(SETF FIND-CLASSOID) to drop DEFTYPE lambda-lists and source-locations
[sbcl/tcr.git] / src / code / condition.lisp
1 ;;;; stuff originally from CMU CL's error.lisp which can or should
2 ;;;; come late (mostly related to the CONDITION class itself)
3 ;;;;
5 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
6 ;;;; more information.
7 ;;;;
8 ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was
9 ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the
10 ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is
11 ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS
12 ;;;; files for more information.
14 (in-package "SB!KERNEL")
16 ;;;; miscellaneous support utilities
18 ;;; Signalling an error when trying to print an error condition is
19 ;;; generally a PITA, so whatever the failure encountered when
20 ;;; wondering about FILE-POSITION within a condition printer, 'tis
21 ;;; better silently to give up than to try to complain.
22 (defun file-position-or-nil-for-error (stream &optional (pos nil posp))
23 ;; Arguably FILE-POSITION shouldn't be signalling errors at all; but
24 ;; "NIL if this cannot be determined" in the ANSI spec doesn't seem
25 ;; absolutely unambiguously to prohibit errors when, e.g., STREAM
26 ;; has been closed so that FILE-POSITION is a nonsense question. So
27 ;; my (WHN) impression is that the conservative approach is to
28 ;; IGNORE-ERRORS. (I encountered this failure from within a homebrew
29 ;; defsystemish operation where the ERROR-STREAM had been CL:CLOSEd,
30 ;; I think by nonlocally exiting through a WITH-OPEN-FILE, by the
31 ;; time an error was reported.)
32 (if posp
33 (ignore-errors (file-position stream pos))
34 (ignore-errors (file-position stream))))
36 ;;;; the CONDITION class
38 (/show0 "condition.lisp 20")
40 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
42 (/show0 "condition.lisp 24")
44 (def!struct (condition-classoid (:include classoid)
45 (:constructor make-condition-classoid))
46 ;; list of CONDITION-SLOT structures for the direct slots of this
47 ;; class
48 (slots nil :type list)
49 ;; list of CONDITION-SLOT structures for all of the effective class
50 ;; slots of this class
51 (class-slots nil :type list)
52 ;; report function or NIL
53 (report nil :type (or function null))
54 ;; list of alternating initargs and initforms
55 (default-initargs () :type list)
56 ;; class precedence list as a list of CLASS objects, with all
57 ;; non-CONDITION classes removed
58 (cpl () :type list)
59 ;; a list of all the effective instance allocation slots of this
60 ;; class that have a non-constant initform or default-initarg.
61 ;; Values for these slots must be computed in the dynamic
62 ;; environment of MAKE-CONDITION.
63 (hairy-slots nil :type list))
65 (/show0 "condition.lisp 49")
67 ) ; EVAL-WHEN
69 (!defstruct-with-alternate-metaclass condition
70 :slot-names (actual-initargs assigned-slots)
71 :boa-constructor %make-condition-object
72 :superclass-name t
73 :metaclass-name condition-classoid
74 :metaclass-constructor make-condition-classoid
75 :dd-type structure)
77 (defun make-condition-object (actual-initargs)
78 (%make-condition-object actual-initargs nil))
80 (defstruct (condition-slot (:copier nil))
81 (name (missing-arg) :type symbol)
82 ;; list of all applicable initargs
83 (initargs (missing-arg) :type list)
84 ;; names of reader and writer functions
85 (readers (missing-arg) :type list)
86 (writers (missing-arg) :type list)
87 ;; true if :INITFORM was specified
88 (initform-p (missing-arg) :type (member t nil))
89 ;; If this is a function, call it with no args. Otherwise, it's the
90 ;; actual value.
91 (initform (missing-arg) :type t)
92 ;; allocation of this slot, or NIL until defaulted
93 (allocation nil :type (member :instance :class nil))
94 ;; If ALLOCATION is :CLASS, this is a cons whose car holds the value.
95 (cell nil :type (or cons null))
96 ;; slot documentation
97 (documentation nil :type (or string null)))
99 ;;; KLUDGE: It's not clear to me why CONDITION-CLASS has itself listed
100 ;;; in its CPL, while other classes derived from CONDITION-CLASS don't
101 ;;; have themselves listed in their CPLs. This behavior is inherited
102 ;;; from CMU CL, and didn't seem to be explained there, and I haven't
103 ;;; figured out whether it's right. -- WHN 19990612
104 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
105 (/show0 "condition.lisp 103")
106 (let ((condition-class (locally
108 ;; FIND-CLASSOID for constant class names
109 ;; which creates fast but
110 ;; non-cold-loadable, non-compact code. In
111 ;; this context, we'd rather have compact,
112 ;; cold-loadable code. -- WHN 19990928
113 (declare (notinline find-classoid))
114 (find-classoid 'condition))))
115 (setf (condition-classoid-cpl condition-class)
116 (list condition-class)))
117 (/show0 "condition.lisp 103"))
119 (setf (condition-classoid-report (locally
121 ;; FIND-CLASSOID for constant class
122 ;; names which creates fast but
123 ;; non-cold-loadable, non-compact
124 ;; code. In this context, we'd
125 ;; rather have compact,
126 ;; cold-loadable code. -- WHN
127 ;; 19990928
128 (declare (notinline find-classoid))
129 (find-classoid 'condition)))
130 (lambda (cond stream)
131 (format stream "Condition ~S was signalled." (type-of cond))))
133 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
135 (defun find-condition-layout (name parent-types)
136 (let* ((cpl (remove-duplicates
137 (reverse
138 (reduce #'append
139 (mapcar (lambda (x)
140 (condition-classoid-cpl
141 (find-classoid x)))
142 parent-types)))))
143 (cond-layout (info :type :compiler-layout 'condition))
144 (olayout (info :type :compiler-layout name))
145 ;; FIXME: Does this do the right thing in case of multiple
146 ;; inheritance? A quick look at DEFINE-CONDITION didn't make
147 ;; it obvious what ANSI intends to be done in the case of
148 ;; multiple inheritance, so it's not actually clear what the
149 ;; right thing is..
150 (new-inherits
151 (order-layout-inherits (concatenate 'simple-vector
152 (layout-inherits cond-layout)
153 (mapcar #'classoid-layout cpl)))))
154 (if (and olayout
155 (not (mismatch (layout-inherits olayout) new-inherits)))
156 olayout
157 (make-layout :classoid (make-undefined-classoid name)
158 :inherits new-inherits
159 :depthoid -1
160 :length (layout-length cond-layout)))))
162 ) ; EVAL-WHEN
164 ;;; FIXME: ANSI's definition of DEFINE-CONDITION says
165 ;;; Condition reporting is mediated through the PRINT-OBJECT method
166 ;;; for the condition type in question, with *PRINT-ESCAPE* always
167 ;;; being nil. Specifying (:REPORT REPORT-NAME) in the definition of
168 ;;; a condition type C is equivalent to:
169 ;;; (defmethod print-object ((x c) stream)
170 ;;; (if *print-escape* (call-next-method) (report-name x stream)))
171 ;;; The current code doesn't seem to quite match that.
172 (def!method print-object ((x condition) stream)
173 (if *print-escape*
174 (print-unreadable-object (x stream :type t :identity t))
175 ;; KLUDGE: A comment from CMU CL here said
176 ;; 7/13/98 BUG? CPL is not sorted and results here depend on order of
177 ;; superclasses in define-condition call!
178 (dolist (class (condition-classoid-cpl (classoid-of x))
179 (error "no REPORT? shouldn't happen!"))
180 (let ((report (condition-classoid-report class)))
181 (when report
182 (return (funcall report x stream)))))))
184 ;;;; slots of CONDITION objects
186 (defvar *empty-condition-slot* '(empty))
188 (defun find-slot-default (class slot)
189 (let ((initargs (condition-slot-initargs slot))
190 (cpl (condition-classoid-cpl class)))
191 (dolist (class cpl)
192 (let ((default-initargs (condition-classoid-default-initargs class)))
193 (dolist (initarg initargs)
194 (let ((val (getf default-initargs initarg *empty-condition-slot*)))
195 (unless (eq val *empty-condition-slot*)
196 (return-from find-slot-default
197 (if (functionp val)
198 (funcall val)
199 val)))))))
201 (if (condition-slot-initform-p slot)
202 (let ((initform (condition-slot-initform slot)))
203 (if (functionp initform)
204 (funcall initform)
205 initform))
206 (error "unbound condition slot: ~S" (condition-slot-name slot)))))
208 (defun find-condition-class-slot (condition-class slot-name)
209 (dolist (sclass
210 (condition-classoid-cpl condition-class)
211 (error "There is no slot named ~S in ~S."
