored as an alist.
140 This is set by the function `http-headers'.")
141 (make-variable-buffer-local 'http-headers)
143 (defvar http-parser-state 'status-line
144 "Parser status.")
145 (make-variable-buffer-local 'http-parser-state)
147 (defvar http-unchunk-chunk-size 0
148 "Size of the current unfinished chunk.")
149 (make-variable-buffer-local 'http-unchunk-chunk-size)
151 (defvar http-not-yet-parsed ""
152 "Received bytes that have not yet been parsed.")
153 (make-variable-buffer-local 'http-not-yet-parsed)
155 (defvar http-host ""
156 "The host to which we have sent the request.")
157 (make-variable-buffer-local 'http-host)
159 (defvar http-url ""
160 "The requested URL.")
161 (make-variable-buffer-local 'http-url)
163 (defun http-parser ()
164 "Simple parser for http message.
165 Parse the status line, headers and chunk."
166 (let ((parsed-string (concat http-not-yet-parsed string)) content-type)
167 (setq string "")
168 (setq http-not-yet-parsed "")
169 (while (> (length parsed-string) 0)
170 (cond
172 ((eq http-parser-state 'status-line)
173 ;; parsing status line
174 (if (string-match "HTTP/[0-9.]+ \\([0-9]+\\) \\(.*\\)\r\n"
175 parsed-string)
176 (progn
177 (setq http-status-code
178 (string-to-number (match-string 1 parsed-string)))
179 (setq http-reason-phrase (match-string 2 parsed-string))
180 (setq http-parser-state 'header)
181 (setq parsed-string (substring parsed-string (match-end 0))))
182 ;; status line not found
183 (setq http-not-yet-parsed parsed-string)
184 (setq parsed-string "")))
186 ((eq http-parser-state 'header)
187 ;; parsing headers
188 (if (string-match "\r\n\r\n" parsed-string)
189 (let ((end-headers (match-end 0)))
190 (setq http-headers
191 (http-parse-headers
192 (substring parsed-string 0 (match-beginning 0))))
193 (if (string= "chunked"
194 (cdr (assoc "transfer-encoding" http-headers)))
195 (setq http-parser-state 'chunked)
196 (setq http-parser-state 'dump))
197 (when (and
198 (setq content-type
199 (cdr (assoc "content-type" http-headers)))
200 (string-match "charset=\\(.*\\)" content-type))
201 (setq http-coding
202 (intern-soft (downcase (match-string 1 content-type)))))
203 (setq parsed-string (substring parsed-string end-headers))
204 ;; set cookies
205 (when http-emacs-use-cookies
206 (http-cookies-set http-url http-headers)))
207 ;; we don't have all the headers yet
208 (setq http-not-yet-parsed parsed-string)
209 (setq parsed-string "")))
211 ((eq http-parser-state 'chunked)
212 ;; parsing chunked content
213 (if (> (length parsed-string) http-unchunk-chunk-size)
214 (progn
215 (setq string (concat string
216 (substring parsed-string 0
217 http-unchunk-chunk-size)))
218 (setq parsed-string
219 (substring parsed-string http-unchunk-chunk-size))
220 (setq http-unchunk-chunk-size 0)
222 (if (string-match "\\([0-9a-f]+\\)[^\r^\b]*\\(\r\n\\)"
223 parsed-string)
224 (if (> (setq http-unchunk-chunk-size
225 (hexl-hex-string-to-integer
226 (match-string 1 parsed-string)))
228 (setq parsed-string
229 (substring parsed-string (match-end 2)))
230 ;; chunk 0 found we just burry it
231 (setq parsed-string "")
232 (setq http-parser-state 'trailer))
233 ;; we don't have the next chunk-size yet
234 (setq http-not-yet-parsed parsed-string)
235 (setq parsed-string "")))
236 ;; the current chunk is not finished yet
237 (setq string (concat string parsed-string))
238 (setq http-unchunk-chunk-size
239 (- http-unchunk-chunk-size (length parsed-string)))
240 (setq parsed-string "")))
242 ((eq http-parser-state 'trailer)
243 ;; parsing trailer
244 (setq parsed-string ""))
246 ((eq http-parser-state 'dump)
247 (setq string parsed-string)
248 (setq parsed-string ""))))))
251 (defun http-parse-headers (header-string)
252 "Parse the header string.
