descriptionSlunkCrypt is an experimental cryptography library and command-line tool.
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last changeThu, 6 Apr 2023 20:35:35 +0000 (6 22:35 +0200)
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Use of SlunkCrypt may be illegal in countries where encryption is outlawed. We believe it is legal to use SlunkCrypt in many countries all around the world, but we are not lawyers, and so if in doubt you should seek legal advice before downloading it. You may find useful information at, which collects information on cryptography laws in many countries.

2023-04-06 LoRd_MuldeRSimplify code to wipe out the command-line args.MT
2022-12-18 LoRd_MuldeRSmall improvement in Linux build script.
2022-12-13 LoRd_MuldeRSmall fix in build-info script for better platform...
2022-12-12 LoRd_MuldeRAdded build script for Mingw-w64 and Cygwin.1.3.0
2022-11-14 LoRd_MuldeRUpgraded platform toolset to v142 (VS2019).
2022-11-13 LoRd_MuldeRFixed detection of installed .NET Framework version...
2022-11-13 LoRd_MuldeRUpdated README file.
2022-11-10 LoRd_MuldeRImproved P/Invoke bindings for GetWindowLongPtr() and...
2022-11-08 LoRd_MuldeRGUI: Added command-line option to force pure software...
2022-11-04 LoRd_MuldeRUpdated README file.
2022-10-30 LoRd_MuldeRGUI: Added new background pattern.
2022-10-30 LoRd_MuldeRGUI: Bump .NET Framework version to 4.7.2 + make it...
2022-10-29 LoRd_MuldeRExplicitly bring application window to front on startup.
2022-10-29 LoRd_MuldeRImproved test script.
2022-10-27 LoRd_MuldeRAdded post-install helper script for Win32 release.
2022-10-25 LoRd_MuldeRSome code-refactoring in key-generator.
16 months ago 1.3.0 Version 1.3.0 is released!
18 months ago 1.2.1-1 Version 1.2.1-1 is released!
19 months ago 1.2.1 Version 1.2.1 is released!
2 years ago 1.2.0 Version 1.2.0 is released!
2 years ago 1.1.2 Version 1.1.2 is released!
2 years ago 1.1.1 Version 1.1.1 is released!
2 years ago 1.1.0 Version 1.1.0 is released!
2 years ago 1.0.0 Version 1.0.0 is released.
2 years ago 1.0.0-beta1 Version 1.0.0 Beta-1 is released.
12 months ago MT
2 years ago master