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[shishi.git] / asn1 / doc / asn1.tex
1 \documentclass{book}
2 \usepackage{fancyheadings}
4 \newcommand{\HRule}{\rule{\linewidth}{0.4mm}}
6 \begin{document}
8 {\Large{ASN.1 structures parser}}
9 \vspace{-.3cm}
11 \HRule
12 \vspace{-.6cm}
14 \begin{flushright}
15 This is part of the GnuTLS project\\
16 \end{flushright}
18 \vspace*{\stretch{2}}
20 \begin{center}
21 \par
22 Copyright \copyright\ 2001, 2002, 2003 Fabio Fiorina\\
23 \setlength{\parskip}{4mm}
24 \par
25 Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
26 document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License,
27 Version 1.1 or any later version published by the Free Software
28 Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts and
29 no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the
30 chapter entitled "GNU Free Documentation License".
31 \end{center}
33 \setlength{\parindent}{2mm}
35 \setlength{\parskip}{1mm}
37 \tableofcontents
39 \chapter{ASN.1 structures handling}
41 \section{Introduction}
42 This document describes the version 0.2.0 of library 'libtasn1' developed
43 for ASN1 (Abstract Syntax Notation One) structures management.
44 The main features of this library are:
45 \begin{itemize}
46 \item on line ASN1 structure management that doesn't require any
47 C code file generation.
48 \item off line ASN1 structure management with C code file generation
49 containing an array.
50 \item DER (Distinguish Encoding Rules) encoding
51 \item no limits for INTEGER and ENUMERATED values
52 \end{itemize}
55 \section{ASN.1 syntax}
56 The parser is case sensitive. The comments begin with "-- " and end at the end of lines.
57 An example is in "pkix.asn" file.
58 ASN.1 definitions must have this syntax:
60 \begin{verbatim}
61 definitions_name {<object definition>}
67 <type and constants definitions>
69 END
70 \end{verbatim}
72 \par
73 The token "::=" must be separate from others elements, so this is a wrong declaration:
74 Version ::=INTEGER
75 the correct one is : Version ::= INTEGER
76 Here is the list of types that the parser can manage:
77 \begin{itemize}
79 \item INTEGER
81 \item BOOLEAN
83 \item NULL
84 \item BIT STRING
86 \item UTCTime
87 \item GeneralizedTime
88 \item GeneralString
89 \item SEQUENCE
90 \item SEQUENCE OF
91 \item SET
92 \item SET OF
93 \item CHOICE
94 \item ANY
96 \end{itemize}
98 This version doesn't manage REAL type. It doesn't allow the
99 "EXPORT" and "IMPORT" sections too.
101 The SIZE constraints are allowed, but no check is done on them.
105 \section{Naming}
106 With this definitions:
108 \begin{verbatim}
109 Example { 1 2 3 4 }
115 Group ::= SEQUENCE {
117 value Value
120 Value ::= SEQUENCE {
121 value1 INTEGER,
122 value2 BOOLEAN
126 \end{verbatim}
128 to identify the type 'Group' you have to use the null terminated string "Example.Group".
129 Others examples:
130 Field 'id' in 'Group' type : ""
131 Field 'value1' in field 'value' in type 'Group': "Example.Group.value.value1"
132 These strings are used in functions that are described below.
133 Elements of structured types that don't have a name, receive the name "?1","?2", and so on.
134 The name "?LAST" indicates the last element of a SET\_OF or SEQUENCE\_OF.
136 \section{Library Notes}
137 The header file of this library is libtasn1.h .
138 The main type used in it is ASN1\_TYPE, and it's used to
139 store the ASN1 definitions and structures (instances).
140 The constant ASN1\_TYPE\_EMPTY can be used for the variable initialization.
141 \par
142 Example: ASN1\_TYPE definitions=ASN1\_TYPE\_EMPTY;
143 \par
144 Some functions require a parameter named errorDescription of char* type.
145 The array must be already allocated and must have at least
147 (E.g: char Description[MAX\_ERROR\_DESCRIPTION\_SIZE];).
148 \par
149 MAX\_NAME\_SIZE indicates the maximum number of characters of a name inside
150 a file with ASN1 definitions.
152 \section{Future developments}
153 \begin{enumerate}
154 \item add functions for a C code file generation containing equivalent
155 data structures (not a single array like now).
156 \item type REAL
157 \end{enumerate}
160 \chapter{Utilities}
162 \section{asn1Parser}
163 asn1Parser reads one file with ASN1 definitions and generates a file
164 with an array to use with libasn1 functions.
165 \par
166 Usage: asn1Parser [options] file
167 \par
168 Options:
169 \begin{itemize}
170 \item -h : shows the help message.
171 \item -v : shows version information and exit.
172 \item -c : checks the syntax only.
173 \item -o file : output file.
174 \item -n name : array name.
175 \end{itemize}
178 \section{asn1Coding}
179 asn1Coding generates a DER encoding from a file with ASN1 definitions
180 and another one with assignments.
181 The file with assignments must have this syntax:
182 \par
183 InstanceName Asn1Definition
184 \par
185 nameString value
186 \par
187 nameString value
188 \par
190 \par
191 The output file is a binary file with the DER encoding.
192 \par
193 Usage: asn1Coding [options] file1 file2
194 \begin{itemize}
195 \item file1 : file with ASN1 definitions.
196 \item file2 : file with assignments.
197 \end{itemize}
199 \par
200 Options:
201 \begin{itemize}
202 \item -h : shows the help message.
203 \item -v : shows version information and exit.
204 \item -c : checks the syntax only.
205 \item -o file : output file.
206 \end{itemize}
208 \section{asn1Decoding}
209 asn1Decoding generates an ASN1 structure from a file with ASN1 definitions
210 and a binary file with a DER encoding.
211 \par
212 Usage: asn1Decoding [options] file1 file2 type
213 \begin{itemize}
214 \item file1 : file with ASN1 definitions.
215 \item file2 : binary file with a DER encoding.
216 \item type : ASN1 definition name.
217 \end{itemize}
220 \par
221 Options:
222 \begin{itemize}
223 \item -h : shows the help message.
224 \item -v : shows version information and exit.
225 \item -c : checks the syntax only.
226 \item -o file : output file.
227 \end{itemize}
229 \chapter{Function reference}
230 \input{asn1-api}
232 \input{fdl.tex}
234 \end{document}