253 Argument HEADER-STRING A string containing a header list."
254 ;; headers may spawn several line if the nth, n>1, line starts with
255 ;; at least one whitespace
256 (setq header-string (replace-regexp-in-string "\r\n[ \t]+" " "
257 header-string))
258 (let ((lines-list (split-string header-string "\r\n")))
259 (mapcar (lambda (line)
260 (if (string-match ":[ \t]+\\(.*?\\)[ \t]*$" line)
261 (cons (downcase (substring line 0 (match-beginning 0)))
262 (match-string 1 line))
263 line))
264 lines-list)))
267 ;; URL encoding for parameters
268 (defun http-url-encode (str content-type)
269 "URL encode STR using CONTENT-TYPE as the coding system."
270 (apply 'concat
271 (mapcar (lambda (c)
272 (if (or (and (>= c ?a) (<= c ?z))
273 (and (>= c ?A) (<= c ?Z))
274 (and (>= c ?0) (<= c ?9)))
275 (string c)
276 (format "%%%02x" c)))
277 (encode-coding-string str content-type))))
280 (defun http-decode-buffer ()
281 "Decode buffer according to the buffer local variable `http-coding'."
282 (when (and
283 (fboundp 'set-buffer-multibyte)
284 (fboundp 'multibyte-string-p))
285 (when (multibyte-string-p (decode-coding-string "test" http-coding))
286 (set-buffer-multibyte t)))
287 (decode-coding-region (point-min) (point-max) http-coding))
289 ;; Debugging
290 (defvar http-log-function 'ignore
291 "Function to call for log messages.")
293 (defun http-log (str)
294 "Log STR using `http-log-function'.
295 The default value just ignores STR."
296 (funcall http-log-function str))
299 (defun http-get-debug (url &optional headers version)
300 "Debug the call to `http-get'."
301 (interactive "sURL: ")
302 (let* ((http-log-function (lambda (str)
303 (save-excursion
304 ;; dynamic binding -- buf from http-get is used
305 (set-buffer buf)
306 (insert str))))
307 proc)
308 (when (get-buffer "*Debug HTTP-GET*")
309 (kill-buffer "*Debug HTTP-GET*"))
310 (setq proc (http-get url headers nil version))
311 (set (make-local-variable 'http-filter-pre-insert-hook) nil)
312 (set (make-local-variable 'http-filter-post-insert-hook) nil)
313 (rename-buffer "*Debug HTTP-GET*")))
316 ;; The main function
318 ;;;###autoload
319 (defun http-get (url &optional headers sentinel version bufname content-type)
320 "Get URL in a buffer, and return the process.
321 You can get the buffer associated with this process using
322 `process-buffer'.
324 The optional HEADERS are an alist where each element has the form
325 \(NAME . VALUE). Both must be strings and will be passed along with
326 the request.
328 With optional argument SENTINEL, the buffer is not shown. It is the
329 responsibility of the sentinel to show it, if appropriate. A sentinel
330 function takes two arguments, process and message. It is called when
331 the process is killed, for example. This is useful when specifying a
332 non-persistent connection. By default, connections are persistent.
333 Add \(\"Connection\" . \"close\") to HEADERS in order to specify a
334 non-persistent connection. Usually you do not need to specify a
335 sentinel, and `ignore' is used instead, to prevent a message being
336 printed when the connection is closed.
338 If you want to filter the content as it arrives, bind
339 `http-filter-pre-insert-hook' and `http-filter-post-insert-hook'.
341 The optional argument VERSION specifies the HTTP version to use. It
342 defaults to version 1.0, such that the connection is automatically
343 closed when the entire document has been downloaded. This will then
344 call SENTINEL, if provided. If no sentinel is provided, `ignore' will
345 be used in order to prevent a message in the buffer when the process
346 is killed.
