descriptionThis package provides an (X)Emacs2[01] major mode for editing SPICE decks.
last changeThu, 10 Feb 2022 14:14:26 +0000 (10 22:14 +0800)
content tags

This package provides an (X)Emacs2[01] major mode for editing SPICE decks.
It supports the following spice standards:
  Spice2g6    : Original Berkeley Spice (leave this always on!)
Additional standards:
  Hspice (TM) : Commercial Spice, formerly Meta Software, now owned by Synopsys
  Eldo (TM)   : Commercial Spice, formerly Anacad, now owned by Mentor Graphics
  EldoRf (TM) : RF Steady State analyses of Eldo (also turn on Eldo!)
  EldoVlogA   : Verilog-A extensions to Eldo netlist language (also turn on Eldo!)
  FastHenry   : Multipole-accelerated inductance analysis program from MIT
  Layla       : KULeuven LAYLA (layout synthesis) extensions to Spice format
  Mondriaan   : KULeuven MONDRIAAN (layout synthesis) extensions (also turn on Layla!)
  DracCDL (TM): Dracula CDL extensions (Cadence LOGLVS netlists)

For installation and (site or user) customization information please
consult the header of the spice-mode.el file, or consult the mode's 
description in emacs (for user customization only) with `C-h m'.

The mode has been tested on emacs 20.7, 21.1, 21.2 and XEmacs 21.1, 21.5.


The original spice-mode.el created by C. Vieri has been modified
extensively. These changes have been heavily influenced by the eldo-mode.el
of Emmanuel Rouat (the tempo-templates for one) and the vhdl-mode.el of
Reto Zimmermann and Rodney J. Whitby (the font-locking, the
customization, the menus, ...) Help in understanding 'advanced' lisp 
was provide by G. Debyser <>, our (common) lisp
expert. Since version 0.97 a lot of input/ideas have been provided by
Emmanuel Rouat. Just take a look and search for eldo-mode throughout
the spice-mode.el file ;) The test_netlist.cir file has been created by
Manu and modified by Geert. 

The AUTHORS file contains the full names of the authors and their email


- Hspice and Star-Hspice are trademarks of Synopsys. 
- Eldo and Eldo RF are trademarks of Mentor Graphics Corporation.
- Dracula is a registered trademark of Cadence Design Systems, Inc.
2022-02-10 stardivinerUpdate library homepagemaster
2019-06-08 stardivinerdelete some invalid and useless functions
2019-06-08 stardivinerreplace obsolete font-lock-fontify-buffer with font...
2019-06-08 stardivinerfix lots of docstring format.
2019-06-08 stardivinerFIX layla-function-template macro Old-style backquote
2019-06-08 stardivinerUse ‘with-current-buffer’ rather than save-excursion...
2019-06-08 stardivinerindentalize source code
2017-10-28 stardivinerMerge branch 'develop'
2017-10-28 stardivinerdeferring initialize spice-hide-line-prefix with `eval... develop
2016-09-19 stardivinerMerge pull request #4 from tarsius/master
2016-09-14 Jonas Bernoulliremove support for XEmacs
2016-08-19 stardivineradd extra metadata files and test data filereleaseremove-xemacs-func-menu
2016-08-19 stardivinerupdate to a new 2007 version
2016-08-17 stardivinerMerge branch 'master' of
2016-08-17 stardivinerfix invalid variable issue
2016-08-16 stardivinerMerge pull request #1 from purcell/patch-1
2 years ago master
6 years ago develop
7 years ago remove-xemacs-func-menu
7 years ago release