212 slot-name condition-class))
213 (dolist (slot (condition-classoid-slots sclass))
214 (when (eq (condition-slot-name slot) slot-name)
215 (return-from find-condition-class-slot slot)))))
217 (defun condition-writer-function (condition new-value name)
218 (dolist (cslot (condition-classoid-class-slots
219 (layout-classoid (%instance-layout condition)))
220 (setf (getf (condition-assigned-slots condition) name)
221 new-value))
222 (when (eq (condition-slot-name cslot) name)
223 (return (setf (car (condition-slot-cell cslot)) new-value)))))
225 (defun condition-reader-function (condition name)
226 (let ((class (layout-classoid (%instance-layout condition))))
227 (dolist (cslot (condition-classoid-class-slots class))
228 (when (eq (condition-slot-name cslot) name)
229 (return-from condition-reader-function
230 (car (condition-slot-cell cslot)))))
231 (let ((val (getf (condition-assigned-slots condition) name
232 *empty-condition-slot*)))
233 (if (eq val *empty-condition-slot*)
234 (let ((actual-initargs (condition-actual-initargs condition))
235 (slot (find-condition-class-slot class name)))
236 (unless slot
237 (error "missing slot ~S of ~S" name condition))
238 (do ((initargs actual-initargs (cddr initargs)))
239 ((endp initargs)
240 (setf (getf (condition-assigned-slots condition) name)
241 (find-slot-default class slot)))
242 (when (member (car initargs) (condition-slot-initargs slot))
243 (return-from condition-reader-function
244 (setf (getf (condition-assigned-slots condition)
245 name)
246 (cadr initargs))))))
247 val))))
251 (defun make-condition (type &rest args)
252 #!+sb-doc
253 "Make an instance of a condition object using the specified initargs."
254 ;; Note: ANSI specifies no exceptional situations in this function.
255 ;; signalling simple-type-error would not be wrong.
256 (let* ((type (or (and (symbolp type) (find-classoid type nil))
257 type))
258 (class (typecase type
259 (condition-classoid type)
260 (class
261 ;; Punt to CLOS.
262 (return-from make-condition (apply #'make-instance type args)))
263 (classoid
264 (error 'simple-type-error
265 :datum type
266 :expected-type 'condition-class
267 :format-control "~S is not a condition class."
268 :format-arguments (list type)))
270 (error 'simple-type-error
271 :datum type
272 :expected-type 'condition-class
273 :format-control "Bad type argument:~% ~S"
274 :format-arguments (list type)))))
275 (res (make-condition-object args)))
276 (setf (%instance-layout res) (classoid-layout class))
277 ;; Set any class slots with initargs present in this call.
278 (dolist (cslot (condition-classoid-class-slots class))
279 (dolist (initarg (condition-slot-initargs cslot))
280 (let ((val (getf args initarg *empty-condition-slot*)))
281 (unless (eq val *empty-condition-slot*)
282 (setf (car (condition-slot-cell cslot)) val)))))
283 ;; Default any slots with non-constant defaults now.
284 (dolist (hslot (condition-classoid-hairy-slots class))
285 (when (dolist (initarg (condition-slot-initargs hslot) t)
286 (unless (eq (getf args initarg *empty-condition-slot*)
287 *empty-condition-slot*)
288 (return nil)))
289 (setf (getf (condition-assigned-slots res) (condition-slot-name hslot))
290 (find-slot-default class hslot))))
291 res))
295 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
296 (defun %compiler-define-condition (name direct-supers layout
297 all-readers all-writers)
298 (with-single-package-locked-error
299 (:symbol name "defining ~A as a condition")
300 (sb!xc:proclaim `(ftype (function (t) t) ,@all-readers))
301 (sb!xc:proclaim `(ftype (function (t t) t) ,@all-writers))
302 (multiple-value-bind (class old-layout)
303 (insured-find-classoid name
304 #'condition-classoid-p
305 #'make-condition-classoid)
306 (setf (layout-classoid layout) class)
307 (setf (classoid-direct-superclasses class)
308 (mapcar #'find-classoid direct-supers))
309 (cond ((not old-layout)
310 (register-layout layout))
311 ((not *type-system-initialized*)
312 (setf (layout-classoid old-layout) class)
313 (setq layout old-layout)
314 (unless (eq (classoid-layout class) layout)
315 (register-layout layout)))
316 ((redefine-layout-warning "current"
317 old-layout
318 "new"
319 (layout-length layout)
320 (layout-inherits layout)
321 (layout-depthoid layout)
322 (layout-n-untagged-slots layout))
323 (register-layout layout :invalidate t))
324 ((not (classoid-layout class))
325 (register-layout layout)))
327 (setf (layout-info layout)
328 (locally
329 ;; KLUDGE: There's a FIND-CLASS DEFTRANSFORM for constant class
330 ;; names which creates fast but non-cold-loadable, non-compact
331 ;; code. In this context, we'd rather have compact, cold-loadable
332 ;; code. -- WHN 19990928
333 (declare (notinline find-classoid))
334 (layout-info (classoid-layout (find-classoid 'condition)))))
336 (setf (find-classoid name) class)
338 ;; Initialize CPL slot.
339 (setf (condition-classoid-cpl class)
340 (remove-if-not #'condition-classoid-p
341 (std-compute-class-precedence-list class)))))
342 (values))
343 ) ; EVAL-WHEN
345 ;;; Compute the effective slots of CLASS, copying inherited slots and
346 ;;; destructively modifying direct slots.
348 ;;; FIXME: It'd be nice to explain why it's OK to destructively modify
349 ;;; direct slots. Presumably it follows from the semantics of
350 ;;; inheritance and redefinition of conditions, but finding the cite
351 ;;; and documenting it here would be good. (Or, if this is not in fact
352 ;;; ANSI-compliant, fixing it would also be good.:-)
353 (defun compute-effective-slots (class)
354 (collect ((res (copy-list (condition-classoid-slots class))))
355 (dolist (sclass (cdr (condition-classoid-cpl class)))
356 (dolist (sslot (condition-classoid-slots sclass))
357 (let ((found (find (condition-slot-name sslot) (res)
358 :key #'condition-slot-name)))
359 (cond (found
360 (setf (condition-slot-initargs found)
361 (union (condition-slot-initargs found)
362 (condition-slot-initargs sslot)))
363 (unless (condition-slot-initform-p found)
364 (setf (condition-slot-initform-p found)
365 (condition-slot-initform-p sslot))
366 (setf (condition-slot-initform found)
367 (condition-slot-initform sslot)))
368 (unless (condition-slot-allocation found)
369 (setf (condition-slot-allocation found)
370 (condition-slot-allocation sslot))))
372 (res (copy-structure sslot)))))))
373 (res)))
375 ;;; Early definitions of slot accessor creators.
377 ;;; Slot accessors must be generic functions, but ANSI does not seem
378 ;;; to specify any of them, and we cannot support it before end of
379 ;;; warm init. So we use ordinary functions inside SBCL, and switch to
380 ;;; GFs only at the end of building.
381 (declaim (notinline install-condition-slot-reader
382 install-condition-slot-writer))
383 (defun install-condition-slot-reader (name condition slot-name)
384 (declare (ignore condition))
385 (setf (fdefinition name)
386 (lambda (condition)
387 (condition-reader-function condition slot-name))))
388 (defun install-condition-slot-writer (name condition slot-name)
389 (declare (ignore condition))
390 (setf (fdefinition name)
391 (lambda (new-value condition)
392 (condition-writer-function condition new-value slot-name))))
394 (defvar *define-condition-hooks* nil)
396 (defun %define-condition (name parent-types layout slots documentation
397 report default-initargs all-readers all-writers
398 source-location)
399 (with-single-package-locked-error
400 (:symbol name "defining ~A as a condition")
401 (%compiler-define-condition name parent-types layout all-readers all-writers)
402 (sb!c:with-source-location (source-location)
403 (setf (layout-source-location layout)
404 source-location))
405 (let ((class (find-classoid name)))
406 (setf (condition-classoid-slots class) slots)
407 (setf (condition-classoid-report class) report)
408 (setf (condition-classoid-default-initargs class) default-initargs)
409 (setf (fdocumentation name 'type) documentation)
411 (dolist (slot slots)
413 ;; Set up reader and writer functions.
