impl/ocaml: add traits for float and datetime types (closes #12, closes #13)
[sqlgg.git] / impl /
1 (**
2 Mysql OCaml traits for sqlgg
3 by ygrek
4 2014-06-12
6 This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
8 Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or
9 distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled
10 binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any
11 means.
13 For more information, please refer to <>
16 open Printf
18 module P = Mysql.Prepared
20 module Make(Number : sig type t val of_string : string -> t val to_string : t -> string end) = struct
22 type statement = P.stmt
23 type connection = Mysql.dbd
24 type params = statement * string array
25 type row = string option array
26 type result = P.stmt_result
28 type num = Number.t
29 type text = string
30 type any = string
31 type datetime = float
33 exception Oops of string
34 let oops fmt = ksprintf (fun s -> raise (Oops s)) fmt
36 let get_column_ty name conv row index =
37 try
38 conv (match row.(index) with None -> failwith "no value" | Some (x:string) -> x)
39 with
40 e -> oops "get_column_%s %i (%s)" name index (Printexc.to_string e)
42 let get_column_Int = get_column_ty "Int" Number.of_string
43 let get_column_Text = get_column_ty "Text" (fun x -> x)
44 let get_column_Float = get_column_ty "Float" float_of_string
45 let get_column_Datetime = get_column_ty "Datetime" float_of_string
46 let get_column_Any = get_column_Text
48 let bind_param data (_,params) index =
49 match data with
50 | Some s -> params.(index) <- s
51 | None -> oops "bind_param None -- not implemented"
53 let start_params stmt n = (stmt,Array.make n "")
54 let finish_params (stmt,params) = P.execute stmt params
56 let set_param_Text stmt index v = bind_param (Some v) stmt index
57 let set_param_null stmt index = bind_param None stmt index
58 let set_param_Any = set_param_Text
59 let set_param_Int stmt index v = bind_param (Some (Number.to_string v)) stmt index
60 let set_param_Float stmt index v = bind_param (Some (string_of_float v)) stmt index
61 let set_param_Datetime = set_param_Float
63 let no_params stmt = P.execute stmt [||]
65 let try_finally final f x =
66 let r =
67 try f x with exn -> final (); raise exn
69 final ();
72 let bracket res dtor k = try_finally (fun () -> dtor res) k res
73 let with_stmt db sql = bracket (P.create db sql) P.close
75 let select db sql set_params callback =
76 with_stmt db sql (fun stmt ->
77 let r = set_params stmt in
78 let rec loop () =
79 match P.fetch r with
80 | Some row -> callback row; loop ()
81 | None -> ()
83 loop ())
85 let execute db sql set_params =
86 with_stmt db sql (fun stmt ->
87 let _ = set_params stmt in
88 if 0 <> P.real_status stmt then oops "execute : %s" sql;
89 P.affected stmt)
91 let select1 db sql set_params callback =
92 with_stmt db sql (fun stmt ->
93 match P.fetch (set_params stmt) with
94 | Some row -> Some (callback row)
95 | None -> None)
97 end