descriptionThe SQLiteMap class provides a Map implementation that is backed by an SQLite database
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last changeSat, 16 Oct 2021 19:55:37 +0000 (16 21:55 +0200)
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The SQLiteMap class provides a Map implementation that is backed by an SQLite database. It can employ an "in-memory" database as well as a local database file. Compared to Java's standard HashMap class, the "in-memory" variant of SQLiteMap is better suited for very large maps; it has a smaller memory footprint and it does not clutter the Java heap space. The file-based variant of SQLiteMap provides full persistence.

2021-10-16 LoRd_MuldeRSome optimizations to the replace(), remove() and remov... master1.1.0
2021-10-16 LoRd_MuldeRUpdated build file to generate manifest + updated the...
2021-10-15 LoRd_MuldeRAdded support for iterators with an explicit ordering.
2021-10-12 LoRd_MuldeRImproved build script + updated README file.1.0.1
2021-10-12 LoRd_MuldeRVarious improvements.
2021-10-10 LoRd_MuldeRAdded JUnit tests for SQLiteMap and SQLiteSet classes.1.0.0
2021-10-07 LoRd_MuldeRAdded implementation of the SQLiteSet class.
2021-10-05 LoRd_MuldeRImplemented support for "batch" insert operations ...
2021-10-04 LoRd_MuldeRInitial commit.
2 years ago 1.1.0 Release 2021-10-16
2 years ago 1.0.1 Release 2021-10-12
2 years ago 1.0.0 Release 2021-10-10
2 years ago master