414 (let ((slot-name (condition-slot-name slot)))
415 (dolist (reader (condition-slot-readers slot))
416 (install-condition-slot-reader reader name slot-name))
417 (dolist (writer (condition-slot-writers slot))
418 (install-condition-slot-writer writer name slot-name))))
420 ;; Compute effective slots and set up the class and hairy slots
421 ;; (subsets of the effective slots.)
422 (let ((eslots (compute-effective-slots class))
423 (e-def-initargs
424 (reduce #'append
425 (mapcar #'condition-classoid-default-initargs
426 (condition-classoid-cpl class)))))
427 (dolist (slot eslots)
428 (ecase (condition-slot-allocation slot)
429 (:class
430 (unless (condition-slot-cell slot)
431 (setf (condition-slot-cell slot)
432 (list (if (condition-slot-initform-p slot)
433 (let ((initform (condition-slot-initform slot)))
434 (if (functionp initform)
435 (funcall initform)
436 initform))
437 *empty-condition-slot*))))
438 (push slot (condition-classoid-class-slots class)))
439 ((:instance nil)
440 (setf (condition-slot-allocation slot) :instance)
441 (when (or (functionp (condition-slot-initform slot))
442 (dolist (initarg (condition-slot-initargs slot) nil)
443 (when (functionp (getf e-def-initargs initarg))
444 (return t))))
445 (push slot (condition-classoid-hairy-slots class)))))))
446 (when (boundp '*define-condition-hooks*)
447 (dolist (fun *define-condition-hooks*)
448 (funcall fun class))))
449 name))
451 (defmacro define-condition (name (&rest parent-types) (&rest slot-specs)
452 &body options)
453 #!+sb-doc
454 "DEFINE-CONDITION Name (Parent-Type*) (Slot-Spec*) Option*
455 Define NAME as a condition type. This new type inherits slots and its
456 report function from the specified PARENT-TYPEs. A slot spec is a list of:
457 (slot-name :reader <rname> :initarg <iname> {Option Value}*
460 and :TYPE and the overall options :DEFAULT-INITARGS and
461 [type] :DOCUMENTATION are also allowed.
463 The :REPORT option is peculiar to DEFINE-CONDITION. Its argument is either
464 a string or a two-argument lambda or function name. If a function, the
465 function is called with the condition and stream to report the condition.
466 If a string, the string is printed.
468 Condition types are classes, but (as allowed by ANSI and not as described in
470 SLOT-VALUE may not be used on condition objects."
471 (let* ((parent-types (or parent-types '(condition)))
472 (layout (find-condition-layout name parent-types))
473 (documentation nil)
474 (report nil)
475 (default-initargs ()))
476 (collect ((slots)
477 (all-readers nil append)
478 (all-writers nil append))
479 (dolist (spec slot-specs)
480 (when (keywordp spec)
481 (warn "Keyword slot name indicates probable syntax error:~% ~S"
482 spec))
483 (let* ((spec (if (consp spec) spec (list spec)))
484 (slot-name (first spec))
485 (allocation :instance)
486 (initform-p nil)
487 documentation
488 initform)
489 (collect ((initargs)
490 (readers)
491 (writers))
492 (do ((options (rest spec) (cddr options)))
493 ((null options))
494 (unless (and (consp options) (consp (cdr options)))
495 (error "malformed condition slot spec:~% ~S." spec))
496 (let ((arg (second options)))
497 (case (first options)
498 (:reader (readers arg))
499 (:writer (writers arg))
500 (:accessor
501 (readers arg)
502 (writers `(setf ,arg)))
503 (:initform
504 (when initform-p
505 (error "more than one :INITFORM in ~S" spec))
506 (setq initform-p t)
507 (setq initform arg))
508 (:initarg (initargs arg))
509 (:allocation
510 (setq allocation arg))
511 (:documentation
512 (when documentation
513 (error "more than one :DOCUMENTATION in ~S" spec))
514 (unless (stringp arg)
515 (error "slot :DOCUMENTATION argument is not a string: ~S"
516 arg))
517 (setq documentation arg))
518 (:type)
520 (error "unknown slot option:~% ~S" (first options))))))
522 (all-readers (readers))
523 (all-writers (writers))
524 (slots `(make-condition-slot
525 :name ',slot-name
526 :initargs ',(initargs)
527 :readers ',(readers)
528 :writers ',(writers)
529 :initform-p ',initform-p
530 :documentation ',documentation
531 :initform
532 ,(if (sb!xc:constantp initform)
533 `',(constant-form-value initform)
534 `#'(lambda () ,initform)))))))
536 (dolist (option options)
537 (unless (consp option)
538 (error "bad option:~% ~S" option))
539 (case (first option)
540 (:documentation (setq documentation (second option)))
541 (:report
542 (let ((arg (second option)))
543 (setq report
544 (if (stringp arg)
545 `#'(lambda (condition stream)
546 (declare (ignore condition))
547 (write-string ,arg stream))
548 `#'(lambda (condition stream)
549 (funcall #',arg condition stream))))))
550 (:default-initargs
551 (do ((initargs (rest option) (cddr initargs)))
552 ((endp initargs))
553 (let ((val (second initargs)))
554 (setq default-initargs
555 (list* `',(first initargs)
556 (if (sb!xc:constantp val)
557 `',(constant-form-value val)
558 `#'(lambda () ,val))
559 default-initargs)))))
561 (error "unknown option: ~S" (first option)))))
563 `(progn
564 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel)
565 (%compiler-define-condition ',name ',parent-types ',layout
566 ',(all-readers) ',(all-writers)))
567 (eval-when (:load-toplevel :execute)
568 (%define-condition ',name
569 ',parent-types
570 ',layout
571 (list ,@(slots))
572 ,documentation
573 ,report
574 (list ,@default-initargs)
575 ',(all-readers)
576 ',(all-writers)
577 (sb!c:source-location)))))))
581 ;;; a function to be used as the guts of DESCRIBE-OBJECT (CONDITION T)
582 ;;; eventually (once we get CLOS up and running so that we can define
583 ;;; methods)
584 (defun describe-condition (condition stream)
585 (format stream
586 "~&~@<~S ~_is a ~S. ~_Its slot values are ~_~S.~:>~%"
587 condition
588 (type-of condition)
589 (concatenate 'list
590 (condition-actual-initargs condition)
591 (condition-assigned-slots condition))))
593 ;;;; various CONDITIONs specified by ANSI
595 (define-condition serious-condition (condition) ())
597 (define-condition error (serious-condition) ())
599 (define-condition warning (condition) ())
600 (define-condition style-warning (warning) ())
602 (defun simple-condition-printer (condition stream)
603 (apply #'format
604 stream
605 (simple-condition-format-control condition)
606 (simple-condition-format-arguments condition)))
608 (define-condition simple-condition ()
609 ((format-control :reader simple-condition-format-control
610 :initarg :format-control
611 :type format-control)
612 (format-arguments :reader simple-condition-format-arguments
613 :initarg :format-arguments
614 :initform '()
615 :type list))
616 (:report simple-condition-printer))
618 (define-condition simple-warning (simple-condition warning) ())
620 (define-condition simple-error (simple-condition error) ())
622 (define-condition storage-condition (serious-condition) ())
624 (define-condition type-error (error)
625 ((datum :reader type-error-datum :initarg :datum)
626 (expected-type :reader type-error-expected-type :initarg :expected-type))
627 (:report
628 (lambda (condition stream)
629 (format stream
630 "~@<The value ~2I~:_~S ~I~_is not of type ~2I~_~S.~:>"
631 (type-error-datum condition)
632 (type-error-expected-type condition)))))
634 ;;; not specified by ANSI, but too useful not to have around.
635 (define-condition simple-style-warning (simple-condition style-warning) ())
636 (define-condition simple-type-error (simple-condition type-error) ())
638 (define-condition program-error (error) ())
639 (define-condition parse-error (error) ())
640 (define-condition control-error (error) ())
641 (define-condition stream-error (error)
642 ((stream :reader stream-error-stream :initarg :stream)))
644 (define-condition end-of-file (stream-error) ()
645 (:report
646 (lambda (condition stream)
647 (format stream
648 "end of file on ~S"
649 (stream-error-stream condition)))))
651 (define-condition closed-stream-error (stream-error) ()
652 (:report
653 (lambda (condition stream)
654 (format stream "~S is closed" (stream-error-stream condition)))))
656 (define-condition file-error (error)
657 ((pathname :reader file-error-pathname :initarg :pathname))
658 (:report
659 (lambda (condition stream)
660 (format stream "error on file ~S" (file-error-pathname condition)))))
662 (define-condition package-error (error)
663 ((package :reader package-error-package :initarg :package)))
665 (define-condition cell-error (error)
666 ((name :reader cell-error-name :initarg :name)))
668 (def!method print-object ((condition cell-error) stream)
669 (if (and *print-escape* (slot-boundp condition 'name))
670 (print-unreadable-object (condition stream :type t :identity t)
671 (princ (cell-error-name condition) stream))
672 (call-next-method)))
674 (define-condition unbound-variable (cell-error) ()
675 (:report
676 (lambda (condition stream)
677 (format stream
678 "The variable ~S is unbound."