348 CONTENT-TYPE is a coding system to use for the encoding of the url
349 param value. Its upper case print name will be used for the server.
350 Possible values are `iso-8859-1' or `euc-jp' and others.
352 The coding system of the process is set to `binary', because we need to
353 distinguish between \\r and \\n. To correctly decode the text later,
354 use `decode-coding-region' and get the coding system to use from
355 `http-headers'."
356 (interactive "sURL: ")
357 (setq version (or version 1.0))
358 (let* (host dir file port proc buf command start-line (message-headers "") )
359 (unless (string-match
360 "http://\\([^/:]+\\)\\(:\\([0-9]+\\)\\)?/\\(.*/\\)?\\([^:]*\\)"
361 url)
362 (error "Cannot parse URL %s." url))
363 (unless bufname
364 (setq bufname (format "*HTTP GET %s *" url)))
366 (setq host (match-string 1 url)
367 port (or (and (setq port (match-string 3 url))
368 (string-to-int port)) 80)
369 dir (or (match-string 4 url) "")
370 file (or (match-string 5 url) "")
371 buf (get-buffer-create bufname)
372 proc (open-network-stream
373 (concat "HTTP GET " url) buf
374 (if http-proxy-host http-proxy-host host)
375 (if http-proxy-port http-proxy-port port) ))
376 (if sentinel
377 (set-buffer buf)
378 (switch-to-buffer buf))
379 (erase-buffer)
380 (kill-all-local-variables)
381 (with-current-buffer buf
382 (setq http-host host)
383 (setq http-url url))
384 (if content-type
385 (setq file
386 (replace-regexp-in-string
387 "=[^&]+"
388 (lambda (param)
389 (concat "="
390 (http-url-encode (substring param 1) content-type)))
391 file)))
392 (setq start-line
393 (concat (format "GET %s%s%s HTTP/%.1f\r\n"
394 (if http-proxy-host
395 (concat "http://" host "/") "/") dir file version)
396 (format "Host: %s\r\n" host)))
397 (when http-emacs-use-cookies
398 (let ((cookie (http-cookies-build-header url)))
399 (when cookie (add-to-list 'headers cookie))))
400 (when headers
401 (setq message-headers (mapconcat (lambda (pair)
402 (concat (car pair) ": " (cdr pair)))
403 headers
404 "\r\n")))
405 ;; mapconcat doesn't append the \r\n for the final line
406 (setq command (format "%s%s\r\n\r\n" start-line message-headers))
407 (http-log (format "Connecting to %s %d\nCommand:\n%s\n" host port command))
408 (http-log message-headers)
409 (set-process-sentinel proc (or sentinel 'ignore))
410 (set-process-coding-system proc 'binary 'binary) ; we need \r\n
411 ;; we need this to be able to correctly decode the buffer with
412 ;; decode-coding-region later
413 (when (fboundp 'set-buffer-multibyte)
414 (with-current-buffer buf (set-buffer-multibyte nil)))
415 (set-process-filter proc 'http-filter)
416 (set-marker (process-mark proc) (point-max))
417 (process-send-string proc command)
419 proc))
422 ;; needed for xemacs. c&p from gnu emacs cvs sources
423 (unless (fboundp 'replace-regexp-in-string)
424 (defun replace-regexp-in-string (regexp rep string &optional
425 fixedcase literal subexp start)
426 (let ((l (length string))
427 (start (or start 0))
428 matches str mb me)
429 (save-match-data
430 (while (and (< start l) (string-match regexp string start))
431 (setq mb (match-beginning 0)
432 me (match-end 0))
433 (when (= me mb) (setq me (min l (1+ mb))))
434 (string-match regexp (setq str (substring string mb me)))
435 (setq matches
436 (cons (replace-match (if (stringp rep)
438 (funcall rep (match-string 0 str)))
439 fixedcase literal str subexp)
440 (cons (substring string start mb)
441 matches)))
442 (setq start me))
443 (setq matches (cons (substring string start l) matches))
444 (apply #'concat (nreverse matches))))))
446 (provide 'http-get)
448 ;;; http-get.el ends here