sql for granting web_usr roles to breedbase db. Useful when the roles get messed...
[sgn-devtools.git] / Build.PL
1 use Module::Build;
2 my $build = Module::Build->new(
3     module_name        => 'sgn-devtools',
4     dist_author        => 'The SGN Team',
5     dist_version            => '0.01',
6     license            => 'gpl',
7     create_makefile_pl => 'passthrough',
8     dist_abstract      => 'SGN Developer Tools',
9     add_to_cleanup     => [ ],
10     meta_merge           => {
11         resources =>
12           { repository => 'http://github.com/solgenomics/sgn-devtools', },
13     },
15     # and now the list of perl module dependencies
16     requires           => {
17     # These are requirements for sgn-devtools
18      'perl'                        => '5.10.0',
19      'Carp'                        => 0,
20      'Socket'                      => 0,
21      'JSON::Any'                   => 0,
22      'Mail::Sendmail'              => 0,
23      'Tie::Function'               => 0,
24      'DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader' => 0,
25      'List::MoreUtils'             => 0,
26      'DateTime::Format::ISO8601'   => 0,
27      'DateTime::TimeZone::Local'   => 0,
28      'Pod::Usage'                  => 0,
29      'autodie'                     => 0,
30     # These are optional developer-only requirements for other SGN repos
31      'Catalyst::Restarter' => 0,
32     },
33     build_requires => {
34     },
36 $build->create_build_script;