679 (cell-error-name condition)))))
681 (define-condition undefined-function (cell-error) ()
682 (:report
683 (lambda (condition stream)
684 (format stream
685 "The function ~S is undefined."
686 (cell-error-name condition)))))
688 (define-condition special-form-function (undefined-function) ()
689 (:report
690 (lambda (condition stream)
691 (format stream
692 "Cannot FUNCALL the SYMBOL-FUNCTION of special operator ~S."
693 (cell-error-name condition)))))
695 (define-condition arithmetic-error (error)
696 ((operation :reader arithmetic-error-operation
697 :initarg :operation
698 :initform nil)
699 (operands :reader arithmetic-error-operands
700 :initarg :operands))
701 (:report (lambda (condition stream)
702 (format stream
703 "arithmetic error ~S signalled"
704 (type-of condition))
705 (when (arithmetic-error-operation condition)
706 (format stream
707 "~%Operation was ~S, operands ~S."
708 (arithmetic-error-operation condition)
709 (arithmetic-error-operands condition))))))
711 (define-condition division-by-zero (arithmetic-error) ())
712 (define-condition floating-point-overflow (arithmetic-error) ())
713 (define-condition floating-point-underflow (arithmetic-error) ())
714 (define-condition floating-point-inexact (arithmetic-error) ())
715 (define-condition floating-point-invalid-operation (arithmetic-error) ())
717 (define-condition print-not-readable (error)
718 ((object :reader print-not-readable-object :initarg :object))
719 (:report
720 (lambda (condition stream)
721 (let ((obj (print-not-readable-object condition))
722 (*print-array* nil))
723 (format stream "~S cannot be printed readably." obj)))))
725 (define-condition reader-error (parse-error stream-error) ()
726 (:report (lambda (condition stream)
727 (%report-reader-error condition stream))))
729 ;;; a READER-ERROR whose REPORTing is controlled by FORMAT-CONTROL and
730 ;;; FORMAT-ARGS (the usual case for READER-ERRORs signalled from
731 ;;; within SBCL itself)
733 ;;; (Inheriting CL:SIMPLE-CONDITION here isn't quite consistent with
734 ;;; the letter of the ANSI spec: this is not a condition signalled by
735 ;;; SIGNAL when a format-control is supplied by the function's first
736 ;;; argument. It seems to me (WHN) to be basically in the spirit of
737 ;;; the spec, but if not, it'd be straightforward to do our own
739 ;;; FORMAT-CONTROL and FORMAT-ARGS slots, and use that condition in
740 ;;; place of CL:SIMPLE-CONDITION here.)
741 (define-condition simple-reader-error (reader-error simple-condition)
743 (:report (lambda (condition stream)
744 (%report-reader-error condition stream :simple t))))
746 ;;; base REPORTing of a READER-ERROR
748 ;;; When SIMPLE, we expect and use SIMPLE-CONDITION-ish FORMAT-CONTROL
749 ;;; and FORMAT-ARGS slots.
750 (defun %report-reader-error (condition stream &key simple)
751 (let* ((error-stream (stream-error-stream condition))
752 (pos (file-position-or-nil-for-error error-stream)))
753 (let (lineno colno)
754 (when (and pos
755 (< pos sb!xc:array-dimension-limit)
756 ;; KLUDGE: lseek() (which is what FILE-POSITION
757 ;; reduces to on file-streams) is undefined on
758 ;; "some devices", which in practice means that it
759 ;; can claim to succeed on /dev/stdin on Darwin
760 ;; and Solaris. This is obviously bad news,
761 ;; because the READ-SEQUENCE below will then
762 ;; block, not complete, and the report will never
763 ;; be printed. As a workaround, we exclude
764 ;; interactive streams from this attempt to report
765 ;; positions. -- CSR, 2003-08-21
766 (not (interactive-stream-p error-stream))
767 (file-position error-stream :start))
768 (let ((string
769 (make-string pos
770 :element-type (stream-element-type
771 error-stream))))
772 (when (= pos (read-sequence string error-stream))
773 (setq lineno (1+ (count #\Newline string))
774 colno (- pos
775 (or (position #\Newline string :from-end t) -1)
776 1))))
777 (file-position-or-nil-for-error error-stream pos))
778 (pprint-logical-block (stream nil)
779 (format stream
780 "~S ~@[at ~W ~]~
781 ~@[(line ~W~]~@[, column ~W) ~]~
782 on ~S"
783 (class-name (class-of condition))
784 pos lineno colno error-stream)
785 (when simple
786 (format stream ":~2I~_~?"
787 (simple-condition-format-control condition)
788 (simple-condition-format-arguments condition)))))))
790 ;;;; special SBCL extension conditions
792 ;;; an error apparently caused by a bug in SBCL itself
794 ;;; Note that we don't make any serious effort to use this condition
795 ;;; for *all* errors in SBCL itself. E.g. type errors and array
796 ;;; indexing errors can occur in functions called from SBCL code, and
797 ;;; will just end up as ordinary TYPE-ERROR or invalid index error,
798 ;;; because the signalling code has no good way to know that the
799 ;;; underlying problem is a bug in SBCL. But in the fairly common case
800 ;;; that the signalling code does know that it's found a bug in SBCL,
801 ;;; this condition is appropriate, reusing boilerplate and helping
802 ;;; users to recognize it as an SBCL bug.
803 (define-condition bug (simple-error)
805 (:report
806 (lambda (condition stream)
807 (format stream
808 "~@< ~? ~:@_~?~:>"
809 (simple-condition-format-control condition)
810 (simple-condition-format-arguments condition)
811 "~@<This is probably a bug in SBCL itself. (Alternatively, ~
812 SBCL might have been corrupted by bad user code, e.g. by an ~
813 undefined Lisp operation like ~S, or by stray pointers from ~
814 alien code or from unsafe Lisp code; or there might be a bug ~
815 in the OS or hardware that SBCL is running on.) If it seems to ~
816 be a bug in SBCL itself, the maintainers would like to know ~
817 about it. Bug reports are welcome on the SBCL ~
818 mailing lists, which you can find at ~
819 <http://sbcl.sourceforge.net/>.~:@>"
820 '((fmakunbound 'compile))))))
822 (define-condition simple-storage-condition (storage-condition simple-condition)
825 ;;; a condition for use in stubs for operations which aren't supported
826 ;;; on some platforms
828 ;;; E.g. in sbcl-, it might be appropriate to do something like
829 ;;; #-(or freebsd linux)
830 ;;; (defun load-foreign (&rest rest)
831 ;;; (error 'unsupported-operator :name 'load-foreign))
832 ;;; #+(or freebsd linux)
833 ;;; (defun load-foreign ... actual definition ...)
834 ;;; By signalling a standard condition in this case, we make it
835 ;;; possible for test code to distinguish between (1) intentionally
836 ;;; unimplemented and (2) unintentionally just screwed up somehow.
837 ;;; (Before this condition was defined, test code tried to deal with
838 ;;; this by checking for FBOUNDP, but that didn't work reliably. In
839 ;;; sbcl-0.7.0, a package screwup left the definition of
840 ;;; LOAD-FOREIGN in the wrong package, so it was unFBOUNDP even on
841 ;;; architectures where it was supposed to be supported, and the
842 ;;; regression tests cheerfully passed because they assumed that
843 ;;; unFBOUNDPness meant they were running on an system which didn't
844 ;;; support the extension.)
845 (define-condition unsupported-operator (simple-error) ())
847 ;;; (:ansi-cl :function remove)
848 ;;; (:ansi-cl :section (a b c))
849 ;;; (:ansi-cl :glossary "similar")
851 ;;; (:sbcl :node "...")
852 ;;; (:sbcl :variable *ed-functions*)
854 ;;; FIXME: this is not the right place for this.
855 (defun print-reference (reference stream)
856 (ecase (car reference)
857 (:amop
858 (format stream "AMOP")
859 (format stream ", ")
860 (destructuring-bind (type data) (cdr reference)
861 (ecase type
862 (:readers "Readers for ~:(~A~) Metaobjects"
863 (substitute #\ #\- (symbol-name data)))
864 (:initialization
865 (format stream "Initialization of ~:(~A~) Metaobjects"
866 (substitute #\ #\- (symbol-name data))))
867 (:generic-function (format stream "Generic Function ~S" data))
868 (:function (format stream "Function ~S" data))
869 (:section (format stream "Section ~{~D~^.~}" data)))))
870 (:ansi-cl
871 (format stream "The ANSI Standard")
872 (format stream ", ")
873 (destructuring-bind (type data) (cdr reference)
874 (ecase type
875 (:function (format stream "Function ~S" data))
876 (:special-operator (format stream "Special Operator ~S" data))
877 (:macro (format stream "Macro ~S" data))
878 (:section (format stream "Section ~{~D~^.~}" data))
879 (:glossary (format stream "Glossary entry for ~S" data))
880 (:issue (format stream "writeup for Issue ~A" data)))))
881 (:sbcl
882 (format stream "The SBCL Manual")
883 (format stream ", ")
884 (destructuring-bind (type data) (cdr reference)
885 (ecase type
886 (:node (format stream "Node ~S" data))
887 (:variable (format stream "Variable ~S" data))
888 (:function (format stream "Function ~S" data)))))
889 ;; FIXME: other documents (e.g. CLIM, Franz documentation :-)
891 (define-condition reference-condition ()
892 ((references :initarg :references :reader reference-condition-references)))
893 (defvar *print-condition-references* t)
894 (def!method print-object :around ((o reference-condition) s)
895 (call-next-method)
896 (unless (or *print-escape* *print-readably*)
897 (when (and *print-condition-references*
898 (reference-condition-references o))
899 (format s "~&See also:~%")
900 (pprint-logical-block (s nil :per-line-prefix " ")
901 (do* ((rs (reference-condition-references o) (cdr rs))
902 (r (car rs) (car rs)))
903 ((null rs))
904 (print-reference r s)
905 (unless (null (cdr rs))
906 (terpri s)))))))
908 (define-condition simple-reference-error (reference-condition simple-error)
911 (define-condition simple-reference-warning (reference-condition simple-warning)
914 (define-condition duplicate-definition (reference-condition warning)
915 ((name :initarg :name :reader duplicate-definition-name))
916 (:report (lambda (c s)
917 (format s "~@<Duplicate definition for ~S found in ~
918 one file.~@:>"
919 (duplicate-definition-name c))))
920 (:default-initargs :references (list '(:ansi-cl :section (3 2 2 3)))))
922 (define-condition constant-modified (reference-condition warning)
923 ((fun-name :initarg :fun-name :reader constant-modified-fun-name))
924 (:report (lambda (c s)
925 (format s "~@<Destructive function ~S called on ~
926 constant data.~@:>"
927 (constant-modified-fun-name c))))
928 (:default-initargs :references (list '(:ansi-cl :special-operator quote)
929 '(:ansi-cl :section (3 2 2 3)))))
931 (define-condition package-at-variance (reference-condition simple-warning)
933 (:default-initargs :references (list '(:ansi-cl :macro defpackage))))
935 (define-condition defconstant-uneql (reference-condition error)
936 ((name :initarg :name :reader defconstant-uneql-name)
937 (old-value :initarg :old-value :reader defconstant-uneql-old-value)
938 (new-value :initarg :new-value :reader defconstant-uneql-new-value))
939 (:report
940 (lambda (condition stream)
941 (format stream
942 "~@<The constant ~S is being redefined (from ~S to ~S)~@:>"
943 (defconstant-uneql-name condition)
944 (defconstant-uneql-old-value condition)
945 (defconstant-uneql-new-value condition))))
946 (:default-initargs :references (list '(:ansi-cl :macro defconstant)
947 '(:sbcl :node "Idiosyncrasies"))))
949 (define-condition array-initial-element-mismatch
950 (reference-condition simple-warning)
952 (:default-initargs
953 :references (list
954 '(:ansi-cl :function make-array)
955 '(:ansi-cl :function sb!xc:upgraded-array-element-type))))
957 (define-condition displaced-to-array-too-small-error
958 (reference-condition simple-error)
960 (:default-initargs
961 :references (list '(:ansi-cl :function adjust-array))))
963 (define-condition type-warning (reference-condition simple-warning)
965 (:default-initargs :references (list '(:sbcl :node "Handling of Types"))))
967 (define-condition local-argument-mismatch (reference-condition simple-warning)
969 (:default-initargs :references (list '(:ansi-cl :section (3 2 2 3)))))
971 (define-condition format-args-mismatch (reference-condition)
973 (:default-initargs :references (list '(:ansi-cl :section (22 3 10 2)))))
975 (define-condition format-too-few-args-warning
976 (format-args-mismatch simple-warning)
978 (define-condition format-too-many-args-warning
979 (format-args-mismatch simple-style-warning)
982 (define-condition implicit-generic-function-warning (style-warning)
983 ((name :initarg :name :reader implicit-generic-function-name))
984 (:report
985 (lambda (condition stream)
986 (format stream "~@<Implicitly creating new generic function ~S.~:@>"
987 (implicit-generic-function-name condition)))))
989 (define-condition extension-failure (reference-condition simple-error)
992 (define-condition structure-initarg-not-keyword
993 (reference-condition simple-style-warning)
995 (:default-initargs :references (list '(:ansi-cl :section (2 4 8 13)))))
997 #!+sb-package-locks
998 (progn
1000 (define-condition package-lock-violation (reference-condition package-error)
1001 ((format-control :initform nil :initarg :format-control
1002 :reader package-error-format-control)
1003 (format-arguments :initform nil :initarg :format-arguments
1004 :reader package-error-format-arguments))
1005 (:report
1006 (lambda (condition stream)
1007 (let ((control (package-error-format-control condition)))
1008 (if control
1009 (apply #'format stream
1010 (format nil "~~@<Lock on package ~A violated when ~A.~~:@>"
1011 (package-name (package-error-package condition))
1012 control)
1013 (package-error-format-arguments condition))
1014 (format stream "~@<Lock on package ~A violated.~:@>"
1015 (package-name (package-error-package condition)))))))
1016 ;; no :default-initargs -- reference-stuff provided by the
1017 ;; signalling form in target-package.lisp
1018 #!+sb-doc
1019 (:documentation
1020 "Subtype of CL:PACKAGE-ERROR. A subtype of this error is signalled
1021 when a package-lock is violated."))
1023 (define-condition package-locked-error (package-lock-violation) ()
1024 #!+sb-doc
1025 (:documentation
1026 "Subtype of SB-EXT:PACKAGE-LOCK-VIOLATION. An error of this type is
1027 signalled when an operation on a package violates a package lock."))
1029 (define-condition symbol-package-locked-error (package-lock-violation)
1030 ((symbol :initarg :symbol :reader package-locked-error-symbol))
1031 #!+sb-doc
1032 (:documentation
1033 "Subtype of SB-EXT:PACKAGE-LOCK-VIOLATION. An error of this type is
1034 signalled when an operation on a symbol violates a package lock. The
1035 symbol that caused the violation is accessed by the function
1038 ) ; progn
1040 (define-condition undefined-alien-error (cell-error) ()
1041 (:report
1042 (lambda (condition stream)
1043 (if (slot-boundp condition 'name)
1044 (format stream "Undefined alien: ~S" (cell-error-name condition))
1045 (format stream "Undefined alien symbol.")))))
1047 (define-condition undefined-alien-variable-error (undefined-alien-error) ()
1048 (:report
1049 (lambda (condition stream)
1050 (declare (ignore condition))
1051 (format stream "Attempt to access an undefined alien variable."))))
1053 (define-condition undefined-alien-function-error (undefined-alien-error) ()
1054 (:report
1055 (lambda (condition stream)
1056 (declare (ignore condition))
1057 (format stream "Attempt to call an undefined alien function."))))
1060 ;;;; various other (not specified by ANSI) CONDITIONs
1061 ;;;;
1062 ;;;; These might logically belong in other files; they're here, after
1063 ;;;; setup of CONDITION machinery, only because that makes it easier to
1064 ;;;; get cold init to work.
1066 ;;; OAOOM warning: see cross-condition.lisp
1067 (define-condition encapsulated-condition (condition)
1068 ((condition :initarg :condition :reader encapsulated-condition)))
1070 (define-condition values-type-error (type-error)
1072 (:report
1073 (lambda (condition stream)
1074 (format stream
1075 "~@<The values set ~2I~:_[~{~S~^ ~}] ~I~_is not of type ~2I~_~S.~:>"
1076 (type-error-datum condition)
1077 (type-error-expected-type condition)))))
1079 ;;; KLUDGE: a condition for floating point errors when we can't or
1080 ;;; won't figure out what type they are. (In FreeBSD and OpenBSD we
1081 ;;; don't know how, at least as of sbcl-0.6.7; in Linux we probably
1082 ;;; know how but the old code was broken by the conversion to POSIX
1083 ;;; signal handling and hasn't been fixed as of sbcl-0.6.7.)
1085 ;;; FIXME: Perhaps this should also be a base class for all
1086 ;;; floating point exceptions?
1087 (define-condition floating-point-exception (arithmetic-error)
1088 ((flags :initarg :traps
1089 :initform nil
1090 :reader floating-point-exception-traps))
1091 (:report (lambda (condition stream)
1092 (format stream
1093 "An arithmetic error ~S was signalled.~%"
1094 (type-of condition))
1095 (let ((traps (floating-point-exception-traps condition)))
1096 (if traps
1097 (format stream
1098 "Trapping conditions are: ~%~{ ~S~^~}~%"
1099 traps)
1100 (write-line
1101 "No traps are enabled? How can this be?"
1102 stream))))))
1104 (define-condition index-too-large-error (type-error)
1106 (:report
1107 (lambda (condition stream)
1108 (format stream
1109 "The index ~S is too large."
1110 (type-error-datum condition)))))
1112 (define-condition bounding-indices-bad-error (reference-condition type-error)
1113 ((object :reader bounding-indices-bad-object :initarg :object))
1114 (:report
1115 (lambda (condition stream)
1116 (let* ((datum (type-error-datum condition))
1117 (start (car datum))
1118 (end (cdr datum))
1119 (object (bounding-indices-bad-object condition)))
1120 (etypecase object
1121 (sequence
1122 (format stream
1123 "The bounding indices ~S and ~S are bad ~
1124 for a sequence of length ~S."
1125 start end (length object)))
1126 (array
1127 ;; from WITH-ARRAY-DATA
1128 (format stream
1129 "The START and END parameters ~S and ~S are ~
1130 bad for an array of total size ~S."
1131 start end (array-total-size object)))))))
1132 (:default-initargs
1133 :references
1134 (list '(:ansi-cl :glossary "bounding index designator")
1135 '(:ansi-cl :issue "SUBSEQ-OUT-OF-BOUNDS:IS-AN-ERROR"))))
1137 (define-condition nil-array-accessed-error (reference-condition type-error)
1139 (:report (lambda (condition stream)
1140 (declare (ignore condition))
1141 (format stream
1142 "An attempt to access an array of element-type ~
1143 NIL was made. Congratulations!")))
1144 (:default-initargs
1145 :references (list '(:ansi-cl :function sb!xc:upgraded-array-element-type)
1146 '(:ansi-cl :section (15 1 2 1))
1147 '(:ansi-cl :section (15 1 2 2)))))
1149 (define-condition namestring-parse-error (parse-error)
1150 ((complaint :reader namestring-parse-error-complaint :initarg :complaint)
1151 (args :reader namestring-parse-error-args :initarg :args :initform nil)
1152 (namestring :reader namestring-parse-error-namestring :initarg :namestring)
1153 (offset :reader namestring-parse-error-offset :initarg :offset))
1154 (:report
1155 (lambda (condition stream)
1156 (format stream
1157 "parse error in namestring: ~?~% ~A~% ~V@T^"
1158 (namestring-parse-error-complaint condition)
1159 (namestring-parse-error-args condition)
1160 (namestring-parse-error-namestring condition)
1161 (namestring-parse-error-offset condition)))))
1163 (define-condition simple-package-error (simple-condition package-error) ())
1165 (define-condition simple-reader-package-error (simple-reader-error) ())
1167 (define-condition reader-eof-error (end-of-file)
1168 ((context :reader reader-eof-error-context :initarg :context))
1169 (:report
1170 (lambda (condition stream)
1171 (format stream
1172 "unexpected end of file on ~S ~A"
1173 (stream-error-stream condition)
1174 (reader-eof-error-context condition)))))
1176 (define-condition reader-impossible-number-error (simple-reader-error)
1177 ((error :reader reader-impossible-number-error-error :initarg :error))
1178 (:report
1179 (lambda (condition stream)
1180 (let ((error-stream (stream-error-stream condition)))
1181 (format stream
1182 "READER-ERROR ~@[at ~W ~]on ~S:~%~?~%Original error: ~A"
1183 (file-position-or-nil-for-error error-stream) error-stream
1184 (simple-condition-format-control condition)
1185 (simple-condition-format-arguments condition)
1186 (reader-impossible-number-error-error condition))))))
1188 (define-condition timeout (serious-condition)
1189 ((seconds :initarg :seconds :initform nil :reader timeout-seconds))
1190 (:report (lambda (condition stream)
1191 (format stream "Timeout occurred~@[ after ~A seconds~]."
1192 (timeout-seconds condition)))))
1194 (define-condition io-timeout (stream-error timeout)
1195 ((direction :reader io-timeout-direction :initarg :direction))
1196 (:report
1197 (lambda (condition stream)
1198 (declare (type stream stream))
1199 (format stream
1200 "I/O timeout ~(~A~)ing ~S."
1201 (io-timeout-direction condition)
1202 (stream-error-stream condition)))))
1204 (define-condition deadline-timeout (timeout) ()
1205 (:report (lambda (condition stream)
1206 (format stream "A deadline was reached after ~A seconds."
1207 (timeout-seconds condition)))))
1209 (define-condition declaration-type-conflict-error (reference-condition
1210 simple-error)
1212 (:default-initargs
1213 :format-control "symbol ~S cannot be both the name of a type and the name of a declaration"
1214 :references (list '(:ansi-cl :section (3 8 21)))))
1216 ;;; Single stepping conditions
1218 (define-condition step-condition ()
1219 ((form :initarg :form :reader step-condition-form))
1221 #!+sb-doc
1222 (:documentation "Common base class of single-stepping conditions.
1223 STEP-CONDITION-FORM holds a string representation of the form being
1224 stepped."))
1226 #!+sb-doc
1227 (setf (fdocumentation 'step-condition-form 'function)
1228 "Form associated with the STEP-CONDITION.")
1230 (define-condition step-form-condition (step-condition)
1231 ((args :initarg :args :reader step-condition-args))
1232 (:report
1233 (lambda (condition stream)
1234 (let ((*print-circle* t)
1235 (*print-pretty* t)
1236 (*print-readably* nil))
1237 (format stream
1238 "Evaluating call:~%~< ~@;~A~:>~%~
1239 ~:[With arguments:~%~{ ~S~%~}~;With unknown arguments~]~%"
1240 (list (step-condition-form condition))
1241 (eq (step-condition-args condition) :unknown)
1242 (step-condition-args condition)))))
1243 #!+sb-doc
1244 (:documentation "Condition signalled by code compiled with
1245 single-stepping information when about to execute a form.
1247 pathname of the original file or NIL, and STEP-CONDITION-SOURCE-PATH
1248 holds the source-path to the original form within that file or NIL.
1249 Associated with this condition are always the restarts STEP-INTO,
1252 #!+sb-doc
1253 (setf (fdocumentation 'step-condition-source-path 'function)
1254 "Source-path of the original form associated with the
1256 (fdocumentation 'step-condition-pathname 'function)
1257 "Pathname of the original source-file associated with the
1260 (define-condition step-result-condition (step-condition)
1261 ((result :initarg :result :reader step-condition-result)))
1263 #!+sb-doc
1264 (setf (fdocumentation 'step-condition-result 'function)
1265 "Return values associated with STEP-VALUES-CONDITION as a list,
1266 or the variable value associated with STEP-VARIABLE-CONDITION.")
1268 (define-condition step-values-condition (step-result-condition)
1270 #!+sb-doc
1271 (:documentation "Condition signalled by code compiled with
1272 single-stepping information after executing a form.
1273 STEP-CONDITION-FORM holds the form, and STEP-CONDITION-RESULT holds
1274 the values returned by the form as a list. No associated restarts."))
1276 (define-condition step-finished-condition (step-condition)
1278 (:report
1279 (lambda (condition stream)
1280 (declare (ignore condition))
1281 (format stream "Returning from STEP")))
1282 #!+sb-doc
1283 (:documentation "Condition signaled when STEP returns."))
1285 ;;; A knob for muffling warnings, mostly for use while loading files.
1286 (defvar *muffled-warnings* 'uninteresting-redefinition
1287 "A type that ought to specify a subtype of WARNING. Whenever a
1288 warning is signaled, if the warning if of this type and is not
1289 handled by any other handler, it will be muffled.")
1291 ;;; Various STYLE-WARNING signaled in the system.
1292 ;; For the moment, we're only getting into the details for function
1293 ;; redefinitions, but other redefinitions could be done later
1294 ;; (e.g. methods).
1295 (define-condition redefinition-warning (style-warning)
1298 (define-condition function-redefinition-warning (redefinition-warning)
1299 ((name :initarg :name :reader function-redefinition-warning-name)
1300 (old :initarg :old :reader function-redefinition-warning-old-fdefinition)
1301 ;; For DEFGENERIC and perhaps others, the redefinition
1302 ;; destructively modifies the original, rather than storing a new
1303 ;; object, so there's no NEW here, but only in subclasses.
1306 (define-condition redefinition-with-defun (function-redefinition-warning)
1307 ((new :initarg :new :reader redefinition-with-defun-new-fdefinition)
1308 ;; KLUDGE: it would be nice to fix the unreasonably late
1309 ;; back-patching of DEBUG-SOURCEs in the DEBUG-INFO during
1310 ;; fasloading and just use the new fdefinition, but for the moment
1311 ;; we'll compare the SOURCE-LOCATION created during DEFUN with the
1312 ;; previous DEBUG-SOURCE.
1313 (new-location :initarg :new-location
1314 :reader redefinition-with-defun-new-location))
1315 (:report (lambda (warning stream)
1316 (format stream "redefining ~S in DEFUN"
1317 (function-redefinition-warning-name warning)))))
1319 (define-condition redefinition-with-defgeneric (function-redefinition-warning)
1320 ((new-location :initarg :new-location
1321 :reader redefinition-with-defgeneric-new-location))
1322 (:report (lambda (warning stream)
1323 (format stream "redefining ~S in DEFGENERIC"
1324 (function-redefinition-warning-name warning)))))
1326 (define-condition redefinition-with-defmethod (redefinition-warning)
1327 ((gf :initarg :generic-function
1328 :reader redefinition-with-defmethod-generic-function)
1329 (qualifiers :initarg :qualifiers
1330 :reader redefinition-with-defmethod-qualifiers)
1331 (specializers :initarg :specializers
1332 :reader redefinition-with-defmethod-specializers)
1333 (new-location :initarg :new-location
1334 :reader redefinition-with-defmethod-new-location)
1335 (old-method :initarg :old-method
1336 :reader redefinition-with-defmethod-old-method))
1337 (:report (lambda (warning stream)
1338 (format stream "redefining ~S~{ ~S~} ~S in DEFMETHOD"
1339 (redefinition-with-defmethod-generic-function warning)
1340 (redefinition-with-defmethod-qualifiers warning)
1341 (redefinition-with-defmethod-specializers warning)))))
1343 ;; FIXME: see the FIXMEs in defmacro.lisp, then maybe instantiate this.
1344 (define-condition redefinition-with-defmacro (function-redefinition-warning)
1347 ;; Here are a few predicates for what people might find interesting
1348 ;; about redefinitions.
1350 ;; DEFUN can replace a generic function with an ordinary function.
1351 ;; (Attempting to replace an ordinary function with a generic one
1352 ;; causes an error, though.)
1353 (defun redefinition-replaces-generic-function-p (warning)
1354 (and (typep warning 'redefinition-with-defun)
1355 (typep (function-redefinition-warning-old-fdefinition warning)
1356 'generic-function)))
1358 (defun redefinition-replaces-compiled-function-with-interpreted-p (warning)
1359 (and (typep warning 'redefinition-with-defun)
1360 (compiled-function-p
1361 (function-redefinition-warning-old-fdefinition warning))
1362 (not (compiled-function-p
1363 (redefinition-with-defun-new-fdefinition warning)))))
1365 ;; Most people seem to agree that re-running a DEFUN in a file is
1366 ;; completely uninteresting.
1367 (defun uninteresting-ordinary-function-redefinition-p (warning)
1368 ;; OAOO violation: this duplicates code in SB-INTROSPECT.
1369 ;; Additionally, there are some functions that aren't
1370 ;; funcallable-instances for which finding the source location is
1371 ;; complicated (e.g. DEFSTRUCT-defined predicates and accessors),
1372 ;; but I don't think they're defined with %DEFUN, so the warning
1373 ;; isn't raised.
1374 (flet ((fdefinition-file-namestring (fdefn)
1375 #!+sb-eval
1376 (when (typep fdefn 'sb!eval:interpreted-function)
1377 (return-from fdefinition-file-namestring
1378 (sb!c:definition-source-location-namestring
1379 (sb!eval:interpreted-function-source-location fdefn))))
1380 ;; All the following accesses are guarded with conditionals
1381 ;; because it's not clear whether any of the slots we're
1382 ;; chasing down are guaranteed to be filled in.
1383 (let* ((fdefn
1384 ;; KLUDGE: although this looks like it only works
1385 ;; for %SIMPLE-FUNs, in fact there's a pun such
1386 ;; that %SIMPLE-FUN-SELF returns the simple-fun
1387 ;; object for closures and
1388 ;; funcallable-instances. -- CSR, circa 2005
1389 (sb!kernel:%simple-fun-self fdefn))
1390 (code (if fdefn (sb!kernel:fun-code-header fdefn)))
1391 (debug-info (if code (sb!kernel:%code-debug-info code)))
1392 (debug-source (if debug-info
1393 (sb!c::debug-info-source debug-info)))
1394 (namestring (if debug-source
1395 (sb!c::debug-source-namestring debug-source))))
1396 namestring)))
1397 (and
1398 ;; There's garbage in various places when the first DEFUN runs in
1399 ;; cold-init.
1400 sb!kernel::*cold-init-complete-p*
1401 (typep warning 'redefinition-with-defun)
1402 (let ((old-fdefn
1403 (function-redefinition-warning-old-fdefinition warning))
1404 (new-fdefn
1405 (redefinition-with-defun-new-fdefinition warning)))
1406 ;; Replacing a compiled function with a compiled function is
1407 ;; clearly uninteresting, and we'll say arbitrarily that
1408 ;; replacing an interpreted function with an interpreted
1409 ;; function is uninteresting, too, but leave out the
1410 ;; compiled-to-interpreted case.
1411 (when (or (typep
1412 old-fdefn
1413 '(or #!+sb-eval sb!eval:interpreted-function))
1414 (and (typep old-fdefn
1415 '(and compiled-function
1416 (not funcallable-instance)))
1417 ;; Since this is a REDEFINITION-WITH-DEFUN,
1419 (typep new-fdefn 'compiled-function)))
1420 (let* ((old-namestring (fdefinition-file-namestring old-fdefn))
1421 (new-namestring
1422 (or (fdefinition-file-namestring new-fdefn)
1423 (let ((srcloc
1424 (redefinition-with-defun-new-location warning)))
1425 (if srcloc
1426 (sb!c::definition-source-location-namestring
1427 srcloc))))))
1428 (and old-namestring
1429 new-namestring
1430 (equal old-namestring new-namestring))))))))
1432 (defun uninteresting-generic-function-redefinition-p (warning)
1433 (and (typep warning 'redefinition-with-defgeneric)
1434 (let* ((old-fdefn
1435 (function-redefinition-warning-old-fdefinition warning))
1436 (old-location
1437 (if (typep old-fdefn 'generic-function)
1438 (sb!pcl::definition-source old-fdefn)))
1439 (old-namestring
1440 (if old-location
1441 (sb!c:definition-source-location-namestring old-location)))
1442 (new-location
1443 (redefinition-with-defgeneric-new-location warning))
1444 (new-namestring
1445 (if new-location
1446 (sb!c:definition-source-location-namestring new-location))))
1447 (and old-namestring
1448 new-namestring
1449 (equal old-namestring new-namestring)))))
1451 (defun uninteresting-method-redefinition-p (warning)
1452 (and (typep warning 'redefinition-with-defmethod)
1453 (let* ((old-method (redefinition-with-defmethod-old-method warning))
1454 (old-location (sb!pcl::definition-source old-method))
1455 (old-namestring (if old-location
1456 (sb!c:definition-source-location-namestring
1457 old-location)))
1458 (new-location (redefinition-with-defmethod-new-location warning))
1459 (new-namestring (if new-location
1460 (sb!c:definition-source-location-namestring
1461 new-location))))
1462 (and new-namestring
1463 old-namestring
1464 (equal new-namestring old-namestring)))))
1466 (deftype uninteresting-redefinition ()
1467 '(or (satisfies uninteresting-ordinary-function-redefinition-p)
1468 (satisfies uninteresting-generic-function-redefinition-p)
1469 (satisfies uninteresting-method-redefinition-p)))
1471 (define-condition redefinition-with-deftransform (redefinition-warning)
1472 ((transform :initarg :transform
1473 :reader redefinition-with-deftransform-transform))
1474 (:report (lambda (warning stream)
1475 (format stream "Overwriting ~S"
1476 (redefinition-with-deftransform-transform warning)))))
1478 ;;; Various other STYLE-WARNINGS
1479 (define-condition dubious-asterisks-around-variable-name
1480 (style-warning simple-condition)
1482 (:report (lambda (warning stream)
1483 (format stream "~@?, even though the name follows~@
1484 the usual naming convention (names like *FOO*) for special variables"
1485 (simple-condition-format-control warning)
1486 (simple-condition-format-arguments warning)))))
1488 (define-condition asterisks-around-lexical-variable-name
1489 (dubious-asterisks-around-variable-name)
1492 (define-condition asterisks-around-constant-variable-name
1493 (dubious-asterisks-around-variable-name)
1496 ;; We call this UNDEFINED-ALIEN-STYLE-WARNING because there are some
1497 ;; subclasses of ERROR above having to do with undefined aliens.
1498 (define-condition undefined-alien-style-warning (style-warning)
1499 ((symbol :initarg :symbol :reader undefined-alien-symbol))
1500 (:report (lambda (warning stream)
1501 (format stream "Undefined alien: ~S"
1502 (undefined-alien-symbol warning)))))
1504 #!+sb-eval
1505 (define-condition lexical-environment-too-complex (style-warning)
1506 ((form :initarg :form :reader lexical-environment-too-complex-form)
1507 (lexenv :initarg :lexenv :reader lexical-environment-too-complex-lexenv))
1508 (:report (lambda (warning stream)
1509 (format stream
1510 "~@<Native lexical environment too complex for ~
1511 SB-EVAL to evaluate ~S, falling back to ~
1512 SIMPLE-EVAL-IN-LEXENV. Lexenv: ~S~:@>"
1513 (lexical-environment-too-complex-form warning)
1514 (lexical-environment-too-complex-lexenv warning)))))
1516 ;; Although this has -ERROR- in the name, it's just a STYLE-WARNING.
1517 (define-condition character-decoding-error-in-comment (style-warning)
1518 ((stream :initarg :stream :reader decoding-error-in-comment-stream)
1519 (position :initarg :position :reader decoding-error-in-comment-position))
1520 (:report (lambda (warning stream)
1521 (format stream
1522 "Character decoding error in a ~A-comment at ~
1523 position ~A reading source stream ~A, ~
1524 resyncing."
1525 (decoding-error-in-comment-macro warning)
1526 (decoding-error-in-comment-position warning)
1527 (decoding-error-in-comment-stream warning)))))
1529 (define-condition character-decoding-error-in-macro-char-comment
1530 (character-decoding-error-in-comment)
1531 ((char :initform #\; :initarg :char
1532 :reader character-decoding-error-in-macro-char-comment-char)))
1534 (define-condition character-decoding-error-in-dispatch-macro-char-comment
1535 (character-decoding-error-in-comment)
1536 ;; ANSI doesn't give a way for a reader function invoked by a
1537 ;; dispatch macro character to determine which dispatch character
1538 ;; was used, so if a user wants to signal one of these from a custom
1539 ;; comment reader, he'll have to supply the :DISP-CHAR himself.
1540 ((disp-char :initform #\# :initarg :disp-char
1541 :reader character-decoding-error-in-macro-char-comment-disp-char)
1542 (sub-char :initarg :sub-char
1543 :reader character-decoding-error-in-macro-char-comment-sub-char)))
1545 (defun decoding-error-in-comment-macro (warning)
1546 (etypecase warning
1547 (character-decoding-error-in-macro-char-comment
1548 (character-decoding-error-in-macro-char-comment-char warning))
1549 (character-decoding-error-in-dispatch-macro-char-comment
1550 (format
1551 nil "~C~C"
1552 (character-decoding-error-in-macro-char-comment-disp-char warning)
1553 (character-decoding-error-in-macro-char-comment-sub-char warning)))))
1555 (define-condition deprecated-eval-when-situations (style-warning)
1556 ((situations :initarg :situations
1557 :reader deprecated-eval-when-situations-situations))
1558 (:report (lambda (warning stream)
1559 (format stream "using deprecated EVAL-WHEN situation names~{ ~S~}"
1560 (deprecated-eval-when-situations-situations warning)))))
1562 (define-condition proclamation-mismatch (style-warning)
1563 ((name :initarg :name :reader proclamation-mismatch-name)
1564 (old :initarg :old :reader proclamation-mismatch-old)
1565 (new :initarg :new :reader proclamation-mismatch-new)))
1567 (define-condition type-proclamation-mismatch (proclamation-mismatch)
1569 (:report (lambda (warning stream)
1570 (format stream
1571 "The new TYPE proclamation~% ~S for ~S does not ~
1572 match the old TYPE proclamation ~S"
1573 (proclamation-mismatch-new warning)
1574 (proclamation-mismatch-name warning)
1575 (proclamation-mismatch-old warning)))))
1577 (define-condition ftype-proclamation-mismatch (proclamation-mismatch)
1579 (:report (lambda (warning stream)
1580 (format stream
1581 "The new FTYPE proclamation~% ~S for ~S does not ~
1582 match the old FTYPE proclamation ~S"
1583 (proclamation-mismatch-new warning)
1584 (proclamation-mismatch-name warning)
1585 (proclamation-mismatch-old warning)))))
1587 ;;;; restart definitions
1589 (define-condition abort-failure (control-error) ()
1590 (:report
1591 "An ABORT restart was found that failed to transfer control dynamically."))
1593 (defun abort (&optional condition)
1594 #!+sb-doc
1595 "Transfer control to a restart named ABORT, signalling a CONTROL-ERROR if
1596 none exists."
1597 (invoke-restart (find-restart-or-control-error 'abort condition))
1598 ;; ABORT signals an error in case there was a restart named ABORT
1599 ;; that did not transfer control dynamically. This could happen with
1601 (error 'abort-failure))
1603 (defun muffle-warning (&optional condition)
1604 #!+sb-doc
1605 "Transfer control to a restart named MUFFLE-WARNING, signalling a
1606 CONTROL-ERROR if none exists."
1607 (invoke-restart (find-restart-or-control-error 'muffle-warning condition)))
1609 (defun try-restart (name condition &rest arguments)
1610 (let ((restart (find-restart name condition)))
1611 (when restart
1612 (apply #'invoke-restart restart arguments))))
1614 (macrolet ((define-nil-returning-restart (name args doc)
1615 #!-sb-doc (declare (ignore doc))
1616 `(defun ,name (,@args &optional condition)
1617 #!+sb-doc ,doc
1618 (try-restart ',name condition ,@args))))
1619 (define-nil-returning-restart continue ()
1620 "Transfer control to a restart named CONTINUE, or return NIL if none exists.")
1621 (define-nil-returning-restart store-value (value)
1622 "Transfer control and VALUE to a restart named STORE-VALUE, or return NIL if
1623 none exists.")
1624 (define-nil-returning-restart use-value (value)
1625 "Transfer control and VALUE to a restart named USE-VALUE, or return NIL if
1626 none exists."))
1628 ;;; single-stepping restarts
1630 (macrolet ((def (name doc)
1631 #!-sb-doc (declare (ignore doc))
1632 `(defun ,name (condition)
1633 #!+sb-doc ,doc
1634 (invoke-restart (find-restart-or-control-error ',name condition)))))
1635 (def step-continue
1636 "Transfers control to the STEP-CONTINUE restart associated with
1637 the condition, continuing execution without stepping. Signals a
1638 CONTROL-ERROR if the restart does not exist.")
1639 (def step-next
1640 "Transfers control to the STEP-NEXT restart associated with the
1641 condition, executing the current form without stepping and continuing
1642 stepping with the next form. Signals CONTROL-ERROR is the restart does
1643 not exists.")
1644 (def step-into
1645 "Transfers control to the STEP-INTO restart associated with the
1646 condition, stepping into the current form. Signals a CONTROL-ERROR is
1647 the restart does not exist."))
1649 (/show0 "condition.lisp end of file")